Love Unbreakable

Chapter 212
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Chapter 212

You Two Will Eventually Go To Hell When the door opened, the scene where Nicole was tightlystrangling Jamie appeared before everyone's eyes.

And Nicole admitted it herself.

Nicole's intent to harm Jamie was undeniable.

If Jamie persisted in filing a lawsuit against Nicole, the latter would definitely have been sent to jail.

However, this was not the result Jarrod wanted.

So, he planned to let Jamie vent her anger and convince her to let this matter go.

At this moment, his mind was a mess.

But he tried to justify to himself that sending Nicole to prison would not be as entertaining as personallytormenting her himself.

The fall of the Lawrence family was just the first step.

Besides, Nicole's parents were still alive and well.

Nicole's family was still complete.

In his case, both of his parents died when the Schultz family was in trouble.

Even though he was rich and powerful now, he could never bring their lives back.

Jarrod saw that Nicole's face turned pale, but he ignored it.

He convinced himself that she was a deceitful, hypocritical liar.

She didn't deserve his pity.

Besides, he was reminded of all his sufferings.

During his most difficult times abroad, he even had to fight with dogs for food.

What Nicole had gone through was nothing compared to what he had experienced.

Suddenly, Nicole raised her head and burst into laughter.novelbin

"You want me to kneel in front of her? Dream on, Jarrod!" She only knelt to Jamie on the cruise shipearlier because she was forced by her responsibility to save the Lawrence Group.

But she had already lost the Lawrence Group.

What else did she have to fear? Jamie held Jarrod's arm tightly and snapped, “Jarrod, she hasadmitted hurting me herself.

Why are we keeping her here? I came to see her out of goodwill, but what did she do? She attemptedto kill me.

She even said she wanted to kill you, too.

Jarrod, this lunatic must be locked up right away.

She is dangerous.” Nicole was so disgusted by Jamie's hypocritical words that she wanted to vomit.

Nicole suddenly burst into laughter.

"Ha-ha! Out of goodwill? Tell it to the Marines! You told me the details about how the two of youconspired against me, how you manipulated me to make the Lawrence family go bankrupt, and howyou cursed my parents to die early so that I could prepare their funeral in advance.

That was all your goodwill.

Jamie, I must say that you are just so full of goodwill." The expression on Jamie's face drasticallychanged.

Naturally, she wouldn't admit it.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I never said those words.

How dare you slander me!” Jamie was a newly recognized socialite in Ardlens.

How could she allow such uncouth words to spread and destroy her? Nicole was not in the mood toargue with Jamie.

She looked at Jamie fiercely and said, "It's okay if you don't want to admit it.

God is watching, anyway.

He knows what you have done.

And one thing is for sure.

You two will eventually go to hell." Jamie could no longer take Nicole's words.

She stepped forward and raised her hand high.

Two crisp slap sounds echoed in the room.

She slapped Nicole twice.

They were so hard that blood immediately oozed out of the corners of Nicole's mouth.

Jamie even cursed, “You bitch!" After hitting and cursing Nicole, Jamie was not satisfied yet.

She felt like she had not vented her anger enough.

She raised her hand again, but someone suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Jamie turned her head and saw Jarrod staring at her with a gloomy face.

He said in a low voice, "That's enough.

Let's go.

Leave her alone here." Jamie's expression instantly darkened.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Jarrod, what are you doing? How can you let this murderer go just like that?" Jarrod's handsome faceturned slightly cold.

"I don't want to hear it anymore.

Forget it for now.

It’s not yet the right time to deal with her." Jamie couldn't believe her ears.

Nicole almost strangled her to death, but Jarrod wanted to let Nicole go that easily.

"I don't want to argue about this anymore.

Just listen to me, okay? Let's go," Jarrod said gently as if he was coaxing her.

Jamie was livid, but there was nothing else she could do.

She could only stomp her feet in anger.

Suddenly, she thought of something.

She turned to Nicole and said gleefully, "Oh! Your father is also in this hospital, right? I heard that manypeople came to him, demanding money and causing a scene.

The hospital will not let him stay here much longer.” As soon as Jamie said this, Nicole rushed out ofthe ward without looking back.

Jarrod's expression changed slightly.

Although he was in a wheelchair, he had the urge to chase after her.

Jamie noticed his reaction.

Of course, she wouldn't allow him to do it.

She immediately grabbed his arm and said between sobs, “Jarrod, my neck hurts so much, and I feeldizzy.

I'm scared.

What if there will be aftereffects? Please take me to the doctor." She knew that Jarrod would neverleave her alone when she said she wasn't feeling well.

He cared for her that much.

True to form, Jarrod suddenly stopped moving.

