Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1980
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Chapter 1980

The god of magic and wisdom, Braham, was an exceptional person who had a reputation similar toGrid. It wasn’t just the subjects of the empire who worshiped him, but people in the East also praisedhim.

He had achieved a lot in his life. He had greatly developed the study of magic, trained students such asEuphemina, and contributed to the development of civilization in all aspects. In particular, he haddefeated countless enemies on the battlefield. He used to be stronger than Grid before Grid became anAbsolute.

Everyone who knew what Braham was capable of was confused about one aspect. Why hadn’t hebecome an Absolute yet?

‘Perhaps the reason is...’

Faker got resurrected and had a hypothesis. Perhaps Braham hadn’t become an Absolute because ofthe limitations of magic. However, Faker had just experienced the power of the great spell calledQuasar, so he was hesitant about his theory.

This spell completely annihilated an area, and it didn’t distinguish between friend and foe. It devouredeven the land it was supposed to protect, destroying everything that existed in the vicinity. Even Fakerdied under the influence of Quasar despite being in Braham’s party.

This ultimate spell was such a pervasive thing. It meant that the class of magician itself wasn’t suitableto be an Absolute. Being an Absolute required having omnipotence and omniscience, which Brahamdidn’t possess through his magic spells.

‘No... I should stop speculating about this.’

Braham became a god with two titles. Even though he had achieved many feats after becoming a god,he didn’t become an Absolute.

Faker didn’t want to become even more anxious by making unnecessary assumptions. So, cautiousand patient, just like an assassin, Faker decided to mind his business.

A notification window that he didn’t understand popped up.

[You have been chosen as the target of ‘Space-Time Reversal.’]


Faker was in a different place than the one he’d been mere seconds before. He wasn’t at theresurrection point of the Tomb of the Gods anymore, but in a place where fields stretched out in alldirections.

The jade light that used to weigh down heavily on the area had disappeared without a trace. Fakercould only see the green land and the clear blue sky. He didn’t recognize it at first, but this was theplace where the Full Moon Fortress used to be, the same area which had been annihilated byBraham’s Quasar.

But now it looked fine, as if nothing had happened. There was no Full Moon Fortress and no signs ofbattle.

Faker’s eyes widened in surprise.

[The death you just experienced is nullified.]

[The lost EXP and dropped items will be restored to you.]


If Grid had been in this situation, he would’ve screamed and urged Braham to explain what justhappened.

However, Faker wasn’t like that. He didn’t act rashly. He just stared at Braham silently.

Braham laughed.

[I can see why Grid and the Overgeared members have relied on you for so many years. It’s socomfortable to be around you in many ways.]

Braham wasn’t directly speaking. His inner thoughts were engraved into the space without passingthrough his brain and mouth.

This was the intent of an Absolute.

[Why can’t I become an Absolute, you ask? I have been thinking about this for a long time. Even if Icreated spells that made a mark on history, trained outstanding juniors, developed civilization, anddefeated powerful enemies, the fact that I couldn’t become an Absolute made me experience emotionsI have never felt before.]

He’d felt deep agony, like he was wandering through a maze with no exit. Perhaps this pain was toomuch for an ordinary person to bear.

Faker sympathized with Braham.

The power of intent—if there was an Absolute who could perfectly control intent, there was a highprobability that they would be invincible.

[Only now, once I saw the ultimate spell, did I realize the problem.]

Ordinary people mistook Punishment as Braham’s ultimate spell. The spell that showed off anoverwhelming power during the great human and demon war had been an innovation. It had mademore and more people worship Braham.

But for Braham, Punishment was just the beginning. He’d come up with a new magic foundation theorywhile he was in the process of rebuilding his magic to fit his regained vampire lineage, which had takena lot of time and effort.

The true ultimate spell that was built on this foundation was Quasar.

[I was nothing but a destroyer. The magic path I walked only led to the destruction of everything in mypursuit of strength. I couldn’t have possibly achieved omniscience and omnipotence like this, so Icouldn’t become an Absolute.]

Faker’s hypothesis had been surprisingly correct.

Fortunately, Braham had also been aware of that.

[Since I found the answer, the rest was easy. I just had to find a solution—the process of adding a spellthat reverses the effect of a destructive spell on a specific target. It might not be the best solution, butisn’t it worth discussing omniscience and omnipotence if something called a ‘miracle’ is performed?]

Frozen Tempest froze the whole world, Meteor flattened an entire area… The list goes on. Braham’smagic was inherently more destructive and uncontrollable the more powerful it was.

However, in the case of Frozen Tempest, Rebecca had stepped in to take care of the consequences. Inthe case of destructive magic like Meteor, Braham prevented the worst from happening by giving manashields to his allies in the area.

All of this proved Braham’s imperfections. Therefore, Braham couldn’t be an Absolute.

However, this was no longer the case. Braham had performed a miracle.

“...Will Zirkan’s group be resurrected?”

