Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1829
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Chapter 1829

Chapter 1829

The field boss’ hierarchy was the lowest among boss monsters. Not only could it not be compared to anamed boss, but it was weaker than a dragon boss or elite boss. Naturally, the level of items that itdropped was also low. Instead, it had the advantage of a short respawn cycle, so it was suitable as astable resource supply and for achievements.

Of course, there were exceptions such as the Guardian of the Forest. The lake’s giant illusionary bodywas also an exception. It was a very special one.

Unlike the Guardian of the Forest, which evolved into an elite boss only at certain intervals, the giantillusionary body was powerful from birth. In particular, the higher the level of the player challenging theraid, the stronger it became. Therefore, it was necessary to be prepared.

The rewards were enormous.

‘It really drops 12 pieces at a time.’

Grid raided the giant illusionary body at the lake for the third time and smiled with satisfaction. He evenfelt affection for the illusionary body that always dropped 12 ancient enhancement scrolls every time. Itwas only for a moment.

‘No, shit, did it mostly drop accessory enhancement scrolls again?’

This time, it was only 6 pieces, but it was 8 pieces just four days ago...

It seemed like it had a certain probability and it wasn’t a coincidence. The clear evidence was that thearmor enhancement scrolls, which he needed the most, were dropping the least. As expected, the S.AGroup was the source of all evil...

Wasn’t it the S.A Group who created the distorted hell in the first place? He even suspected that theycreated and ran Satisfy for the purpose of harassing people.

Biban’s voice crept into Grid’s ears as he was holding the bundle of scrolls. “I couldn’t properly test thepower of the sword again today. I can’t wait to go to hell and cut down Baal. By the way, can you keeppostponing the expedition to hell like this?”

“We have secured all the transcendents and legends that can be targeted by Baal. Baal can’t playtricks any longer, so it is better to drag out time. I’m sure you are bored, but please be patient a bitlonger.”

Grid was steadily receiving the ancient enhancement scrolls and Kraugel was supplying the marks.There were too many ways to make the hell expedition stronger. The story would change if certainvariables arose, but so far, time was on the side of humanity, not Baal.

In the first place, it took time to gather the transcendents and legends scattered across the continent inReinhardt.

‘Baal’s search ability is beyond imagination. We need to summon the escort targets to at least withinthe range of the Overgeared World.’

The problem was that the escorts had their own lives and the transcendents were so eccentric that itwas difficult to forcibly assemble them... in any case, it was a necessary procedure. He didn’t want todo a rough job and make a mistake because they were hard to control.

“Ah, take this.”

Grid handed Biban an enhancement scroll. It was while trying to prevent his hands from shaking.

Biban stared at it. He had an expression like he was thinking about something.

Soon, he nodded and received the scroll. “Thank you. I will use it well.”

“I’m always grateful to you. I’m sorry that you come here every four days to work hard, but I’ve onlybeen able to give you one piece.”

“Are there only one or two people you need to take care of? I understand it.”

“You haven’t used the two scrolls I gave you before, right? If you don’t mind, can I apply them for you? Iam a bit lucky.”

It wasn’t nonsense. Grid’s good luck stat was very high. It was to the extent where even professionalplayers who made a living off gambling couldn’t dare to surpass him. Additionally, he possessed apassive skill that increased the chances of enhancement. It was a skill he had ever since becomingPagma's Successor.

“...Um, don’t worry about it.” Biban glanced at Grid’s sword and armor and shook his head.

Grid was frustrated.

“This was because of exceptionally bad luck.”

Currently, Defying the Natural Order and Fire Dragon’s Armor were +1 each. He tried to strengthen itwith the enhancement scrolls he got on the first day the illusionary body died, but he only got it to +1.The high good luck stat was overshadowed. It could simply be seen as being unlucky.

However, Grid guessed that the higher the rating of the equipment, the lower the probability ofenhancement.

“Still, I assure you that it is better for me to enhance it than you, Biban.”

“I understand. I’ll ask you to do it later. More than that—”

Biban’s concern seemed to lie elsewhere. He quickly skipped over the topic related to enhancementand brought up unexpected words.

“Why don’t you call Hayate and Marie Rose in four days?”’


“I think there is a high chance they are stronger than me. You will be able to raise the level of theillusionary body to a higher level.”

