Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1773
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Chapter 1773

Chapter 1773

It wasn’t a mistake. He wasn’t even driven by instinct. The old dragon had lived for eternity andrationally and soberly analyzed and judged the situation.

A non-standard existence who split in half the Breath he shot with all his might.

He was wary of Hayate, the Dragon Slayer who killed his kin with a human body and rose to anAbsolute. Thus, he put Hayate as his top priority. It was to the extent that he turned away from Grid andMarie Rose, who were approaching quickly.

Trauka used the remnant flames of the Breaths that the tower members had left behind and focused onwiping out Hayate. The low-grade dragons aimed for Hayate’s status and were obsessed with him.

The reason why the higher ranking dragons were obsessed with Hayate was because they knew hispotential was threatening to them. Just as Hayate had proved by slashing the Breath a moment ago,the aura of a Dragon Slayer was also deadly to an old dragon. He dared to invade and neutralize thepower and rights that a dragon took for granted.


The sight of Hayate screaming silently reassured Trauka. He believed that Hayate would die soon themoment the energy of a Dragon Slayer melted down. Thanks to this, Trauka could fully focus on Gridand Marie Rose, who were right in front of him.

The dragon weapon that the two of them held together—he kept an eye on the direction of the swordmade from Bunhelier’s fang. Then a variable occurred that couldn’t be predicted even with the wisdomof an old dragon.

Sword Saint Biban completely blew away the flames of willpower burning Hayate. Trauka’s willpowerwas always solid. Yet this meant that the willpower of an old dragon, which should’ve been eternal, wasbroken. It was the first time in his life.

Trauka came to a complete standstill. He was overwhelmed by an incredible sense of disbelief. Ofcourse, it was only for a moment. Trauka’s broken will was restored almost immediately. At the sametime, he shook off his sense of collapse.

The problem was that there were three Absolutes in this spot, excluding Trauka, who extended thisfleeting moment like it was an eternity.


‘Moon night iron?’

Trauka realized something as he captured the brilliant sword light shining from Grid’s waist that was onthe edge of his field of view. He had been wrong from the beginning. He shouldn’t have been distractedby Hayate. The most important one to watch out for here wasn’t Marie Rose or Hayate...

One of the reasons why the giants suffered from destruction—it was due to the possibilities of themoon night iron. If only there was a being who could handle it by turning it into ‘battle gear’ rather thanthe outer skin of an insignificant toy–the power of absolute defense and the hardness of the scales,which allowed the dragons to reign, would be reduced to being worthless.

This was why the dragons stood on the side when the gods of Asgard punished the giants and buriedtheir land in the sea. Trauka had also acquiesced to the gods’ vile actions on the surface. Now thehistory of the giants’ disappearance became meaningless.

Trauka’s absolute defense and scales were brutally slashed by the Falling Moon Sword. It was whilehis back was to the huge lair in the form of a sphere. For Trauka, who had spent his Dragon Words on

trying to make himself ‘whole,’ there was no way he could resist the Falling Moon Sword. It wieldedmiraculous power on top of the Dragon Words that said he ‘can’t be cut.’ It was impossible for the‘current Trauka’ to add new Dragon Words.


You, who never helped me in my life, am holding me back even after your death.

Trauka lamented. He felt deep regret that he wasn’t complete when facing three Absolutes. He had ahunch. He might not be defeated today, but he wouldn’t win either. He would take a massive loss. Thiswas the future seen through the sunset-colored sword piercing his chest.

Twilight, stabbed together by Marie Rose and Grid, pierced Trauka’s chest from bottom to top. It dug inand gradually destroyed the especially thick scales that protected the heart. The power of theAbsolutes in Bunhelier’s fang, reborn as one of the most powerful swords in the world, was powerfuleven without the energy of a Dragon Slayer.

Finally, Twilight pierced through the scales and started to mangle Trauka’s skin and flesh. Each drop ofTrauka’s flowing blood possessed an energy incomprehensible to a human’s common sense andcontained a magical destructive power. But unfortunately—

“Don’t stop.” Marie Rose was unquestionably the best at controlling blood. She led Grid, who wasshrinking back, through the torrential rain of blood that exploded in succession. She split the remnantsof blood that was evaporating after exploding to prevent it from being absorbed by her.

Inside the cracks of the red barrier that rose from side to side.


Grid gritted his teeth and advanced. In cooperation with Marie Rose, every sword strike ofTranscended Linked Dragon Pinnacle Kill Wave hit Trauka’s heart.

The body of the great old dragon staggered like he was going to fall. Those who happened to witnessthe scene from afar mistakenly thought the mountain range that suddenly appeared was shakingrandomly. The red wall, which couldn’t be crossed by the heavenly gods, started to collapse.


[Fire Dragon Trauka, who has never fallen since his birth, is unable to handle the power of thecooperative sword dance and has fallen to his knees!]

[The gods of Asgard are shocked by the potential of you and Marie Rose and are gazing at the surfacewith bated breath.]

[You have made an achievement that will be passed on orally through ‘the mouth of the gods.’]

[This is an achievement that won’t be forgotten even if the world is destroyed many times.]

[There is room for someone in the future to interpret it as part of the creation myth.]

[The title ‘Faint Qualifications of the Beginning of the World’ has been acquired.]

[Faint Qualifications of the Beginning of the World]

[Rating: ???

