Love Unbreakable

Chapter 214
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Chapter 214

Advanced Gastric Cancer Jarrod's heart nearly skipped a beat at the news.

Critically ill? Who? Nicole? How could it be? Yes, Nicole had always appeared slightly too thin.

But to say she was critically ill seemed far-fetched.

Jarrod still remembered how Nicole often claimed that despite her fragile appearance, she was asstrong as a bull.

At this moment, Jarrod stared at the nurse with a darkened expression and snarled, “Watch yourwords!" The nurse was taken aback by the intensity in Jarrod's eyes.

Upon regaining her composure, the nurse responded with a hint of dissatisfaction, “Sir, this is ahospital.

We don't joke about these matters.

The patient has advanced gastric cancer and is currently suffering from severe bleeding.

If you're not eligible to sign the necessary documents, please contact the patient's family immediately!"Jarrod's mind was suddenly ablaze with shock and disbelief.

He gripped the nurse's wrist tightly with a nearly crushing force and, with quivering lips, he demanded,“What did you just say? Say that again!” The nurse frowned and repeated, “The patient has advancedgastric cancer.

Didn't you know that?" As she spoke, she tried to free her wrist from his firm and painful grip.

Clank! Jarrod's black-gold walking stick, adorned with a dragon head, clattered to the floor.

Jarrod staggered backward, and his tall frame leaned against the wall for support, preventing himselffrom collapsing.

His mind reeled as if struck by bullets, and the pain rapidly seared through him.

Moreover, his body felt like it was on the brink of explosion.

Advanced gastric cancer? No, it couldn't be true! He must've misheard.

Nicole was devious.

How could she be ill and, worse, in critical condition? The idea of Nicole being sick was absurd to him.

Didn't those evil people have long lives? In his mind, someone as vicious and scheming as Nicoleshould outlive even a turtle.

How could she be seriously ill? Yet, Jarrod's thoughts were interrupted by the nurse's anxious voice.

She urged, "Sir, the patient is in an extremely critical condition and could go into shock at any moment.

Every minute we delay increases the danger.

Are you her family or not?” Inside Jarrod's head, a voice repeatedly said that this couldn't be possible.

But his eyes couldn't deny the words on the surgery waiver form.

Deteriorating condition.

Life-threatening condition.

Critically ill notice.

It felt like an eternity passed before Jarrod managed to find his voice again.

And when he spoke, his words came out as if he were in a dream.


I'll sign for her!" "Are you her relative?” the nurse asked, adhering to hospital protocol.

"Only spouses or immediate family members can sign according to the regulations." "I..." Jarrod movedhis lips, struggling to form the words.

“Her parents are in a coma.

I can be responsible for her.” Without a family member's signature, the hospital procedures wouldbecome exceedingly complex.

But the hospital would never deny someone's treatment.

During Nicole's operation, Jarrod anxiously waited outside.

His mind raced back to the time when the nurse said a patient with advanced gastric cancer wouldshow signs of illness.

Jarrod strained his memory and tried to recall any instance where Nicole had shown signs ofdiscomfort.

She did seem in pain sometimes during their intimate moments.

Yet, back then, the more painful she was, the more he wanted to torment her.

He remembered that after their sexual intercourse, Nicole would often spend a long time in thebathroom.

But he hadn't thought much of it at the time.

To make matters worse, he even took her out to drink on several occasions.

In order to secure certain business deals he had assigned to her, Nicole had drunk desperately,continuously, for days until she secured them.

This just happened quite recently.

Jarrod realized she might already have suffered from advanced gastric cancer at that time.

It turned out she couldn't bear it anymore, which was why she finally revealed her discomfort to him.

It wasn't an act.

She was really ill sick.

But he had never believed her, not even once.

As Jarrod gazed at the closed doors of the emergency room, he realized despite his wealth and power,there were things beyond his control.

He once thought he hated Nicole, at times even wishing for her demise.

But now, as he faced the possibility of losing her, he only had one thing in mind.

She must live.

If she survived, he could make an effort to let go of his hatred.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the doors of the emergency room swung open.

Jarrod abruptly stood up.

