Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1896
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Chapter 1896

“The number of familiar presences seems to be growing. Squeak.”

The Overgeared members were gathering in the East Continent. Grid felt it as well. It was why hecontinuously used Shunpo without giving himself any time to breathe.

Was Bunhelier bothered because of the fact that the yeouiju might be taken away? Bunhelier urgedGrid, “Yes, hurry up. King Sobyeol isn’t someone who can be handled without you.”

Grid realized the identity of the strange sensation he had been feeling since before and asked aquestion, “Why are you constantly using a respectful term?”

“Respectful term?”

“Why do you keep calling him King Sobyeol?”

It had been like this since they were in the Blue Dragon’s area. Every time Sobyeol was mentioned,Bunhelier would give him the title of king. It wasn’t like an arrogant Old Dragon. He even strangelyemphasized it. It made Grid wonder if there was a relationship between the two of them. A twistedsmile spread across the little mouse’s face.

“Why is it respectful to call a god a king? The reason why Hanul gave his disciples the status of kingwasn’t because he wanted them to be respected.”


“It is rare to find someone as naive as Yatan.”


The number of arrows that rained down every time the bowstring was released was so high that it washard to guess the number. It wasn’t even read properly with Yeoam’s five senses. This was one of thestrengths of the colorless divinity.

The divinity of the brothers contained in the arrows fired by King Sobyeol was very powerful. Thedivinity quickly grasped and absorbed the principles of the daoist techniques that Yeoam had studiedall his life and increased its power. It destroyed the miracle of the power of law that Yeoam had gainedafter repeated enlightenment and even pierced the amulets.

It was only when it was about to extinguish Natural State, which was wrapped around Yeoam’s skin,that it lost its power, scattered, and disappeared.

‘Gods are omnipotent.’

Daoist techniques, magic of law, amulets, and Natural State—they had different effects and were like afour-fold self-defense for Yeoam. He was confident that no matter what enemy he encountered, hewould never be incapacitated in a single blow.

It was shameful arrogance.

Yeoam’s expression gradually darkened as he counted the number of amulets left. Even at thismoment, he didn’t dare to resent the Sword Saint and Chivalrous Robbers, who were destroying theformations on the ground. It was true that they created the situation and brought King Sobyeol here, butYeoam was a daoist immortal. He didn’t cultivate his entire life just to blame others.

‘It is my karma.’

The oral story that the imoogi lived here in the distant past didn’t disappear and spread secretly. Yeoamdidn’t stop it even though it was obvious. He had to build a direct relationship with humans if he wanted

to prevent the word-of-mouth transmission. It was an act that wasn’t suitable for his status, which was aperson isolated from the world.

‘The best choice here is...’

Yeoam shook off his worthless thoughts and judged the situation. He judged that it would be better totake back the formations, which would be destroyed sooner or later, and recover even a little bit of thepower of law contained in it.

Now that this had happened, he hoped that the present day Sword Saint could break the seal of theimoogi and get rid of it while he tied up the feet of King Sobyeol. Of course, the possibility of thishappening wasn’t even 1%. The imoogi had two yeouijus and was like a living natural disaster. It was apowerful divine creature unlike any he had ever seen before.

It wouldn’t be easy for the previous generation Sword Saint to handle it, let alone the present daySword Saint. Still, this was better than it being silently taken away by King Sobyeol.

King Sobyeol said, [You are weakening rapidly. You have a knack for bluffing.]

The situation became even worse. King Sobyeol realized that Yeoam wasn’t an Absolute. It wasinevitable that he would notice. Since some time ago, Yeoam’s thoughts were no longer engraved onthis space.

[Indeed. It is virtually impossible for a half-god of human origin to become an Absolute.]

Originally, it wasn’t close to impossible. It was completely impossible. Then due to the successivechanges in providence by Grid and Hayate, this was forgotten for a while. These two existences hadsomething in common. They were the ones who made Chiyou move. On the other hand, Yeoam didn’tattract Chiyou’s attention.

[You tricked me. You deserve a divine punishment.] King Sobyeol reaffirmed this and his momentumshifted to a one-sided attack.