Effect: ???]

[Venice, the God of Money, is showing off her friendship with you to the gods of Asgard.]

[Some of the gods of Asgard, fascinated by your performance and Venice’s explanation, started to feelliking toward you.]

Once the Transcended Linked Dragon Pinnacle Kill Wave sword dance ended, the moon that finally fellon the ground shattered. Then Trauka’s huge body crashed on top of it. His figure as he collapsed andflinched felt like they were watching undulating mountains and walls.

An old dragon was a being that created a transcendent scene even when it was wounded.

“Did we... win?”

“An old dragon was knocked down?”

The tower members who were taking care of Hayate and Biban were in an uproar.

The frightened Grid’s eyes widened as he noticed, but it was already too late. The flag was raised.

Trauka immediately rose up. He acted as if it wasn’t a fatal wound even though his heart, one of adragon’s few weaknesses, was hacked to pieces.

“Because it is fake,” Marie Rose explained while observing Trauka’s cracked chest. Currently, Trauka’sheart was a fake made from Dragon Words. Even if it was broken, the actual damage would’ve beensurprisingly small. However, a dragon heart couldn’t be that easily broken. Trauka’s heart might befake, but it was still intact.

‘Old dragons...’

They were indeed unreasonable existences.

Grid gulped and slowly raised his head to the end. He faced the eyes of the giant dragon, whoremained aloof even when hit in his weak spot by the six fusion sword dance that was many times

more powerful than when Grid used it alone. Fortunately, Grid was the Blood King. Marie Roseovercame the Curse of Sloth as long as she was with Grid. Grid had no way of knowing whether it wascompletely overcoming the curse and regaining all stats, or simply defeating the sleepiness. At the veryleast, her eyelids weren’t heavy. She seemed to be able to fight more.

The power of the tower members was also intact. Apart from the seriously injured Hayate, and Biban,who somehow lost his mind, the tower members were strong.

Grid summoned Noe, Randy, and all the direct descendants before taking a slow, deep breath. ‘I can’tcall Nefelina. I have to finish it with the gathered strength after calling the Overgeared Guild members.’

The reason why he didn’t call the apostles was because he was worried about their lives. In particular,he feared that Nefelina would be eaten by Trauka. A scene where a precious being was eating right infront of his eyes? Grid never wanted to see it. Nefelina had a special title of ‘Transcendent Dragon’ andwas likely to be a source of great nourishment for Trauka.

‘...I can’t even call Braham.’

Braham could overcome death. There was no one more suitable to summon to a battlefield wheredeath followed. It was special. The problem was that it was too special. Braham was the only oneamong the apostles who was beyond Grid’s control. There was no way to stop Braham when hebecame emotional and once he was emotional, he was mostly trolling.

The being Braham hated most in the world—summoning him to the battlefield where Marie Rose waspresent was like carrying a time bomb.

“Summon Knights.” Grid summoned the Overgeared Guild members.

Just then, onlookers started gathering.

The appearance of an old dragon—Trauka had a strikingly huge body and made his appearanceknown by changing night to day and drying up the rivers. In other words, it was natural for spectators toflock. They were naturally players who didn’t care about risking their lives. Very few of them wererankers whose faces Grid could remember.

Nevertheless, Grid immediately planned a massive raid. Fire Dragon Trauka raid—he was going tourge all players present to fight so that the world wasn’t destroyed.

In fact, everyone was aware of the seriousness of the situation even if Grid didn’t say it. The battle gearthat the bystanders pulled out proved it. Some were beginners who hadn’t passed level 100, otherswere intermediate players who barely passed level 200, and a few passed level 300. The majority ofthose couldn’t even be a source of power, but...

Grid decided to rely on them.

“The moment you die, resurrect and rush back here,” Vantner said while raising a large shield in front ofhis colleagues. All the Overgeared members nodded and made a prediction. It was going to be anunexpectedly short fight.

Most of the players, except for Grid, would probably die without even being able to handle Trauka’sBreath. It was a situation where a significant number of people were dying just from the flames ofwillpower burning the battlefield right now. But it had to be fought.

It happened as everyone became determined...

[Only One God Grid.]

The giant dragon opened his mouth. The pressure in his voice was truly heavy. Trauka simply ‘talked,’but all the players below a legendary status felt deaf and suffered from all sorts of abnormal statuses.

Trauka’s face gradually grew bigger. It was because he was stretching his head toward the humans.Even the members of Overgeared became contemplative. They naturally envisioned the scene whereplayers were annihilated by the Breath that poured out the moment Trauka opened his mouth again.

It was a time when the tense Grid and tower members prepared for Trauka’s attack.novelbin


A warp gate opened in the air. Then a beautiful man with silver hair appeared—Braham, the God ofWisdom and Magic. It was immediately after seeing the arrival of daytime out of nowhere and sensingTrauka’s appearance. He cast chasing and detection magic through the continent and identifiedTrauka’s location. Then he realized that Grid was by Trauka’s side and rushed over immediately.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Braham trembled as he glared at Grid.

“Hiik!” Then screams burst out. It was the aftermath of Trauka’s huge face coming closer to the ground.

In front of everyone’s eyes...

The old dragon aligned his eye level with humans, including Grid, and slowly opened his mouth.

The precursor to a Breath...

[...I apologize.]



Silence came like a lie over the scene where screams and moans had been pouring out.

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