Love Unbreakable

Chapter 2022
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Chapter 2022

Some people had been born as ordinary humans and became legends. Most of the heroes had startedtheir journeys just like regular individuals. Some examples included Hayate, Biban, and the Towermembers.

However, there were also heroes who were the complete opposite of them. They were humans whohad been born strong. Madra, who had been born with a body that surpassed human limits, Mercedes,who had been born with Keen Insight, Kyle with his lightning power, and Saharan’s founding emperorwith his red energy...

According to the records of the imperial family, the founding emperor had named the empire afterhimself. It was said that he used to have all things under control by making use of his red energy. Ofcourse, people exaggerated a bit. Still, it was undeniable that red energy could control certain thingsand beings.

The descendants of the founding emperor had used the red energy in a variety of ways depending ontheir individual capabilities. In some cases, they could command very small creatures such as insectsto move and act a certain way. In other cases, they could hinder the movements of monsters largerthan elephants for a while.

Another descendant could only move a small pebble while another moved dozens of boulders as largeas houses to build an impromptu fortress. Some descendants manipulated the soldiers’ minds to raisethe morale of an army during war. Others brainwashed the nobility in order to usurp imperial authority.

Objects, living things, people’s minds... Red energy had the potential to control anything.

The founding emperor was the one who had made the most of it while the former emperor, Juander,was one of the best at handling it.

However, he’d never used it to this extent. Juander was controlling thousands of people. They weren’tordinary humans, but cultivators. Commanding so many of them at once to turn them into meatshields?

The expressions on the cultivators’ faces weren’t even worth seeing as they blocked the secondbombardment of the Full Moon Fortress. They turned to ashes or suffered several serious and smallwounds. They were all terrified.

The arrogant murderers who had a hobby of slaughtering mortals were now looking at Juander like hewas the monster.

Juander smiled bitterly. “Can you see it?”

So what if the cultivators slaughtered hundreds or thousands of people? Jundar had slaughteredmillions. He just needed to use a few words or scrawl his signature on a piece of paper and he wouldfiguratively trample tens of thousands of humans to death like they were ants. In the name of theempire, he hadn’t tolerated anything that didn’t belong to it. He had destroyed numerous minorities andkingdoms in this process. Many imperial soldiers had also sacrificed their lives for the sake of theempire.

Juander was a murderer of a different kind. Cultivators didn’t respect humans because they consideredthem a subspecies. Meanwhile, Juander simply saw people as numbers. Therefore, he was even morebrutal and vicious.

Just then, the red thread that connected Juander to thousands of cultivators lost its color and snapped.It became ineffective after achieving something seemingly impossible. Nevertheless, the cultivatorswere still frightened.

They faltered, unable to run away or fight back. They could clearly tell that Juander had killed countlesspeople, but they only had a vague idea about the number. They could tell because they had also killed

many people.

All of the cultivators got goosebumps...novelbin

“M-Monster...” a cultivator said in a trembling and hoarse voice.

Juander scowled when he heard this.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a sturdy physique fell from the sky with a loud thump. “How dareyou be so reckless with your safety?”

This man was wearing armor engraved with bizarre patterns. He was Armored Cavalryman Chensler, aloyalist who only served Juander. He had once been one of the pillars supporting the empire. Now, hewas Juander’s only support. He would not die as long as Juander lived.


The cultivators sucked in a breath. The human was charging toward them like a bull. They activatedtheir shield to stop him, but the shields did nothing. The moment they got hit, they got thrown backalong with their protective shields.

The man’s strength was unusual. Old Sword Demon and the members of the Chivalrous Robbers werespeechless. In their eyes, Juander and Chensler were monsters. They were more frightening thancultivators.

Old Sword Demon was watching Juander and Chensler when he came to his senses after hearingsomeone speak to him.

“They have been wandering the world for decades. They have a nobler sense of duty than any otherpilgrim and never stopped wandering for even a moment. The two of them have been training tirelesslyand gained a lot of insight after defeating many enemies, so they are stronger than they used to be.”

A dark-skinned man with flexible muscles was standing next to Old Sword Demon. He had long armsand legs, a slim waist and a wide chest. This was the first time Old Sword Demon was meeting him inperson.


“It’s an honor to meet you, Old Sword Demon. I am constantly hearing about your activities in the east.”

“Are my activities comparable to your performance?”

Old Sword Demon let out a laugh.

Kujarak, the African leopard, was a very mysterious unofficial ranker. He was worthy of everyone’sadmiration but not just because he was strong. People either said he raided certain powerful monstersor that he saved lives. That was all. Kujarak was a chivalrous spirit. His sole purpose was to servejustice. He didn’t care about anything else other than that.

Was Kujarak’s purpose in life to be an example to others? For someone who sought enlightenment, hewas very tenacious. People were skeptical. Kujarak praising other people? This meant that he trulymeant what he said.

“I’ve often heard rumors about Juander. Let’s help.”