In every momentary interval created when firing the great bow, he set up defense glyphs in preparationfor a counterattack. Just as his rapid firing started to inflict critical wounds on Yeoam’s body, a spear oflight fell from the sky. It was Disintegrate. It was the ultimate great magic that symbolized Braham.

[It is Grid’s right hand man.]

King Sobyeol wasn’t pierced by the spear. He might’ve set up defense glyphs to prepare for anAbsolute’s counterattack, but this didn’t mean he had taken off his self-defense. Even the divinity thatKing Sobyeol had consumed so far belonged to King Daebyeol and was contained in the great bow.King Sobyeol’s divinity was in a good state and was protecting its master.

[In the end, you intervened... it means it wouldn’t be strange if Grid appears here right away.]

King Sobyeol didn’t regard the appearance of Braham as a variable. He seemed to have predicted thecurrent situation from the time he confronted Kraugel.

He welcomed the possibility of Grid’s intervention. It was natural. The reason why he visited the WestContinent was to make an offer of cooperation to Grid. King Sobyeol’s will wouldn’t change as long asthe common enemy called Asgard still existed.

Braham scoffed. “Don’t look forward to it. Do you think Grid will trust you when you betrayed even yourolder brother?”

[Betrayal? That is incorrect. I just took advantage of my brother’s stupidity and he destroyed himself.Well, it doesn’s matter how you misunderstand it. Even if Grid doubts me, I will trust Chiyou’s armedmight.]novelbin

The reason why the incomplete Hwan Kingdom survived—King Sobyeol knew it was purely because ofChiyou. He knew the value of this card and saw the crisis as an opportunity.

It was a very offensive attitude from Braham’s view. He still held a grudge against Chiyou for going on arampage in Reinhardt. There was no way that King Sobyeol could look good when he believed inChiyou.

On the other hand, there was affection in King Sobyeol’s eyes as he looked at Braham. [God ofWisdom and Magic... your very existence has evolved to provoke Judar. Grid’s right hand man, I havea strong liking for you as well.]

King Sobyeol’s gray hair swayed in the wind as he smiled softly. However, the hair parting that seemedmeasured with a ruler wasn’t disturbed. His divinity ensured its master’s safety as well as his dignity.

This was the opposite of Braham’s appearance. His collar and hair were flying in a mess once hereleased his magic power with all his strength. In the end, a few buttons of his jacket became undoneand Braham’s wide and strong chest was revealed.

This attracted the attention of King Sobyeol. [The strength of your body deserves to be called a god. Isthis what it means to be a direct descendant?]

He wasn’t just admiring it. King Sobyeol identified Braham’s physical characteristics and analyzed hisconstitution based on this. He used it as a basis for predicting Braham’s next move.

Braham’s long legs tore through the air. It left a silvery trail. It was the traces of dozens of spells beingoverlapped. It was reminiscent of a sharp crescent moon.

‘Impressive...!’ Yeoam had been wondering about the identity of the silver-haired man who suddenlyintruder, only to suddenly gasp in admiration.

That’s right—the situation of Yeoam overlapping all the trump cards he had in order to form a stateclose to an Absolute was a strong inspiration for Braham.

Braham made full use of the blessed body he gained from his direct descendant lineage. He didn’t justuse magic for the purpose of releasing it. Instead, he made it dwell in his body. This gave him atemporary boost to his movement and destructive power.

It wasn’t as easy as he thought.

The aftermath of overlapping so many types of spells caused the burden on his body to be enormous.Additionally, the consumption of magic power was greater than imagined. It seemed that it would bedifficult to maintain this state for a long time.

[It looks like you need to use Mana Drain all the time... it isn't easy for you to use magic whilemaintaining 27 magic imprints. Do you need time to train...?]

Braham’s thoughts were outwardly expressed. It wasn’t what he intended. What type of idiot wouldopenly talk about his condition in front of the enemy?

[It is a phenomenon you have to adapt to in order to become an Absolute. It is best to control it. If oneday you truly rise to the rank of Absolute, try your best.]

