Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1826
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Chapter 1826

Chapter 1826

‘By the way.’

The evil eyes’ king who readily (?) agreed to cooperate—Grid’s eyes slowly sank as he smiled at theking. It was because he felt the enemy’s presence behind him. An illusionary body was rising above thesurface of the lake. The aftermath of the destructive rays swept over it and caused ripples.

‘They are really nasty, just as rumored.’

An illusionary body—it was a generic term for things that originally inhabited the gaps in dimensionsand shouldn’t exist in reality. Here in this lake, an ‘illusionary body that replicates and mixes aspects ofthe invaders with the highest level or stats and uses them as its powers’ appeared as a boss monster.

“Hah...” The evil eyes’ king lamented.

It was a huge monster with a total length of 20 meters. It had a long body with hundreds of arms andlegs wriggling like a centipede and its face resembled Grid's. The hundreds of arms and legs alsoresembled Grid’s and were mixed with arms and legs that resembled Biban’s.


The shout coming from the illusionary body caused a storm. It was a storm of blades. It even copiedGrid and Biban’s weapons and used them as powers. Every time it opened its mouth, all types ofswords poured out of the black abyss.

“Isn’t this the strongest field boss ever?” Lauel said while calming the storm with the power to changethe weather.

“I think it is going to drop a precious item.”

It was a rather pleasant voice. It was an effort to relax the tension. Of course, the illusionary bodiescouldn’t replicate 100% of the target’s stats and skills. However, now it had cloned Grid and Biban. Itwas clear that the human centipede was one of the most powerful monsters on the surface.

“Despair can be easily experienced on the surface,” Hexetia, the God of Blacksmithing, said with aregretful expression on his face.

The surface—Grid and countless other hands had cooperated to protect this land and it hadaccumulated unprecedented power and technology over the years. Despite this, it was still unstable. Itseemed precarious to the point of now knowing when it would suddenly collapse one day due to a newenemy.

‘Therefore, he will fight until the end even if it means using a friend as a shield.’

Hexetia’s eyes showed pity as he looked at Grid.

—That there would be true peace on the surface. He thought that this might be impossible forever. Itwas natural since they were abandoned by the creator in the first place.

Rebecca, the Goddess of Light—from the beginning, she treated the surface differently from heaven. Inheaven, angels were appointed as guardians, while the surface was neglected. She took a step backand watched all the events on the surface. At some point, she started to ignore it altogether. There wasno room for the rule of ‘it will be protected’ to be established.

It happened the moment when Hexetia felt guilty...

“Let’s use this opportunity to test the power of the sword.” Biban took a step forward. He held a short,blunt sword in his hand. It was a sword whose blade looked like it had been cut in half. It looked likesomething found in a junk store.


Why was the supreme Sword God wielding this...?

It happened as Lauel and the evil eyes’ king were feeling puzzled...


The illusionary body created a storm again. It sprayed dozens of blades toward Biban and slammed itshuge body toward Biban. Biban responded by swinging the Broken Sword. It seemed pointless. Therewas no way that such a short sword could reach the centipede. Even if it did, it wouldn’t be able to stabor cut it.




A vision was projected into the eyes of Lauel and the evil eyes’ king—it was a vision in the form of avery large sword. The illusionary body, which had looked as huge as a dragon just now, quickly turnedinto something small.

The lake split in half. The image of a huge sword could be seen in between the streams of watersoaring high enough to reach the sky. The appearance of the illusionary body couldn’t be seen. It wasbecause it was devoured by the sword much larger than itself and disappeared.

Gray ash spread like mist between the sinking pillars of water that were scattering heavy rain. It wasthe mark left by the death of the illusionary body that had been destroyed by an illusion greater thanitself.


Lauel and the evil eyes’ king were both stunned for a moment before slowly turning their heads to lookat Biban. It was the same for Grid and Hexetia. Everyone present was shocked. There was only oneexception—Biban.

“...I didn’t test it properly this time.”

Biban took back the illusion overlapping with the Broken Sword and clicked his tongue regretfully. Hetook for granted the power of the sword that killed the illusionary body with one blow. It was a swordthat materialized the mental image he polished into a sword in order to slash a dragon. This was asword that deserved to cut a dragon. It was right to be powerful enough that others couldn’t evenimagine it.

However, he wanted to check the limit of its power, so it was regrettable that this wasn’t possible.

“Perhaps it will be difficult to properly check the power of the sword for the time being,” Grid told him.

Sword God Biban—he was a rare Absolute on the surface and a monster who would overwhelm agreat transcendent with just one branch, let alone when he was armed with a dragon weapon andarmor made from intent. Who could face him? It would take Grid, Hayate or Marie Rose to push Bibanto his limits. Of course, Grid had no intention of confronting Biban.

‘It isn’t a spar that will be helpful.’

