Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1849
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Chapter 1849

[The 1st Great Demon, ‘Baal,’ has died.]

He was so persistent and strong that it made Grid sick. Grid would’ve respected him a bit if he hadshown a different side in his final moments. Apart from being the enemy of humanity, it was possiblethat he might forever be remembered as a worthy rival.

‘He was a stubborn bastard until the end.’

Grid erased Baal from his mind. Rather, he engraved Chepardea into the back of his mind.

The bipedal toad—looking back, it felt like he had encountered a lot of things. He wasn’t extremelystrong, but his ability to spray mucus was tricky. He was annoying in many ways. It was to the pointwhere Grid cursed him for constantly appearing without dying.

However, he wasn’t a being who should be cursed at. A warrior who was loyal to the God of theBeginning, Yatan. After Yatan disappeared, he was cursed by Baal to lose his memory and toyed with.Nevertheless, he didn’t break down even in his final moments. He made Baal his companion on theroad to the underworld.

This was all Grid knew about Chepardea. From Grid’s perspective, he had no way of properly knowingthe story of Chepardea, who was only a passing villain. The world would naturally forget him withoutremembering him. Therefore, Grid himself decided to remember Chepardea.

[The souls oppressed by Baal have started to be liberated.]

‘...Come to think of it, this is the underworld.’

The emotional Grid came to his senses. The sight of Baal’s severed and fallen body, scattered likemountain ranges in the wilderness, filled his vision. He was overwhelming even in death. He was sohuge that the rate in which he turned to ash seemed slow.

There were countless gray pillars that rose from Baal’s corpse. All the pillars that started to disperse tovarious parts of hell were the souls of the dead. Perhaps most souls would be reincarnated asinhabitants of the neutral zones and enjoy comfort. They would forget their sorrow and pain of theirprevious lives, live peacefully, die, and one day be reborn on the surface.

‘Is the neutral zone a space created by Yatan himself...? It is amazing now that I think about it.’

The villages and cities in hell where even Baal could do nothing but watch—the places where the stonestatues of Yatan were built were always peaceful no matter what hell was going through. No matter theexternal situation, absolute security was guaranteed.

Perhaps there was a name for it other than the neutral zone. However, the people of the present timehad no way of knowing the name. They didn’t even need to know. In the future, the living wouldn’t beable to interact with hell, and the dead wouldn’t be able to ascend to the surface.

The situation up to now where the surface and hell invaded each other was abnormal. It was adeformity created by the distorted hell.

[You are the first player to reach level 1,000.]

‘Come to think of it, why...?’

The experience Baal left behind increased his level by a huge 100 at once. Despite this, Gridquestioned it and wasn’t pleased. It was because the distortion of hell wasn’t resolved.


The mass of red flesh—the body of the hell moon, still floating in the sky, was the source of thedistortion. Yes, killing Baal wasn’t the end. There was still work to be done.

[A player who has reached level 1,000 can freely redistribute the points in the four major stats:strength, stamina, intelligence, and agility. However, there will be a cooldown of three hours every timeyou redistribute the stats.]

[As a perk for the first achievement, the cooldown for the stats redistribution is removed.]

[You have earned the title ‘Guardian of the Balance’ as a reward for killing Baal.]

[You have earned the ‘Core That Has Existed Since the Beginning of Time’ as a reward for killing Baal.]

[Guardian of the Balance]

[A title given to the one who has saved the fate of hell, the surface, and all of humanity, which werebeing destroyed by the will of a great evil.

You are the only one who deserves to be the owner of this title.

Your existence balances the world.

No law or will dares to oppress you.]

An Only One title. The effect was tremendous.

[★ Ignore the unique effects of each dimension.

You would be affected by the unique effects of dimensional worlds.]

Simply put, it ignored Asgard’s penalty. It was proof that one existence, Grid, was greater than a world.

‘Seeing something like this... It is natural that Rebecca, the creator of the world itself, won’t be affectedby the Overgeared World.’

Grid wasn’t in the least bit excited. He analyzed it calmly on the basis of the reality of strong authorities.He considered the worst case scenario and devised a way to respond. The experience of fighting themighty enemy called Baal made him even more cautious.

However, Grid was also a human. He couldn’t always be composed.

[Core That Has Existed Since the Beginning of Time]

[Originally a possession of Yatan, it fell into Baal’s hands and contained infinite energy.

It can fulfill the user’s wish.

Yatan used its power to turn the power of ‘destruction’ into the power of ‘creation’ and created a shelterfor the dead.

Baal distorted the shelter of the dead that Yatan created into hell.

Number of available uses: 1 time.]


An object that could alter even the power of a God of the Beginning—there seemed to be noexaggeration in the phrase that it fulfilled wishes.

Grid’s eyes shook.

The first thing that came to mind was Khan and his son. He wanted to return Khan back to being ahuman being. He wanted to resurrect Khan’s son, who had died young and made Khan sad. That waswhere it started.

Grid thought that he wanted to take away all the pain and regrets of his precious people.

He wanted to go back in time before Asmophel fell into the clutches of the Yatan Servants and protectthe lives and families of the Red Knights, including Piaro and Asmophel. He wanted to give Braham,who was abandoned by his mother after becoming obsessed with overcoming the Curse of Sloth andharming his own kin, a chance to think again. He wanted to help Kasim, whose clan had beenannihilated by the empire...