[I killed them because I wanted to, so no.]

“I see.”

That made sense. Had he used Quasar from the beginning, wouldn’t Zirkan’s group have survived...?Faker had been wondering about this, but he didn’t say it out loud.

Ultimate spells weren’t something to be used willy-nilly. Braham might not have intended to use Quasarin the first place. Since Zirkan’s group got turned into puppets, Braham just killed them to get them outof the way.

‘Every player resurrects after they die, so there was no reason for Braham to hesitate.’

The basis of combat revolved around one’s management of their resources during battle, no matterhow low-level or high-level they were. By strategically using skills and managing one’s mana pool, agood player could still respond to unexpected situations during combat.

Faker silently pulled out a dagger and held it. He melted in Braham's shadow.

“Congratulations on becoming an Absolute,” he said.

A world message popped up.

[A new Absolute has been born.]

[He is Braham, the god of magic and wisdom and the apostle of Only One God Grid.]

Braham snorted.

[It’s amusing to be congratulated for something that everyone saw coming. It’s just as strange aspeople celebrating their birthdays.]

“Don’t you celebrate Lord’s birthday?”

[That... From the perspective of a magician, I’m thankful that a talented boy like him was born...]

“I’m sure everyone thinks the same about you. Perhaps they are grateful that you’re here.”

Braham was rarely embarrassed, so Faker immediately stopped talking.

The existence that seemed like a small dot just a moment ago was now very close. It was a muscularman with dark skin. His white hair was reminiscent of a male lion’s mane. It made him look like a beastrather than a human.

Braham frowned when he saw the smile on the man’s face.

[Seeing you smile, you seem happy.]

The dark-skinned, white-haired man stared at Braham.

“I suddenly felt a powerful energy and changed directions halfway through my initial destination. Iactually wasn’t sure, but it seems like you are the thief who stole the Ten Thousand Wheels OneThousand Wings Technique.”novelbin

[If I am, what will you do?]

Ten Thousand Wheels One Thousand Wings Technique? Braham hadn’t heard of it.

In fact, he’d learned only one technique. Thanks to it, he quickly restored his mana core that had beendestroyed when he forcibly entered Absolute mode. However, the name of the technique he learned

wasn’t Ten Thousand Wheels One Thousand Wings Technique.

Still, he didn’t deny the accusation. From the moment the cultivator showed up, Braham intended to killhim.

“Haha! You truly are an idiot. I expected you to be fearless because you killed the elders without anyhesitation. I didn’t expect you to be so confident when facing me.”

[Why do you keep laughing? Is it because you are so desperate to die?]

“Hah, I commend you for acting so arrogantly despite only being in the qi refining realm, but I don’tunderstand why you are so arrogant toward me. Perhaps you are an experienced soldier? The momentthe elders saw your energy, they must’ve thought you were just a swordsman. But you must’ve beenthrough all types of battles over tens of thousands of years. I know what you’re capable of, so I won’tlet my guard down. If you don’t change your attitude and give me the Ten Thousand Wheels OneThousand Wings Technique book right away, you will regret it.”

“Experienced soldier?” Faker asked from the shadows.

The man had been aware of his presence from the beginning, so he snorted without any surprise.

“I’m from a lower world. I am different from ordinary cultivators, who were born in the middle world andhad an abundance of heaven and earth origin energy from the beginning, and could easily accumulatetheir cultivation and ascend to the immortal world. I have a better understanding of the dark physiologyof the universe. Unlike those who divide the huge universe into only the demon world, the lower world,the middle and upper world, I am very aware that countless other dimensions exist. I’ve seen clearlywith my own eyes how the lower world where I was born got destroyed by a group of experiencedwarriors from another lower world.”

After a moment of reminiscence, the man gritted his teeth.

“The wonders of magic and power intimidated me at that time. No matter what unexpected tricks youuse, you can’t catch me off guard. Do you understand that, magician?”

The man looked at the staff in Braham’s hand. He seemed to be very aware of the existence ofmagicians.

Faker became even more vigilant at this strange turn of events.

[How can I understand the nonsense of a fool?]

Braham swung his staff.

The man assumed Braham would use magic and naturally responded by using a technique. Histreasures were focused on physical force.

Depending on the technique, it had anti-synergy with magic that rendered physical force useless. Theman intended to fight against Braham’s spells with a technique that was similar to magic.

Braham saw through it.


Braham’s staff didn’t cast any magic. He simply swung it at the man’s head, shattering the shields withease and smashing his skull. Blood spilled out.

“You’re so strong, even though you’re just a magician?” the man asked. He looked bewildered. “Wereyou a warrior before?”

The man was a cultivator in the late great ascension realm. He was confused, but he quickly cast anew technique. He countered and launched dozens of treasures into the air.

Braham continued to cast Disintegrate.

The spears of transparent magic power rained down quickly and pierced the man one after another.

[Half-baked knowledge is a sin.]

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