Of course, the red energy was an easily depletable resource since it was so powerful. As the cultivatorscame to their senses and fought back, Juander and Chensler’s group were now isolated. Old SwordDemon and Kujarak quickly stepped in.

Old Sword Demon fought like a swordsman, but he was essentially an assassin. He quickly dealt withthe cultivators’ backline.

Kujarak wasn’t that far behind. He’d gotten the nickname of African Leopard because he was very fast.


Soon, the cultivators were screaming. They were exhausted and their morale was down. Now, fourTranscendents were attacking them. There was no way the cultivators could handle this.


The morale of the eastern and that of the Chivalrous Robbers immediately increased. They realizedthat cultivators weren’t invincible and launched an onslaught. As a result, the cultivators wereoutnumbered, and they quickly became exhausted. Every time they took a step back, the landscape ofthe battlefield changed slightly.

“Has there ever been a time when so many skilled people existed?”

Other Transcendents were providing help from the backline. They were the daoist immortals, whichincluded Yeo Yulan and Bentao. They secretly used talismans to weaken the cultivators and help thetroops.

Bentao’s expression was gloomy as he answered Yeo Yulan’s question. “If there had been another eralike this, a lot of unfair deaths could have been prevented.”

He still couldn’t forget the seven good people. Back then, he couldn’t clear them of their falseaccusations and could only wait for others to help. He considered this weakness one of his sins andhad been living feeling guilty since that incident.

“I’m grateful that this era has come...”

Yeo Yulan was trying to comfort him when she suddenly stopped talking. Several beams of lightappeared precisely where they were. Transcendent-level cultivators showed up.

“I finally found you. For how long did you think you could hide with such low-grade talismans?”

The cultivators were looking at Yeo Yulan and Bentao with contempt. For the cultivators, immortalswere the strongest beings. The immortals of this world, who couldn’t even condense a nascent soul,seemed to be nothing more than impostors.

Yeo Yulan’s thick eyebrows twitched.

“The talismans we make aren’t crude. They are simple and efficient. If you look at how fast theyactivate, it’s twice as fast as the crude talismans you made, right?”

“The talismans activate so quickly because they contain nothing.”

“We’ll see about that.”

There were many ways to overcome fear. For Yeo Yulan, she became angry to subdue her fear. Shehad been nervous when she saw the approaching Transcendents, but now that feeling was gone. Shewas excited to fight right away, just like a militant warrior.

‘She isn’t the typical daoist immortal.’

How had she ascended to the Peach Blossom Spring with such a mentality? Bentao had this questionin mind as he quickly moved. The situation was now dangerous because the enemies fiercely foughtback the moment Yeo Yulan attacked.

‘They are indeed strong.’

As soon as the cultivators appeared in this world, the daoist immortals had chosen to descend. Theyhad been helping humans from the beginning. Some of the characteristics of the cultivation worldresembled the Peach Blossom Spring. They suspected that corrupt gods were harming ordinary peopleby claiming to be immortals.

However, the truth was something else entirely. The cultivators were aliens from a completely differentdimension. Nevertheless, the daoist immortals had decided to remain in the world until the end andfought against the cultivators because they believed ordinary people weren’t strong enough to deal withthem. The cultivators were powerful enough to break the unwritten rules of the Peach Blossom Spring.


By the time he came to his senses, Bentao was already on the defensive. Every time he activateddozens of talismans and used magic, the cultivators offset his attacks using protective shields andTreasures while countering with a single talisman. Bentao had to throw dozens of talismans to stop theenemy’s singular talisman.

The enemy talisman itself wasn’t that powerful, but the cultivators relied on a lot of things while fighting,such as shields, Treasures, talismans, mystical arts, summons, formations, and even martialtechniques such as swordsmanship. Meanwhile, the daoist immortals relied only on talismans andspells to fight. They were pushed on the defensive a lot. This naturally led to a disadvantage when itcame to fighting.

Yeo Yulan, who had honed her swordsmanship, also expressed disapproval of the various battlepatterns of the enemies.

Just then—

[Didn’t you say pursuing what it means to be the best is the right thing to do?]

They heard a familiar voice. No, this was intent that the daoist immortals could hear in their heads.They saw hundreds of swords falling.

The cultivators were surprised by the sudden bombardment and hurriedly retreated. However, thefaces of the daoist immortals brightened.


The Sword Immortal, a being who had become a daoist immortal only after pursuing the extrememethods of brandishing a sword. This one of a kind, a unique existence in the Peach Blossom Spring,descended on the battlefield, his white dopo fluttering.

[Thanks to Sir Grid, I have some free time... So, I will lend a hand.]

The imoogi that bit the mysterious yeouiju… Yeoam, who had thought the imoogi was an evil monsterraised by King Sobyeol and devoted his life to sealing it, was actually a conditional Absolute.

He was now freed and stood alongside his colleagues for the first time in ages. He looked as noble asanyone else on the battlefield.

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