Love Unbreakable

Chapter 2058
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Chapter 2058

“Uuh? That's Grid.”


“That's Yura and Jishuka!”

“The rumors that they are on their honeymoon are true.”

Sao Paulo, Brazil, was the largest city in the Americas. It was also one of the most populated cities in the world. Naturally, everyplace was crowded with people. Whenever Youngwoo’s group went, they attracted attention. People freaked out when they sawhim, Yura, and Jishuka.

“Isn't it quieter than usual?”

“Really...? I've never seen anything like this before. | guess people are staying connected to Satisfy for a long time.”“The places we visit feel particularly quiet.”novelbin

“Haha, what? Are people avoiding us? That's ridiculous.”

As they laughed and chatted, the group arrived at the hotel and unpacked.

For the past week, Youngwoo’s group had enjoyed the luxuries of life as they visited famous attractions in the United States andCanada, so they felt very happy. After spending the following two days with Jishuka’s family, they were going to travel aroundEurope.

‘There is no need for these guys to deal with it like this.’

Youngwoo told Yura and Jishuka to shower before him. He looked out the window and smiled. Beyond the road, every alley wasfilled with the people who had spotted Youngwoo’s group and chased them.

However, before they could approach Youngwoo’s group, others blocked their way, so the crazy fans ended up wanderingaimlessly. Those who made sure the fans wouldn’t stalk Youngwoo were members of the intelligence departments and specialpolice forces.

On the day of the wedding, the leaders of the world boasted to Youngwoo that they would do their best to ensure that he wouldspend his honeymoon safely. Thus, they deployed personnel to each destination of Youngwoo’s group.

“...This is absurd, but | am still grateful.”

Thanks to this, he could feel at ease everywhere he went. This wasn’t just about safety. He felt relaxed wherever he traveled.“Youngwoo-ssi, aren't you joining us?”

“Uuh? U-Um. Right, right.”

... However, Youngwoo was exhausted. His face flushed as he undressed and headed to the bathroom.

‘l-l’'m dying.’

Youngwoo was now in Sicily, Italy. He had lost nineteen kilograms in ten days. His legs trembled every time he took a step. Thedark circles under his eyes almost reached his cheekbones. If he hadn’t exercised consistently for eight years, he would've diedaround four days ago...

Youngwoo looked to his left and right with a slightly frightened expression. He saw his beautiful brides, Yura and Jishuka. Theywere sitting next to him with their arms crossed, and both of them were full of energy. Their hair and skin were shining and theireyes twinkled.

‘Are they like Marie Rose?’

The three of them worked out day and night throughout their honeymoon. They never rested, even on their private plane.However, only Youngwoo was tired. Yura and Jishuka quickly recovered from their exhaustion.

Right now, they had been sightseeing and shopping for half a day. The two women hadn’t sweated at all.“Over here, look. This is the restaurant | booked for dinner.”

“The atmosphere is very nice. Youngwoo, let’s eat a lot of oysters, garlic, and avocados.”

“Spinach and meat too.”


Youngwoo was genuinely afraid of his wives.


Youngwoo’s arrival photo after he returned to South Korea from his month-long honeymoon had become a hot topic. He was allskin and bones. He had lost so much weight that he looked as if he had shrunk to half his normal size. His broad shoulders andback, for which he was famous, curved like he was a shrimp.

Yerim exclaimed, “Has he not been eating well?”

Sehee scolded her. “Stop watching the news. Did you come here to make fun of him?”

“Are you angry? Are you sad that you lost your older brother to those women?”

“Do you think | am his girlfriend? I’m just disappointed in my sisters for mistreating my brother.”

Reality was obviously different from Satisfy. Grid was an Absolute who could easily handle four wives, but Shin Youngwoo wasjust an ordinary human. Or well, as ordinary as he could be. Sehee thought it was right for her sisters to show him properconsideration, so she was pouting.

Yerim told her, “Isn’t Youngwoo oppa the problem since he married two women?”“_.. That is true.”

This was something that even Sehee had to admit. She blushed and couldn’t raise her head. She focused on what she was.working on for the Grid Foundation.

This was the foundation that Sehee established four years ago at her own expense. Its initial purpose was to support orphans orchildren suffering from illness. However, thanks to the continued support from her brother and friends, she expanded it on aninternational level. She helped with global environmental issues and refugees.

Yerim muttered, “If he was going to marry two women anyway, he could have accepted me as well. | could’ve protected him fromthose beastly sisters.”

“Be quiet.”“By the way, you will have nieces or nephews soon. I’m jealous.”“T-That's true. Hehe.”

Sehee’s expression softened. She had developed an affection for children since Lord was born, so she couldn’t wait to meet hernew nieces or nephews.

“You really like children. Why don’t you give birth to one yourself?”“W-What?”“Lauel and Kraugel are both okay. Who would you choose between them?”

Sehee’s expression became serious. Lauel often expressed his feelings in an awkward manner. Kraugel was quiet, but it wasoften a pleasure to spend time with him. The handsome faces of the two men popped up in Sehee’s mind. She couldn't decideon just one guy.

Yerim’s eyes widened and she nudged Sehee’s waist with her elbow.“Is it like brother, like sister? Do you want both of them?”“A-Are you crazy?”

“Why? Sehee, you are the Saintess. You are also the chairman of the richest foundation in the world. Don’t you have the powerto threaten the government like Youngwoo oppa did?”

“That is ridiculous. Forget it! If you don’t want to work, then go home!”“If you say so, then | won't refuse.”

Yerim left the company with a laugh and looked up at the clear sky. It seemed like barely any time had passed since she was inhigh school, but her life had changed a lot.

Every day was so full of joy that she couldn’t get enough of it.

