Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1977
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Chapter 1977

It was rare for a ranker to become a star purely through their own efforts.

The first generation of high rankers consisted of Grid, Kraugel, Zibal, Yura, Jishuka, Faker, Agnus, Hao,Old Sword Demon… The list goes on.

Apart from a very small number of rankers who pioneered their own paths, most rankers had to borrowsome power from the media or rely on public opinion to rise to stardom.

This wasn’t undervaluing the newer rankers. It was true that most who rose to prominence later thanthe first generation of high rankers reached their current status by referring to the path pioneered by thefirst generation.novelbin

But didn’t Grid get help from Kraugel in the Behen Archipelago and on the East Continent?

Rankers who were from the second generation onward were naturally able to gain popularity quicklythanks to the achievements of their predecessors. It was difficult for them to be regarded highlybecause of this structure.

As a result, the public was mostly interested and envious of the first generation of rankers. However,the media changed the way things were.

The media started focusing on the second generation and later rankers instead of the first generationrankers, who were already miles ahead of everyone else and were difficult to reach. As the public, nowinterested, sympathized with them, the respect for the rankers belonging to the second generation alsoskyrocketed.

Many rankers who reigned as top stars in various broadcasts and s were selected and they created animage of themselves based on the needs of the media and the public.

All these rankers were afraid of one thing—the public turning their back on them.

Thanks to people paying attention to them, they became famous for more than their skills, earned a lotof money to buy better items, and became stronger...

Such a virtuous cycle could come to an end at any time, so rankers of the second generation tended tobe very obsessed with their own image.

“That... There are a lot of bad comments going around on social media. The number of subscribers onYouTube continues to drop.”


After livestreaming the failure of the expedition to the Full Moon Fortress, Elvo cursed, trying toestimate the overall damage. As a representative third generation high ranker, who had been popularsince the great human and demon war, he was truly upset by the current situation.

Satisfy had its first ever update! The emergence of the cultivation world had proved to be a hugeopportunity for the second generation and later rankers to relieve the sorrows of the past when, nomatter what achievement they gained, it was disparaged as only being possible thanks to the firstgeneration of rankers who paved the way.

This update was definitely a new beginning. For the first time, the first generation and later generationrankers were competing under the same conditions.

Elvo was very ambitious. The moment the quest to stop the cultivators’ erosion ritual appeared, hemobilized the guild and invested his own money to form a large expedition team. He’d done that fasterthan anyone else. It was his grand ambition to stop the erosion ritual way before Grid.

He might’ve started the game later than the first generation of rankers, but he wanted to prove howgreat of a player he was by becoming a high ranker and emerging from the shadows created by thefirst generation rankers.

However, his mission didn’t have a smooth start. He couldn’t find the place where the erosion ritual wastaking place. Then rumors spread that an erosion ritual site had been discovered on the EastContinent.

There were dozens of Full Moon Fortresses. Elvo wasted no time in making his way to the warp gate.He had 300 guild members with him and he also spent a large sum of money hiring 1,000 mercenaries.He marched toward one of the Full Moon Fortress, which suddenly appeared all over the EastContinent, rising like moons in the sky.

The process was live streamed to prove himself to the world. The media, which was on good termswith Elvo, joined in and promoted his mission. This attracted millions of viewers.

Most of them were unhappy with this update. Many people had either died or lost precious NPCs at thehands of a cultivator. The ferocious vibe given off by them in the chat made them feel like an angrymob. They enthusiastically cheered for Elvo, who was going to slaughter the cultivators before anyoneelse. They called for the destruction of the cultivators.

Elvo felt like a main character. He was overwhelmed by a type of pleasure different from when hebecame a star with the help of the media.

He was already looking forward to the sweet rewards he would get from succeeding in this expeditionand living up to the public’s expectations.

‘Grid and Kraugel have always felt like this, haven’t they?’

They had been monopolizing something that felt better than taking drugs for nearly ten years...

Because of his jealousy, Elvo’s motivation skyrocketed. He led the expedition team with excitement,like a drunk man. The mercenaries grumbled, but followed him nonetheless.

The mercenaries were all very reputable people. They couldn’t help but be conscious of the millions ofviewers watching the live broadcast.

This wasn’t just about the viewers. Satisfy-related news programs would cover today’s events for thenext few days. This meant that the mercenaries who were active alongside Elvo would be talked aboutby tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people in the near future.

This expedition was an opportunity for everyone present to show off their skills. Therefore, they allwished for success. They would never let down their guard and would engage in the mission with abrave attitude while also being more cautious than ever before.

Infiltrating the Full Moon Fortress was a difficult and tense process which made the viewers sweat. Thechat was filled with cheering emojis when a patrolling cultivator got killed by Elvo.

However, that was the end of the cheering. The moment Elvo’s expedition team arrived at the castle inthe center of the Full Moon Fortress, around a hundred cultivators present there destroyed all themembers of the expedition team in only fifteen minutes.

