Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1878
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Chapter 1878

The sky and ground shook. Mountains rose all over the wilderness and deep hills were transformedinto river-like lakes. It was the aftermath of the fall of a giant dragon.

The entity called the Evil Dragon among the Old Dragons, Bunhelier. Recently, he helped Grid in thefight against Baal and was worshiped as a hero. Contrary to popular assessments that praised him asinvincible, his appearance was disastrous. He was repeatedly trampled on by a dragon that was onehead taller than him.


Heavy rain poured down in the aftermath of the explosion of magic in all forms. Bunhelier wassubmerged in the formed lake and could barely raise his head. His large eyes, which were golden as ifthey contained the sun, were dyed black. They were projecting the black Breath that was flying right infront of him.

Bunhelier’s view of the landscape spun around. He was hit by Nevartan’s Breath, which continuedflying to devastate the mountain range that had been created around Bunhelier’s crash site. His headspun several times. A normal creature would’ve had his neck bones completely crushed to death.

[Bunhelier. I know you are pitiful and pathetic. You are a product of inferiority that makes misjudgmentsevery time. It is worthless to point out all the mistakes you have made, for every mistake is the result ofincompetence.]

The years of insanity and wandering. Nevartan didn’t consider it a great waste. It was because he knewhis value was immutable. No tricks or time could detract from the ‘I’ that he declared. This was theheart of an Old Dragon.

‘A being that even the Absolutes look up to.’

Metatron read Nevartan’s mind and shuddered. They noticed that the reason why the Old Dragon didn’tconfront Chiyou wasn’t because they lacked courage.

‘...Then why?’

Why did Trauka, who ran around uncontrollably and hunted the gods of Asgard, avoid a confrontationwith Chiyou? What external force was at work? Was there such a thing as an external force that couldcontrol the Old Dragons?

Metatron was filled with new questions when they suddenly came to their senses. It was due to thedisturbance caused by Bunhelier. The sight of Bunhelier struggling to raise his submerged body in thelake resembled a creature rolling around in the mud. How could it be the same Old Dragon...?

This was the cause of his misjudgment...

Eventually, Bunhelier shouted at Metatron, who hated and resented him.

[Useless angel...! How long are you going to be mesmerized?]


What shamelessness did this creature have to ask for cooperation? Metatron wondered before sooncoming to a conclusion. They noticed that low self-esteem and the resulting nervousness and victimmentality had helped shape Bunhelier’s unconventional personality.

‘He looks like Zeratul.’

Just in time, a report arrived that Zeratul hoped to join the Overgeared World. It was predicted that Gridwouldn’t reject him. Metatron’s heart swelled.

‘He is truly God the Father.’

A god who didn’t hate those who were lacking and instead gathered them. Metatron truly admired Grid.They highly appreciated the fact that Grid gave such an insignificant Bunhelier the chance to defeatBaal with him.

‘Therefore, the Goddess supported Grid.’

The first time they saw Grid, Metatron recognized it immediately. The blessing of the Goddess on Grid.It had been a force that supported Grid since he was only the lowest status being. It would’ve helpedGrid overcome all the trials he went through. Therefore, Metatron was favorable to Grid. Not only werethey fascinated by Grid’s feats, but they also recognized Grid as a similar existence.

The Goddess’ apostle...

[This damn bastard...]

Bunhelier growled. He harbored hatred for Metatron, who ignored his pleas for help and had otherthoughts.

Metatron ignored him to the end. It was judged that Bunhelier would die soon anyway. In reality—

Magic power was repeatedly condensing in front of Nevartan’s snout. At first glance, it was theprecursor to more than a dozen Breaths.

[But Bunhelier. You obviously crossed the line. I didn’t expect you to repent for your mistakes, but tothink you would challenge me... in a sense, you have exceeded my predictions. Maybe I shouldcommend you.]

After it was overlapped, dozens of Breaths formed a giant sphere. It was affected by Nevartan’smovement as he shook his head.

Unification—no matter how many Breaths Nevartan created or how their power soared, they becamean absolute force when combined as one. It wasn’t separate so the operation speed was very slow.

[No, your attitude of challenging me head-on without playing tricks is beyond forgiveness. Give up onany help. Die.]


The sphere of dark magic power, condensed like a giant planet, glowed.

‘Really. This is real death.’

Bunhelier sensed his death. It was said that he was born weak among the Old Dragons. Bunhelierwasn’t so stupid that he couldn’t distinguish his end. He had developed in return for defeating Baal withGrid. He was the only one of the Old Dragons to raise his level, which was at the limit, and all his statsrose. His body had become a bit bigger than before, so he reached Nevartan’s eye level to a certainextent. It was easy to see that he couldn’t handle the bombardment of Breaths that spread like a beamof light and filled his vision.


If he had the same power as Raiders, he would’ve gone back in time and not challenged Nevartan.

[I want to complain!]

If he had Trauka’s physical body—

He would’ve flown through the bombardment of Breaths and bitten Nevartan on the neck.

[Why only me...!!]

Even at the last moment, Bunhelier cursed the fate that had been bestowed upon him. He didn’t blameGrid. Considering that person’s personality, it was unlikely Grid would’ve deliberately ignored hisrequest for help.

‘I guess he couldn’t shake off Chiyou.’

