Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1950
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Chapter 1950


[Perform a sword dance that symbolizes memories. The number of swings and the effect of the attackwill change depending on the relationship you recall.

Skill Mana Cost: Depends on the number of sword swings.

Skill Cooldown Time: 90 seconds]


Grid frowned. Originally, Link was a sword dance that allowed him to dance like a butterfly. The numberof attacks were supposed to be proportional to his speed. What did it mean by a sword dance thatsymbolizes memories?

Moreover, why did the number of attacks change depending on the relationship he remembered? Wasit telling him to think of people’s faces every time he performed a sword dance?

‘The skill explanation is...’

It offended Grid. He quickly regained his composure after reflecting on Lord’s sword dance. Lord’s Linkwas different from his. It was more like a buff skill that empowered the people around him.

How did the child feel when using a skill such as this? The more Grid thought about it, the moresatisfying it seemed. He also realized something important.

‘It seems this skill will prove to be quite a headache to use, but...’

He should accept that the sword dance had been changed to be influenced by a relationship that wasimportant to him. After all, this was an understandable development.

‘Maybe it will prove to be quite useful, and I shouldn’t worry too much.’

Grid speculated that every time Link was activated, a list of friends or NPCS he had a high affinity withwould pop up. He also believed the shape of the Link would change depending on the person he chosefrom that list. Originally, this skill had been an offensive sword dance, but Lord had changed itscapabilities. Grid accepted that he was able to further amplify that capability.

Meanwhile, Braham was in great shock.

‘He is a monster.’

Traces of battle were evident everywhere around the lair. There were thousands of them, different inshape and size. However, Braham saw that many of them had been intentionally left behind by Judar.

Depending on how they were created, these were fragments of magic that could be used for large-scale spells. It was obvious that throughout the battle, Judar had calculated and controlled what kind oftraces his attack would leave on which area in the battlefield. At the same time, he seemed to be verycapable since he managed to keep up with Grid for even a little bit. These traces were something onlyJudar was capable of leaving behind.

‘He is the god of wisdom after all...’

Braham was deep in thought while trying to cast magic on the traces under his feet. Flames exploded,and Braham’s face instantly paled.

He gave an urgent warning to Grid.

-Judar has drawn a large magic circle.It’s already complete and cannot be destroyed or transformed.Don’t provoke him until we find out how to deal with this.

Braham shielded Lord, Faker, and Kasim in his shadow, before resuming his investigation on thetraces. He was concentrating deeply, believing he had to succeed in deciphering Judar’s magic in orderto become the true master of the title of God of Wisdom.

Grid glared at his ragged opponent. He could’ve killed Judar by slitting his throat immediately, butBraham’s warning made him hesitate. Moreover, killing the body didn’t prevent the soul from escaping.Thus, it was impossible for him to act hastily. He didn’t want to let Judar live.

Judar’s power was too versatile and the stakes were too high. If he survived, there would be seriousconsequences for a long time to come.

‘In any case, it’s easier to progress if I get the god killing energy.’

Grid’s expression turned serious as the dying Judar sneered.

“Your apostle has seen through my magic. After all, he earned the title of God of Magic and Wisdom fora reason.”

Based on the way he was speaking, he seemed to have lost all his magic, divine power, and otherenergies. Grid doubted Judar still had enough energy to activate the magic circle.

He skeptically glanced in Braham’s direction, but Braham shook his head.

-The magic circle is brimming with power.It will work regardless of Judar’s current state.However, thisseems to be magic that Judar made in preparation for his death.I wonder if he is aiming to drag us intothe grave with him.

Braham knew how great Grid’s survival ability was. Judar, however, did not. Grid was just as puzzledas Braham. He realized something.

‘The magic isn’t aimed at me.’

Judar was obsessed with killing Trauka. He would’ve prepared a back-up plan if he failed in hismission. The magic circle seemed to serve as his insurance.

If Judar died without fulfilling his goal, this magic would activate and bring Trauka down with him. Judarwas aiming to gain more than the status he would lose from dying.


Reading the enemy’s intentions, Grid moved without hesitating. He summoned Nefelina to his side andactivated Dragon Knight. His target was now Trauka’s neck.

He was reluctant to kill a dragon. Grid might be cold-blooded, but he wasn’t evil. He might be terrible,but he wasn’t ungrateful. He had formed connections with the old dragons and developed quite anaffinity with them.

Still, the existence of dragons was a threat to humanity. He hoped the relationship between humansand dragons wouldn’t be pushed to the extreme.

‘We’ve been through so much, and I even resurrected the refraction dragon.’

If they thought they also owed him a favor, he wanted to improve their relationship, even if it meantputting a lot of time into it. He felt hopeful recalling Nefelina’s wish to live with humans, his memorieswith Bunhelier, and Cranbel’s kindness.

However, now Grid’s heart was pouring with avarice. Judar was going to kill Trauka, and he couldn’t letthat happen.


Naturally, Judar also understood what Grid’s intentions were. He snorted and cast a spell. The lairshook like it was about to be uprooted and turned into a deep shade of blue.


