Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1819
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Chapter 1819

Chapter 1819

“Excuse me, Lauel... why did you call me?”

There was a rest time given after Jishuka left. During this time, a man approached Lauel, who went tohis office without taking a break. It was a man who had sat awkwardly throughout the meeting. It wasIbellin. Unlike Lauel, who still had a bit of a youthful feeling due to his innocence, he had a face thatlooked like he experienced suffering.

It was different from the shining days of his youth. He was one of the first generation 10 rookies andwas considered Lauel’s biggest rival due to having a similar age and ranking to Lauel.

It was a very old story. Lauel had to take care of the Overgeared Empire’s internal affairs and he hadstepped down from active duty a long time ago. Ibellin also failed to grow into a top power, contrary topeople’s expectations.

Of course, this was a story when compared to those classified as the top powers of a ‘non-humanstandard’ such as the 10 Meritorious Retainers, Kraugel, Damian, Hurent, Zibal, and Haster. If thissmall number of monsters weren’t used as a comparison target, Ibellin was a powerhouse who couldbe ranked among the strongest.

However, it was clear that he didn’t meet people’s expectations. Ibellin boasted a tremendous growthrate based on his unique comprehension and ability to act, and he was definitely the best talent. All ofthe Overgeared members, including Grid, believed that Ibellin would one day become a pillar of theOvergeared Guild.

However, reality was cruel. From Yura to Chris, Damian, Hurent, Zibal, Haster, and Kraugel—the seriesof geniuses who might emerge once in a hundred years kept joining the Overgeared Guild and Ibellin’stalent became relatively weak. Ibellin was knocked out of competition due to these monsters and

ultimately wasn’t included in the top powers. So far, the only consolation was that his skills were slightlysuperior to Coke.

For Ibellin, today’s position was bound to be awkward. All the people gathered here today were the topforces participating in the Baal expedition. They all built up transcendence and were qualified tobecome masters of the dragon weapons and armor. Ibellin was the only plain and shabby one amongthem.

Lauel spoke to him, who was somewhat discouraged. “Of course, you are a candidate for theexpedition. You should become familiar with the contents of your future mission in advance.”

“Me? I’m a candidate for the expedition?” Ibellin questioned it. He seemed to doubt his ears. It was asemitone that was more bewildered than delighted.

“Your self-esteem has lowered during the time when I haven’t seen you.” Lauel had a slightly pityingexpression. “I almost miss the time when you couldn’t grasp the subject and had a rivalry with me.”

“...Forget the old stories. In any case, how did I become a candidate for the expedition? Isn’t there amistake?” Ibellin was well aware that he didn’t deserve it. Lack of skills was the second problem. Hedidn’t meet the conditions to handle the dragon armor and weapons.

“Talking about a mistake to this body, the prime minister of the empire and the second-in-command ofthe Overgeared World... how pathetic.” Lauel sighed while covering half his face with one hand. Theretort of why he was the second-in-command of the Overgeared World entered one ear and went outthe other.

“It isn’t a mistake. After discussing it with His Majesty, I have decided that you are fully qualified. It wasclose to the cut-off line, but it is still great.”

“No, isn’t this strange? I haven’t built up a transcendent status. I can’t use items like the dragonweapon even if you give it to me. Why am I a candidate for the expedition?”



“The angels of the Overgeared World can use the items made by His Majesty Grid, just like theapostles. Of course, unlike the apostles, there are restrictions. Even so, the dragon weapon is veryvaluable.”


“Of course, the number of angels that HIs Majesty can appoint is very small. It is only five angels. Inorder to be included in those five, you have to compete fiercely with the other candidates during theremaining fortnight.”

Only two angels could be appointed when the Overgeared World was level 1. Then in the process ofsecuring the human gods, the level of the Overgeared World steadily rose and Grid was now able toappoint a total of five angels. It was still small, but Lauel thought it was just right.

‘It is also a problem if the number of people reborn as a new power increases in a large amount all atonce.’

The world changed in the aftermath of Fire Dragon Trauka releasing his power. On the surface thatwas exposed to new dangers, the top-tier forces of the Overgeared Guild were active on behalf of Gridand they accumulated a new level of transcendent status.

Of course, most of the people had accumulated a transcendent status by taking advantage of thelegend skill tree, not becoming a transcendent, so they were still at a lower level. Even worse, there

were some who only accumulated one level of a transcendent status.

In any case, the conditions to wear the dragon weapon and armor created by Grid were fully met. Itwas only right that angels should be appointed from talented people who would become top powers inthe future, not in the present. This was also Grid’s meaning.

The five angels—in the hierarchy of the Overgeared Guild, they would enjoy a power and glorycomparable to the 10 Meritorious Retainers. The number should be moderate so as to not causeconfusion.

“Ibellin, I personally think that you will be the first to be appointed as an angel.”

Ibellin believed the reason why he failed to develop into a top power was purely due to the difference intalent. He was being too humble. The reason why Ibellin was pushed out in the competition with otherswasn’t only due to the difference in talent, but also because he was a ruined character.

A ruined character—he was someone who got on the wrong growth tree. It wasn’t because he was asignorant as Vantner, who placed all his stat points in strength despite being a tanker. Ibellin’s growthtree was twisted by external forces.

