Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1790
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Chapter 1790

Chapter 1790

[The mysterious magic that is turning all restrictions into nothing is forcibly transferring you.]

[You have safely escaped from the world of the gods, ‘Asgard.’]

[Gourmet Dragon Raiders has noticed your return and has taken back ‘Golden Protection.’]

“Gasp... Gasp... Gasp...”

Grid arrived back at the surface and immediately sank to the ground. He struggled to calm down as helet out rough breaths. His heart was thumping like crazy. His intact body proved his safe return, but thefatigue felt by Grid was comparable to when he fought fiercely with Trauka.

Searching for the key in the middle of enemy lines, accidentally meeting Zeratul, being isolated in anarmy of angels, the Great Robber of the Red Night being taken prisoner, etc. Every crisis heexperienced in Asgard was deadly.

Of course, Grid had survived all the crises unscathed. It even gave him the results he wanted.However, it was purely luck. What if there was no Zeratul in the Prison of Eternity? Additionally, what ifRaiders hadn’t given him Golden Protection? By now, Grid would’ve been in trouble in Asgard. It wasclear that it would’ve been difficult to stay alive, let alone rescue Khan and Hexetia.


Just as the celestial gods couldn’t invade the Overgeared World without permission, Asgard wasperceived as an impregnable fortress by Grid. He didn’t want to get involved with it again. It was to thepoint where he made up his mind not to even pee in the direction of Asgard.

Asgard might be in the sky, but... in any case, he really meant it.

“How is it? Wasn’t it easily solved compared to what you were worried about?”

“...Do you have any shame?”

He calmed down as he criticized the Great Robber for making a joke. Grid thought positively. He didn’thave to visit Asgard again in the future. Yes, he rescued Khan and Hexetia, so it was all over. He reallycrossed a huge hurdle. In the future, he only needed to focus on Baal’s subjugation. Unravel thedistortion of hell and allow the dead to find rest...

“You seem a bit angry, but most of what you went through in Asgard was consistent with mypredictions.”

“Weren’t you almost killed by angels?”

“You obtained Golden Protection and safely broke through the siege of the angels.”


“Communicating with dragons has a greater value beyond what you think.”

Dragon Knight.

“Think about it. You are a being who is regarded as an equal to dragons and have an understandingwith them. You are the ‘only one in the world’ who deserves the favor of a dragon. You must be specialto the dragons.”

It was the strength of an Only One title.

“Now do you understand why I described you and Raiders as an essential preparation for ascending toheaven?”novelbin

“...To be honest, I can’t believe it. I am special to the dragons...”

“Do you have no conscience?”

The Great Robber frowned and clicked his tongue. This was a reaction that Lauel often showed to Grid.

“Look back on it. How have the dragons you met so far treated you?”


After Fire Dragon Ifrit, Grid had met many dragons and had a good ending with them, even if theyquarreled at first.

He had cooperated and communicated with the five dragons that invaded Reidan, including Xenon andBasque. Cranbel, the top dragon who made them cooperate, declared in a noble manner that hewouldn’t deal any retribution to Grid and humans.

Insane Dragon Nevartan talked nonsense about welcoming Grid as his son-in-law and personallyasked Grid for a reconciliation. In the end, Gourmet Dragon Raiders gave Golden Protection to Grid.Evil Dragon Bunhelier even carried Grid on his back. It was a choice for himself, but if he hadn’t trustedGrid, he wouldn’t have allowed Grid on his back in the first place.

“As you know, dragons are pretty pitiful creatures. Most of them live in hiding alone for all their livesbecause they are afraid they will be preyed upon by their own kind. They aren’t in a position to trustanyone. But the dragons have relied on or expected things from you one time or another.”

This was the result that Fire Dragon Ifrit created.

Making a horn.

She grasped at straws as she was about to die and Grid did his best to grant her request. Theconveyed sincerity led to the connection between Ifrit and Grid. After that, all dragons came to know

Grid. At first, they harbored resentment. Then gradually, they came to acknowledge and rely on him. Itwas with the feeling that they also wanted to become Ifrit in the end.

“Poor creatures... Humans... Do dragons sympathize with humans?”

Raiders had whispered it when they arrived in Asgard.

[Keep this in mind. From a human point of view, we are better than the gods of Asgard.]

Looking back now, it was a statement that made him think a lot.

“A disaster that can destroy a city with a single flap of their wings... it is one of the expressions alwaysused when discussing dragons. However, there are few records of dragons destroying cities. At least,that is the case in ‘this world.’”

Reidan had to go through something that was so rare that it could be counted on one hand twice.Anger suddenly flared up in Grid, but he calmed down.

“Of course, I know this is the result of the hard work of Hayate and the tower members. Yet it is too feweven taking into account the existence of the tower. I always thought it was because of the dragon’sindifference, but... in fact, it isn’t that dragons don’t care about humans. It is that they actually feelsympathetic and considerate of humans?”

