Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1871
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Chapter 1871

At the time when the presumed Chiyou created a strange atmosphere, Zeratul suddenly burst in andstarted fighting with his back to Grid.

I am the Martial God. I am the one who is the Martial God.

He was definitely out of his mind based on the way he was repeating the same thing over and overagain. At first glance, his attitude of fighting while protecting Grid was bizarre.

Zeratul had previously threatened Grid many times. The Overgeared members decided that theyshouldn’t take the situation happening in front of them at face value. They were wary of both thepresumed Chiyou and Zeratul and watched for an opportunity to rescue Grid.

At this moment—


Grid threw his sword toward Zeratul. To be exact, he handed it over. At least for the moment, Zeratulwas an ally.

It was hard to believe. For a moment, they suspected that Grid was possessed by a ghost. However,they were soon convinced. Wasn’t Grid someone who took even Evil Dragon Bunhelier as acompanion? It was concluded that it was likely Zeratul, not Grid, who was possessed. No matter whathappened, it meant that Zeratul was recognized as an ally.

“Weapon Enchant! Purification!”

Ruby started to assist Zeratul. She tried to stop the bleeding while giving him all types of buff magic. Atthe same time, she poured out heals. There was no effect.

The thin film that couldn’t be seen—it surrounded Grid, Zeratul, and Chiyou and blocked all externalinterference.

“My magic doesn’t work.” Braham frowned.novelbin

Martial God Chiyou—the Only One God that even the Gods of the Beginning couldn’t do anythingagainst. He was overwhelming. He had the power to make his will take precedence over any concept.The magic used against him would never reach the point of creating a miracle.

‘Or is there another way? Mumud.’

Braham was noticing the ‘magic power’ that was buried in Zeratul. A being who made him feelshameful emotions such as jealousy and guilt—when it came to magic, Mumud was the most giftedhuman of all time. His magic power was unrivaled. It was so mysterious and intense that Brahamnaturally became obsessed with it. It was impossible for Braham to forget it.

Braham was convinced that Mumud’s intervention was behind Zeratul’s incursion to the surface.


Braham’s eyes widened as he examined the situation.

The magic power that was buried in Zeratul—it was mere remnants. It wasn’t even a sign of directmagic on Zeratul. Perhaps Mumud’s magic destroyed the prison where Zeratul was imprisoned and inthe process, a glimmer of magic power was smeared on Zeratul. The remnants of Mumud’s magicpower were weak enough to form this speculation.

However, the remnants were combining together were taking on the form of magic. Someone wastargeting it in real time and trying something—it was Euphemina.

[The magic power of an unknown person is contemplating you.]

[An unknown person is viewing your level, stats, and list of magic you have acquired.]


Euphemina unexpectedly exposed herself. Even in this sudden situation, she figured out what wasgoing on. According to common sense, the only one who could contemplate her without her permissionwas Mumud.

‘Mumud. The source of my magic... he must be existing as an angel. It will be greatly difficult if we meetsomeday.’

Recently, Euphemina had been suffering from tremendous fatigue. It was because unlike others, shedidn’t have time to enjoy the top content. She was busy chasing Betty and Agnus’ trails.

The former Baal’s Contractors—Euphemina had no doubt that they would be alive and wellsomewhere, and Grid’s thoughts coincided with hers. Betty had said she would perish together withBaal the moment Baal died. However, no one had confirmed her death. She disappeared with Agnusshortly before Baal was killed by Grid.

Grid pinned his hopes on this part. He asked Euphemina, who had a history of chasing Agnus in thepast, to find the two of them. Euphemina wandered all over the continent and returned to Reinhardtwith accumulated fatigue. She rushed over the moment she heard there was an emergency.

The result was this. Her identity was discovered by Mumud and she was dissected in detail. She wasworried that this would snowball into a big problem later. She was inwardly anxious when Brahamapproached her and whispered, “There is no need to worry. I will be his opponent.”

Braham’s magic destroyed Mumud’s magic that was dissecting Euphemina.


The heavenly angel admired it. The halo with various colors like a rainbow took the form of anexclamation mark for a moment.

‘It is the God of Wisdom and Magic.’

Braham, a god apotheosized on the surface like Grid—he had as many as two modifiers. Mumudbecame increasingly interested and was able to check his skills.

Dimension and destruction—he hadn’t expected Braham to instantly identify and destroy the magic thatworked secretly across a distance that was physically difficult to estimate. Mumud thought he wouldlearn a lot if they ever had a chance to compete in skills one day.

“The constraints of the Overgeared World have been weakened, right?”

The angel was deep in thought, only for his expression to stiffen. It was due to the one who interruptedhim. He bumped into Venice, the God of Money.

“Angel Mumud. There was a reason why God Judar protected you.”

Magic is the power to give value to something that is worthless...

This was the argument that Mumud made before the gods for releasing Zeratul from prison. Byworthless, he naturally meant Zeratul. A being that, if left unchecked, would’ve rotted away senselesslyin the Prison of Eternity.

However, Zeratul gained value the moment Mumud’s magic unlocked the prison. The proof was thatthe constraints of the Overgeared World had weakened.

Only One God Grid—Mumud heard he was very obsessed with connections, but he actually welcomedZeratul as a guest in the Overgeared World? If Zeratul showed a bit more here, he could even revealChiyou’s strength.

“You are several times more capable than the archangel, who is still sucking their fingers in hell. Isn’tthat why you are going to be an archangel one day?”

