Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1813
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Chapter 1813

Chapter 1813

The reason why a dragon couldn’t be raided even with a large number of transcendents gathered wasbecause the dragon’s absolute defense and scales couldn’t be penetrated. The fight itself couldn’t beestablished because they couldn’t inflict damage.

‘It is a terrifying power.’

In that sense, Hayate was a different person.

A Dragon Slayer—the Dragon Killing Sword that Hayate created could easily break the dragon’sabsolute defense and split apart its scales. The scales of an Old Dragon were no exception. There wasno need to form the Dragon Killing Sword. His will trembled like a lightning bolt and the energy of aDragon Slayer tore Trauka’s scales to shreds. To be precise, it was the ‘scale that came off Trauka’sbody’ and he had to take into account that this was Hayate’s mental world.

It was still great even when considering these things. It was all the more so considering that when Gridfirst smelted Trauka’s scales, he needed the help of the flames of Hexetia and the Red Phoenix.

‘It looks like a pine cone squid... Shit.’

This was Grid, who had laughed when Peak Sword saw Innocent, Mercedes’ exclusive weapon, andsaid that it looked like star candy. He had asked, ‘Is this the only way you can express it?’

So at this moment, his pride was hurt even more. Trauka’s scale that was torn apart by the energy of aDragon Slayer looked like the pine cone squid in jjamppong.

‘The power was stronger than necessary. It is fortunate that the unique attributes of the scales weren’tdestroyed, but...’

“Is this enough?”

“No. It is hard to make armor in this state.”

Of course, he could make it. However, it lacked practicality. Above all, it was somewhat ugly inappearance.

“Maybe the strength... Um...”

“Should I increase it?”

“...No. Please lower it. Only 20%...”

This wasn’t the maximum power? The astonished Grid placed a new scale on the anvil and askedagain.

“I understand. I will try.” Hayate nodded and closed his eyes like he was meditating. His breathingchanged. The Dragon Slayer energy that responded to him also slowed down and faded. Then thescale on the anvil shook violently. It was due to the Dragon Slayer energy that fell the moment Hayateopened his eyes. It was once again torn apart.

“A little weaker, please.”


“Weak. Weaker, even weaker. Don’t set the striking point in the center and raise it diagonally 5 cmupwards. This is the center of the ‘grain.’ Yes, the power should be the same as it was a moment ago.”


“It is a bit better, but it is still vague...”

“This ‘tearing’ is a result achieved through the form of a lightning bolt, but... would you rather a differentform?”

“No. It is very good right now. Is it possible to hit multiple points at the same time? Oh, as expected ofHayate! I’ll check the location separately. It’s good! This is it! Let’s go in this direction!”

It took so much time that it was hard to be aware of it. It was work to obtain the results of smelting andtempering purely through ‘striking.’ Naturally, it wasn’t easy and there were more things to coordinatethan expected. Dozens of trials and errors were repeated.

“That’s it! That’s it! It is a success!”


There was nothing sweeter than a reward for hard work. Moreover, making battle gear was acompletely different world for Hayate. He was very impressed that he had played a part in the process.

The scale of the Old Dragon was torn to pieces along the grain and intertwined like thread. It was whatthe greatest Only One God in the world wanted and he made this amazing result with his own hands...It was a very mysterious and emotional experience.

“The standards aren’t consistent. I think I have to try it again and again...”

Hayate’s personality was revealed. Far from rejoicing in the success he finally tasted, he tried to findflaws and improve it.

Grid shook his head. “It isn’t something to be sorry for. Rather, this is better.”

Armor wasn’t a rectangular object. It had to be made according to the human body. Naturally, thelength and thickness of each part were different.

“Long and short, thick and thin. It can be used in many ways. It is a great material in this state. Don’tmind it.”

Grid opened the Sanctuary of Metal to form the unity of mental worlds and started his work in earnest.

Hayate’s blue eyes, as transparent and clear as a bead, gradually colored with interest. The process ofrepeatedly waving, cutting, and adding the threaded scales happening at Grid’s fingertips seemedmiraculous to him. Before he knew it, the thread had become the framework of his armor. Trauka’sleather was used as the inner lining and an exoskeleton was added to it.


Grid’s divinity wasn’t even moving. It was stiff like a statue, as if representing the heart of its masterwho was only focused. Nevertheless, the eyes of the ‘Yellow Dragon’ continued to move from side toside and looked around. It looked like a living creature. It was very strange.

‘It isn’t just a form of divinity...?’

The energy of a Dragon Slayer that Hayate handled right now could take all sorts of forms. It was alsoeasy to take the form of a dragon. However, making the dragon look like a living, breathing creaturewas another realm.

‘It isn’t a matter to think deeply about.’

In any case, the Yellow Dragon wasn’t a living being. It just had the appearance of it. If it wassomething like a creature, it would’ve received the hostility of Dragon’s Tomb and been targeted by it. Itwas wisest to interpret the simple dignity as something Grid painstakingly crafted for his own majesty. Itseemed possible to refine the divinity with Grid’s incredible divinity.

Taang, taang, taang...

The clear hammering sound echoed. It was the process of completely binding the scale threads on theframe. Depending on the angle of light, the armor being completed was dyed orange and red and wasreminiscent of a faintly shimmering flame. It resembled the Fire Dragon’s Armor that Grid was wearing.

‘It has to be different.’

