Love Unbreakable

Chatper 532
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Chatper 532

“Is this true, Lauren?” Mitchel inquired.

“| never said such things,” Lauren quickly denied it, tears brimming in her eyes. She turned to Mitchel, her voice soaked insorrow.

“Mitchel, | swear | didn’t. Nicole’s slandering me.”

Facing Nicole, Lauren continued in a wounded tone, “I bear you no grudge, Nicole. | know you're doing this for Raegan. | couldsue you for slander, but since you're her friend, I'll let it pass this time.

Just remember to stay in your lane and avoid framing others.”Nicole felt a surge of revulsion.Lauren's words, seemingly generous, cleverly painted Nicole as a slanderer acting on Raegan’s behalf.

Refusing to entertain Lauren’s tactics, Nicole said dismissively, “Lauren, your confidence stems from the lack of cameras in theward.”

Nicole paused, producing a voice recorder from her pocket and brandishing it with a taunt.“Let's see if this convinces you.”

Lauren's face contorted with panic at the sight of it.

The next instant, her voice resonated clearly from the recording.

Clear as day, it broadcast Lauren’s voice, echoing Nicole’s earlier words, and even more venomous remarks Nicole hadn'tmentioned.

Suddenly, Lauren felt a jolt, as if struck by lightning.

Observing Lauren's ashen face, Nicole grinned and remarked, “What a twist of fate! | had just left when you arrived, only torealize my voice recorder was missing. Returning to pick up the recorder, | overheard your delightful remarks in it.”

Nicole habitually carried a voice recorder, intending to extract some information from Jarrod.

Unexpectedly, during her visit to Raegan’s ward, the recorder slipped under the bed as she reached for her phone, accidentallyturning on.novelbin

Lauren entered Raegan’s ward soon after her departure, which was fortunate as the recorder’s battery life was limited.

“No! You faked all these!”

Quivering, Lauren clutched at Mitchel’s sleeve, imploring, “Mitchel, don’t listen to her. She’s still slandering me. These arefabrications, a result of Raegan’s jealousy. It’s a plot to hurt me through Nicole, I’m sure of it!”

Lauren vehemently denied her words and asserted she was being framed.

“Jealous of you?” Nicole responded with a smirk, “Don’t you own a mirror? Is Raegan envious of your overdone hyaluronic acidtreatments, your talent for enticing married men, or perhaps jealous that you were born to be a bitch?”

Each of Nicole’s words pierced Lauren’s heart like a dagger.

Had Mitchel not been here, Lauren would have lunged at Nicole in fury.

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