Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1808
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Chapter 1808

Chapter 1808

The key word running through Mercedes’ mental world was regret. The sights reenacted here were‘moments I want to take back’ for her. It was quite unexpected that she picked the day she first metGrid as one of them, but... in any case, Grid wanted to respect Mercedes’ tastes.

‘One day, when I gather all my energy and get to sleep with them again...’

On that night, he would put a crown on Mercedes’ head and practice a master-servant reversalrelationship. There wasn’t the dignity of the Only One God. Mercedes’s voice permeated Grid’s ears ashe made a sincere promise. It was a calm voice without trembling.

“Thank you. Thanks to My Liege, I was able to develop further.”

The image of Mercedes forcing Grid, who was on his knees and looking like a puppy, to kiss her instep,ankle, calf, thigh, and even higher was gone. Mercedes had smashed it.

Was that why? The scene from just before seemed to have been deleted from her memory. Theevidence was that she spoke calmly, without the slightest sign of embarrassment.

‘Is it a good thing...?’

Grid’s expression was subtle as he looked at Mercedes, who had regained her composure. He felt bothrelieved and sorry. He was willing to match Mercedes’ tastes. In fact, it was a reward for him. Healways thought that Mercedes’ slender white feet and ankles were pretty...


Grid barely blocked his stream of consciousness that kept going astray. He shook off his idle thoughtsand spoke calmly, “I haven’t done anything. As always, I admire you for pioneering a new field on your

own, Mers. Congratulations.”

Grid didn’t bother to mention the scene that Mercedes had seemed to have forgotten about. He actedcasually as if he hadn’t seen anything.


A shadow briefly fell over Mercedes’ face. She couldn’t be happy. Her memories with Grid... no. Onedelusion was gone forever. It was sad. At best, a new regret was about to grow in the mental world thathad erased one regret.

Grid could feel it. Weren’t they a couple? They always had a rapport and this was Mercedes’ mentalworld. If Grid couldn’t read her feelings and thoughts in this place, then it would be a disease beyondthe level of tactlessness.

“I’ll do it myself next time.”


Mercedes was puzzled by the words, only to soon turn pale. It was the aftermath of reading themeaning in Grid’s words. It had been devastating that her bad taste was exposed to the person sheloved the most in the world.

Grid felt Mercedes’ mental world shake and urgently continued, “I’ve wanted to try it for a long time.That... a kiss on the back of your foot.”

It was only then—

“...Really?” Mercedes’ stiff expression relaxed.

“Of course. Why would I lie to you?”

“I’m glad.”

Sharing that went beyond a respect for her taste. Wasn’t this a match made in heaven? Mercedes wasreally glad that she fell in love with Grid.

[The ‘Sanctuary of Metal’ has assimilated with Mercedes’ mental world, ‘Frozen World.’]

The unity of their mental worlds was reached.

What was in the hot spring? It happened while he was trying to identify the picturesque things thatcould be glimpsed through the thick steam...

Mercedes was still a bit hesitant to show it, even if they were a match made in heaven. Therefore, sheshifted Grid’s attention. “Are we starting now?”

“Uh...? Y-Yes. By the way, what is behind that thick...”

“A weapon that unites me with My Liege. I’m very happy and excited. It's just like the first night wespent in the mountain range stained with the blood of monsters.”

“So am I. Like that night, I won’t let you down.”

The two of them started to concentrate fully. He activated Intent Production and started the productionof a new dragon weapon. At the same time, a miraculous scene was created. The surface of the flamesin the furnace repeatedly froze and melted.

It was a cold that froze even the flames. It went against providence. It was a sight that reminded himthat the mental world was a space disconnected from reality.

Taang, taang, taang!

The chill of Mercedes’ mental world continued to influence Grid’s production. It wasn’t in a positive way.Repeatedly cooling the heated bones and scales of Trauka damaged the surface.

“Am I just getting in the way?” In the end, Mercedes looked worried because she saw it was worse off.

“That isn’t the case. Look at this. Isn’t it as beautiful as a snowflake?”

Grid’s expression brightened. He was deciding that he had to accept this whole situation fully.

‘This is a result that came from the unity of our mental worlds. This phenomena must be natural andbeneficial.’

In fact, it was hard to see Trauka’s bones and scales that he was tempering as a failure. It wasbecause the form was as beautiful as a work of art. The cracks that occurred on the surface of thebones and the scales every time it was damaged by the cold were like snowflakes and they evencontained a very strong energy. Of course, if he had to make a weapon in this state, then it should be amace that smashed enemies, not a sword that cut enemies...

‘Mers and a mace. They match well.’

The legendary knight Mercedes was good at handling all types of weapons. It was different from theswordsmen who were bound by the sword.


Grid suddenly felt his face become itchy and looked away.

Mercedes was staring at him with solemn eyes. “Why do I go well with the mace?”

He forgot they were in a state where their mental worlds were united. Currently, Grid and Mercedeswere deeply connected. It was to the point where they could read each other’s minds without having to

say anything.

