Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1993
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Chapter 1993


The black mountain that had targeted Grid was still jutting out from the sea. The whole sea was dyedsilver. All the fish in the nearby waters died, their corpses now floating with their bellies up.


A vortex hundreds of meters deep formed where the mountain had sunk, rapidly sucking up the silverenergy. Grid was overwhelmed by the vortex reeking of death.

‘She is throwing mountains at me.’

Grid swung his sword lightly and the foam that disrupted his view was split into particles and scattered.

“Hmm? You are stronger than I thought. I wasn’t sure, but you seem to have become a part of thisworld.”

Light flashed in the eyes of the golden immortal.

“But that doesn’t mean you are the creator of this world... Have you been slowly taking over it?”

She was referring to the relationship between Grid and the Overgeared World. More than that, sheseemed to refer to the dimension of Satisfy itself.

Grid didn’t reply. His opponent was a golden immortal. He had Hanul on his side. It was very nerve-racking to be caught between two big shots. He could get his throat slit in the blink of an eye, so heremained silent and tried to focus.

Hanul turned to speak to him.

[What was it called, Annihilation energy...? Your ferocious energy is trying to damage me... Is it toopowerful to control?]

This was Hanul warning him not to forget that they were allies.

Grid was already on edge. He finally snapped. “Why did you let yourself get chased all the way to thewest? You need to be in the east to be at full power, right?”

Grid also had to protect the East Continent. However, he’d let the dragons deal with that for nowbecause the situation in the West Continent was much worse. There were nearly twice as many FullMoon Fortresses in the West Continent as there were in the East Continent.

However, Hanul had brought a powerful enemy, a golden immortal, to the West Continent. If theimmortal had encountered an Overgeared member on the way, she would have swiftly killed them.Worst case scenario, the Tomb of the Gods could have been shot down. Even at this moment, hiscolleagues were fighting desperately all over the continent. They could’ve been caught in the chasebetween two Absolutes and died without even getting the chance to fight back.

[You are misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to use the west as a battleground. I’m not strong enough herebecause of Reinhardt’s influence. I’m just passing through this place. I ran into you by pure chance.That’s what happened.]

“If you had run into anyone other than me, they would’ve been in danger.”

[Don’t misunderstand. I was moving at the speed of light. Who else could’ve seen me? I’ve crossedboth continents more than a thousand times already. This is the first time you saw me.]

This meant there had been no possibility of anyone else getting involved in the fight. Hanul was tellingthe truth. He wasn’t an ordinary being, and he had no reason for him to lie just to appease Grid. Theyjust happened to meet coincidentally.

‘...I should think positively.’

From what Grid saw, the woman with golden clothes and accessories was extremely powerful. Hecould understand, to some extent, why Hanul had been on the run. If such a monster had been allowedto run rampant in the East Continent, the East Continent would’ve already been devastated, eventhough the dragons were there for damage control.

Grid didn’t know what Hanul had done, but he found it commendable that Hanul had managed to pullthe aggro of such an intimidating monster and buy so much time.

Most of all, didn’t he show up when he saw Grid? At the very least, he succeeded in setting up a fightthat had the highest odds of winning.

Grid came to terms with the given situation.

‘Putting aside my personal feelings, what Hanul did is pretty impressive.’

The golden immortal glared at them. Her thick makeup highlighted the sharpness of her eyes. “Howdare you ignore me?” she threatened.

Just then, Grid heard another roar coming from the depths of the sea.


Grid felt as if he was being sucked into a black hole. It was on a different level from the pull generatedwhen Grid’s clone had absorbed Du Baeryong’s treasure.

Surprised, Grid instinctively used Shunpo. The black mountain appeared in the place where Grid hadjust stood.

‘It’s so fast even though it’s so large...’

Before Grid could finish his train of thought, waves splashed in all directions because of the mountaindropping in the water. The waves rose so high, it looked as if the sky and the sea were merging. Alarge amount of seawater had just been sucked up from the depths of the ocean.

‘Does the mountain absorb and release substances?’

Then there was a high chance that it could also absorb skills. Grid understood what the mountain’sabilities were and turned to look at the golden immortal woman.

The woman, who had been so far away from him he couldn’t even make out her face, now stood rightin front of Grid. Because he had used Shunpo to get out of the way of the raging waves, he was now soclose to the immortal woman, he could see the pores on her face.

He intended to subdue her before she could retrieve the mountain.

“Serve Dragon Pinnacle Wave Kill Link.”

This was a six fusion sword dance that inflicted Fear that lasted at least 0.1 seconds onto the target,and it also dealt consistent damage. Serve Dragon Pinnacle Wave Kill Link completely incapacitatedthe enemy. This sword dance inflicted Fear, made the enemy airborne before they would inevitablycollapse, and then it would also inflict Slow and Despair.

One could not resist this attack. Even before the target got hit, they would get Feared, rendering themdefenseless. Once they got hit, they would be lifted in the air.

However, an immortal always had a protective shield on. The golden immortal’s shield had five layers.This meant that she wouldn’t be completely defenseless, even if she was under the effect of Fear. Thewoman was startled when she felt her body react against her will, but she didn’t feel like she was in anydanger.