“...Ah.” Grid came to his senses. He realized that there were few people around him who hadn’t beenunhappy and he couldn’t undo their past. Everything would become twisted the moment he changedone thing.

For example, Kasim’s success in defending his clan meant he was able to fend off the invasion of theempire. At the same time, it meant that Piaro and the Red Knights, who had always been the vanguardof the empire, would suffer a defeat.

By altering Braham’s past, Braham could play a role that was completely antagonistic to Grid since hedidn’t experience a human life.

‘In the first place, it is all over.’

They overcame the pain and got back on their feet. It was wrong for him to bring up their past.Additionally, not everything would be possible, even if this core granted his wishes. No matter whetherhe was an Absolute, the emperor, or the Guardian of the Balance, there were clear limits to a player’sauthority. Grid had experienced it several times.

‘...Apart from all of that, it is only available for one use.’

Since it could only be used once, could it really grant any wish?

Grid suddenly had this thought and decided to stop paying attention to it. He thought there must be aseparate use for this. It was close to conviction. It was based on the experience he had accumulated so



Then there were traces of magic power behind him. He could tell who it was without looking in person.Since the distance from the place where he felt the presence couldn’t be measured, it meant the spacewas distorted.

A warp gate had been opened.

[You have suffered, Only One God Grid.]

It was a memorable voice.

The 2nd Great Demon, Amoract—Grid thought it was just right.

‘All in on agility.’

He didn’t have to type any commands. The system immediately read Grid’s will and responded.

He stabbed his sword without hesitation at Amoract, who was constantly talking.

The Great Demon of Conflict—she was an unreliable existence from the beginning. He was going to killher no matter what sweet proposals she made or what cooperation she offered. It was better to cut offthe roots in advance.

‘All in on strength.’

Grid’s will became more concise and intuitive. His stats literally changed in real time and Amoractcouldn’t react at all.

[The 2nd Great Demon, ‘Amoract,’ has died.]

[Your level has risen by 17.]

‘...Stop rising up.’

This damn thing. He had been telling people around him that the limit for players would be level 999,but he reached level 1,000. Then it kept going up? It was a bit embarrassing...

At this point, maybe Morpheus was deliberately modifying the system to be the opposite of hispredictions? Grid still didn’t trust the S.A Group, who were suspicious, and distributed his stat pointsback to agility.

It was for high speed travel. The red flesh that Yura and Mir were currently containing was the target.There was no time for him to look at the loot. He couldn’t wait for Pagma’s soul, which hadn’t appearedyet.

‘There were so many souls that Baal had absorbed.’

Gray pillars rose from Baal’s corpse and embroidered the sky like stars. There were endless limits. Hehad to free Pagma’s soul in order to complete the class quest, but it seemed delayed since there wereso many souls to be freed first.

‘It doesn’t mean much to finish my class quest now, but...’novelbin

For the current Grid, Pagma's Successor was just one of his origins. Even so, Grid wanted to obtainthe rewards. It was important to finish everything.

Grid was about to use Shunpo, only to stop. It was because he detected the movement of new magicpower in the sky. It was quite a powerful magic power.


The vigilant Grid paused. Then the identity of the figure who popped out of the fully open warp gatewas soon revealed.

It was Katz. Nevertheless, he didn’t let down his guard. It was due to the girl that came right after Katz.To be precise, it was the soul in the form of a girl.

Beriache—she was one of the Three Evils of the Beginning, like Baal and Amoract, and she was themother of the direct descendants, including Braham and Marie Rose. The moment she appeared, allthe blood that had seeped into the ground started floating into the air. It felt like tens of thousands ofred jewels were adorning the landscape.

It was beautiful.


Grid’s eyes examined the situation for a moment before they widened. It was because the moment theblood that floated into the air and formed small droplets started to seep into Beriache, the presence ofthe dead Baal and Amoract were felt. He felt it from Beriache. It was a frightening phenomenon.

‘The power of 10,000 beings...!’

There were many types of strong existences. Among them, there was a type that becameuncontrollably strong when ‘certain conditions were met’ and Beriache was that type. The ability to takethe power of targets whose blood was sucked as her own. It was known that Baal even asked Amoractfor cooperation because he couldn’t do anything alone against Beriache, who had accumulated power.

Yes, Grid was familiar with it. But seeing it in person was a completely different feeling.

Embracing the power of Baal and Amoract, who were already dead...

It was also only through the blood they shed as they died.

“”You don’t have to be vigilant. I don’t plan to go against you.””

It was a manner of speaking that didn’t match her outward appearance.

“Then why did you accumulate so much power?” Grid directly asked Beriache, who was more likeMarie Rose’s daughter than her mother.

“”It is always good to have power. I have already experienced one failed life, so I think it is natural forme to always have a vigilant mindset. Rather...””

Beriache’s gaze shifted to Grid’s lower half. It was his groin area, to be precise. Beriache stared atGrid, who naturally closed his legs, before smiling.

“”I had wondered why you smelled like me. It is no wonder... your tastes are unique. I can see whyMarie Rose hasn’t been able to conceive.””

There were small explosions everywhere. It was the sound of the God Hands destroying the camerasof the broadcasting stations.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(4/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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