Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1986
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Chapter 1986

‘I guess he came out because he noticed I was watching him. There must be CCTV around me that Ihaven’t discovered.’

To be honest, he couldn’t understand it. The middle-aged man installed his base only after confirmingthat the area around posed no threats.

But he had to put his doubts aside. He’d set up his base among dense bushes. They werecamouflaged, and so was the middle-aged. A person who was two kilometers away couldn’t havepossibly spotted him.

How could Agnus make eye contact from that far away...?

The only explanation was that there was CCTV nearby. The man regained his senses and picked upthe binoculars he had dropped.

He installed illegal facilities and monitored the garden of someone else’s residence. No matter hisintention, he would get called a criminal if he got found out.

‘My employer only asked me to make sure that Agnus is okay.’

Now that he confirmed that Agnus was safe, his job was done. The middle-aged man immediately lefthis base. There was nothing else he needed to do before leaving. He had long abandoned the habit ofleaving any traces behind.


He ran quickly along a trail that hadn’t been maintained for a long time. A sharp conifer grazed his skin,but he ignored the pain and quickened his pace. His vehicle was parked nearby. He ran for five moreminutes.


The middle-aged man’s eyes widened as he arrived in front of his car. A green-haired man was leaningagainst the bonnet of the car. He couldn’t believe that Agnus, who had been two kilometers away justminutes before, managed to get here before him.

The middle-agreed man was so surprised that he forgot to breathe the moment those icy, golden eyeslooked at him.

“How the heck...?” he barely managed to ask.

Agnus looked him up and down. “Who sent you?” he asked. “I know you have no animosity toward me.If you tell the truth then I won’t hurt you.”


The middle-aged man regained his senses. He’d been tasked to find out if Agnus was alright. He hadno intention of harming the man. On the contrary, he wanted to make sure that Agnus was safe andsound. He might’ve illegally installed CCTV and other devices around Agnus’ castle to monitor him,but...

If he got out of here safely, this incident could be easily shrugged off. There was no reason to beintimidated by a pale and skinny man who hadn’t seen the sun in years.

“I’m glad you understand that I have no bad intentions. I’m here because someone tasked me withfinding out if you are safe. I will contact my employer soon to tell him the news. You will quicklydiscover who that is.”

The dark circles under Agnus’ eyes wrinkled. “Why don’t you just answer my question? Don’t beannoying.”

Looking closely, Agnus’ eyes were bloodshot. He looked exhausted. Agnus was known for his radicalpersonality, but now, he looked very vulnerable.

“I can’t tell you anything else. Not revealing my employer’s personal information helps me maintain myreputation and my salary. As I said before, you will soon find out who my employer is...”

The middle-aged man was a special forces professional. He’d become strong by practicing variousmartial arts and undergoing tactical training. He was confident that he could easily deal with a civilianwho locked himself in a room and only played games if things took a wrong turn.

The middle-aged man shuffled closer to the car. He would have to subdue Agnus if he got in his way.He didn’t dwell too much on the fact that Agnus had arrived here earlier than he did. Surely Agnus rodea specially designed motorcycle or some other vehicle on the way here.

Agnus snorted as he understood what the middle-aged man was thinking. “It’s easy to resort toviolence.”

For a moment, the middle-aged man frowned.


Then, he felt pain in his ankle. He looked down and checked. He saw something like thin, white awlsstabbing his ankle.


These looked like bone fragments of small wild animals. How did they suddenly jump out of the groundand stab him?

The man couldn’t understand what was going on. Agnus punched him viciously before grabbing him bythe neck with unblemished hands. Agnus kept punching him mercilessly. The man couldn’t move as henovelbin

was paralyzed with fear.

Agnus asked him again, “Who sent you?”

His golden eyes flashed threateningly. There was no emotion behind them.

The middle-aged man decided to speak up, because he remembered that Agnus had a record of killingsomeone before.



Agnus let go of the man.

“So that’s why you weren’t hostile toward me. You really were just trying to see what I was up to.”

“T-That’s right. Lauel has been looking for you ever since you went missing. He failed to find you, so Igot tasked with observing your castle.”

“You guys have no reason to meddle in my personal life.”

Agnus tutted, but he didn’t seem to be in a bad mood. His sunken eyes relaxed.

The middle-aged man tried to make conversation. “What have you been doing for the past monthwithout consuming any electricity? You were alone in that dark and enormous place... I’m glad you aresafe, but...”

Despite Agnus’ extremely skinny body, he was still insanely strong. Perhaps this was why he’d made ithere so fast? He just ran two kilometers in such a short amount of time?

