Love Unbreakable

Chapter 310 Passive Inititative
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Chapter 310 Passive Inititative

Raegan's light fragrance intoxicated Darryl.

He had never smelt such an aroma from any other woman.

Unbeknownst to him, Raegan never wore perfume.

The scent was naturally hers.

Feeling uneasy, Darryl turned his head and muttered, "Let me go.

I'm suffocating..." Just as the elevator doors were about to shut, Cary charged at Raegan again.

His eyes reddened, giving him a fierce appearance.

"Give her to me...

Just give her to me!" Cary's fierce look and his odd behavior suggested something was wrong with him.

Darryl, with a hand on Raegan's back, straightened up quickly.

His tone was icy and haughty.

"Try me." Cary froze momentarily upon.

hearing this.

Just as he was about to attack Darryl, Darryl delivered a hard kick.

Bang! A loud noise was heard.novelbin

The power of a grown man like Darryl far exceeded Raegan's who was under the drug's influence.

Darryl effortlessly overpowered Cary.

Once the elevator doors finally closed, Darryl hit the ground floor button.

He thought about getting Raegan to the hospital quickly.

Her unusual state suggested she might be drugged.

Now, it was just the two of them within the confines of the elevator.

Raegan, on some level, trusted Darryl wouldn't hurt her.

After all, he wasn't interested in her, and he knew she was Chapter 310 Passive Initiative IRE part ofthe Foster family, so he wouldn't dare do anything.

As her fear faded, Raegan's thirst grew, and she felt her body burning up due to the effects of the drug.

She felt so weak that she could only lean against Darryl for support.

Meanwhile, Darryl was unsure how to react.

Their proximity was evident.

With a beauty like Raegan nestled against his chest, he felt his composure waning.

Sweat beaded profusely on his forehead as if he were being grilled.

Though Raegan's eyes remained open, she wasn't quite herself.

Her breathing grew heavier, and her body felt like it was on fire.

The drug was taking effect, and she was losing control.

In a daze, she tugged at her blouse collar and gazed at Darryl.

Her eyes brimmed with tears, and her voice Chapter 310 Passive Initiative shook as she pleaded,"Please, take me to the hospital..." The move was simple, but it had a profound effect on Darryl.

He was so agitated that he wanted nothing more than to push Raegan away immediately in case helost his composure completely.

Knowing the effects of the drug kicked in, Raegan managed to finish her sentence with efforts.

"Shit!" Darryl cursed under his breath, his eyes blazing.

He wasn't the one who was drugged, yet he felt as if his entire body was engulfed in flames.

Just then, the elevator doors opened.

A rush of fresh air entered, and Darryl breathed a sigh of relief.

Being confined in the elevator with Raegan had been excruciating.

He felt like he was about to lose control at any Chapter 310 Passive Initiative moment, As Darrylprepared to exit the elevator, a chilly male voice halted hin.

"Let go of her." Darryl, taken aback, looked up to see Mitchel addressing him with a stern expression.

"Mitchel?" Darryl was stunned.

; | Mitchel's eyes held a complex mix of emotions, rendering his gaze unusually detached.

"Raegan..." Darryl, clearing his throat, said, "Miss Foster appears to have been drugged.

I need to get her to a hospital." Unaware of the nature of Raegan and Mitchel's relationship, Darrylassumed Mitchel preferred not to be involved.

He offered, "It's no trouble at all.

I'll take her to the hospital myself." Chapter 310 passive initiative SEIS Mitchel's eyes, long and narrow,narrowed further, giving Darryl an intimidating, almost frightening look.

"I said let go of her," he demanded.

As he spoke, Mitchel walked into the elevator and strode over.

He seized Raegan's wrist and pulled her into his embrace.

Raegan found herself in a cool embrace that felt surprisingly safe.

Her instincts told her she could trust him despite her lack of looking up to check the man's identity.

She felt even safer than in Darryl's arms.

With Raegan in his arms, Mitchel pressed the button for the garage.

Darryl felt a wave of annoyance as he watched Raegan now lay in Mitchel's arms without resisting.

Darryl cursed silently.

How could Raegan not resist in Mitchel's arms? Observing Mitchel's cold, rigid expression, Darrylhesitated.

Just as he was about to speak, the elevator doors reached its destination.

rey Mitchel exited the elevator quickly, carrying Raegan in his arms.

"Mitchel!" Darryl shouted, rushing to stop him.

"This isn't right, is it? Imagine if someone sees you and snaps a photo..." At Darryl's words, Mitchelpaused, casting a cold look at Darryl, whose hands had just been on Raegan.

"Stay out of it!" he said sharply.

Darryl was at a loss for words.

For a brief moment, Darryl thought Mitchel looked like he wanted to chop off his hand with that glare.

Just then, Matteo arrived, looking serious.


Dixon, my team has kept the reporters away." Out of a blue, rumors spread about the boss of PinkorpsMedia having slept with a female boss of a design studio to gain the contract.

With this, paparazzi swarmed the restaurant, hoping for a scoop.

If Raegan stepped out at this time, she'd be swamped by them as a suspicious figure.

Mitchel settled Raegan in the back seat of his car and then hopped in, leaving Darryl standing there,bewildered.

As Darryl was about to get in Mitchel's car, Matteo stopped him.


Cullen, we've got a bit of a situation.

Could you escort the lady over there outside? We need to distract the paparazzi and reporters so wecan get Mrs...

Uh, I mean Miss Foster to the hospital quickly." Understanding the urgency, Darryl nodded, ushered thewoman into his car, and sped off, successfully drawing most of the paparazzi away.

Meanwhile, Mitchel's black luxury car slipped out another exit, unnoticed.

On their way to the hospital, Raegan was heavily affected by the drug.


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