Viewers were outraged by this one-sided defeat. Did Elvo broadcast this just to show a patheticperformance?

Naturally, the more fans there were, the more haters there were as well. Therefore, the number ofpeople happy about Elvo’s failure was pretty high.

In the end, Elvo was forced to end the broadcast. Right now, the world was in an uproar. They werefocused on the failures of numerous rankers, including Elvo.


Elvo didn’t manage to prove himself. Rather, he was being stigmatized. He became furious. He waseven more angry after hearing the news that Grid and the Overgeared Guild were active in the WestContinent.

All of Elvo’s efforts being overshadowed only proved that the first generation rankers were the best.

At this point, he started to suspect that someone was using him.

“Ren, what about the mercenaries?”

“...They are all gone.”

“They left? Even though they barely even did their jobs? They aren’t even thinking about avengingthemselves? This is why they are wandering around as mercenaries of that level, those bastards.”

Elvo gritted his teeth as he thought. He gave up.

“Turn the broadcast back on.”

“Are you going to livestream an apology?”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Why should we apologize for our failures?”

“I know, I know, but public opinion matters so much...”

“We just have to get the public on our side. Even though we failed, the fact that we challenged thecultivators to stop their ritual cannot be denied. We aren’t the only ones who failed, right?”

It just so happened that a new beam of light appeared on the respawn point. Rankers from otherexpedition teams resurrected. Elvo confirmed that the broadcast was back on and approached therankers who had just respawned.

“Let’s join forces. Haven’t we already realized that we can’t do anything about the cultivators guardingthe Full Moon Fortresses on our own? Of course, we might fail again even if we team up. However, ifwe don’t stop the erosion ritual, we don’t know what type of chaos the world will fall into. We can’t justsit around and do nothing.”

The rankers were taken aback by Elvo’s sudden suggestion. They eventually exchanged looks.

They noticed that Elvo was trying to gain public support. As rankers, they were quick-witted. The otherexpedition teams were just as afraid of the repercussions if they failed their expedition.

“...Let’s do it. It's natural for rankers to jump into danger on behalf of ordinary players. I’m afraid of theridicule that will follow if I fail again, but I don’t want to turn away from my duty.”

Since they were all on the same page, they shook hands. Seeing this, the public had favorablereactions. The media also dressed up the cooperation of the rankers with all types of rhetorics.

‘With this, I have kept my honor.’

Elvo exhaled in relief and exchanged information with the rankers. They compared the power of theFull Moon Fortresses they had challenged and discussed which places would be easier to attack.

The number of viewers watching the broadcast skyrocketed.


A faint light seemed to cross the rankers’ vision. For a moment, day dawned. The sun hadn’t risen yet,but night receded and it was now daytime.


Both the rankers and those watching the livestream were stunned. They thought this was some sort ofillusion. Daylight lasted for only a moment. Before they knew it, night had come again.

-I didn’t imagine that happening, did I?There’s even a bug that changes day and night after theupdate.Holy shit.

There was a barrage of insults and flame from the viewers.


The rankers at the scene were silent and nervous. A woman had blended among them.

The moment it became night again, she appeared next to them without any warning. She was a verybeautiful Asian woman, but her demeanor was alien. She had gorgeous accessories and her make-upmethods were uncommon even on the East Continent...

The rankers remembered seeing something similar in that group of cultivators.

Eventually, someone broke the silence. “A cultivator?”

The woman said something they didn’t understand. “The light is fast.”

The rankers didn’t hesitate and pulled out their weapons. They had just returned from the Full MoonFortress and were very aware of how dangerous cultivators were, so they reacted quickly. Those withgood judgment immediately cast their ultimate skills, while those who were stupid attacked the womanusing ordinary offensive skills.

Colorful and gorgeous skill effects engulfing the cultivator caught the attention of viewers.

The woman snorted and clapped her hands together. “It isn’t enough to refer to me as a merecultivator? You want to kill me as well?”

The mountain peak behind her spun around and absorbed the skills bombardment.


The rankers gasped. They realized that this woman was insanely powerful and they all turned to run atthe same time. All of them immediately activated their defensive and escape skills.

But it was meaningless.

The mountain peak released the skill bombardment it absorbed and the whole area was razed untilonly ashes remained. Every single ranker was killed.

In the empty town square, all that remained were a few hundred items, dropped by the rankers whohad been slain. What these rankers had in common was that they died twice that day, so they couldn’tretrieve their items...


People watching the broadcast left in huge numbers. They intended to log into Satisfy right away andcollect the items dropped by the rankers.

Some people laughed, while others cried. To put it bluntly, the East Continent was in a complete stateof chaos. The number of people convinced that the cultivators’ erosion ritual would succeed hadincreased exponentially.

“What are the old dragons doing...?”

Meanwhile, the news reached the West Continent. Grid turned his attention toward the East. He hadalready mastered two techniques, and spiritual energy was constantly flowing and accumulating in hisbody.

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