Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1873
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Chapter 1873

Grid didn’t want to fight Chiyou. However, Chiyou was obsessed with Grid.

‘I have no shame.’

He would fight only when there was a chance of winning. What should he do to overcome thissituation? The solution he came up with was surprisingly simple.

Metatron had hinted at it from the beginning. The heavenly gods were aiming for Chiyou. This was whyGrid loosened the constraints of the Overgeared World.

The heavenly gods, who came down as if they had been waiting, targeted Chiyou and Chiyou could nolonger be obsessed with Grid.

‘Now I can breathe a bit.’

Martial God Chiyou—the Only One God’s power was beyond Grid’s imagination. There were manycases where dozens of gods wielding all types of powers were unable to inflict any injury despiteunleashing a coordinated attack.

However, the composition of the battle wasn’t one-sided. It was because Dominion, the God of War,was balanced. The spear he wielded protected the other gods while carving wounds on Chiyou’s body.It was a neat spear technique without any frills. It possessed formidable power and suppressed theMartial God.

Grid was also overwhelmed.

‘There is something intuitively powerful about the combination of the huge presence and power of thespear.’

He was certain that Dominion’s divinity was rising in real time right now. There were few people whowould witness such a figure and not worship it. Additionally, Dominion’s spear unconditionally caused amulti-hit effect. Every time they collided with a target, the image of a huge spear fell from the sky andattacked the target several more times.

However, the fact that Chiyou was the target worked badly. Chiyou’s power was to induce a ‘pureconfrontation.’ The added effect of Dominion’s attack had no effect on Chiyou. The moment the imageof the spear touched Chiyou, it shattered like glass shards. All the wounds on Chiyou’s body were cutsand stabs from the spear wielded by ‘Dominion himself.’

‘They are monsters.’

Grid was convinced. The fact that in order to fight and win against them one day, he needed somethingother than force.

A mob beating. Yes, in vulgar terms, it was beating up one person as a group.

They weren’t the type of enemies he could fight one-on-one and win.

‘This is why the others need to become stronger.’

In any case, Grid entered the realm of transcending himself and focused on the situation. He was ableto breathe by encouraging the fight between Chiyou and the gods, but he couldn’t be satisfied with thismuch. The gods fighting among themselves ignored Grid.

When would he encounter this situation again? It was an opportunity that wouldn’t come twice.

Grid decided to take advantage of this opportunity.

“Keok...” The god, who was seriously injured and lying on the ground, had an incredulous look on hisface. He alternately looked at the sword that pierced his heart and the face of Grid, who inserted the


“How could you... shameless...”


The other gods were also agitated. The same was true of Chiyou.

“You shouldn’t have done this,” Chiyou lamented. It didn’t feel like a rebuke. He seemed worried aboutGrid. It was natural to be concerned. Now Grid had done something cowardly in front of everyonewatching. Didn’t he incite the other gods to fight and take advantage of the opportunity to attack them?It wasn’t something that a great being should do.

“The worship of you will weaken...!” Finally, Sariel warned. It was advice. At the same time as the cry,the concerns of the gods once again shifted away from Grid. They heard the apostle’s warning anddidn’t think Grid would do the same thing again.

‘It is a chance I will never get again.’

Grid wasn’t the only one who saw this as an opportunity. Dominion also considered this situation whereChiyou was isolated as a unique opportunity.

A variable that wasn’t affected by the Goddess’ influence—in the past, the heavenly gods were unableto stop Chiyou from taking refuge with Hanul and experienced helplessness for the first time. Theylearned the concept of a disaster. They were obsessed with Chiyou because Asgard knew it couldn’t beperfect as long as Chiyou was alive.

The exception was Zeratul. Unlike the other gods, he couldn’t take his eyes off Grid. It was because heexperienced firsthand that Grid’s specialty was making predictions go wrong.

‘He isn’t the type to listen to others.’

It was as expected.

“Kuack!” Another god was seriously wounded by Chiyou and immediately beheaded by Grid. He wasfatally injured in front of a large number of people. In return, his status was greatly damaged and hefled to heaven helplessly.

“...What are you doing?” Dominion couldn’t stand it any longer. He stopped the gods’ offensive with aheavy gesture and glared at Grid. “Isn’t this a loss for you as well?”

Even an Only One God wasn’t free from criticism. Chiyou was proving it right now. The reason whyChiyou’s appearance was blurry—it was because he was worried he would be worshiped by people.

That’s right—Gods were ultimately influenced by humans. Grid shouldn’t be arrogant just because heaccomplished the formidable feat of purifying hell. His cowardly actions were being witnessed all overthe world at this moment. The humans who worshiped him would be suspicious and disappointed.

Grid’s beheading of a god who had already been defeated by Chiyou did more harm than good. Thegains were small, while the losses were great. In reality—

[The God of Joy, ‘Paante,’ has been defeated.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

Grid got a large amount of experience for beheading the god. His status didn’t rise at all but he insteadfaced a warning window.

[Many people have witnessed your cowardly actions.]

[If they are disappointed in you and give up their faith, your status might be reduced.]

“Is there anything left to be disappointed about?”