The lake’s illusionary body copied and mixed toward the appearance of the strongest enemies.Currently, Grid and Biban were the strongest here. Therefore, it copied and mixed the appearances ofthe two people. Then what if it faced someone stronger than the two of them?

It would be much stronger than it was now and the level of the items it dropped could also increase.Who knows? It might drop 20 scrolls instead of 12.


However, Grid was reluctant. It was for two reasons.

First, would the dragons be happy to see Hayate’s activities on the surface for personal reasons? TheGourmet Dragon and Fire Dragon showed similar, weak goodwill toward Grid, but Grid and Hayatewere two different existences. From the perspective of a dragon who was wary of or desired a DragonSlayer, it would be difficult for them to sit around as Hayate’s activities increased. There was a risk ofcreating an unnecessary disruption at a critical juncture.

Secondly, Marie Rose’s position should be considered. She said that she needed time. She pushedback the schedule even though she could break the curse by marrying Grid. She seemed to beagonizing over her future.

‘She seems to be questioning whether the life she is living to fulfill her mother’s aspirations is really herown.’

Grid thought that perhaps they were questions she had been harboring for countless years. Therefore,she hadn’t been active in her role and had been on the sidelines for all types of events. Braham’shatred toward her explained it. The case where she was obediently sealed by Chreshler was similar.

‘It isn’t a human thing to ask her to help at perhaps the most important moment of her life.’

After a while—

“Now that I think about it, you are right.”

Biban was convinced when he heard the reasons why Grid was reluctant.

“It wasn’t a good idea in the first place. I wonder if I would’ve been able to control myself when seeingwith my own eyes Marie Rose, who is stronger than me.”

Certainly. The huge illusionary body naturally arranged the ‘order’ of enemies. A person with a strongsense of pride or desire for victory might be unconvinced by the order set by the illusionary body andmake trouble.

‘The Overgeared Guild has been in an uproar for a while.’

He wondered if it had something to do with why the Overgeared Guild’s PvP promotion battles hadbeen so active in recent months. Grid thought about this and was ready to go out.

The vampire cities—he planned to visit the castle where Marie Rose lived.

He felt obligated to not leave her alone when she was already in agony.

‘She is my fiance after all.’

It was a relationship where they had to rely on each other from now on. Furthermore, Marie Rose hadsaved Grid from danger several times. Grid couldn’t turn away from her unless he was an ungratefulbeast.

“Then I’ll see you again in four days.”

Grid bid farewell to Biban and went to the warp gate. The closest city to Marie Rose’s castle that waslocated deep underground. He planned to move to the primarily industrial city of Reidan.


Buzz buzz.

Reidan was a place where all types of industrial facilities were gathered and it was noisy. It was solively that it was hard to believe it was the city that had once collapsed due to the dragon’s invasion.However, looking closer, it could be seen that everyone was being careful. Even as they were movingin a hurry due to their busy work, they only moved along a certain route. The soldiers on thewatchtowers placed at certain intervals didn’t take their eyes off the sky.

They were wary of a dragon suddenly appearing again. At this point, caution had been ingrained intheir bodies.

‘It is understandable.’

The city was first attacked by Xenon, swept up in the fight of the dragons pursuing Xenon, and it mostrecently witnessed the emergence of Fire Dragon Trauka. For Reidan, a dragon wasn’t only a monsterin the myths and legends. It was a real threat they had experienced several times. In fact, there weremany victims and bereaved families. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that many of Reidan’s residentssuffered from PTSD.

Of course, the Overgeared Guild also took countermeasures. A large army was sent and stationedthere in order to reassure the residents. Additionally, they planned to relocate the residents, except foressential technicians, to other cities.

But the residents didn’t want to leave the city. This was originally what being a person was. Theycouldn’t easily abandon their hometown.


Was there any disturbance? Grid looked at the city with the Hooded Zip Up covering his appearance.Then he laughed. It was a pleased laugh. It was because he witnessed the Asuka and Black Teddyduo. During the time when Xenon attacked Reidan, they protected the residents and joined theOvergeared Guild due to this. They chose Reidan as their home under the pretext that they wanted tohunt the illusionary bodies near Reidan.