“That is a ridiculous guess.”

The Great Robber of the Red Night immediately shook his head.

“Do you feel a sense of sympathy for ephemeral dust? The reason dragons are harmless to humanscompared to their power is due to sheer indifference. Didn’t I already say it? You are respected by thedragons as an ‘equal.’ Only you are special. You and ordinary humans shouldn’t be considered in thesame category.”

“...I see.” Grid, who had almost developed a liking toward dragons, shook his head. He shook off hispremature speculation and asked for the most important facts.

“So... what treasure did you steal from Asgard this time?”

If he thought about it a bit more deeply, it was highly likely that today’s Great Robber of the Red Nightwas close to his aspiration.

A treasure that was kept in Asgard—it was like getting the last hidden piece that he wouldn’t have beenable to get in a world without Grid.

“It is the object that contains the most divine power of the Refractive Dragon. I have to figure out theexact usage.”

In a natural manner, the Great Robber of the Red Night didn’t hide the identity of the treasure fromGrid. The problem was that the information of the treasure was marked with all question marks to Grid.

‘It seems to be an area that players can’t access.’

It felt like he was blocked by the system. It was related to the secrets of the world, so it wasn’t a riddlethat players could somehow solve. It was an attitude that was saying that players didn’t need to beinterested.

‘In the first place, the Great Robber of the Red Night said it. The dragon god isn’t something for me tocare about.’

The dragon god, the Refractive Dragon—an object that humans who were nearing the end of the worldrelied on as a last resort. It had nothing to do with players preventing the apocalypse on their own.

“May this treasure be of great strength to you.”

“It should be humanity’s strength, not mine. Anyway, thank you... it is all thanks to you.”

[Affinity with the Great Robber of the Red Night has reached the maximum.]

[On blue days, cloudy days, or dark nights. Every time you need it, he will run to your side.]

Then he wouldn’t be called the Great Robber of the Red Night, right? Grid smiled and his eyes fell onKhan.

Khan had been standing silently ever since arriving on the surface. He was examining his surroundingsslowly and intently, like a photographer trying to imprint a landscape that he treasured dearly. All typesof emotions flashed in his eyes that were filled with water.

Grid didn’t bother to interrupt. He stood and waited silently for Khan to resolve it. Then after a while—

“Your hometown... would you like to go there?”

Grid saw Khan wiping the tears from his eyes as if he finished recalling his memories and carefullyasked a question.

Hometown—it was a word that had a special resonance for most people. However, it was especiallyspecial for Khan. There was the smithy Khan ran that had passed for generations through his family, aswell as the tombstones where Khan’s family, especially his son, was buried. It was also where he firstmet Grid. It was also one of the places with the most memories for Grid.

Surprisingly, Khan shook his head. “I would like to go to Reinhardt first.”

“You will be staying in Reinhardt from now on, so there is no need to hurry...”

“Isn’t there where you have been living since I left? I’ve always been curious about it. There are somany people I can’t wait to meet.”





Each person should live their own lives. This was the expression that was most suitable for theOvergeared Guild. The current Overgeared members, who pretended to be invincible everywhere,scattered all over the nation. They did their best so people didn’t have time to feel Grid’s absence as hewas busy dealing with gods, demons, and dragons.

However, they all came together.

Khan—the members of the Overgeared Guild also had precious memories with him. Ruby’s reactionwas particularly fierce.

It was when she had just stepped into this world. As Grid’s sister, Khan had taken care of her like agranddaughter.

“I wanted to see you! I missed you so much, Grandfather!”

“The same goes for me. I am happy to see you become a beautiful woman. Huhu.”

Khan patted Ruby, who was crying as she hugged him. Sniffles were heard everywhere. The peoplewho joined the Overgeared Guild after Khan’s death knew the story of Khan well, so they were alsothrilled.

Only one person.

“I’m sorry... I’m really sorry...”

Only Faker greeted Khan with the heart of a sinner. He still couldn’t shake off the memory of that daywhen he couldn’t protect Khan from Veradin. He had been plagued with intense guilt even though noone had blamed him. Not once had he ever forgotten the incompetence of that day.

Faker fell to his knees and Khan hugged his trembling body.

“Thank you. I am really thankful. Thanks to you who fought desperately to protect me, I was neitherafraid nor lonely. Thanks to you, I was able to hold on until I said my last goodbye to Grid.”


Faker’s body collapsed in Khan’s arms. The burden on his mind had been bothering him for a long timeand now it was melted away by the hot body temperature of the blacksmith who returned. It was themoment when the dagger, which had been worn out after being sharpened, was re-tempered.

Everyone present had a hunch. In the future, the Overgeared Guild would become more and moreunited. It would become uncontrollably powerful.

“Hum hum...”

This was until Hexetia’s impatience revealed itself.

Grid and the Overgeared members hugged Khan while laughing and crying.

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