Love Unbreakable

Chapter 2014
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Chapter 2014

[Stop the Erosion Ritual]

There were only four days left on the time limit for the world quest that had been causing a lot ofturmoil. Failing this quest would have dangerous consequences, but no one was alarmed.

On the West Continent, the Overgeared members used the Tomb of the Gods as their base, while onthe East Continent, the rankers who had received the blessings of the old dragons destroyed a FullMoon Fortress. Both sides had destroyed most of the fortresses.

There were now only two Full Moon Fortresses left, one on each continent. People were watching theevents unfold on various media platforms and through rankers’ livestreams. Some drank beer at a pub,some ate popcorn, some ate with their family, and some drank tea quietly while watching. They enjoyedthe final battle that could change Satisfy’s fate like it was a sports event since it was very likely thathumanity would win and that the cultivators would lose.

The cultivators were discussing what to do.

“This is the last bastion. For four days, we must do our best to stop the enemy’s offensive.”

“Most of our enemies are mortals. Even those who are cultivators have only recently condensed theirspiritual roots. They are below the level of the foundation building realm. There is absolutely no reasonfor us to be pushed back. We will surely win.”

Of course, the cultivators gathered in the Full Moon Fortresses were formidable. There were those whocouldn’t participate in the construction of the Full Moon Fortress because the size of their sect was toosmall, those who didn’t belong to a sect in the first place and wandered the world alone, those who hadcommitted serious sins and had therefore been expelled, and so on.

All the cultivators scattered across the world gathered at the two Full Moon Fortresses. The cultivatorshad nowhere to retreat, so they abandoned their selfishness and united with a common goal in mind.

There weren’t that many Overgeared members.

“These cultivators are really putting up a fight. I wasn’t expecting that.”

“They recover their HP so quickly with elixirs and mystical arts that attrition warfare isn’t very effective.Why don’t we log out for a while and log back in when other groups are active?”

Because players couldn’t access the game for longer than twenty hours, the Overgeared Guild wasforced to split into groups so that they could launch attacks on the fortresses twenty-four hours a day.

The guild members were split into two groups and spent half the day trying to fill in the gaps of thetroops as much as possible. Thanks to this, the players had been working over the past ten dayswithout pausing and destroyed the Full Moon Fortresses across the continent. However, this was now ahindrance.

For an all-out war, it was necessary for the Overgeared members to be logged in at the same time.

The executives of the Overgeared Guild were sharing their thoughts.

“The enemy has a lot of Absolutes. Can the Apostles and Tower members survive without us?”

“If we all log out for about an hour so we can all be online at the same time... But if we do that, this willcost us a lot of troops...”

“You think one hour is enough? Even if we launch an all-out offensive, do you think we can capture thatplace in one hour? Why are you so optimistic?”

“The sheer number of formations set up around the last Full Moon Fortress seems enormous.”

Jishuka entered the barracks and offered a suggestion. “The enemy doesn’t have infinite elixirs.Besides, we still have four days to go. We will continue fighting following the rotations we have set inplace while adjusting the connection time of each group little by little. On the third day, there will be anhour when all guild members will be logged in at the same time.”

Her fingertips were red like touch-me-not flowers, bruised from shooting so many arrows. Even afterdrinking potions and elixirs to restore the fingertips to normal, her fingers were still bloodied because ofhow strong the recoil of the bow was. She was surely in pain, but she didn’t show it.

The executives nodded. They respected Jishuka because she was a natural leader and very skilled.“That is the ideal method. I agree with Jishuka.”

“By the way, are your hands okay?” Chris asked.

Chris also played the role of captain in most missions. Since he didn’t often work with Jishuka, he onlynow noticed her red-stained fingers.

“It’s hard to develop resistance to the same wounds. In fact, in many cases, the injury can becomepermanent.”

After becoming Tzudan’s Successor, Chris became an even more aggressive tyrant. He jumped intofights no matter what and had constant wounds all over his body. He knew very well that people didn’tdevelop a resistance to pain. This applied especially to high rankers who had set the synchronizationrate to the maximum amount. Thus, he understood how Jishuka felt.

“This? My fingers bruise every time I shoot an arrow. It’s not a big deal,” Jishuka said indifferently.