That’s right—Bunhelier knew what was happening with Grid. Nevertheless, he got into an accident. Hewas overconfident in the power he had developed...

‘It is worse than dogs.’

It was over. As Bunhelier’s resentment was directed at the tower members, who never showed up, arefraction of light occurred in all directions. The trajectory of the Breaths bombarding Bunhelier wastwisted in all directions.


A stream of blood flowed from Bunhelier’s cheek as he tilted his head. It was the aftermath of being cutby his own Breath, which was returned to him.

‘Is it the tower members?’

Death, which couldn’t be avoided, arbitrarily missed him...

Bunhelier was puzzled for a while without understanding the sudden situation. Then he quickly graspedthe situation. He smiled slightly as he felt an ignorant liking toward the tower members whom he hadjust been blaming and cursing at.

‘Biban? No. That was... it is correct to interpret it as Hayate himself coming.’

It was the Breath of an Old Dragon. It was also an existence who reflected dozens of Breaths of suchpower. It couldn’t be anyone other than the Dragon Slayer. Grid couldn’t do it either.

[I believed in...]

It was only natural for the tower members to help him, a fellow colleague of Grid. Bunhelier becameenergetic and was about to shout Hayate’s name, only to stop. It was due to the presence thatappeared in front of his eyes. The identity of the great being who reflected Nevartan’s Breaths andnullified the will of an Old Dragon wasn’t Hayate. It was a ‘kin’ with transparent glass-like scales andeven a lower status, Cranbel...

[...What? Hayate was Cranbel?]

He had just been ready to die. Bunhelier, who was already in a state that wasn’t intact.

A top dragon helping an Old Dragon? Bunhelier was momentarily confused in the face of animprobable, transcendent event.


Metatron was the only one shaken by Bunhelier’s nonsense.

Dragon Slayer Hayate—it was one of the names that appeared as ‘someone to be familiar with’ aftertheir long period of seclusion. But his true identity was a dragon?

“”The true identity of the Dragon Slayer is actually a dragon...? How many of your own kind have youbeen preying on?””

[...Cloaked Dragon. You are a noble child. Why do you meddle in the affairs of adults?]

Nevartan maintained his composure while the confused Bunhelier and the angels showed disgracefulappearances. He wasn’t obsessed with the ‘result’ of Cranbel interfering with him and was insteadinterested in why Cranbel came forward.

Cranbel didn’t budge.

[It is because most of the surface is Grid’s territory.]

It was a brief and concise explanation.

That’s right—most of the surface belonged to the Overgeared World. To add some exaggeration, itcould be said that all of the surface, except for the dragon lairs, belonged to Grid. Of course, thedragons didn’t have to be conscious of this, especially the Old Dragons. It was because the groundthey stepped on was theirs.

However, Nevartan’s position was unique.

[Nevartan, don’t you owe Grid?]

[... That is right. I almost bothered Grid. I’m sorry.]

Nevartan had just assessed the extent of the Breath’s explosion. It was likely that several humanvillages hundreds of kilometers from here were destroyed.

[But Cranbel. Why are you helping me?]

It was Bunhelier whose life was saved, but Nevartan recognized that he had been helped. It showedhow much he valued his relationship with Grid.

[It is even while using the power of God. Didn’t you intend to live a normal life?]


A chill went down Metatron’s spine. It was because it was very rare for dragons to clearly use the title‘God.’ The god they were talking about was likely to be ‘it.’ The Dragon God, also known as theRefractive Dragon.

A ‘concept’ that had been opposing the Gods of the Beginning every time the end came. Metatron, whorecalled it from the moment they saw Cranbel’s transparent scales refracting Nevartan’s breath, feltovercome with a certain sense of duty. They felt obligated to get rid of Cranbel right away.

However, they couldn’t come forward hastily. It was because of the people who arrived at the scenejust in time.

“Evil Dragon Bunhelier. Your life is tenacious, just like an Old Dragon.”

The blond-haired man standing next to Sword God Biban. It was the real Hayate. He was the firsthuman to attain the status of an Absolute. He was the ‘only one’ until Biban became the Sword God. Inany case, now he was armed with Grid’s work. He came to everyone in a special way.

[You are really late...!!]

Bunhelier looked around and lost his temper. He managed to restore his wounded body and flew toBiban and Hayate’s side.

The hesitant Metatron also moved toward them. “”Dragon Slayer. There are three of your prey here. I,Metatron, the Angel of Contract, will help you due to my awe of you.””

[This useless angel is stupid... it isn’t three, it is two.]

Nevartan stared at Bunhelier, who argued shamelessly with the angel to the end, and finally snorted.

[I’m tired of this. Forget it. Let’s stop here.]

“Thank you.” Hayate bowed politely. Ironically, it was the Dragon Slayer, who had the power to opposethem, who properly valued and respected the Old Dragons.

Nevartan’s eyes were fixed on Cranbel as he activated the return magic.

[I look forward to hearing from you next time.]

These were the final words. Nevartan’s appearance and energy disappeared like it was a lie. All thatremained was for the situation to be finished. However, Metatron didn’t want to miss this opportunity.He shot a beam of light while rushing at Cranbel, who was alone.

“”If you are really the descendant of the Refractive Dragon... no, there is no way there can be anydescendants. Still, you can’t be kept alive.””

[...What do you want to do?]

Bunhelier frowned and Biban made the same expression.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(1/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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