Love Unbreakable

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She had been waiting for his confession of his feelings for her for so long. They were already divorced, yet he finally said heloved her. This wasn’t the worst thing. What hurt her the most was the loss of her unborn baby.

Heavens knew how much she longed to see that baby grow and hear it speak.However, it could never be.

“It's too late to say you love me.”

She wouldn’t love him anymore, and she wouldn't give him another

Moreover, she questioned whether he had ever truly loved her.

Mitchel had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Did he know what love was?novelbin

In her opinion, his affection had been more of possessiveness and reluctance since she had schemed to end their marriage andchose not to love him anymore.

“It's mot too late, Raegan. As long as you give me a chance, it will never be too late,” Mitchel insisted.

But Raegan, unimpressed by his words, responded calmly, “Mitchel, do you enjoy being disliked by others? | won't love youagain, and | won’t give you another chance. I’ve told you the umpteenth time.”

Only a fool would repeat the same mistake, and she was determined not to fall into that trap again.

Why would she give him another chance to hurt her again?

She had endured enough pain once, and she had no intention of reliving it.

Mitchel’s heart ached at her indifference. He firmly held her shoulder and looked at her intently.

“Raegan, | won't allow it,” he declared, refusing to accept her decision not to love him.

Raegan was exhausted by his persistence and loosened her posture.

“Why are you so persistent, Mr. Dixon? A divorce is meant to free us from each other’s lives and allow us to move on. You are arich man and have no shortage of women around you. Why are you doing this?”

“| don’t want anyone else.”

Veins bulged on the back of Mitchel’s hands as he stared at Raegan, desperately searching for a trace of love in her eyes.But Raegan’s eyes remained cold and unyielding.

The pain in his heart deepened as if a cold dagger was piercing his chest.

He felt as if he was on the verge of losing his sanity. If not for the tiniest shred of reason remaining, he might have locked heraway and kept her by his side.

In a final attempt, he firmly said, “I only want you.”

Raegan looked at him and responded with a cold sneer, “But | don’t want you anymore.”

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