Grid cocked his head. He looked like he really didn’t understand. Did he have poor wisdom instead ofbeing born with no talent?

It was at a time when the gods were whispering.

“You’ve disappointed them several times already...?”

Dominion pondered on Grid’s words and looked at the reactions of the humans. Then he immediatelycame to a conclusion.

“From every detail, you are different from other gods. In a different sense from Chiyou, you deserve tobe an Only One God.”

The humans who witnessed Grid’s despicable deeds in real time—they didn’t make a fuss at all. Theytook it for granted. It was as if Grid was inherently a despicable being.

“To tell the truth, Grid has been strange recently. Since when has he been fair?”

First of all, the members of the Overgeared guild—they weren’t disappointed in Grid in the slightest. Onthe contrary, they seemed happy that he showed his true colors.

“He is a man who doesn’t even keep his promises.” The apostle Braham testified to it. He thought backto Grid of the past, who broke the promise to make a ‘vessel’ and only took the pavranium.

“He is an unappealing person by nature.” Piaro’s testimony followed.

“He and Sir Kraugel made a joint attack on me...” Mir added a sentence cautiously.

“He has always been stingy with a few cows.” Nefelina was very excited.

“......” Zik confirmed it with silence.

Even Mercedes, who loved Grid the most, couldn’t defend it and looked away.

“T-That...” Sariel closed her mouth. In retrospect, Grid wasn’t a fair being. He showed greatness whenit was necessary, but he also had moments of narrow-mindedness. Sariel remembered Grid’sinsistence that she become a woman every time she met Empress Irene and finally realized.

“I-I can’t believe the god I serve is a mean and narrow-minded person...!”

It shouldn’t be like this. It was right that a god be perfect.

Sariel was filled with nervousness when she suddenly saw the expression of people. The soldiers andknights of the empire were building barriers on every street in the city, and the people were watchingthe scene with bated breath from a distance—everyone looked calm. It was hard to find anyone whowas disappointed in Grid. As the people who had been watching Grid for a long time, they knew Grid’snature. Nevertheless, they admired and worshiped him.

“Ahh...” Sariel had a new epiphany. A god didn’t have to be infallible. On the contrary, they could beflawed and therefore, the object of empathy. In the first place, flaws weren’t sins. Wasn’t it too harsh ifimperfection was a sin?

“...I acknowledge and accept that the God I serve is flawed, and I will not be disappointed.”

I am the most lacking being. Despite being the apostle of a god, I have never played a proper role.Even so, God has fully accepted me. It is also right that I do the same...

Sariel had a great epiphany and abandoned her hesitation. She stood beside Grid, spreading thefeathered wings of several archangels. “I will also be cowardly.”


It was like... things were working out as expected, but he felt bad...? Grid frowned at the apostles’reaction and turned to Dominion. From the moment he appeared until now, he had maintained asolemn expression befitting his gigantic appearance. Now for the first time, he looked taken aback.

“A god who maintains his dignity despite being treated like that by his apostles... there has never beenone.”


It was Grid who couldn’t react hastily because it was ambiguous whether it was a compliment or acurse. Even that silence became special to Dominion.

“You don’t intervene in how others evaluate you. Absolute confidence in yourself... it is an attitude that Iwant to emulate.”


The eyes of the heavenly gods widened.

The son of the Goddess—one of the highest beings in Asgard said that he wanted to emulate someoneother than the Goddess. A divine punishment fell immediately. It was a divine punishment with adefinite form. It was Asura, the Evil God born in hell. He came down and crushed Dominion’sshoulders, which were as wide as the sea.

“There are many familiar faces. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to exchange words. I’m afraid ofJudar’s reproach.”

The essence of Asura was fighting spirit. He didn’t delay and immediately rushed at Chiyou.

It was an absolute mess. In the midst of the messy and chaotic situation, Grid refrained from actingrecklessly. He had hope that Asura, the ominous mass of variables, could be dealt with.

However, unexpectedly, Chiyou failed to overwhelm Asura. He was the first to step back in a one-on-one situation. Maybe it was because he was tired of dealing with the heavenly gods and Dominion afterZeratul, or Asura’s martial arts were simply too outstanding.

Dominion’s eyes were glaring at him fiercely.

‘He doesn’t seem to like Asura...??’

Just then, Grid and Dominion’s eyes met in the air. It was an exchange of looks that representedintertwined interests.

“I’m going crazy.”

Zeratul had a hunch.

At the same time—

‘Did Asura participate in the battle?’

Metatron regained their full strength when the Overgeared World’s constraints were lifted and graspedReinhardt’s situation in real time. They spread their 18 pairs of wings in an attempt to quickly return tothe scene and contribute to the subjugation of Chiyou. However, they were unable to fly up andstiffened.

[I heard your voice the other day. You compared yourself to an Old Dragon.]

The surroundings turned black. A very large shadow obscured the sun, causing the illusion that nighthad suddenly come.

[Let’s check it.]

The existence that spoke solemnly while raising his two giant eyes.

The Insane Dragon—no, it was Nevartan, the Old Dragon who was freed from the curse after Baaldied.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(4/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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