Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1822
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Chapter 1822

Chapter 1822


It was a city of dwarves that had been isolated for hundreds of years due to the lair of Fire DragonTrauka. Not long ago, it was an unfamiliar land for people. Only a few people accidentally entered it,and most players couldn’t get any information about Talima. They heard rumors that the blacksmiths ofTalima sold legendary rated battle gear and ego items on stands, but they dismissed it as absurd.

“...It wasn’t just a rumor.”

The players exploring the city surrounded by rocks were dumbfounded. It was while watching weaponssuch as swords, axes, and maces rise up from smithies all over the city and fly somewhere. They wereego items that judged and moved on their own. It was probably an exaggeration that they were sold onthe stands, but the smithies of Talima all had a few ego items.

Dozens of ego items dove toward the hill behind Talima Castle. They were aimed at four intruders. Nota single one hit. The intruders with extremely trained senses evaded the surprise attack of the egoitems with swift movements. If they wanted to claim themselves as Baal due to having the sameappearance as him, they needed to have the minimum qualifications.

“I haven’t even adjusted to the peace that has come...”

The dwarf standing in the center of the fallen battle gear murmured with a gloomy face. It was the onewith superhuman strength, Antrino. He was a transcendent who freely wielded the strength of a shortbody.

Until Talima was isolated by Fire Dragon Trauka, he was the hero who protected the lives of thedwarves for hundreds of years. Then not long ago, Trauka moved his lair and Talima joined the world

again. Antrino felt a sense of responsibility to reclaim his reputation as a hero. Now that the naturaldisaster of an Old Dragon had left, he vowed before King Charles and his people that he would surelyprotect Talima in the future.

However, they were facing a new disaster without a break.

The 1st ranked Great Demon, Baal. Seeing that there were four of him, it didn’t seem to be his mainbody. Even so, each one of them had strong skills.

“Are we to be forever swayed by the wishes of the Absolutes...?”

Antrino sighed.

Dwarves were a species with exceedingly high dexterity. They had a habit of honing their naturaldexterity to the limit. Thus, he was a suitable existence to be targeted by other beings. As Ke ongproved while being active in the Overgeared Empire, a nation could enjoy a strong military force withjust one dwarf. Even Fire Dragon Trauka built a lair here because he coveted the technology of thedwarves. The natural talent and instincts of the dwarves could be likened to honey for all types ofinsects.

Therefore, Antrino’s sense of responsibility was great.

One of the rare warriors of his species—he was the only one to have built up transcendence amongthem, and he had a duty to protect his species. Throughout Talima, he was the only one who could dothis.

However, even a transcendent was powerless in the face of a natural disaster. Just as he couldn’t doanything against Fire Dragon Trauka, he felt incredibly helpless against the 1st ranked Great Demon. Ifthis was the real Baal, he wouldn’t even have the will to fight.

‘Even if I’m lucky enough to defeat these guys... eventually, I will see Talima being dominated by thereal Baal one day.’

Antrino couldn’t think of the option of relying on Grid. Talima had been isolated until just a few daysago. They were ignorant of the outside news. In the first place, it was far from common sense to thinkabout relying on others just because a crisis had come.

‘Well... it is worth fighting compared to an Old Dragon.’

He thought as positively as possible. Antrino floated dozens of ego items centered around him into theair. Unless they were out of control ego items sealed in Pandemonium, Talima’s ego items movedaccording to his will. They respected Antrino, the strongest dwarf warrior. At least here in Talima,Antrino was able to control the swords equal to the Sword Saint.

“A stupid dwarf dreams of resistance.”

“His thoughts are as stupid as his ugly looks. Stupid guy.”

“What warrior?”

The four Baal had subtly different speech patterns. They seemed to have different personalities basedon the way they showed different reactions to the same scene.

‘Is each person derived from a different ego?’

There was no end to Baal’s powers...

Antrino remembered a story that had been passed down since ancient times and took a deep breath.He held the equipment in his hand like a pot lid and completely combined his consciousness with theego items floating around him. The fierce battle immediately began. It was fortunate that all four Baals

were bare-handed. The strongest warrior of the dwarves used a number of weapons and had a naturaladvantage.

“Useless things.”

One of the Baals used the blade of the large axe blocking his path as a stepping stone and clicked histongue. He had the attitude of treating the other three Baals as subordinates. He seemed to believethat he was the real Baal. His figure shot up into the air.

“You can’t have a hard time with just one dwarf.”

Dozens of magic circles floated around the Baal in the sky. He intended to use ranged attacks to easilyintercept Antrino, who had a distance advantage from using various weapons. As a bonus, he intendedto devastate all of Talima. He was going to kill all the dwarves and transfer their skills to hell. It was whyBaal sent as many as four clones to Talima. It wasn’t because Antrino was particularly strong. From thebeginning, his goal had been all of Talima.

“I’ll see you again in hell.”

The Baal in the sky laughed. He didn’t realize that he was only a day old and promised the futurewithout knowing anything. Punishment immediately fell.


The magic circles that had started to activate the magic were instantly erased. It was by a pillar of redflames that was just like an eraser. The pillar of flames that shot in a straight line erased everything inits path without a trace.


Cough. Cough!!”

At almost the same time that the magic circles around him were erased, the Baal was swept away by apillar of fire and fell to the ground. He was in a ragged state. His limbs had vanished without a trace.