Grid took into account that the wearer was Hayate. A figure who was more aristocratic than anyoneelse. He thought it wasn’t a good idea to dress Hayate, who had bright blond hair and white skin, insuch gorgeous red armor. It was so glamorous that he was afraid he would look rustic in comparison.

‘Let’s use dye.’

Originally, dyes should be used to dye cloth or leather based armor. This was why the metal battle geardidn’t take on color well. It was closer to the feeling of a coating, so there were times when the desiredcolor didn’t come out properly.

Of course, this was a story among ordinary technical experts. Grid’s dexterity meant he could bring outthe desired color in any metal. It happened the moment when Grid opened the dye list in his inventoryand was thinking about what color scheme to use...

“What are these tubes?” Hayate asked a question.

Thin tubes made of Divine Stone by Grid were connected from the shoulder line of the armor to thechest and waist. It wasn’t on the outside, but on the inside.

“I made it so you can use this tube when using the energy of a Dragon Slayer in a self-defensemanner.”

The energy of a Dragon Slayer denied the power of a dragon. There was a concern that if Hayateoverlaid the dragon armor with the energy of a Dragon Slayer, there was a risk that the dragon armor’s

unique effects would be sealed. It meant that if he wanted to overlap the Dragon Slayer energy for ahigher defense, the defense might actually weaken instead. These pipes were set up just in case.

Divine Stone—the valuable mineral obtained from Hexetia were used as materials. It would preventmishaps in which the energy of a Dragon Slayer melted into the dragon armor.

“Can I give it a try?”

“Yes, gladly.” Grid allowed it.

Then Hayate sent out the energy of a Dragon Slayer along the pipes.


Grid’s eyes widened. He admired the appearance of the armor slowly turning white from the inside. Itwas very beautiful. It was a color that he could automatically imagine Hayate wearing.

Grid closed his inventory.

[The ‘Dragon Slayer’s Dragon Armor’ has been completed.]

Then a system message popped up. The energy of a Dragon Slayer finally completed the armor.Naturally, the rating was Only One. It had to be so.

Dragon armor for a Dragon Slayer. Nothing like this had ever existed before.

“Let’s take a look.”

Just like he was dealing with the most precious treasure in the world, Grid carefully lifted the armor andhanded it to Hayate.

Hayate nodded. That was enough. The Dragon Slayer energy flowing from inside the armor respondedto its master’s will. The ‘wearing process’ was omitted and Hayate was armored all over his body.


Hayate moved his body a few times before he burst out laughing. From the time he became a DragonSlayer to now, he had lived for countless years, but this was the first time he felt at such ease. It felt likelying in a cradle. It was a comfort he believed he would never feel again.

“It seems to be alive and breathing.”

They were words that contained too much meaning.

Grid’s eyes were red. His heart was filled with emotion. “From now on... from now on, live like acockroach...”

He wanted to say something nice, but it wasn’t easy without the help of Huroi and Lauel. Thus, thewords came out in vain. It was created by the desire to give Hayate a life force that was as tough as acockroach.

“...I will always cherish your precious favor.”

It was something that was conveyed even if he didn’t speak well.

Fortunately, Hayate smiled. Grid was relieved and replied politely, “I respect you.”

This time, he conveyed his true heart properly. As Hayate smiled, Grid’s consciousness returned toreality.

“Welcome,” Biban greeted them. He had stood there motionless from the time Grid and Hayate enteredthe mental world. He silently escorted them while the greatest Absolutes on the surface were united.

He was the most reliable escort in the world.

“I’m back.” There were mixed feelings on Grid’s face as he answered. He was very happy and excited.He was grateful that he could do something for the people he cared about.

During the time when he was immersed in his emotions, Biban carefully examined Hayate’s armor andasked Hayate politely, “Can I hit you just once?”


As expected, Biban was Biban. Grid burst out laughing in bewilderment and finally shook off thelingering feelings. He shifted Biban’s attention to help the flustered Hayate. “This time, it is your turn,Biban.”

“The biggest sword in the world.”

Biban already had something in mind. He clearly requested what he wanted, as if he had no intentionof troubling the creator, Grid.

“I want a sword big and heavy enough to cut a dragon’s throat.”

Sword God Biban—he could handle a sword of any shape and weight as he pleased. There were norestrictions. Even if he carried a great mountain, he could wield the great mountain and use it forswordsmanship as long as it was judged to be a ‘sword.’

Grid also understood. "Yes, I understand. I will give it a try.”

There happened to be a huge sword in Biban’s mental world. It was the sword that Biban had beenlonging for. From a creator’s perspective, it was very nice to have an object to refer to. His mind waslight.

‘...No, I don’t think this is something to be happy about, right?’

In order to actually make the giant sword from Biban’s mental world, it wasn’t enough even if he pouredout Trauka’s remaining bones and scales. Biban didn’t miss the look on Grid’s face as he wasinterrupted by a real problem.

“What is it? Is there a problem?”

“I don’t have the materials to make the sword you want... I don’t think there is enough.”

“Hmm... Is that so? You are running out of materials...”

Biban was unable to hide his disappointment as he stroked his chin. He looked pensive. His gray eyesfacing the ceiling slowly shifted their direction. It was in the direction of the room opposite them.

Hayate’s office—it was the space where Evil Dragon Bunhelier was sitting alone and gathering histhoughts.

“Materials... the bones and scales of an Old Dragon...”


The faces of Grid and Hayate stiffened.

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