Battles between Absolutes usually ended as short-term battles. Furthermore, Grid and Biban locked uptheir enormous offensive power. They had skills that could destroy defense. If they did their best whenfighting each other—rather than learning from each other, it would be decided in an instant. There wasa high probability that it would be a confrontation that would only leave wounds.

“I think it is better to ask Bunhelier. I should be prepared as much as possible for the showdown withBaal.”

Biban also seemed to have no intention of confronting Grid. In the first place, there was Bunhelier. Itwas a dragon that he could cut without any worries because Bunhelier would survive.

“Certainly, that is true.”

Grid nodded. Lauel and the evil eyes’ king looked at the two people having an absurd conversation withcalm faces. The one who treated a dragon as item-making materials and the other who treated adragon as a sandbag... weren’t they really illusionary bodies that defied logic?

“And—” Biban shifted his gaze to Hexetia. “There was something I wanted to ask if I ever met acelestial god.”

“What is it?”

“I heard there was a time when Trauka hunted the celestial gods.”

Hexetia’s face darkened rapidly. “...There is some exaggeration, but it is true. It is also true that theGoddess made a treaty with Trauka through that incident.”novelbin

“The souls of the gods who died at that time.”

Biban’s eyes flashed. A sharp gaze, that wasn’t easily shown during the days his mind wasn’t right,examined Hexetia’s reaction in real time. He would immediately catch it the moment Hexetia told a lie.

“Where are their souls? Have their souls also fallen into hell?”

The silent Grid had the illusion of his heart sinking.

This world—it was designed to favor Baal. All the souls of the dead fell into hell. The hell that Baaldistorted made them all nourishment for Baal. The more people died, the stronger Baal became. Wouldthe deaths of monsters and gods apply? If their souls also fell to hell and became nourishment forBaal...

“That’s right. The reason why Yatan created hell in the first place was for the dead. In addition, theaspiration of the supreme god becomes the law. The souls of the dead gods also fell into hell.”



Hexetia’s answer shocked Grid and Biban also gulped. They were thinking of the worst case scenario.

“Then... are you saying that the souls of the gods hunted by Trauka are now in Baal’s hands?”

Hexetia shook his head at Grid, who asked the question with a dark expression. “That isn’t it. Traukawent on a rampage in Asgard much longer ago than you think. It was before hell was distorted... so itwas back in the days when Yatan ruled hell itself.”

“Then did Yatan send the souls of the gods who fell to hell back to heaven?”

“He extinguished them.”


“Yatan didn’t extinguish them himself. Yatan is a god who regretted the concept of the cycle of life andreincarnation but accepted it. That is what a supreme god is. They never go against providence.”

That’s right. The ‘Yatan of the past’ that Grid met felt sorry for the souls suffering from the cycle of lifeand reincarnation, but he didn’t change their destiny.

“I’m guessing that a ‘completely different divinity’ created by Yatan’s subconscious aspirationsintervened without Yatan’s knowledge and extinguished the souls of the gods. Well, that is Judar’sguess. I just have a vague understanding of the basis for that speculation.”

“A completely different divinity...”

Just one thing came to mind—the Saintess. The divinity of the Saintess exerted a beneficial influenceon the living, while acting harshly on the soul. It was enough to wipe out even the powerful souls of thearchangels and great demons.

“Yes, the power that your sister inherited like it was fate. Judar is wary of it and speculated that it camefrom Yatan.”

“...It is possible to think so.”

“In any case, there won’t be a situation where Baal treats the souls of the dead gods like a secretweapon?”

Biban once again dominated the conversation. He didn’t want a long story. He just wanted to get downto business.

“That’s correct.”

Hexetia responded. Hexetia was also reluctant to say anything else because he didn’t know a lot aboutit.

“Take this.”

Biban handed a bundle of papers to Grid. This was an item dropped by the illusionary body just now. Itwas an ancient enhancement scroll that could enhance myth rated items. Some of the monsters thatpopped out from the dimensional gaps were creatures that existed on the surface in the distant past. It

wasn’t surprising. Due to the change in the world caused by Trauka, the old land of the giants had alsobeen revealed. Grid was already aware that the world could be turned upside down by something verypowerful.

“...Thank you.”

Grid received a total of 12 enhancement scrolls and immediately started to enhance his items. Thedragon weapon and armor had very high basic stats, so it would be very powerful even if he enhancedit by +1.

‘But I need three for my battle gear.’

Grid put away one scroll for the Twilight he lent to Kraugel for a while, only to belatedly notice Biban.He had a guilty conscience and took out one scroll.

“Let’s enhance Biban’s sword as well.”

“...Forget it. I still don’t know its limits. What is the point of enhancing it?”

“That is true, but it might be a shame when you fight in hell...”

“Then you can keep it for now and enhance it once we go there.”

“I understand.”

It was a strangely bright Grid.

Biban decided to erase the existence of the scroll from his mind.

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