Love Unbreakable

Chatper 657
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Chatper 657

As she reached the door, Hector’s flashy sports car was already revving. Upon seeing her, Hector rolled down the window andglanced at his watch, indicating he was in a hurry.

“Get in.”

Since it appeared they really were headed the same way, refusing now would seem contrived. So, Raegan reluctantly got intohis car.

The car had only two seats, so Raegan had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat. After fastening her seatbelt, the carsurged forward.

While they were at a red light, Hector unexpectedly asked, “Can we talk about something?”

Raegan was taken aback and assumed the topic would be Bryce.


“What did you see earlier?”

Hector’s straightforward question caught Raegan off guard. She blushed, unsure of how to respond.

His tone was even as if he was merely posing a mundane question.

Well, the study was well-lit, so she saw Hector’s well-defined muscles, abs, and...

Raegan saw everything!

Hector undeniably had an impressive physique and a big...

She could not admit that, could she? That would be too mortifying.

“|... | didn’t get a clear look...”

As soon as she said these words, she realized her words carried an undertone. It meant that she saw something.At this realization, Raegan hurriedly corrected herself, “I mean, | didn’t see anything.”

Hector was unconvinced but had to resume driving as the light had turned green.

Raegan’s ears turned red in embarrassment. Nonetheless, she kept her cool and added, “Don’t worry. I'll stay in Bryce’s roomonly.”novelbin

Hector, who was focused on the road, said flatly, “l don’t have any woman around me, but occasionally | need to satisfy myphysiological needs.”

Raegan felt bewildered. He did not have to say that, and she did not want to hear his explanation.Feeling somehow uncomfortable, Raegan bluntly asked, “What are you trying to say?”Hector took a moment and calmly stated, “You're Bryce’s teacher. | don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

Upon hearing this, Raegan met his gaze and assured him, “Mr. Dixon, my job only concerns students, not their parents. Youdon’t need to be concemed about that.”

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