Grid’s early masterpiece, the Thorn of Deep Grievance—it was the conditionally powerful weapon thatinflicted ‘damage proportional to health’ on the target. It was Ibellin’s pride and blessing, but it was alsoa curse. In the early days, Ibellin was able to grow at a terrifying rate thanks to the Thorn of DeepGrievance. Unfortunately, he was dragged down by the titles he acquired along the way. The causewas slaughtering the boss monsters.novelbin

Of course, the boss monsters were field and dungeon bosses, not named bosses. In other words, theywere bosses that respawned. They were weak and powerless compared to the named opponents Gridhad been hunting. However, they were a big challenge from the perspective of an ordinary player.

Ibellin slaughtered such monsters with relative ease. He took the lead in most groups and inflictedcritical damage to the boss monster with a single blow. The accumulated achievements gave him agreat deal of titles that were coincidentally very biased in their effect.

Additional damage was added when dealing damage proportional to health.

Acquire buffs when dealing damage proportional to health.

Stats will rise permanently when dealing damage proportional to health, etc.

They were titles that forced the use of the weapon, Thorn of Deep Grievance. Ibellin solidified thisconcept in order to take advantage of the power of the titles he earned and the vicious cycle wasrepeated. He grew in a completely different direction from ordinary swordsmen.He dealt one powerfulblow, but he became powerless after consuming that one blow. It was different from the swordsmenwho used footwork techniques.

During the few seconds of cooldown time that occurred after Peak Sword used Draw Sword, he usedthe sheath as a means of defense. If this didn’t work, he used acceleration buffs and dodged to buytime.

Evasion skills—they were the basic skills possessed by not just swordsmen, but most combat classes.However, Ibellin had no evasion skills at all. Instead, he possessed a number of charge skills. In returnfor gaining the momentum to deal a powerful blow under any unfavorable conditions, he lost thepotential to recover after dealing the blow. He had no skills that would help with utility.

Ibellin’s skills were all focused on attacking. He had a few titles that generated buffs every time he dealtdamage proportional to health, but even that was random.

The type of buff, the numbers, everything. Usually, there were no big problems. Ibellin’s stats were veryhigh thanks to the fact that his stats increased permanently when he dealt damage proportional to

health several times. By adding his genius senses to his high stats, he often dodged enemy attackswithout the need for an evasion skill. Even if he allowed an attack, he often avoided serious injuriesthanks to his Grid produced armor.

This was a story for ordinary situations. It was different when it came to beings above the named level.Ibellin’s subtle strengths were easily destroyed in front of higher ranked beings who had better statsthan Ibellin or the insight to predict the players’ intentions.

To put it simply, Ibellin was only good against moderately strong enemies. This was why he didn’tbecome a top power.

‘Still, his strengths are clear.’

Ibellin’s ability to decrease the enemy’s health by a large amount at once was invaluable. Of course,named bosses were immune to things like damage proportional to health, but Baal wasn’t the onlytarget of the Baal expedition. Were there only one or two demons and demonic creatures that movedaccording to Baal’s will? The number of demonic creatures that poured out during the Great Humanand Demon War was in the millions at least.

Grid had said it—Khan and Hexetia were working on a dragon weapon that turned normal attacks intowide area attacks. If Ibellin’s attack extended over a wide area and affected many monsters, it wouldbe easier for their colleagues to finish them off.

‘Above all, if Ibellin becomes a legend or builds up transcendence, then he will be able to show off hisstrength against named enemies as well.’

Lauel believed that the old rival he acknowledged would surely break through the egg’s shell and fly. Ofcourse, he also had high hopes for the potential of the other angel candidates.


The areas newly formed by Trauka had various characteristics.

There could be distant ancient relics incomprehensible to modern common sense or knowledge, therewere places where various wonders unfolded like gaps in the dimension, and there were areas wheredemons appeared like the entrance to hell was connected.

Of course, the members in charge of the escort mission had to be wary of the areas connected to hell.There was a high chance that Baal would appear.

“I don’t want to.”

However, there was someone who had a twist in the mission from the start.

Sword Saint Kraugel—he was the second most powerful player after Grid and perhaps had an evenbetter grasp of the East Continent than Grid. His escort target was naturally Daoist Sabaek. The EastContinent was his main stage and it was unclear if Sabaek was an enemy or ally, so there was no onebetter than Kraugel to control a lot of variables.

Kraugel accepted the assignment without hesitation. Then he quickly regretted it.

“I don’t like it either. Do we really need to go back when there is a shortcut?”


Kraugel’s grip on the sword briefly tightened. It was while looking back and forth between Sabaek, aguy who asked uncooperatively, ‘Who is this guy to escort me?’ and Hwang Gildong, who did the samething rather than persuade him.

-Hwang Gildong has a very eccentric side. There is no malice in it, so please don’t misunderstand andcalm down.

The whispers sent by Old Sword Demon barely calmed Kraugel down.

Kraugel took a deep breath and nodded. Wasn’t Old Sword Demon with him?

The oldest ranker—he was wise, like a sage. Even if the worst situation occurred, Kraugel calmlyjudged that he would be able to respond well if he cooperated with Old Sword Demon.

“There is an inn that I frequent at the entrance to a city called Jinju. Compared to you, the dog raisedby the six year old daughter of that inn’s owner is better than you. At the very least, he is quiet whenyou throw him a bone.”

This was until a few minutes later when he saw Old Sword Demon start exchanging insults withSabaek.

‘This place... I think Huroi would’ve been the right person to come here, not me.’

Kraugel’s black eyes gradually dimmed.

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