Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1779
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Chapter 1779

Chapter 1779

“Are you sure it is okay?”

This morning—following Biban, Grid fell unconscious. It was the aftermath of entering Biban’s mentalworld. The tower members were nervous when they saw the two men who hadn’t regainedconsciousness even as night fell. In the first place, was it possible to break into someone else’s mentalworld?

“After Sir Biban, if something goes wrong with Grid... we have no choice but to hold you accountable.”

The tower members respected Muller. However, they didn’t have a personal relationship or trust withMuller. Even considering Muller’s achievements and reputation, they had no choice but to becomesuspicious.

Muller understood.

“If I happen to cause trouble to Grid—” He nodded and spoke with a serious expression, “I will fall intohell immediately and cut off Baal’s head at least three times before dying.”

I will die after slightly reducing the life of the master of hell, which is close to infinity...

Even that paled in comparison to the achievements that Grid would accumulate in the future, but it wasthe best thing that Muller could do.

The tower members frowned. “Are you threatening us now?”

Muller dying to Baal? There was nothing worse than that. If Baal possessed the power of the SwordSaint, then he would become so powerful that it couldn’t compare to now.

“I just want to take some responsibility. In any case, the world is over the moment something goeswrong with Grid. What is the point of a threat?”

Muller knew that Grid was essential to the world. He said that he wouldn’t put Grid into danger, but infact, he was inwardly nervous. It was because Grid was unconscious for much longer than heexpected.

‘The resistance of the sword seems stronger than I expected...’

Right now, Biban’s mental world would’ve been ruled by a sword. The small sword, which was originallyonly a small part of Biban, would’ve absorbed Biban and become larger than him. In other words, it wasdifficult to communicate. Perhaps Grid was engaged in a fierce battle without discussion with Biban,who had become a sword.

‘...I was hoping that Grid’s presence would awaken Sir Biban’s consciousness.’

Muller had only recently known about Grid. Despite this, Grid was imprinted as the most specialconnection throughout Muller’s life. That was how great a person he was. Muller guessed that forBiban, who had associated with Grid for years, Grid was likely to be a very extraordinary presence.Moreover, Biban was the owner of the dragon weapon that Grid created for him.

He believed that the swordsman would’ve realized that it was natural for him to rely on the sword, evenif it was belatedly. This was the background behind the reason he expected Grid to awaken Biban’sconsciousness from a deep sleep. But looking at the situation, it seemed difficult.

Biban’s consciousness seemed to have sunk deeper than Muller expected.

‘If it is delayed any further here, I have no choice but to step out and destroy it by force.’

Muller was close to invincible when it came to swords. Not only was he good at handling swords, buthe was about to fight against those who used the sword and win unconditionally. Therefore, heasserted that he could behead Baal three times. He knew Baals’ personality, who enjoyed pretendingto be playful, and knew that Baal would try to use swordsmanship to confront him at least three times.

In any case, Muller would win as long as it was a sword that was dominating Biban’s mental world.Nevertheless, the reason why he sent in Grid was naturally for Biban’s sake. The sword that dominatedBiban’s mental word was also Biban. Muller breaking into Biban’s mental world and slashing his swordmeant he would be cutting Biban’s mental world. There was a risk of damaging his mind, memories,and experience.

In order to fully rescue Biban, a conversation was needed, not force. The ones most suitable to rescueBiban through a conversation was Hayate and Grid. At the very least, Muller didn’t have the confidenceto awaken Biban’s consciousness without violence.

‘In this situation, it would be ideal to send Hayate, but...’

Hayate was pale and tired. He seemed to have been quite shocked after realizing that he was the onewho ruined Biban. It was only natural that, as the Dragon Slayer himself, he felt guilty for driving Bibanto this point because he was afraid of the dragons. The unity of his mind and body shook like it wasabout to break and the atmosphere was unusual.

‘He is the person after Grid who shouldn’t be lost. I can’t put him in danger.’

Humanity’s first Absolute—Hayate was the only one who reached the level of an Absolute in a purehuman body. Unlike other Absolutes, he was subjected to various restrictions due to being human.Nevertheless, he used all his capabilities to suppress a dragon’s rampage. This was even though hefeared dragons more than anyone.

He was a great man who had no flaws in terms of his skills and personally. He was also the pride ofhumanity. In Muller’s opinion, the value of Hayate was higher than that of the world. Even if this worldwas destroyed, he had to protect Hayate so that humanity’s hope would continue.

Who knows? In the next world or the world after that, Hayate might stop the end of the world.

‘I hope that Grid stops the end of the world this time.’

Hayate was insurance. He must not be lost. Muller was convinced again and drew his sword. He wasdetermined to come forward and rescue Grid and Biban himself. It was the only solution at the moment,even if it meant hurting Biban.


Muller’s eyes widened as he swung his sword and tried to open the entrance to Biban’s mental world. Itwas because the entrance didn’t open. His Heart Sword, which could cut anything, couldn’t cut Biban’smental world.