She thought of the times Grid had fought until he couldn’t move anymore. She had recently watched avideo of the battle between Grid and Garam, and her heart felt very heavy. She wouldn’t find it weird if

Grid suffered from PTSD. Until now, he had overcome all the hard trials he’d been through thanks tohis unwavering mental toughness, but there had to be a limit to that.

“The last Full Moon Fortress... Let’s make sure we deal with it ourselves before Grid comes back.”

Jishuka hoped that Grid, her one and only lover, would get enough rest. Therefore, she planned morethoroughly than usual and deployed aggressive tactics, greatly pressuring the cultivators hiding withinthe Full Moon Fortress.

“That woman with red fingertips knows how to strategize and is a great leader. That’s why the enemyforces don’t lose their momentum.”

“I understand. Let’s focus on her.”

The cultivators realized how much Jishuka was doing in the ongoing battle and came up with a plan.

In the deepest part of the Full Moon Fortress where complex formations that connected dimensionswere unfolded, fifty high-ranking cultivators gathered to complete a single mystical art. They had to paywith their lives for this incredibly powerful art.


[An invisible killing intent has flown in and destroyed your heart.]


Jishuka didn’t even get a warning beforehand. She was commanding the troops when she suddenlystumbled. Blood spilled from her nose, mouth, ears, and eyes.


The people in the Overgeared Guild’s camp freaked out. Jishuka always knew what orders to give out,so it was really bad that she wasn’t telling them what to do even for even a moment. The momentum ofthe Overgeared members suddenly dropped.


The cultivators went on the counterattack. They jumped from the walls of the Full Moon Fortress andlaunched an all-out attack. The empire’s soldiers were taken by surprise and scrambled. The knightstried to calm them down while the Overgeared members went to the frontline to meet the enemy’sadvance.


The low-level cultivators were in the frontline. They used all of their spiritual energy into their shieldsand blocked most of the skills of the Overgeared members. The cultivators charged into the battlefield,gaining a lot of distance. They had their sights on Huroi, Toban, Laella, Zirkan, and many others whohad been helping Jishuka commanding the troops.

Vantner chuckled when he noticed what the enemy was planning. “As expected, aren’t tanks the best?”

As Jishuka’s deputy, Vantner was also on the same level as a commander. However, no cultivatorstargeted him. He believed this was because they weren’t confident enough to break through his thickshield.

Pon told him the truth. “Pretty sure they think it’s better to keep you alive since your tactics are soterrible.”

“You should swing your spear more and talk less. Stop being jealous.”

Vantner and Pon were always in the vanguard. They couldn’t go help Jishuka, who was in the backline.Therefore, there was no gloominess on their faces as they focused on the enemies in front of them.

Jishuka was the second in command when Lauel was gone, and she had a shadow ruler next to her,protecting her.

“This ghostly bastard...!”

The Transcendent-level cultivators had tried to launch a secret attack by targeting Jishuka, who wastenaciously holding on despite being struck directly in the heart. The cultivators’ faces suddenly turnedpale.

There was a ghost lurking in the shadows. It was none other than Death God Faker, who had becomenotorious in the cultivation world at some point. He blocked the attacks that the cultivators were hurlingat Jishuka. Faker leapt out of her shadow and swung his sword, catching the cultivators off guard.

Faker combined shadow magic and dark magic with his dragon weapon, so his attack power was highenough to shatter the cultivators’ shields.

He told Jishuka, “Don’t worry about the rest. Just focus on recovering.”

“Thank you.”

Jishuka was a legend and a Transcendent. Even though she had been seriously wounded, she didn’tdie immediately. Instead, her invincibility passive triggered and she entered the immortal state. Shewanted to recover.

Where there is light, there must be shadow.

Faker created hundreds of shadow soldiers. He protected Jishuka and pointed spears and swords atthe cultivators. He was truly a one-man army.

The cultivators couldn’t break through Faker’s defenses. The fact that there was no Absolute-levelcultivator present really hindered them. The most powerful cultivators were currently on the outskirts ofthe Full Moon Fortress dealing with Braham, Hayate, and the other Apostles and Tower members.

“No one will come to help us. We must break through.”

