Love Unbreakable

Chatper 347
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Chatper 347

Raegan’s stomach was squashed up against his bony shoulder. She was afraid of hurting her baby, so she didn’t dare tostruggle. Instead, she pounded his back and shouted, “Mitchel, you lunatic! Where are you taking me? Put me down!”

However, Mitchel just turned a deaf ear to her. He walked to the car, opened the door, and pushed her in rudely. Then herestrained her tightly with the seat belt.

He hurriedly turned to the driver’s seat, started the car, and sped off like an arrow.

Raegan was thrown forward by the force of inertia. Fortunately, she was tightly tied up with a seat belt. But her face still turnedpale as a sheet.

The black luxury car roared forward like the king of the road.

Mitchel had no intention of slowing down at all.

Raegan instinctively closed her eyes and held the door handle tightly.Her throat was so tight that she couldn’t make any sound.

The car drove straight to Serenity Villas. As soon as it came to a screeching halt, Mitchel got out, picked her up and carried herin his arms. When they passed by the security room, he gave an instruction coldly.

“From now on, Mrs. Dixon is not allowed to leave the Serenity Villas without my permission.”

Raegan’s face turned ashen upon hearing this. Mitchel should lock her up!

Angela’s Library

The next moment, Raegan was thrown onto the soft bed. Then Mitchel bent down and stretched his hands directly to her waist.Raegan asked in a panic, “Mitchel, what are you doing?”

The look on her face turned unpleasant. She instinctively raised her hand to slap him.

When the slap sound was heard in the room, Mitchel was stunned.novelbin

The distance between them was very close. So, although Raegan didn’t use much strength, it was still a solid slap.

Mitchel’s eyes darkened at once. He bent his legs, pushed her knees away, and grabbed her chin.

“What? You don’t even want to act in front of me now? Have you forgotten how many times you’ve screamed and begged me onthis bed? It seemed that your lover hadn't satisfied you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so lascivious.”

As he spoke, his tone was extremely demeaning. His words were humiliating and offensive.

It was like a ferocious beast was inside him, tearing apart his refined and cultured appearance and revealing his cruel and violentnature.

Raegan’s eyes were also burning with anger. She suddenly turned her head and bit his wrist hard.Mitchel groaned in pain. He took a deep breath, pinched her chin tightly, and said angrily, “Let go!”But Raegan could no longer hear anything at this moment. It seemed she wouldn’t stop until she saw him bleeding.

Her teeth bit harder and harder until fresh red blood gushed out of his skin. It was only then that she finally let go.

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