Grid explained calmly, “Look, look. How beautiful would the mace made in this state be? It must feellike holding a pillar of red and transparent snowflakes in your hands. It will really match Mers’ fair skin.”

“In... deed.” Mercedes didn’t bother to imagine herself holding the mace. Grid himself said it would suither, thus she just nodded in satisfaction. In fact, she thought a mace was good. Most of the otherapostles used the sword as their main weapon, so it was necessary to be mindful of cases where theywould confront a being who couldn’t be harmed with a sword.

Grid read her thoughts and nodded. “That’s right. In particular, Baal is likely to have achieved becomingimmune to sword damage.”

Baal had already suffered several deaths to Grid. Of course, Grid’s death toll was higher, but Baal wasproperly hit by Twilight. He wouldn’t want to be cut again. He would properly defend against it.

“It is safe to say that he must be searching the souls of the dead again and again to be immune to thesword... Huh?” Grid explained while tapping on the hammer. Then he stopped talking in a confusedmanner.

It was because the fragments of snowflakes were being separated from Trauka’s bones and scales asit was being forged into a single weapon. The sharp particles fell off and the weapon being forged hada smooth surface.

“...In the end, it is more of a sword than a mace.”

It was the moment when Grid corrected his words. The fragments of red snowflakes separated from thedragon’s bones and scales and flew toward Mercedes. They slowly rotated and resembled the ringsorbiting Saturn.

“Ah...” Mercedes’ eyes, which had been filled with deep lust, suddenly became clear as shecommunicated with Grid. The look in the eyes of a noble knight. She seemed to have gained a newenlightenment and the rings rotated, united, and scattered repeatedly while following her movements inthe air. They flew to the ‘sword’ that was placed on the anvil that Grid had stopped hammering. Theyclung to it like the beginning and took the shape of a mace.

‘It is a bit like Defying the Natural Order in that it can change its shape.’

It happened as Grid was thinking this...

Every time a fragment of a red snowflake moved, an unexpected object reacted to the rapidly cooledtemperature. It was the Heart of the Frost Queen. It started to emanate an unparalleled chill andshowed signs of merging with Mercedes’ mental world.

‘Where is it going?’

Grid naturally blocked it. The Heart of the Frost Queen had a fatal disadvantage in return for its terriblypowerful functions. It always radiated a chill that ‘can’t distinguish between allies and enemies.’ It was achill that created an ice kingdom that no one else could survive in. To borrow the words of Peak Sword,the Heart of the Frost Queen was the ultimate elixir for making a boss monster.

This was why it had been sealed in Grid’s inventory, which was currently considered the safest vault inthe world. Grid had no intention of allowing this cursed object to invade Mercedes...novelbin


Grid was heating up the furnace to suppress the Heart of the Frost Queen, only to become flustered. Itwas because the ring of red snowflakes wrapped around the furnace and lowered the heat. As a result,the Heart of the Frost Queen started to beat again.

Mercedes spoke in a calm tone as if to calm Grid, “This thing. I think I can control it. No, I can digest it.”

The declaration that she would control the Heart of the Frost Queen, which even the Red Phoenix wasreluctant to do, was great. It could seem very arrogant. However, Mercedes vowed that she would gobeyond the level of control and would digest it.

Could he trust her? If it was someone else, then he naturally wouldn’t have believed it so easily.However, the other person was Mercedes. Grid trusted her unconditionally. It had nothing to do with hisfeelings for her. She had Keen Insight that even the gods were wary of. A person who could call Grid’sdivinity without the permission of Only One God Grid to achieve God's Descent.

Mercedes was a woman with somewhat lewd tastes and used the mental world as an outlet for herdesires. She was very capable regardless of her taste. Of course, there was no choice but to trust her.

“Okay. Try it.”

The moment Grid gave his permission...


The Heart of the Frost Queen pulse and released the chill that had been lost. It was a chill thatstretched throughout Mercedes’ mental world. It had the momentum to dominate Mercedes’ mentalworld. The momentum didn’t last long.

Mercedes wrapped the red frost shards in her hands and grabbed the Heart of the Frost Queen. Thenthe cold air that filled the mental world started to be sucked into Mercedes’ heart.

It was just like when Grid embraced the Heart of the Red Phoenix.

Mercedes embraced the Heart of the Frost Queen.

“...With this.” Mercedes’ appearance changed as she let out a cold breath. Her dark blue hair was dyeda clear sky blue and her fair skin became whiter than snow. “My heart also hasn’t stopped.”

[Your Apostle, Mercedes, has absorbed the ‘Heart of the Frost Queen.’]

[The forced option effect generated by the ‘Heart of the Frost Queen’ is controlled according toMercedes’ will.]

[She has a heart that can be restored even if broken. Therefore, she will be resurrected again even ifshe dies.]

“We will be together forever.”

A blush spread across Mercedes’ face as she whispered with an ecstatic expression. It was a deepflush with lips that looked particularly red because her skin was too white. Grid got a chill for somereason, but he ignored it. Right now, his joy was the greatest.

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