“Fire Dragon...”


Antrino and the Baals on the ground were shocked. They stared up at the sky with expressions thatwere close to contemplation. The pillar of fire must’ve been the Fire Dragon’s Breath. However, theappearance of the Fire Dragon that should’ve filled the sky was nowhere to be seen. In the first place,the Fire Dragon had just moved his lair. There was no reason for him to come back here again.

Antrino watched the sky nervously only to realize one step late.

‘No, was that a real Breath just now?’

The energy was similar, but wasn’t the power quite weak?

It happened as Antrino remembering Trauka’s Breath that he had witnessed in the past and questionedit...


There was a flash of light from the edge of the sky. His transcendent status responded. Antrino movedinstinctively and hurriedly left his position.novelbin

Just in time, a second bombardment hit the ground. Another Baal was turned into rags. The first Baalwas a fragment born from his arrogance and the second Baal was a fragment born from his laziness. Itwas the weakest of the four fragments. Still, it shouldn’t have been so easy.

The two remaining Baals took out the ‘Asura body part' that was with them and were convinced.

“It was Trauka’s Breath.”

However, it was very weak. Perhaps a Breath fired from hundreds of millions of kilometers away hadreached this point.

“Is it a warning not to target the dwarves because they are his...?”

The interpretation of the two Baals made Antrino frown.


Then some traces got closer. It was so weak that they were ashamed to mistake it for Trauka. Itbelonged to Bow Saint Jishuka.


Antrino’s eyes widened when he confirmed the appearance of the woman who got closer.

A dragon—it came from a greatbow made from the scales and bones of Fire Dragon Trauka. The bowheld by the woman was something that even the dwarves of Talima had never imagined. It was anobject that forced a change in their common sense.

A dragon weapon—he couldn’t believe that such a thing was real.

“You dodged that? Even if you are the same fragment, is there such a big difference in level?” Jishukasaid as she soon came to Antrino’s side. She compared the two dying fragments with the intact ones.There was a sense of relaxation in her lively voice. The fragments of Baal noticed that it was nothingbut an exaggerated performance.

‘Only two shots... that is the limit.’

The sniper shot that was like a Breath. Surprisingly, the present day Bow Saint armed with a dragonweapon gave up the sniper point she had secured and came close to them. It meant she couldn’t snipethem any longer. In fact, her hands were bloody. She seemed to have restored her wounds usingregenerative potions and other means, but based on the amount of blood on her hands and clothes, itwas presumed that her hands had completely exploded before. She paid a severe price for embodyingthe Breath of an Old Dragon with a human body.

“The distance is too short for an archer. Are you going to wield a sword?” one of the fragments spoke ina leisurely manner. Asura’s shoulders were spinning and hovering around him. The flames of the FireDragon around Jishuka’s bow slowly dissipated. It was the same with Antrino’s power.

“What... is this?”

Antrino, who was in daze for a while, belatedly noticed the difference and was wary.

An object that looked like it was cut out of a giant’s shoulder—every time he got close to it, strengthdrained from his body. The endless energy rising from his dantian disappeared without a trace. Heeasily noticed that these shoulders were a very ominous and dangerous object.

“This is the message of Only One God Grid,” Jishuka spoke to Antrino, who was backing away.


“From now on, Talima is protected by the Overgeared World.”

At the same time as Jishuka’s declaration, the world darkened dramatically. It was due to the shadowthat filled the sky. A huge object could be seen approaching through the thick clouds. No, it was too bigto be described as an object. It was more like a city.

It was the Tomb of the Gods. It was the advent of the moving Overgeared World.

“Hurry up.”

This huge object gave a sense of intimidation just from its size. The Baal fragments felt a sense ofcrisis and moved urgently. They gave up on securing Talima and aimed for Jishuka and Antrino in frontof them. It was one step too late.

The Tomb of the Gods started firing. The Overgeared Cannons had greatly increased in number due toactively utilizing the proliferation characteristics of Greed. Disintegrate and Meteor fell from hundreds ofcannon barrels and hit Baal’s fragments.

“It is useless...”

Disintegrate was a magical spear composed of magic power. The magic power scattered anddisappeared the moment it got close to Asura’s shoulders. The fragments smiled when they saw this,only to stiffen.

Meteor—it was a simple meteorite. In other words, it was a physical power that the power of Asura’sshoulders didn’t work on. After being crushed again and again by the meteorites, the mangledfragments turned to ash.

The aftermath was great. All of Talima shook. The castle’s tall spires finally started to fall.

The regi stone—the door of Pandemonium, made from the heaviest stone in the world, also becamewide open from the shock. The ego items like Talima's Shame, that were sealed due to their dirtypersonality, popped out into the city. This gave the already chaotic dwarves a greater sense of crisis.There were going to be victims everywhere.

‘First of all, save King Charles...??’

Antrino was flustered but he quickly made a judgment and moved. However, he soon stiffened like astone statue.

The gods who were believed to only exist in heaven—he watched in amazement as the people of theOvergeared World poured out of the Tomb of the Gods and protected and restored Talima with variouspowers.

Jishuka smiled.

“I told you. From today onwards, this place is protected by the Overgeared World.”

The domain of the Overgeared World was about to expand again.

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