It happened as Muller realized there was a serious problem and became even more concerned aboutGrid’s body...



Grid and Biban, who were sleeping as if they were dead, opened their eyes at the same time. Mullertrembled while the tower members looked relieved. He realized why the Heart Sword couldn’t cutBiban’s mental world.

‘The world... it has become five.’

The surface, hell, heaven, and the Hwan Kingdom—the world was largely divided into these fourdimensions. Except for these worlds that each had their own Absolute, the other dimensions wereinsignificant.

Now the game had changed. The world would be divided into five, not four. It was the surface, hell,heaven, the Hwan Kingdom, and the Tower of Wisdom. This meant that a group that had less than tenpeople was now standing shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the world.

It had to be so. They now had two Absolutes.


Hayate was also aware of Biban’s extraordinary situation. He couldn’t help being amazed when seeingBiban’s deep, mellow gray eyes. In the tumultuous atmosphere—

“I was greatly helped by Grid,” Biban explained.

Just then—


Grid’s Twilight exuded a brilliant glow.

[Twilight has contributed to the birth of an Absolute and the enhancement value has increased to +3.]

An overwhelming energy filled the space. The tower members flinched and were slowly overwhelmed.It was because they felt the faint energy of an old dragon from Twilight. They realized that a swordmade from the fang of an old dragon could truly carry the energy of an old dragon.

“Can I borrow that sword for a moment?” Biban politely asked Grid.

“Of course.” Grid gladly handed it over.

In the first place, he planned to make new dragon weapons for the tower members. There was noreason to hesitate to lend Twilight. Biban’s figure holding Twilight disappeared like a lie.

Grid, Hayate, and Muller shifted their gazes outside in turn. Through the huge window, Biban’s backcould be seen. His gray hair fluttered in the moonlight and shone like white snow. It felt like he wascooling down the orange divinity emitted by Twilight.


The tower members found Biban one step later and were horrified. It was because they noticed a hugelight approaching through the night sky. It was a Dragon’s Breath. The precise trajectory was aiming atBiban. It was a bombardment that would turn the sober Biban into ashes and make the tower collapse.

“They have started to locate the tower...!”

They had to hasten the relocation. However, it would take quite a few sacrifices to deal with the dragonthat was attacking right now. The first victim would be Biban.

Ken’s fist smashed through the window. The giant brothers, Radwolf and Fronzaltz, and Betty flew outthe window, while Abellio’s painting and Jessica’s buff magic were stacked on Biban’s body. The 5thSeat, Jurene, attempted taming against the dragon. The chance of success was naturally 0%, but itwas theoretically possible to restrict its behavior for a while.

They were all desperate apart from Grid, Hayate, and Muller. It was a weak stream of fire compared tothe Breath of Fire Dragon Trauka.

However, the Breath of a low-grade dragon could still annihilate a human city and it was coming closeto Biban. It would be long before the tower members arrived.


It happened at the time when the tower members screamed out of concern about Biban, who wasfacing the Breath alone...

A series of explosions were created from the Breath. They were explosions that occurred as Bibanpierced through the flames that continued in a straight line. It felt like a wave of flames was engulfingthe night sky.


The dragon’s willpower that was filled with consternation was conveyed intact to the tower members.Muller and Hayate’s mouths dropped open slightly. Muller was admiring the movement of Biban, whoused the power of Twilight to charge at full speed. It was the appearance of communication and mutualunderstanding with the sword. It could be called the peak of ‘being one with the sword.’

Hayate felt and admired the aura of a Dragon Slayer mixed with Biban’s sword energy. Originally, theenergy of a Dragon Slayer was obsessed with harming dragons and it had a violent temperament. Itresembled killing intent, so it was easy to read. However, the energy of a Dragon Slayer handled byBiban was different. It was naturally suppressed by sword energy and only showed its power whennecessary. This made it difficult for a dragon to respond.

[You... what are you?!!]

The dragon shouted ferociously as its scales and bones were cut.

The emergence of a new Dragon Slayer—it was impossible. For the supreme dragons, Biban was anunknown.

“What am I?”

Biban smiled as he pondered on the question.

“I am just one swordsman,” he replied as he tossed Twilight, imbued with the energy of a DragonSlayer, back to Grid, who was joining from behind the tower members.

A swordsman with Grid’s sword in his heart. The trajectory of Twilight cut through the dragon’s wings.This was what Biban intended. He was using Grid’s divinity that dwelled in Twilight as if it was his ownenergy. The Absolute, born from borrowing Grid’s sword and cutting at his own mental image, becamea Sword Saint who was qualified to be a Dragon Slayer. He was also the most brilliant being whenusing Grid’s sword as a weapon.

“Overgeared swordsman...”

Grid’s words that he murmured to himself were buried by the dragon’s scream.

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