The sight of Nicole being wheeled out struck him with a piercing pain.

In that dizzying moment, his strength gave way, and he collapsed to the ground.

Unnoticed at first, a trickle of fresh blood began to seep from beneath his coat.

"Jarrod!" Jamie cried out as she rushed to wrap Jarrod, who had collapsed on the ground, in herembrace.

Then, she called out at the top of her lungs, "Doctor!" Soon after, the medical staff arrived to attend toJarrod.

They hastily cut open his black shirt and discovered that his shirt was soaked with layers upon layers ofblood.

Moreover, thick scabs had formed and stuck to the fabric.

"Are you kidding me?" The doctor exclaimed with a frown, “It's a fresh wound! It looks like he's beenbleeding continuously but chose to ignore it.

Does he want to die?” As Jamie watched the scene unfold, she clenched her hands into fists.

Men's words truly couldn't be trusted totally.

Jarrod once promised he would cherish her in his lifetime.

However, he was willing to throw his life away for that bitch Nicole.

It was only when Jarrod was finally receiving medical treatment that Jamie entered Nicole's ward.

There, Jamie happened to meet the doctor in charge.

"Are you with the gentleman who was just admitted?” the doctor asked upon seeing Jamie.

"Yes, I am.

And the patient here, Nicole...

She's my best friend,” Jamie replied, her voice tinged with feigned sadness.

“Is it true that Nicole has advanced gastric cancer? Is there any hope for her after the operation?" Justbefore Jarrod fainted, Jamie had caught a glimpse of Nicole's surgery waiver.

A part of her wanted to laugh hysterically at the thought of Nicole's impending death.

The doctor fell for Jamie's mock sorrow and tried to offer some comfort.

"Her illness is severe.

The chances of recovery after the surgery are low.

We recommend focusing on end-of-life care to minimize her suffering.” Jamie felt a rush of elationinside, but her face was a mask of profound sadness.

"She has a previous admission record for a scheduled abortion this Saturday.

It's important she receives proper nutrition before that procedure," the doctor added.

“Abortion?” Nicole repeated, clearly taken aback.

Seeing her surprise, the doctor asked with a frown, "You didn't know?” Jamie quickly composed herselfand replied as calmly as she could, "Of course, | know.

You don't have to worry about her not getting the right nutrition.

I'll take care of her.” Once the doctor left, the smile that had been on Jamie's face vanished.

Abortion? Was this bitch Nicole pregnant with Jarrod's child? Or was it someone else's? Jamie's gazefell on Nicole's still-flat abdomen.

If the child was Jarrod’s, Nicole would manage to get rid of it.

How could this wrench carry Jarrod’s child! Jarrod had never been intimate with her.

Despite her attractiveness and skills in bed, Jarrod had always insisted on waiting until after theirmarriage.

But then, a thought struck Jamie, bringing a sly smile to her face.

It seemed even fate was on her side.

Regardless of whether the child was Jarrod's or not, she could use this to her advantage! Upon readingabout the incident involving the Lawrence family online, Raegan immediately tried to reach Nicole.

But her calls went unanswered.

After an anxious night, Raegan decided to go to the hospital where Nicole's father was admitted.

There, Nicole's mother informed Raegan that Nicole, too, had been admitted to the hospital.

Nicole had explained to her parents beforehand that she had a minor stomach ulcer.

Upon entering Nicole’s ward, Raegan's gaze fell upon Nicole's gaunt features, and a wave of sadnesswashed over her.

"Nicole, why have you become so thin?” she asked with concern.

Nicole weakly smiled and reassured Raegan, "It's nothing.

Stomach ulcers can be like this.

I'm not able to eat much and can only have liquid food.

Just think of it as a weight loss program." As they continued their conversation, Raegan retrieved acard and handed it to Nicole.

Puzzled, Nicole asked, "What's this? Didn't you already return the 300 grand I lent you?" Raeganplaced the card in Nicole's hand and explained, "There's 5 million in this card.novelbin

I know it might not fix everything your family is facing, but it should cover the salaries of youremployees.” "Raegan, how did you get five million?" Nicole asked in disbelief.

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