Toon had never had a proper job. He had made a living as a pickpocketer when he was younger. Naturally, he used to hang outwith the local thugs. By the time he came to his senses, he had joined the mafia.

He eventually gave up on extorting others through violence and trickery. He had taken that life for granted. This made sensesince he had been born strong, unlike ordinary people. He used to take pride in what he did.

This was all a shameful, old story. Toon realized that he was also weak after meeting Grid, so he changed step by step. Helearned how painful it was to have things taken away and how it felt for others more powerful than him to trample on him, so hestopped using his power recklessly.

He learned how to empathize with others and care for them. He felt rewarded for the fair salary he received through his labor. Hewas the only one of the Overgeared members who ended up focusing a bit more on reality than Satisfy.

This was the result.

“Toon, how about a drink after work?”


“Uncle Toon! Take this apple. They arrived today and are in good shape.”

“It's sweet.”

In the city pioneered by Shin Youngwoo, Toon was welcomed everywhere he went.

At the airport, Youngwoo got into Toon’s car. He didn’t seem to have any energy left. Youngwoo barely managed to ask inatrembling voice, “You seem to be in a good mood. Has anything good happened to you lately?”

Toon chuckled. “I must feel good now that you’re back.”

“Hey... Now you are good at saying the right things... In any case, I’m glad you're happy. It has been a long time since we’veseen each other. Let's drink all night.”

Youngwoo kept squinting one eye. Was he slightly paralyzed because of how exhausted he was? Toon decided to stop by thehospital and turned the steering wheel.

“Yes, it just so happened that people in the shopping district wanted to drink with me. You should join us...”

Toon nodded in response before suddenly falling silent. He saw through the rearview mirror the cold glares Yura and Jishukawere giving him.

“I'm afraid there will be too much trouble if | take you with me, so let’s drink some other time.”Youngwoo felt very betrayed.

Two days after returning from their honeymoon, thanks to Yura and Jishuka’s support, Youngwoo recovered after sleeping andeating well. He logged into Satisfy.[The Only One God, the Annihilator Grid, has appeared in the world.]

The login notification was gorgeous. The news of Grid’s return, spread by the world message, made people cheer. There weremany people who were anxious when Grid wasn’t present.

The Tower of Wisdom, the dragons, the Peach Blossom Spring, hell and Asgard... All of them were on humanity’s side, but therewas still an invisible threat—the Refractive Dragon.

It was said that the dragon god was still chasing Rebecca. He was transparent and so fast that it was impossible for people tosee him but, as long as it was proven he existed, people had no choice but to feel afraid of him.

What if Rebecca’s escape route inevitably got closer to the ground? The place where the Refractive Dragon passed by would bedevastated simply from mere wind pressure.

Grid was informed of this by the Overgeared members and nodded. “I understand why people are anxious.”

He had traveled the world for amonth not just because he enjoyedbeing newlywed. He had gone togeelandscapes he had Hele seenbefdre, ied with people he hadnever met before, and experiencedthings he had never thought ofbefore. Grid was expanding his wayof thinking. Thanks to this, he cameto aconclusion. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“| have to kill the Refractive Dragon.”

Grid didn't mention the disposition ofthe Refractive Dragon and Rebeccabecause he cared about the game'sbalance. Rebecca, the tartingAgintof all bugscandahe Re activeDEagon, the vaccine developed toeliminate her—coincidentally, theyhappened to be equals. Rebecca wasable to run away from the RefractiveDragon forever, while the RefractiveDragon was able to suppress her bychasing after her until the end oftime. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

In other words, Grid had decided it would be ideal to leave the two of them alone. He was wrong.

The Refractive Dragon was protected by the S.A. Group. He had the potential to become stronger at any moment if the S.A.Group decided to intervene. This wasn’t an easy task, which was why the S.A Group had been silent so far.

In any case, the possibility was still there. Grid wanted to achieve world peace for the sake of the people he cared about, so hecouldn't just let this possibility slide.

“lf | think about it, Rebecca can be a threat as well.”

Rebecca knew that this world was just a game. Even if Grid got rid of the Refractive Dragon and ensured world peace, there wasa chance that she could feel empty and go berserk again.

“| have to root out the seeds of trouble.”

Grid became determined and immediately set out on his journey. He continued to fly into the sky higher and higher. The momentthe blue sky unfolded under his feet and his surroundings were dyed with darkness, he was blocked by an invisible wall.

This was the limit of the world. There was a clear end to Satisfy.“Multiple Weakening Barriers.”

Grid cast his indigo shield and waited in silence for only three minutes.Bang!

Two beings slammed into the shield one after another.

The first one was Rebecca.


The second was an invisible and transparent dragon.

Seeing Grid spread his wings made of God Hands stunned them. Using the Greed that had multiplied over the years, Grid hadcreated 13,783 new God Hands. The size of the wings, made by weaving more than 14,000 God Hands in total, were as big asthe wings of a dragon.

All the God Hands held their own weapons, so the wings naturally became even bigger. A purple energy rose from Grid and allthe weapons the God Hands were holding. This was Annihilation energy., which had the power to kill both gods and dragons.

Grid should've noticed from themoment he gained this power that healready had the qualification toachieve peace. Agtyabdt& .Annihilat * eneray engulfed all ofGrid's field of view and sliced throughthe Refractive Dragon. It was aspectacular sight created by thecombination of over 14,000 GodWings and the Rain of Battle Gear.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!


The Refractive Dragon was so strong against Rebecca because of his resistance to light. He couldn’t handle the power ofAnnihilation energy, which was completely different from light. He died slowly in the never-ending storm.

One hour later, when the Refractive Dragon turned to ash, the system reacted.[The world has reached a complete ending.]

[This is the ending you have achieved.]

The complete ending...

The notification resembled the one that Agnus had witnessed when he saved Betty.

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