Love Unbreakable

Chatper 642
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Chatper 642

Matteo brought him some clothes, but he refused to wear them the previous night.

Even if Mitchel didn’t sleep well last night, there was no sign of fatigue in him at all. His deep-set eyes were still charming, andhis facial features were delicate. In terms of appearance, there was probably no man in the whole Ardlens who could comparewith him.

But even so, he was still a jerk.

Raegan didn’t want to talk to Mitchel anymore. Besides, she still had to deal with something.

Before going out, she said, “Mr. Dixon, please don’t forget to close the door when you leave. And...”

She paused before she continued, “Don’t come back again. | like this place, and | don’t want to move anymore.”novelbin

Raegan had long decided to totally cut off her connection with Mitchel. So, she had to finish it all at once. She didn’t want anyinvolvement with him.

Mitchel looked at Raegan coldly. The pain in his heart was reflected in his eyes.Had she really given up on him completely? Did she no longer have any feelings for him?Raegan walked past Mitchel and was about to go out. But suddenly, he grabbed her wrist.

“You're right. | think | fell in love with you a long time ago. And you know that once I’m sure of something, | don’t change mymind.”

Mitchel reached out, stroked Raegan’s delicate face, and said clearly, “Don’t keep avoiding me. | will hunt you down for the restof my life. You can never escape from me.”

Raegan was stunned. She was at a loss for words.

She didn’t expect him to still admit his true feelings for her after she provoked and humiliated him.

She stared at him quietly for a long time. Then she finally said, “Are you insane?”

Just now, Raegan still wanted to flaunt in front of him. But now, such desire was gone. And her hair even stood on end.What the hell was he talking about?

“Why do you look so surprised? You've just realized it now?” Mitchel asked casually.

Raegan was really speechless now. The Mitchel in front of her was giving her goosebumps.She knew how capable he was. But he had never used his methods on her before.“Mitchel, don’t be ridiculous. Do you think | will come back to you after you confess your feelings for me?”

Raegan’s body trembled, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of anger or fear. She said, “Let me make it clear to you. | won’treturn to your side even if the sky falls.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

Mitchel sounded very indifferent. It was as if Raegan’s words were nothing to him. It seemed his arrogance had returned.

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