Love Unbreakable

Chatper 646
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Chatper 646

Despite the allure of Henley’s proposition, Raegan remained steadfast in her refusal.“I'm not ready to consider it,” she asserted.She harbored ambitions to venture abroad, yet was determined to rely on no one but herself.

With a serene smile, Henley reassured, “There’s still half a year left. Should you wish to depart, you'll have me join you on thejourney abroad.”

Raegan, unconvinced of the feasibility of accompanying Henley abroad, rose to her feet.novelbin

“Henley, one moment,” she said before retrieving the gifts Gerda had given her and presenting them to him.Henley declined, “No, Raegan. Take them. My mother gave them to you.

They’re yours.”

Raegan, insistent, refused to accept what she felt was not hers.

Once outside Raegan’s place, the warmth drained from Henley’s expression, replaced by an icy veneer.The memory of Raegan’s unhesitating rejection inflicted an unfamiliar ache within him.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Could it be a genuine interest in her?

Interrupted by a call, Henley responded indifferently, his attention shifting back to Raegan’s window, “Let her know somethingand bite the bait,” he commanded coldly.

At Triclinium Hospital of Ardlens.

Lauren found herself confined in a pitch-black room. Its airtight seal contained a stench reminiscent of decay, a grim reminder ofdeath’s presence.

Mice skittered beneath her, occasionally venturing onto her feet, prompting her to suppress her disgust for fear of crushing theircarcasses in a frantic effort to evade them.

This grim reality was her penance for yet another thwarted attempt to flee.

Upon her arrival at Triclinium, she protested her sanity vehemently, claiming she’d been committed against her will.Initially, the staff inquired about her admittance, to which she exclaimed, “Mitchel, the CEO of the Dixon Group, is to blame!”

Their demeanor shifted to solemnity upon her declaration, convincing them of her delusion, and subjected her to a rigorousregime, two hours of daily “re-education” via film, designed to cement her supposed madness.

Over time, Lauren learned to play along with their treatment.

Yet, she clung to the idea of escape, consumed with the desire to confront Raegan, the woman she blamed for her plight. In hermind, had Raegan not interfered, she would have already been Mitchel’s wife.

One day, the heavy iron door groaned open, and a shadowy figure entered with an effortless grace.

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