Love Unbreakable

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Chatper 538

The pain was so intense that she felt her spine shattered.

“Ah! Mitchel, it hurts. It hurts so much...”

Lauren's face contorted in pain. She was uglier than a monster.

But no matter how miserable she looked, she couldn’t evoke an ounce of sympathy from Mitchel.

“Lauren, you know that | hated manipulative games the most. | tolerated you before because | thought | owed you my life. Butnow that I’ve paid off that debt, it’s my turn to settle the score with you.”

Actually, Mitchel had already suspected that Lauren had done something evil. But every time, he deluded himself into believingthat she was still the innocent and kind-hearted girl in his memory.

Because of this, he didn’t want to think about it or investigate further. But when the truth presented itself to him, his first thoughtwas how he would face Raegan.novelbin

Raegan had told him countless times about Lauren's true color. But he always refused to believe her.

When Mitchel thought of Raegan’s sadness and despair, he felt his heart was clenched by an invisible giant hand. It was toopainful.

Raegan was hurt seriously because of him.

And it was his leaving her that caused her to lose their child.That baby wasn’t only Raegan’s. It was also his.ANGELA'‘sLIBRARY

Mitchel stared at Lauren fiercely with eyes full of resentment. It made Lauren feel she was a condemned sinner awaitingjudgment.

Finally, Lauren felt fear surge in her heart.

She pleaded between sobs, “Mitchel, please don’t do this to me. | only did those things because | love you so much. | don’t wantto lose you. | said those words because | was jealous of Raegan. Why can she have you? I’ve known you longer than her.”

Mitchel’s eyes turned cold and weary upon hearing this.“Lauren, | have nothing left for you apart from gratitude. Don’t you understand it?”

These words made Lauren’s heart fall from hell into an even deeper darkness.

“No, Mitchel! That’s impossible! You are lying!”

Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. She couldn’t believe what Mitchel had just said.

“Mitchel, you are lying to me, right?

How can you say you never love me? You've treated me well because you love me. | know that. | can’t believe this!”Lauren was deeply in love with Mitchel’s good looks and honorable status.

Just one look from him could stir her imagination, making her fantasize about countless scenes.

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