It was obviously a lie. For top rankers like Asuka and Black Teddy, the hunting grounds near Reidanwere somewhat below their level. But they insisted on staying in Reidan.

‘They must’ve gotten attached in the process of fighting to save the residents’ lives.’

In addition to that—

“Aren’t the dragon bastards coming today?”

“Young Lady, please refrain from saying this. Rumor has it that a dragon’s hearing extends across thecontinent.”

“No, isn’t it too frustrating if I just let it go without dealing a proper hit? The next time we meet, I amconfident I can deal some blows before dying. That is the only way I will be satisfied.”

“What if people get swept away?”

“You don’t have to worry. Lauel only has his brain. Do you think he hasn’t come up with acountermeasure?”

...Asuka’s pride was too strong. According to Kraugel, Grid was the only one she had ever given in towithout a fight.

‘She lost to Kraugel ten times, but still attacked whenever they made eye contact.’

Over the years, Kraugel and Asuka had naturally ran into each other as high rankers. Every time,Asuka challenged Kraugel, lost, and repeatedly attacked him again. Her challenge always stoppedwhen she died. Kraugel always intended to end it with moderate suppression, but he confessed that hewas fed up with Asuka’s insistence of fighting to the death because she didn’t think it was a big deal tolose in the game.

‘A persistence that makes even Kraugel tired of fighting...’

Indeed, she was also a candidate for an angel.


He thought about things over and over again. Before he knew it, Grid had arrived at Marie Rose’scastle.

A deep, dark corridor—after passing through the paintings of the hellscapes, he was able to reach thecoffin.

“I didn’t expect Dear Husband to come and find me first.”

The seductive voice made Grid’s mind dizzy.

The human figure draped over the coffin—Marie Rose was still beautiful as she sat cross-legged on itand looked down at Grid.

“Are you going to impregnate me today?”

“...That is after marriage.”

Grid blushed and tried to calm down. He had to gather his energy in order to make a child. It wasn’t thetime...

“I came here simply because I was worried about how you were doing.”


Marie Rose cocked her head like she didn’t understand it. Then she soon smiled. Her eyes curved likethe crescent moon and she seemed to be performing some type of magic.

Grid’s heart exploded.

“Yes, I see.”

Marie Rose stood up and took a few steps. She slowly started to approach Grid. Her dress, whichmade a sound every time it dragged on the floor, seemed to be as soft as her white skin.

“I was also worried about Dear Husband. You are going to hell soon, aren’t you?”


“I’m repeating this, but beware of Amoract.”

“Amoract... I heard she interfered with Baal by intercepting Beriache’s soul that was about to fall intoBaal’s hands. She even asked for an alliance with me, so she seemed genuinely hostile to Baal.”

Grid was also planning to cooperate with Amoract. Of course, he had no intention of trusting her. Theywere just on the same boat for a while. Marie Rose said he couldn’t even do that.novelbin

“There is no way, but you shouldn’t cooperate with her even if she would sacrifice her life for DearHusband. Don’t show her even the slightest gap. The Great Demon of Conflict is more dangerous thanyou think.”

“...Yes.” Grid didn’t speak for long. The reason he explained his relationship with Amoract in the firstplace was to ask for advice, not to refute Marie Rose’s words.

Marie Rose smiled with satisfaction. “Huhu, I hope you don’t blame me too much for not being able tobe with you, even though I know that Dear Husband is approaching obvious danger.”

There was a lot to think about in many ways. Killing Baal with her own hands meant fulfilling hermother’s wish. For some reason, she kept thinking she shouldn’t do this. There was no basis for it. Itwas something instinctive. She didn’t explain it to Grid. What she wanted to share with Grid was love,not worry.

In the first place, it was unfamiliar for her to discuss her problems with others. It was a difficult conceptto come up with.

“If you don’t mind, why don’t you show me around the castle?”

“...What is there to see in this dark castle?”

Grid’s suggestion made Marie Rose’s eyes widen for a moment. A rare look of bewilderment flashedacross her fair face. It was fleeting. She soon regained her relaxed smile and held out her hand to Grid.

“Hold me if you don’t want to be a missing person.”

On this day, Grid strolled with Marie Rose through the serene and dark castle. It was a surprisinglycalm and enjoyable time.

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