Love Unbreakable

Chatper 588
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Chatper 588

Mitchel’s eyes turned icy, detecting Henley’s challenge.

With a chilling grin, Mitchel retorted, “Henley, are you asking for trouble by provoking me repeatedly?”

“Joking, Mr. Dixon? With the might of the Dixon family, would | dare?”

Henley replied, his tone mocking as he removed his glasses, revealing his true, icy demeanor beneath the facade.Mitchel’s smile remained frosty as he warned, Keep your distance from Raegan if you're not looking for trouble.”Unfazed, Henley retorted, “Bossy, aren’t you, Mr. Dixon? If Raegan chooses my company, why should | reject her? Besides...”He paused, a sly glint in his eye.

“| understand why you can’t let her go. | empathize with that sentiment.”

With that, he drove off, leaving Mitchel with a thunderous scowl.

The night air was cool, yet Henley’s spirits were high.

Originally, his aim was to usurp everything from Mitchel, and with Raegan’s divorce, he had seemingly succeeded.

Yet, it became clear Mitchel hadn’t relinquished his hold on Raegan, which piqued Henley’s interest anew. His mind turned todarker thoughts of conquest.


Raegan, for her part, remained cautious, her guard steadfast unless something significant demanded her attention.Henley realized he needed a well-crafted plan.

His handsome features were shrouded in darkness. After a moment, he dialed a number.

“Is there any news of the person whose surname is Lloyd?”

Avoice on the other end responded, “Words has it that she was seen in the Sandy recently.”

Henley’s tone turned icy.

“Locate her quickly. Don’t let anyone beat you to it.”

Tessa, like a stray dog, could serve his purposes well.

With one hand on the steering wheel, he idly loosened his tie, his thoughts drifting with desire.He recalled Raegan’s pale hand and swore silently to himself.

Back in college, he didn’t have much contact with Raegan.

At that time, his heart was filled with hatred, and he didn’t notice her at all.

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