Trauka had been motionless like a stuffed animal no matter the events unfolding around him. Now, hesuddenly made a sound. He released a great deal of heat and killing intent, spreading to all corners ofthe lair. It wasn’t aimed at Grid, Judar, or the group of dragons.

A red light poured from Trauka’s eyes like he was crying. Judar realized something when he saw thisand sighed.

‘Is this the terrible instinct that was inputted in him by the foreign god? If even you, an apostle of thisgod, is just another actor performing on stage according to your predetermined fate—even if I was torise to a higher state of being...’


Judar’s complicated thoughts aside, the magic was completed. Faker emerged from Lord’s shadow,summoned shadow soldiers to form a barrier, and held Lord in his arms. Kasim tried to defend the boy,but Faker stopped him.

Kasim was once praised as the King of Shadows, but he couldn’t oppose Faker, who was the greatestassassin of this era. He was crushed by Faker’s shadow, and couldn’t emerge from Lord’s.

Kasim cried out with deep resentment. “Why are you interfering...?!”

For him, who had lost everything decades ago, the only thing that mattered to him now was Lord. Hewanted to curse out Faker, who meddled with his efforts to protect his only student.

But in the end, he couldn’t curse him at all. Faker smiled at him.

Meanwhile, Braham’s complexion changed as he also made it to Lord’s side. He layered magic shieldsover Faker’s barrier, but he still didn’t feel safe. He extracted a large amount of blood through his heart

and set up a blood curtain.

Lord witnessed everything unfold, wanting to keep these memories forever ingrained in his heart.


There was an explosion below. The ground on which people were standing disappeared without atrace, and sound also vanished.


The group of dragons, including Revola and Haranbeka, were saying something, but it was hard todiscern their words. They were all frightened, their scales and flesh turning bloody, melting away. Theywere being reshaped into round hearts that were sucked into Trauka’s mouth.

An incandescent light emerged everywhere.novelbin

Tens of thousands of rocks floating in the air were reduced to ashes and disappeared in this light. Halfthe lair was gone before everyone could even react. Trauka roared and unfurled his huge wings as hewas pierced and torn apart by the blue rays of light.

He had used his authority as a being of a higher hierarchy to easily prey on his exhausted kin andrefined a fake heart. Still, he couldn’t recover enough strength to handle the bombardment of blue raysemitted by the thousands of magic circles.

As destruction continued to spread, Judar’s body was disintegrating into particles.

I just want to feel alive in the real world, where I can decide my own destiny.That’s it...

He kept repeating these words, words he had never told anyone.

Grid charged forward at the speed of light, stopped between Trauka and Judar and activatedTranscend. Nefelina released a Breath while he swung his sword desperately along with the GodHands. Two flashes of black and hundreds of sword energies rained down on Judar and Trauka at thesame time.

With this, the reward for defeating Judar was secured without any further casualties. However, theverdict of who killed Trauka was likely to be in Judar’s favor, who had dealt more damage.

Unless Judar died outright...


Grid was checking the gradually disappearing space with a gloomy expression when he noticedsomeone in the entrance of the lair. Kraugel had just arrived at the scene. He leaned back andstraightened his posture. His gaze passed over Grid and fell on Judar. He looked like he was gettingready to cut through empty space.


Grid was puzzled because he couldn’t guess Kraugel’s intentions. He suddenly came up with ahypothesis and pulled out his Falling Moon Sword. The pale sword sucked in the light around him andended the cooldown of Link.

However, he waited. It wasn’t like he was in a hurry.

Grid silently examined Judar’s condition while slowly unfolding the Link sword dance. People’s facesflashed in his mind. Yura, Jishuka, Irene, Lord, Khan, Kraugel, Braham, Mercedes, Hayate, Biban,Damian, Marie Rose, and many more... It felt like looking at the stars in the night sky. There were somany that he didn’t dare to count them.

Grid instinctively focused on Kraugel’s face.

[Link with Kraugel is working.]

[The power of the sword dance displays acute discipline.]

The tip of the Falling Moon Sword, which was emitting ferocious waves of energy while Grid was underthe effect of Transcend, flashed with an even brighter light. For some reason, the blue sword energymixed with gold accumulated at an incredible speed. This made it look like a crescent moon had beenplaced on the blade of the sword.

Kraugel looked with wonder in his eyes before moving his weapon as well.


Grid fired a beam of sword energy at the air above Judar’s head. Judar was slowly disappearing,unable to handle the power of the spell.

Finally, an ash pillar shot upward. Grid’s Link and Kraugel’s Space Sword crossed each other as theyslashed the pillar.

The explosion stopped. The air cleared and sound returned to normal.


Trauka’s final death noise echoed.

[Sword Saint ‘Kraugel’ has killed ‘Judar’, the God of Wisdom, and gained the energy of a god killer.]

[Only One God ‘Grid’ has killed ‘Judar’, the God of Wisdom, and Fire Dragon Trauka...]



[...Only One God ‘Grid’ has obtained the energy of Annihilation.]

Shivers ran down both men’s bodies as they exchanged looks. They looked at each other withunconditional trust.

Grid was rushing over to Lord’s side when two souls, in danger of going out like candles, approachedand hovered near him.

Grid’s frown gradually deepened as he listened to the whispers of the souls.

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