Love Unbreakable

Chapter 2037
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Chapter 2037

“I’m surprised you didn’t try to duel Asura to the death.”

Grid and Mumud were acquaintances. A few months before, in the desert of Reidan, the Overgearedmembers, Marie Rose, and Hayate had fought against Fire Dragon Trauka. Judar and Chiyou hadcome in one after another to make the situation even more chaotic.

Grid had arrived later after parting ways with Nathaniel and collided with Mumud. Then, they had ashort but deep conversation. He had informed Mumud that Braham used to be his teacher. Grid evenmentioned Mumud becoming a lich and how he had come back to life.

However, that was it. Grid didn’t know to what extent Mumud's memories had been restored. He couldonly hope that the angel hadn’t remembered that much since there was the risk of rememberingBraham betraying him.

Thus, Grid didn’t dare to criticize Mumud. He understood why Mumud joined forces with the demoncultivators. Now, he was an angel in charge of defending Asgard, and he also had a history of hatinghumans.

“He is stronger than I expected,” Grid replied. “I wasn’t sure if I could finish him off quickly even if Iteamed up with Marie Rose.”

Grid was running out of time. How much of the Full Moon Fortress had been constructed and wherewas it? He had to destroy the Full Moon Fortress of the demon cultivators despite having absolutely noinformation about it, so he challenged himself to speed run this. This meant it was better to avoid fightsthat he didn’t need to take as much as possible. Thanks to this, he was now standing in front of the FullMoon Fortress.

Mumud seemed bitter about something.

“Braham must not have believed me.”


Mumud was speaking so quietly...

Repeated loud noises came from the Full Moon Fortress behind Mumud, so Grid couldn’t understandwhat the angel said despite his good hearing.

“Asura will probably become stronger by the time you leave. Fortunately, this isn’t the worst casescenario. It’s the development of a lesser evil.” Mumud raised his voice when saying this, so theconversation picked up again.

Grid murmured, “He is going to get stronger... Do you think Asura will devour the gods of Asgard?”

“Yes. The gods will have an advantage at the beginning thanks to Dominion, but... As you know, Asurais a monster who can take others’ powers without having to kill them. This is a miracle created byBaal’s deformed desire.”

“...There is a reason he didn’t come after me.”

The moment he shook off Asura’s pursuit and entered the temple, Grid had been wary of Asura comingafter him. However, the firmly closed entrance never reopened. Asura didn’t bother to chase Grid. Itwas as if it didn’t matter to him what happened to the Full Moon Fortress.

“No. Asura is obsessed with you. He didn’t enter the temple because of me. I put up a barrier to keephim out.”


Mumud’s explanation baffled Grid.

“Why? You knew for sure that he would go to the place where the gods are imprisoned, so why?”

“If I allowed Asura to pursue you, we would have never had a second chance to talk like this.”

Mumud’s smile was warm. He was like the stereotypical benevolent being portrayed in myths. Helooked like an angel who would wrap human beings in infinite warmth in return for their faith andprayers.

Something was different about him. He was radically different from the angels Grid had met and fought.

In fact, isn’t he working hard for the sake of humanity?

Grid had such hope. Frustrated, he frowned.

‘...As expected, he didn’t regain all his memories and only recalled about half of them.’

According to Braham, he had raised Mumud as if Mumud was his own child. This didn’t mean Brahamshowered him with love and affection. After being exiled by Beriache, Braham wandered aimlesslythrough the cities of humans and accidentally discovered an orphan named Mumud. Braham wasfascinated with his innate talent and took him as a disciple in the hopes of helping with his own studies.

But from Mumud’s perspective, Braham would’ve seemed like a parent. How could he not love thebenefactor who saved him from dying in a war-torn village, gave him food and shelter, and taught himmagic?

What if Mumud only recovered his memories up to this point? In other words, he didn’t know whatBraham did...

If so, then Mumud could have a favorable attitude toward humanity. Based on his memories, humanswere the ones who had given him love and kindness. This was a good thing.

Grid was sure that was the case...


He suddenly clutched his chest. He felt so sorry and sad. Mumud was an unlucky genius who hadreceived a heavenly talent but died from a terminal illness. He had suffered until he died. The physicalpain caused by the life-threatening illness, the mental pain caused by the betrayal of the person hetrusted the most in the world, his teacher... In the end, he died, became a lich, and even had his soulwounded.

Grid felt disgusted at himself for pretending not to know the truth even though he clearly did, expectingto receive favors from Mumud.

“...My dear husband.”

Marie Rose’s soft hands stroked Grid’s back. She understood how he felt.

“I will make Braham pay for his sins by killing him,” she said eerily in a sweet voice.

Thanks to her, Grid came to his senses and asked Mumud a question.

“Why did you want to meet me? You must’ve known that I was planning to destroy the Full MoonFortress of the demon cultivators. Shouldn’t you be protecting that?”

Grid was suddenly showing Mumud respect. The angel blinked at Grid’s sudden change in attitude andlaughed.

