Love Unbreakable

Chapter 190
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Chapter 190

Mitchel's Heroic Deed Alexis noticed Raegan's pale face and thought he had been right about herbeing easily panicked.

However, as he recalled how Mitchel would dare disobey him for her, he clenched his teeth in anger.

Yet, Alexis had no idea that Mitchel's injury had occurred while saving Raegan.

He assumed it was an accident, which made him less conceited.

"Now that you two are divorced, you should distance yourself from Mitchel and stop pestering him,"Alexis snarled.

Alexis' eyes shone with contempt as he continued to berate Raegan, "No self-respecting woman wouldbe as annoying as you!” Alexis would not bother with someone as insignificant as Raegan.

However, what Mitchel said the other day had revealed his deep concern for Raegan, which greatlytroubled Alexis.

Though Mitchel and he often disagreed, Mitchel usually remained indifferent to him and seldom directlydefied him.

Now, seeing Raegan in person, Alexis realized why Mitchel had been acting out of character.

He suspected Raegan's beauty had bewitched Mitchel.

Therefore, he was determined to take control of the situation before it got worse.

As Alexis turned to leave, Raegan clenched her fists and spoke up.

"I understand your concerns for Mitchel, but I disagree with you." Alexis stopped in his tracks andturned back to face Raegan with a dark expression.

Raegan lifted her gaze and continued in a neutral tone, "J don’t think there's anything shameful aboutmy background.” Despite her humble background and losing her parents at a young age, Raegannever lost hope, nor did she see herself as less than anyone.

On the contrary, she considered herself lucky to have a caring grandmother, who loved her dearly.

Her inferiority around Mitchel stemmed from his exceptional achievements in all aspects.

In his early twenties, Mitchel earned a double major bachelor's degree abroad and set a record in hisearly Wall Street career.

Mitchel’s accomplishments in the business world were unmatched globally, especially considering hisyoung age.

Of course, the difference in their family backgrounds played a role, but Raegan's primary goal was togrow stronger.

She did not necessarily aim to match him, but to excel in her own field.

Alexis did not expect Raegan would have the courage to challenge his words.

Suddenly, Alexis’ expression darkened even more, and his eyes brimmed with scorn.

"Young lady, don't be so naive.

Let me tell you something.

People like you, born without privilege, will never stand equal to those born with a silver spoon!” Hiswords, though illogical, were often effective.

Anyone lacking mental resilience would quickly succumb to his words that were designed to brainwashand belittle the individual.

However, Raegan had faced many challenges over the years.

Despite life's hardships, she remained resilient and optimistic.

She would not be brought down by Alexis ‘ bullshit.

"If you deem yourself as a man of high status, I hope your mindset matches it.

You know, it's rude to look at others through such a narrow lens,” Raegan calmly retorted.

This implied that Alexis was the kind of person who stood tall yet looked down on others.

Alexis' expression darkened at her mocking words.

Clearly, he had not anticipated Raegan's articulate response.

The next second, Alexis lost his composure and began to curse vehemently, "Don't fool yourself intothinking my son will defy me just because you two spent two years together.

Cross me, and I'll make you disappear from the face of the world.” His words carried an unmistakablethreat.

He meant if Raegan dared to defy him, he would finish her.

Alexis’ viciousness took Raegan by surprise.

No wonder Mitchel rarely spoke of his father.

The gap between them was insurmountable.

As Raegan said nothing, Alexis assumed she was intimidated and scoffed.

"As for your two-year marriage with him, I'll take it like Mitchel had summoned a prostitute for hisneeds.

You've had your taste of a wealthy life.

Now leave, and don’t you dare come back to Mitchel.” His crass words filled Raegan with disgust.

Raegan fixed her gaze on Alexis and asked pointedly, "Tell me, what are you so afraid of?” Alexisfaltered for a moment.

The truth was, he said those harsh words for fear Raegan might reunite with Mitchel, which wouldderail his plans.

"Me, afraid? Don't be ridiculous.

You think you can intimidate me?" Alexis retorted with false bravado.

"To tell you the truth, Mitchel came to me last night, asking me to discuss an engagement with theBenton family.

The wedding ceremony will be held soon enough.” Engagement? Mitchel planned to propose to EloiseBenton? Raegan felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

If Mitchel was set on marrying Eloise, why had he risked his life for her and spoken those heartfeltwords to her? Noticing Raegan's shocked expression, Alexis sneered with satisfaction.

How dare this woman challenge him! She had clearly overestimated herself.

"As Mitchel's father, it's only right for me to remove any nuisances for my future daughter-in-law,unless...” Alexis looked at Raegan with contempt and continued, "You intend to be Mitchel's mistress.”His words, laced with disdain, made Raegan feel as though she was in a pressure cooker.

Her hands trembled uncontrollably, and it took quite an effort to regain her composure.

At this moment, Raegan pursed her lips and shot back, "You don't have to worry about it.

I refuse to be anyone's mistress.

Once Mitchel is engaged, I will not show up in front of him again.” Seemingly pleased with herresponse, Alexis nodded and warned, "Remember your promise!” Just then, the elevator doorsopened.

Raegan looked over and saw a familiar face stepping out of the elevator.

Trailing behind the crowd was a girl in a coat and bud hat.

Her features charming and youthful.

Raegan recognized her at once.

It was Eloise.

The woman leading Eloise bore a resemblance to Eloise.

It must be her mother.

A wave of emotions hit Raegan.

Learning of Mitchel's upcoming engagement was one thing, but seeing Eloise in person felt like a freshwound.

How could she forget Eloise's sweet and flirtatious voice in the tent when Mitchel risked his life to saveher? For a moment, Raegan felt as though an invisible hand had slapped her.

Her heart sank with grief.

Perhaps Mitchel's heroics were driven by guilt over the baby, not the feelings Raegan had hoped for.

At this moment, Raegan quietly stepped aside and let them pass.novelbin

In an instant, Alexis' demeanor transformed in Eloise’s presence.

He shook hands with the middle- aged woman and greeted her warmly, "Mrs.

Benton, what brings you here?” "I came after hearing about Mitchel's heroic deed.

I wanted to see if he’s recovering well," Polly replied.

Upon hearing her words, Raegan's complexion lost its color once more.

A heroic deed? It turned out that that was how they described the incident.

Well, it would not be appropriate to suggest that Mitchel had left his fiancée behind to save anotherwoman.

"Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated,” Alexis gratefully expressed.

"It's the least I can do.

After all, our families will be united soon.” As Polly spoke, she placed a deliberate emphasis on theword "family".

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