The Absolutes on both sides were keeping each other in check. No one was losing, no one waswinning. Neither party would leave their positions because they risked losing this balance.

Victory had to be achieved without relying on Absolutes...

“We will launch the Profound Autumn Formation.”


The cultivators were worried since they couldn’t deal with the shadow soldiers that kept rising no matterhow many times they were killed. Suddenly, the eyes of the cultivators widened when the elders of theTaemun Sect declared that they would use a forbidden formation.

“Are you willing to give up your lives?”

“If this is the only way to protect the only remaining Full Moon Fortress, yes. Are our lives valuableconsidering how old we are?” the elders said solemnly. They seemed very determined to go throughwith this plan.

It made sense why the cultivators of the Taemun Sect respected their elders.

“We won’t let your sacrifices be in vain.”

“So be it. Be sure to complete the Full Moon Fortress. Once our allies arrive from the mainland, we willget our hands on this world.”

Cultivators considered that nothing mattered more than their lives. But now that they had their backsagainst the wall, they cooperated as if they were mortals.

"Of course.”

A multitude of mystical characters flowed from the elders’ hands. The formation of the Taemun Sectelders was gradually perfected. Faker sensed something was up and tried to stop them, but even withthe shadow movement technique, it wasn’t easy for him to shake off multiple Transcendents.

“Destroy them, Faker.”

Jishuka gave up on trying to heal back up. She threw away the potion in her hand and grabbed hergreatbow. She drew back the bowstring to the point where it seemed like it would break. All the shadowsoldiers were destroyed by the light emitted from the arrow of divinity gathered at the tip of the bow.


“Autumn Formation!”

After the elders cried out—


—random, complex shapes appeared at Jishuka’s feet.

Jishuka twisted like a pretzel, but she let go of her bowstring in time.

As she turned into ash, three of the cultivators who had created the formation collapsed, coughing upblood.


Six cultivators got hit by the arrows of white light and were seriously injured. Faker didn’t miss theopportunity that Jishuka had created. He attacked the cultivators who suffered the most injuries anddecapitated two of them.

In return for killing Jishuka, a total of five Transcendent cultivators died. This had only been possiblebecause of Jishuka and Faker. The cultivators had suffered greater losses than the Overgearedmembers.


The cultivators laughed. They expected the collapse of the enemy’s chain of command. Even thoughthey had sacrificed a lot, they believed that they had greatly helped their allies.

The cultivators were aware that Jishuka could resurrect since they knew players could do that. Anumber of cultivators skilled in stealth were waiting near the resurrection point, and they would attackJishuka as soon as she returned. Her invincibility passive would be on cooldown, so she was bound todie.

[Whisper to Knight: Knight, Soul Resurrection.]

[Whisper from Knight: You know that the death penalty is doubled if you do that, right?]novelbin

[Whisper to Knight: Yes, that’s fine.]

Jishuka was aware of the cultivators’ intentions. With the help of Knight, who temporarily postponed hismission in hell to join the battlefield, Jishuka resurrected at a completely different location from thecultivators’ predictions.

[The player Knight wants to resurrect you. Would you like to accept?]

[You have accepted.]

[You will resurrect next to the player Knight. Your ruined mortal flesh is guided by the soul andregenerated.]

The hidden class, Death God, specialized in tracking and killing souls. He only had one buff orcooperative skill that helped his allies. This was the Soul Resurrection skill, which summoned the soulsof his dead allies to his side. It wasn’t bound by any saved resurrection points, and was a very valuableskill to have. It was especially powerful when used in areas where it was impossible to resurrect or re-enter after death. It had the serious disadvantage of doubling the death penalty, but it was worth usingin a situation like this.

[Whisper to Zibal: Zibal, close the entrance to the Tomb of the Gods.]

Jishuka respawned near the front lines where only low-level cultivators with protective shields werepresent. She began giving out orders again.

A huge blue veil surrounded the Tomb of the Gods. Now, the last battle would take place on the Tombof the Gods.

This meant that most of the high-ranking cultivators who had attacked key personnel, such as Jishuka,ended up trapped in the Tomb of the Gods. This would only last for a few minutes, but it was anadvantage that was worth using.

“Good. In the meantime, we will destroy the protective mechanisms that have been set up around theFull Moon Fortress.”

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