“I’m not interested.”

The angel Mumud resolutely shook his head.

“Even if Raphael is impeached, Metatron will regain their position and fill the vacancy.”

Metatron—they showed disgrace by leaving the battlefield in the aftermath of allowing a single attackfrom Chiyou to hit them. Their current location was in the far east. It was hundreds of kilometers fromReinhardt. However, Mumud was aware of Metatron’s power. It was assumed that Metatron steppedback for a while to arrange some variables.

“Hey, from what I have seen, the former archangel isn’t very reliable either.”

“It is more ridicule than necessary.”


“It goes beyond mere distrust and is interpreted as an attempt to incite dissension. Do you want to bepart of the Overgeared World? Or maybe you are already...”

“A mere angel is doubting a god?”

Venice’s inner thoughts were stabbed and she became angry in reverse. Mumud saw her trying to becalm and shook his head.

“No matter what, it doesn’t matter. Whatever your intentions, the trend won’t be affected.”


In his past life and in this life, Mumud was infinitely close to goodness. However, he had the self-righteousness and arrogance that was unique to talented people. This was one of the reasons whyBraham of the past couldn’t help being jealous of him.


“It is a wonderful interpretation.”

Defying the Natural Order—it was Grid’s masterpiece. It contained the knowledge, skills, connections,and willpower that Grid had accumulated.

The filth of the Four Auspicious Beasts wasn’t mixed in with it. It was a power that purely took Grid asits source. In other words, it was the only concept that threatened Chiyou. It didn’t have to be handleddirectly by Grid.

“Every single one of the countless works you have made is qualified to bring me down. They areweapons to annihilate me.”

He was like a man standing in a daze in the pouring rain. Chiyou’s eyes, which had been out of focus,found a clear focus. The colorless veil that didn’t allow outside interference was lifted.

His hands drooped as he looked at Grid, Defying the Natural Order, Zeratul, and all the apostles andOvergeared members who owned works made by Grid. He started to harbor transcendent anticipationas he held a dark-colored sheath in his left hand and a rusty long sword showing the weight of theyears in his right hand.


The group that fought and defeated the Absolute beings like Baal, Asura, and King Daebyeol andliberated hell—Chiyou declared toward the strongest Overgeared Guild led by Grid. It was an attitude

that seemed to be making concessions rather than shrinking back.

At this point, the Overgeared Guild were in a frenzy. Like those who fell for the provocation, theydeployed their skills and targeted Chiyou. However, an unexpected variable arose.



Zeratul, who was right at the forefront of the flow—he swung his sword in the direction he chose. It wastoward the Overgeared God’s Temple in the distance. The powerful sword energy split apart the figureof Grid standing tall in front of the temple.

“Are you crazy?”

“I shouldn’t have trusted you...!”

What was this nonsense all of a sudden? Damian and Huroi were particularly furious. Instead ofrunning toward Chiyou, they shifted directions and surrounded Zeratul.

Meanwhile, a notification window emerged in Grid’s vision.

[Zeratul has destroyed your image and blasphemed your divinity. The Overgeared World defines himas an intruder.]

The reason why Grid accepted Zeratul as a guest was to free him from the constraints of theOvergeared World. However, he voluntarily took on the constraints again. Why?

Zeratul’s thoughts trickled into Grid’s bewildered mind.

-Don’t be blinded by the opponent in front of you and give excuses to external enemies.

Zeratul broke through the siege of Damian and Huroi and threw himself forward, colliding with Chiyou.Once again, he was at the forefront. However, it was under constraints.

Power, speed, and even status—Zeratul wasn’t able to fully confront Chiyou. Every time theyexchanged blows, the number of wounds on his body increased. However, Defying the Natural Orderwas shining. Every time Zeratul slashed Chiyou once in return for dozens of cuts, Chiyou also shed redblood.

-Despite all of this, my affiliation is still Asgard. If you loosen my constraints, the bastards of Asgard willalso be freed from the constraints of the Overgeared World.


Grid stared blankly at the back of Zeratul, who was finally collapsing.

“Why do you care about me?”

Grid expressed the question that had blossomed in the depths of his heart. It was a situation where hewas threatened by someone he had trusted and admired, while conversely, he was helped by someonehe had hated. Grid was already confused by this situation and was deeply disturbed by Zeratul’s subtleattitude. He was frustrated and wanted to know why.

Zeratul snorted.

-Didn’t I warn you not to be mistaken? Don’t interpret my intentions as goodwill. I just hate thosecondescending bastards in heaven more than you, and I fight purely for myself.

The Prison of Eternity—even when Grid stormed into this place a little while ago, Zeratul’s attitude wasthe same. He didn’t break, just like a sword made by Grid.

Grid was fascinated. He was instinctively driven.

“I think I like people like you.”

-What? Crazy guy...?

Zeratul reacted with extreme disgust, but Grid didn’t care.

“Request to Stand With Me.”

He retrieved all the weapons from his comrades, who were rushing like moths to the fire towardChiyou. He took one step forward, then two. He stared intently at the back of Zeratul, who was blockingChiyou’s sword with Defying the Natural Order, which Zeratul barely straightened. Just as he had goodfeelings toward the object he hated, he harbored hostility toward the object he admired.

“If you want to die, then die.”

It was raining. It was a rain of metal. Each one was a force that took Grid as its source, just like Defyingthe Natural Order.

A smile spread across Chiyou’s face.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(2/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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