He said, “Can you still walk? Should | ask Alec to bring a wheelchair for you?” Jamie did her best tosuppress her smile.

She was satisfied with the result of her acting.

She said coquettishly, "I really feel dizzy.

I don't think I can walk." Jarrod called Alec, who immediately pushed a wheelchair into the ward.

He then asked, "Where is my walking stick?” Alec went out for a moment.

When he returned, he was already holding a custom-made, pure black walking stick with a luxuriousgolden dragon head on the handle.

It looked particularly stylish and domineering.

Jarrod took it and used it to stand up, leaving his wheelchair behind.

He looked taller in his tailored black suit.

And now that he was holding the walking stick, he was indescribably more handsome, giving off the airof a disabled boss.

Jamie watched him with fascination in her eyes.

No wonder she had fallen head over heels for him.

He was so handsome that even a walking stick became a fashion accessory when he held it.

Jarrod turned to Alec and ordered, "Take Jamie for a thorough examination.

Make sure not to miss a single area.” Jamie's eyes widened in shock.

She looked at Jarrod and asked, "Jarrod, aren't you coming with me?” Jarrod ruffled her hairperfunctorily and said, "I have something to deal with.

Please be obedient, okay? Go with Alec so the doctor can check on you.

Then, you rest well." After saying this, he quickly walked out of the ward with the walking stick.

He had no idea how Jamie looked behind him.

Her face contorted in anger, and she pursed her lips tightly with hatred in her eyes.

He had something to deal with? And he expected her to believe him? Jamie knew Jarrod left in a hurrybecause he was afraid that Nicole would be in danger.

Nicole was definitely a bitch.

She deserved to die.

However, Jamie wouldn't let Nicole die so easily.

Jamie's lips curved into a malicious smile.

She clenched her fists tightly and murmured to herself, "Nicole, I will destroy everything you have first.

Then, I will make sure you suffer the most embarrassing and excruciating death." At this moment,Nicole had already reached her father's ward.

She found that the small ward was already crowded with people.

All those relatives who used to fawn over her father and crave for shares and dividends of the group,now surrounded her father's hospital bed.

The sycophantic expressions on their faces before were now replaced by arrogance and disdain.

Their attitude had completely changed.

Nicole saw her father lying in bed with his mouth wide open.

However, he couldn't speak.

He only gasped for breath.

Nicole's mother suddenly knelt on the floor and begged, "Please, stop harassing my husband.

He's still in bad condition.

Let's stop arguing here.

Can we talk outside?" Instantly, the ward was in an uproar.

“Your family is already like this, but he still dares to stay in the hospital.

Do you have money for medical treatment?” “That's right! He doesn't deserve to spend money onhospital bills.

If he doesn’t pay us back soon, we'll throw him out.” A fat woman was even more enraged.

She stepped forward and grabbed Nicole's mother's hair directly, attempting to pull off her earrings.

When Nicole saw this, she rushed forward, pushed the fat woman away, and shouted, "Stay away frommy mother.

Don't you dare touch her!" But she was too late.

The fat woman had successfully pulled off the earrings, making her mother’s ears bleed.

It looked horrifying.

Nicole couldn't bear it.

She wished she could take her mother's pain.

If she was the one who was hurt like this, she could manage.

But seeing the blood in her mother's ears, she felt like her own flesh was being torn apart.

The pain in her heart was unbearable.

It was so painful that she could hardly breathe.

She felt like she was about to die at any moment.

"Ahhh!" Nicole screamed desperately.

She was so consumed by agony.

But this scene did not arouse pity or sympathy from the crowd.

Their only concern now was their money.

Since the Lawrence Group had gone bankrupt, they thought their money had been wasted.

They had totally forgotten how they had morally coerced Nicole's father into selling the shares of theLawrence Group at a low price.

Then, someone spoke up from the crowd.

"Stop pretending to be pitiful.

Do you think it can help you escape from your debts?" "That's right! Nicole, you are responsible for thissituation! You have to deal with this crisis.

If you hadn't insisted on doing it your way, the Lawrence Group wouldn't have collapsed." These wordsignited the anger in everyone's hearts.

Some of them rushed to Nicole and grabbed her hair.

The others pulled her clothes and trampled her like a stray dog.

Nicole's mother rolled her eyes.

She was so angry that she fainted.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction where the noise came from.

It turned out that someone threw a phone on Nicole's head.

The heavy metal casing caused a bad gash on Nicole's forehead.

In an instant, blood oozed out and dripped down her face, covering her eyes.

"You all stop it!" A deep voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Then, everyone felt an intimidating aura.

The clamorous crowd instantly quieted down.

They all froze in place.

Nicole's eyes were covered with blood.

But despite the

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