This was until Grid swung his sword at her and slashed through her shields one after another.

[What is that purple energy?]

Did she require time to perfect the language of this world? The woman’s intent was engraved allaround them.

Just in time, Grid’s sword dance had slashed through her fifth shield. Not even 0.1 seconds hadpassed. Before the Fear effect ended, the woman would be completely defenseless...


Grid had been swinging his sword while thinking of the best way to deal with this enemy. He suddenlystopped. A small, black stone suddenly appeared in the path of his sword. It was a triangular stone thatseemed to have been deliberately carved in this shape.

Grid noticed that it looked exactly like the dark mountain he had just seen. He hurriedly tried to changethe trajectory of his sword, but it was too late.

The triangular stone and the sword collided. The contact resulted in an alarming sound. Grid broke hiswrist, and his limp hand now folded backward.

The dark triangular rock was the black mountain. Grid had assumed this but, unfortunately, he didn’thave time to react. The rock was just like any other cultivator’s Treasure. The golden immortal’s blackmountain could change its size and move according to its master’s will. She had been able to secretlycall it to her side at a moment of desperation.

Grid’s six fusion sword dance got canceled in the middle of him casting it, and Grid could not use oneof his hands for a moment.

Yes, it was only for a moment. Grid’s body had evolved over time and he was no longer hampered bythe concept of wounds. His broken bones healed almost immediately and he could once again use hishand normally.

However, this fleeting lapse had serious consequences.

The mountain enlarged rapidly and hit Grid because he didn’t use Shunpo in time.

[You have been inflicted by the Fear negative status effect.]

This was the predetermined CC of Serve Dragon Pinnacle Wave Kill Link. Now it was Grid’s turn to beunder this CC’s effect. As Grid had suspected, the golden immortal’s mountain had the ability to evenabsorb skills.

Grid hurriedly used Multiple Weakening Barriers. Ten layers of indigo protection flashed around him.

The golden immortal snorted.

[For an immortal, a protective shield isn’t much different from clothing. I wear it all the time, but I didn’treally expect to benefit from it.]

A chill went down Grid’s spine. Even the demon cultivators had mastered the art of disabling shields.Surely immortals knew how to deal with shields too.

Would a shield do much against a golden immortal?

An electrical current seemed to surge between the ten layers of the indigo shield before causing aseries of explosions. Just as expected.

Grid suddenly remembered Braham’s warning. Braham had pointed out that the Multiple WeakeningBarriers surely had weaknesses. He had been right.

Multiple Weakening Barriers had a total of ten layers, so there was inevitably a gap between any twoprotective layers. These gaps were the weak points of the shield.

Every time an explosion occurred in these gaps, the shields adjacent to it got impacted. This madethem collapse faster from within.

The moment the Multiple Weakening Barriers finally shattered, Grid got hurled in the air. Because themountain had recreated Serve Dragon Pinnacle Wave Kill Link, Grid was now airborne. He couldn’t actand his weak points got exposed. He got hit by five follow-up hits in a row that ignored his defense. Heeventually collapsed, unable to fight back.

He felt his body become heavier rapidly. Those who had fought against him had always experiencedthis feeling of helplessness.

Grid couldn’t help but laugh at how overpowered Serve Dragon Pinnacle Wave Kill Link was. Hegradually turned serious when he saw that the mountain released sharp energies resembling swordenergies—thirty in total, to be precise. This was the highlight of Serve Dragon Pinnacle Wave Kill Link.It was a deadly attack that dealt 6,000% physical attack damage to the target up to thirty times.novelbin

Grid had to be careful not to get hit by a single attack from that. Every time he’d get his, he would bedisarmed and get affected by Bleeding and other awful negative status effects.


Noe, who had been struggling with his aching stomach, finally opened his eyes. Noe cared too deeplyfor his master to ignore him when he was in trouble.


Noe shouted, trying to withstand the pain. His body went through several changes until he took theform of a giant wolf. The horns on his forehead let out a flurry of lightning bolts.

Noe’s lightning was undoubtedly powerful. However, it couldn’t be compared to Grid’s six fusion sworddance that the mountain had reproduced.

Noe was feeling rather helpless when he suddenly got overwhelmed by a strange sensation. He felt asif his senses were connected to hundreds of thousands of different things that were floating in the air.Noe looked up and saw the Innate Treasures he had vomited earlier.

He screamed as hard as he could. “Uwaaa!”

He sent out the hundreds of treasures floating in the air as if he’d shot out arrows and targeted thethirty sword energies that rushed at Grid.

Each time they collided with a sword energy, the Treasures would get badly damaged or even explode.Each time, Noe coughed up blood.

Still, he didn’t hesitate for one second and he didn’t back down. He would control them until the end.

The golden immortal woman frowned.

[What is that spirit creature?]

The woman felt a slight sense of unease. She used additional mystical arts to enhance the mountain.

She was too late.

“You’ve worked hard.”

Thanks to the time that Noe bought for him, Grid had already freed himself from the various negativestatus effects. No matter how great the six fusion sword dance was, it couldn’t hold down a god for too


He swung lightly and the Falling Moon Sword sliced all the thirty sword energies in half. It even slicedthe dark mountain.

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