Love Unbreakable

Chapter 186
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Chapter 186

Be On The Verge Of Despair Raegan's head throbbed where her hair had been ruthlessly grasped,and a hand clamped over her mouth stifled her cries.

The pain was too intense for her to utter a sound.

Eventually, the assailant halted.

A rag was roughly thrust into Raegan's mouth, and her wrists were bound tightly with a thick rope.

Shadow shrouded the man before her, his eyes gleaming with a lewdness that sent shivers downRaegan's spine.

It was only then that Raegan realized she wasn't alone with the assailant.

There was another.

In the dim light of the moon, she recognized them as the ones who had harassed her in the daytime.

Fear seized her.

The man who had previously feigned kindness now leaned in close, his voice a disturbing whisper.

"Don't be scared, little girl.

I've no desire to harm you.

Comply, and I'll ensure you're well looked after." The other man wore a far more menacing look,brandishing a sharp Swiss Army knife with a threatening snarl, "Defy us, and I won't hesitate to marthat pretty face of yours." The chill wind whipped around Raegan, tossing her hair wildly as hercomplexion turned ashen with terror.

"Did you hear that?" the man with the dagger questioned, his lecherous gaze roaming unchecked overRaegan's ample bosom.

Regaining her composure, Raegan could do nothing but nod continuously while a visible shiver ranthrough her body.

The terror within her was so overwhelming, it rendered her thoughts incoherent.

Noticing her fright, the two men’s wariness diminished considerably.

They believed that wielding their daggers wasn't necessary to intimidate fragile young girls likeRaegan.

With a grin, one man caressed Raegan's soft cheek, murmuring, "Such a good girl, indeed.” "Enough,Silas, we should get moving.

My patience is wearing thin,” the other grumbled, his rough exterior starkly evident as he began todisrobe.

The sight of Raegan earlier had ignited an impatient lust within him.

They had been unable to shake Raegan's attractive image since they spotted her at noon.novelbin

It was only because of Silas' keen observation, noticing the man Raegan had argued with lingeringnearby, that they had bided their time.

Eventually, these two men had slipped away from their group and trailed Raegan up the mountain,stealthily waiting for the moment to pounce.

Silas, observing the other's scant attire of just shorts, let out a laugh and playfully chided, "Neal, you'rein quite the hurry.

Try not to scare the little girl.” Neal responded with a chuckle, "Think she's startled by this? Just wait.

There's scarier stuff on the way.” Raegan, witnessing Neal's advance, violently shook her head andwept, as though she were desperate to convey a message.

This piqued Silas’ curiosity.

He halted Neal, suggesting, "Hold up.

Let's hear what she has to say.” Impatient, Neal spat out a curse, “What's gotten into you? Quitdragging this out.” Silas reassured, "No need to worry.

Her friends are out cold.

Nobody's going to search for her.” With those words, Silas moved closer to Raegan, crouched beforeher, and warned, “I'm about to remove the towel.

Make a sound, and I'll make sure you regret it.

Got it?” Reagan sensed that beneath Silas’ mild exterior lurked the most indecent of nature.

Silas masqueraded as a kind soul under the sun's gaze.

Raegan's affirmation came through tear-stained eyes, radiating fear and vulnerability.

As Silas removed the towel from her mouth, Neal gripped the dagger, his vigilance etched into his sternfeatures.

His look was so intimidating that any scream from her would prompt an instant slash to her throat.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Reagan whispered through her tears, "Sir, I'll be compliant...

Very compliant.

Please don't hurt me.

Spare me.

I... I'll do whatever you ask.” Her quivering, tearful voice caused both men to be captivated.

To them, she was such a rare find.

Her voice was so appealing that they hesitated to silence her again.

The mere thought of her screaming excited them.

Pleased, Silas caressed Raegan's pale face with a lewd smile, saying, "Don't worry.

If you comply, you won't suffer much.

We'll be very gentle..." As he spoke, his hand trailed down from Raegan's cheek to her neck, thencreeping further...

His rough touch felt like venomous scorpions skittering across her skin.

Raegan shuddered, her skin crawling.

Her voice quivered as she pleaded, "Sir, can we not do here?" Silas cast a wary look at Raegan.