King Sobyeol wasn’t fooled twice. He saw through Braham’s temporary enhanced state from thebeginning and fired his bow. It was a one-sided, quick fire. There was no sense of killing intent. It wasbecause King Sobyeol had no intention of harming Braham.

First of all, he didn’t want to offend Grid. Additionally, he had plenty of room to relax thanks to Kraugel.

The formations of Yeoam that were dominating this fast space—the large-scale formations that oncedeceived even King Sobyeol’s senses were being unraveled in real time. The proof was that the Sword

Saint was active as he rampaged through the forest, wilderness, and swamp.

[The target you should fight isn’t me, but the old man you are protecting and the soon-to-be awakenedimoogi. Why don’t you change your mind right now and obediently cooperate with me? It would bebeneficial for Grid if I secure the yeouiju.]


[Grid will get the true sky as a collaborator.]

The name Hanul meant the sky.

Braham wondered, [Is the yeouiju meant to restore Hanul’s power?]

“Don’t be fooled!” Yeoam intervened from where he had been nervously watching the situation. “Thepossibility of this person handing over the yeouiju to Hanul is very slim! He must have the ulteriormotive of taking it himself and ascending as the new sky! You must be vigilant!”

[...Isn’t that good?]


Braham’s unexpected reaction baffled Yeoam. Then the energy that had been weighing heavily on themountain peak where the three of them stood disappeared like it had been a lie.

Their field of view broadened and invisible landscapes appeared one after another. It was the aftermathof the complete destruction of the formations spread by Yeoam that had previously dominated the area.


It was a much faster speed than Yeoam expected. He cast his vision technique and observed the areawhere the core of the formation was. Then he saw it. It was the appearance of the present day Sword

Saint relying on dozens of companions rather than a single sword.

Vantner and Hurent built defensive points, while the members of the Overgeared Guild rushed to thescene first.

Euphemina, whose ability to designate coordinates for mass teleportation had increased exponentially,arrived at the scene in time in exchange for the consumption of a large amount of mana.

Braham shrugged. His muscles that were swollen due to magic wriggled. [Sobyeol, there is no point inpersuading me. After all, the choice is up to Grid. There is only one way for you to achieve your will inthis situation. Defeat me before thoes guys secure the yeouiju.]

[You sympathize with my desire, but you dare to fight me? Is it necessary? Everything will be fine if youobediently get out of the way.]

[These people are Grid’s friends. I won’t be at ease if they get hurt by you. Damn. I didn’t mean that.]

[I see. I understand.]

Braham narrowly dodged the arrow shot by King Sobyeol. Obviously, it was faster and more powerfulthan it had been a while ago.

A chill ran down Braham’s spine and his will went out of control and was engraved on this space in theform of a question. [Sobyeol, have you been hiding your skills so far? [What is the principle that madeyou stronger?]

[...How interesting.]

He felt an inexplicable appreciation.

King Sobyeol moved without shooting his bow for the first time. He used Shunpo to appear betweenBraham and Yeoam. Then he pierced Yeoam’s chest with a sword.

Braham was unable to help. It was because several overlapping divinities were released from the palmof King Sobyeol’s outstretched hand, pushing his body far away.

[Braham, you be silent.]

It happened the moment when King Sobyeol gave a warning and grabbed Yeoam’s neck in order totwist and break it...


Yeoam’s exhausted face became energized. For some reason, it happened right after the ground wastransformed into an agricultural field. Thanks to this, Yeoam managed to shake off King Sobyeol’s handand survive. Then he made eye contact with a man on the ground. It was a man who looked like afarmer. Thanks to the man invigorating the energy of nature, the power of Natural State wasstrengthened.

Yeoam didn’t have time to express his gratitude. Before he knew it, the sword drawn and wielded byKing Sobyeol cut his chest.

King Sobyeol shifted his gaze in the direction of the ground and smiled. [At ths point, you must be theGod of Disasters.]

A monster resembling a dragon was rising from the lake that was revealed once the formations weredestroyed.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(3/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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