“Haha, you're exactly as I expected. Well, if I had to explain why... I wanted to persuade you.”

“Persuade me?”

“Yes. Can’t you wait for this Full Moon Fortress to be completed?”

Grid narrowed his eyes. The jade fortress was towering high above his head. He stared at the FullMoon Fortress that was bigger than most cities. It almost filled the center of the temple.

“That won’t work. I have no intention of allowing the cultivators to set foot in this world again,” Grid saidfirmly.

“I was involved in the construction of this Full Moon Fortress from the very beginning.”


Grid was startled. What Mumud said was important. Grid recalled the information he had learned byusing the Memory Searching Technique against a demon cultivator. He knew that, thanks to the help ofMumud and the gods, the demon cultivators had been able to build the Full Moon Fortress.

So Mumud had been at the construction site of the Full Moon Fortress from the very beginning. Wouldthe rare genius, who made Braham jealous when he was just a human, waste such an opportunity?Definitely not.

“...Are you certain you can control the Full Moon Fortress?”

“Yes, the fortress is actually mine.”


Knowledge was a scary thing. Wise people could easily do things that seemed impossible to othersand deceive them. Grid had seen Braham do this many times before.

“I made full use of the knowledge I gained in return for helping the demon cultivators. I changed theformations installed in the Full Moon Fortress. Most of the high-ranking cultivators who would’venoticed this were either killed by Asura or by you.”

Mumud still had a gentle smile on his face. He also had an angel’s halo and white feathers flutteringaround him. Thus, Grid hadn’t noticed until now how cold Mumud’s eyes were.

“The demon cultivators who will come through this Full Moon Fortress will have a very low level ofcultivation. Each individual’s power and resourcefulness won’t reach the level of angels.”

“...In other words…”

“Yes, they will be treated as slaves. Their only role will be to worship Asgard. The gods of Asgard willbe kept alive because of them.”

This meant separation from the surface. Mumud was seeking Asgard’s independence. He planned toeliminate the cause of the conflict between Asgard and the surface by making the gods no longerobsessed with humanity's worship and sacrificing powerless cultivators.

“That is the ideal way to do it...”

But it was terribly cruel. Grid couldn’t continue speaking. Marie Rose snorted on his behalf.

“You really are Braham’s disciple.”

Telling someone that they were similar to Braham was the best insult that Marie Rose could come upwith.

Unlike Braham, who hated her, Marie Rose had no feelings toward him. She was grateful for the helphe had given her during the Beriache incident, and was starting to care about her brother...

In other words, the relationship between Marie Rose and Braham was quite good at the moment.However, that was a separate matter. Like most siblings in the world, Marie Rose hated Braham to acertain extent.

Mumud explained. “Teacher always said that, the more reasonable the method, the more sacrifices orforsaking will have to be made. Back when I was human, I couldn’t admit that, but now I have nochoice. I am going to put it into practice. I can’t think of any other way to protect Asgard.”

Judging by his long explanation, he definitely realized that being compared to Braham was an insult. Alight flashed in Grid’s eyes.

“Based on what you’re saying… I take it that you’ve regained most of the memories of your past life,correct?”


Mumud did say yes, but he didn’t say how much he remembered.

Grid became a bit restless. What if Mumud had regained all his memories? What if he wanted toprotect the Full Moon Fortress because of the grudge he held against Braham?



“I don’t blame Braham for what he did.”


Surprisingly, Mumud remembered everything. Grid’s eyes widened. He wanted to say something.Mumud smiled at him.

“This is all thanks to the time I spent as Agnus’ lich. I witnessed how much Braham regretted andblamed himself for what he had done to me. I clearly remember the moments when you tried toapologize to me.”

Mumud recalled Braham, whom he had met in Reidan a few months earlier. His teacher’s eyes, whichstill looked the same as before... were painfully sad and distressed.

“...This is hard to believe.”

Grid was suspicious. Mumud was a genius, not a saint. He didn’t blame his teacher for taking away allhis achievements and turning him into a lich? That was hard to believe.

However, Mumud thought differently. He definitely wasn't a saint, but he was a good person. Heunderstood other people’s circumstances and their mistakes, so he forgave them.

“Why don’t you believe me?” Mumud wondered.

“If Braham had done to me what he did to you, I would’ve gone to the depths of hell to kill him.”


Braham was different from Pagma. He had no cause to justify his actions. He had indeed stolen hisstudent’s achievements out of sheer jealousy and personal greed. He had turned his short-liveddisciple into a lich because he felt sorry.novelbin

How could Mumud forgive something so despicable?

Grid decided he had to draw his sword. He was determined to cut down that Full Moon Fortress behindMumud. He didn’t want to have any regrets.

“You definitely want revenge on Braham. I can’t trust you.”

“I really don’t...? I told you that I have forgiven him...”

“That can’t be true. How can you forgive someone so despicable?”

“Despicable... No matter what you have accomplished, it’s hard for me to do nothing while you criticizemy teacher.”

Noe had an incredulous expression on his face. “Did your guys’ opinions on Braham switch...?”

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