Raegan complained, still trembling, "The ground is littered with stones.

It's unbearably uncomfortable." Silas surveyed Raegan and noticed her feet were bleeding, leading himto surmise she must have stumbled earlier.

Moreover, the ground was indeed strewn with rough, uneven rocks.

Neal, growing increasingly impatient, gripped Raegan by the collar, exclaiming with annoyance, “You'reexasperating.

I'll begin first." With that, he hauled Raegan toward a smoother area.

Raegan's tears flowed as she implored in a hushed tone, “Neal, please, ease up.

Don't pull me.

The ground is scattered with stones.

I can walk on my own." Her gentle voice caused Neal to lose his composure.

There was something about being called by name by a lovely, melodious voice that everyone foundendearing.

Neal ceased dragging Raegan and instead gestured toward a clearing, instructing tersely, "Lie downquickly.

The cold is biting.” He took off his pants, and the mountain's drastic shifts in temperature from day tonight had him shivering.

Obediently, Raegan nodded and advanced, keeping her hand struggling against the grip of the rope.

The binding Silas had secured earlier wasn't too tight, and her wrists were slender, allowing her toloosen most of it already.

Reaching the clearing, she crouched down submissively, using the veil of night to fully free herself fromthe rope.

Neal, fraught with urgency, demanded, “Why crouch? Just lay down." In a whisper, Raegan responded,"This position is more suitable.” Neal laughed lightly.


You're even familiar with this position...” While speaking, he roughly seized Raegan's hair, his voicetaking on a rough tone.

"Come on, make it quick.

I've been waiting all day and I'm losing patience..." "Alright, Neal," Raegan agreed without a secondthought, an undertone of eagerness in her voice.

Neal eyed her with suspicion.

But before he could discern her true intentions, a searing agony erupted from his groin.

"Ah! What have you done?” he cried out.

Neal fell, writhing on the ground, his moans reminiscent of a pig in its final throes.

Through the haze of his pain, Neal caught sight of Raegan holding a bloodied sharp stone.

“Bitch, you'll regret this..." he hissed.

However, before he could utter another word, Raegan brought the stone down on his forehead with aheavy thud.

Bang! The sound of stone against skull was excruciating.

Neal's face, now smeared with blood, took on a ghastly appearance in the shadowy night.

Realizing Neal was defenseless, Raegan tossed the stone aside and fled into the darkness.

Neal, grasping for breath, muttered, "Silas...

Silas...” By the time Silas reached him, Raegan was long gone.

Neal, bloodied and covering his crotch, slowly rose to his feet with Silas’ support.

His voice was laced with venom as he spat out, "That bitch dared to play tricks on me! We'll split upand hunt her down.

I'll rip her apart with my own hands...” Raegan made her way through the woods, the darknessobscuring any sense of direction.

Fearful of discovery by those two men, she kept silent, resisting the urge to call out for help.

Seeking refuge, she found a hidden hollow in the land to conceal herself.

The nocturnal symphony of animal cries, bird calls, and the occasional stone tumbling resoundedaround her.

To admit she wasn't frightened would be a lie.

Shivering with terror, Raegan was drenched in a cold sweat, her head spinning.

Clutching her knees, she pinched her thighs in a bid to maintain alertness.

She attempted to anchor her thoughts on something, anything that might offer solace.

Yet, her mind was besieged by thoughts of Mitchel, longing for him to notice her absence and rescueher.

Deep down, she realized the futility of such hopes.

Mitchel was likely enjoying himself, and his disdain for her was so profound that even if he was awareof her plight, the likelihood of him coming to her aid was nonexistent.

As exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her, asudden blaze of light cut through the darkness.

A surge of hope flooded Raegan, the possibility of someone rescuing her momentarily blinding her toreality.

But before a word could escape her lips, a voice crushed her newfound hope to dust.

"Little bitch, you think you can hide here from us?” Neal hissed through clenched teeth, his desire totear Raegan apart palpable.

"your end is here.

I'll take my time, savoring every second until your final breath," he taunted.

With Silas in tow, Neal advanced toward Raegan with deliberate steps.

Engulfed in dread, Raegan found herself without an escape, teetering on the brink of despair.

Then, from the shadowy embrace of the forest, a voice reached out.


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