The middle-aged man kept making up scenarios in his head. He was shaking, though he didn’t realizehe was doing that. The knowledge and experience he had gained as a professional no longer mattered.He was confused because it made no sense that Agnus had made it to his car way before him. He alsocould not explain the bones jutting out from the ground.

“It’s done, so leave now.”

Agnus let the middle-aged man go. He felt that there was no point in interrogating a guy who had neverintended to do him harm. Agnus had no intention of hurting people.

Surprisingly, he was back in the real world.

“...Certainly, this is reality.”

Agnus watched the middle-aged man drive away in his car. He inhaled slowly. There was hot energycondensed in his dantian. It was a familiar sensation, the sensation of mana that he felt in Satisfy, notin reality.

“...Status window,” he muttered while recalling the skill he had just used.

[Name: Agnus

Species: Human

Class: Contractor Freed From Baal’s Curse

Level: 1

Strength: 25 Agility: 30

Mana: 2,127/2,221]

A familiar interface came into view.

Many of the stats, including HP and Intelligence, were gone. But in any case, they had no place inreality.

“Am I going crazy again?”

Agnus’ last memory was of complete death. He’d found a way to save Betty and sacrificed himself forher. The system informed him that he had reached the complete ending and his vision went dark afterthat.

When he opened his eyes, he was back in reality. After waking up from the capsule, he walked outsidefor no reason whatsoever. The passive skill called Baal’s Senses worked arbitrarily, and he spotted themiddle-aged man. Agnus mistook the middle-aged man for a spy, possibly sent by the United States,China, or Russia.

People who had already gone through this change appeared around the world. Agnus suspected thatthe powerful countries who found out about this change surely realized he was also different now andsent people over to capture him.

Fortunately, that wasn’t the case...

‘...Should I have killed him?’

Agnus suddenly felt burdened by the fact that he had spared the middle-aged man and gathered magicpower at his fingertips. He looked at the list of available skills before giving up.

He had worked with the Overgeared members for a short time and got to know them. He consideredthat this man, who had been hired by Lauel, wouldn’t just share information haphazardly.

Above all, Agnus had no intention of harming anyone. He was reluctant to repeat something he hadalready regretted many times, both in real life and in the game.


Only now did he realize just how hungry he was...

‘A month...’

Was he asleep in the capsule for an entire month? He needed time to collect his thoughts.

Agnus took his eyes off the moving vehicle and returned to the castle.


“It seems that he has woken up.”

Back at the S.A. Group building, the thirty-three scientists identified a signal and started a meeting.Chairman Lim Cheolho was also there.

Those who had reached the complete ending in Satisfy and had proven their worthiness remainedtrapped in the capsule for as little as ten days or as long as a month. The capsule activated a hiddenfunction that even Chairman Lim Cheolho had been unaware of. The scientists described this functionas an evolutionary device.

This was one of the reasons Chairman Lim Cheolho decided to cooperate with the scientists. He hadwitnessed the loss of certain players’ data and confirmed that they were trapped in a capsule that didn’tallow anyone from the outside to meddle with it.

However, a signal just pointed out that one of the five capsules had just opened.

“There are a lot of talented individuals on this planet. We didn’t expect that there would be fivegemstones this big besides Grid.”

“What will happen to them?”

“Without Grid, they would’ve been the last bastion. If we did everything right, we might’ve prevented thethird wave of erosion. But thanks to Grid, we made a decision and we updated Satisfy at the expenseof our future. Now we have the possibility of cultivating a lot of beings like them... They should be calledthe forerunners, not the last bastion.”

“So since they can use abilities in real life, their role would be to guide other players in the future? Canthey really do that? Use in-game abilities in real life?”

The skinny old man nodded and looked at the files related to Agnus. “The nanomachines I implanted inthe capsules were designed to activate this ability, so they certainly will be able to do that.”

Morpheus chimed in.

-Agnus is an emotionally unstable human.He is required to be under constant surveillance, and he alsoneeds professional personnel to take care of his mental problems.

Did they perform some type of magic? The old man finished reading the thick file containing someone’slife and gaming history before standing up and shaking his head.

“I told you that they are already qualified. Those who have met the complete ending in Satisfy haveproven that they already have the sense to distinguish between right and wrong. Stop worrying and justwatch.”

The old man spoke very kindly to Morpheus, as if the supercomputer was the old man’s only flesh andblood in the world, or a treasure of his. And of course he’d treat Morpheus this way.

Morpheus was the 95th ranked Insurmountable Treasure.

Outside the window, the sky was darkening. It was exceptionally dark because, recently, the moonlighthad become dimmer.

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