Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1767
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Chapter 1767

A long time ago.

It was when Grid was a duke of the Eternal Kingdom. Grid and the members of Overgeared weretaught swordsmanship by Piaro. They learned valuable lessons. They didn’t gain strength that wasexpressed in numbers, such as their level or stats going up.

Nevertheless, those who learned swordsmanship from Piaro clearly became stronger. They quicklylearned the know-how that should’ve been gained through actual combat. It was why Piaro was praisedas the pillar of the Overgeared Empire.

Defeating the great demons who invaded the surface, leading the war against the kingdoms hostile tothe Overgeared Kingdom, and resolving the food shortage by turning all types of devastated land intorice paddies and agricultural fields—in addition to his numerous achievements, Piaro was the teacherof Grid and the Overgeared members.

He was treated more highly than a meritorious retainer by the people. He was a big shot among bigshots.

“Please teach your junior as well.”

Piaro went to Sword Saint Muller and bowed his head. It was after Grid declared the hell expedition.The heroes of the empire scattered all across the continent for training, but Piaro remained inReinhardt. It was because the best teacher, Muller, was in Reinhardt.

Muller was puzzled. “I heard that you created this farmland.”

“Yes, farming is one of the few talents that this lowly junior can boast about.”

“You have made great achievements as a farmer. You shouldn’t be humble.”

“Senior, how many people in the world can’t be humble in front of you? Please don’t use honorifics withme. I feel uncomfortable.”

“Um... But I’m not your senior...”

He could understand to some extent why Mercedes regarded him as a teacher. Mercedes was a knightwho used swords. It wasn’t strange for her to ask Muller to teach her.

On the other hand, Piaro was a farmer. Muller was flustered when a farmer kept calling him Senior andasked him to teach something. He couldn’t glimpse the remnants of the Matchless Sword from Piaro.

Piaro had grown into a legendary farmer. Before he knew it, he had completely abandoned the form ofa swordsman and built up his own martial arts. The fact that he was once a swordsman wasn’trecognized by the greatest swordsman of all time. This meant Piaro was a complete farmer.

“The path you have walked is too precious for you to set your heart on the sword again. It will be agreat loss to the world if you abandon the path of a farmer and become a swordsman.”

Natural State—all the energy of nature was seeping into Piaro in real time. Every breath and gesture ofPiaro’s won the world’s favor.

Muller recognized it instantly. It was the fact that the farmer in front of him was a person who wouldbecome more powerful as time passed. He was confident that the more prosperous the world became,without being threatened by demons or gods, the stronger that Piaro would become.

However, Piaro had little faith in himself.

“This junior... was previously a swordsman,” Piaro confessed, “I was one of the countless swordsmenwho admired you and dreamed of becoming a Sword Saint. Yet along the way, I fell in love with the

farmlands. I abandoned the sword and picked up a hand plow. How can I dream of becoming aswordsman again?”

“The lesson you want to get from me isn’t swordsmanship.”

Muller noticed it. The farmer in front of him wasn’t sure if the path he took was really the right one andwanted someone to evaluate him objectively on his behalf. This was what Muller was suited for.

“The apostles are all outstanding.”

Muller’s hand was placed on the sword handle. It was the handle of an old iron sword. Far from beingugly, it looked precious like an old antique.

“You might have doubts if you compare yourself with them.”


The Absolutes of human origin, or those who were close to an Absolute, had something in common.They had little experience with victory after victory. Neither Grid nor Hayate nor Muller. They startedtheir lives from the position of an underdog. Even when they were hailed as heroes, they facedenemies far stronger than they were and were defeated repeatedly. Sleepless days were common. Itwas just that they didn’t break.

“I recall the time when I wandered around with a similar feeling to you. I guess I really am your senior.”

Muller drew his sword from the sheath. It was different from the proud family heirlooms boasted aboutby famous swordsmen. It was dull rather than sharp, dark rather than shiny, and crude rather thanflashy. However, it was a sword that could cut anything. It was the ‘greatest and most famous sword ofall time’ that shared every moment with Muller and was reborn as a famous sword.

“Come.” The words of the Sword Saint resembled a dragon’s words. It made those with blades in theirhearts react immediately.

Piaro reflexively maximized the power of Natural State and ran forward. He sowed seeds to make theterrain beneficial to him while narrowing the ground on which Muller was standing.

Muller’s sword flashed through the surging beanstalks and intertwined sweet potato stems.

“Consider it a blessing that there are people who are catching up to you in a terrifying manner.”

The faces of the members of Overgeared crossed Piaro’s mind as he barely deflected Muller’s sword,which cut and scattered the layers of sweet potato stems. They were those who were below him only10 years ago.

Piaro was afraid of those who started walking at a speed similar to his. To be exact, he was nervous.He wondered if he was becoming a worthless existence to them. However, Muller was right. Heshouldn’t be afraid. It should be regarded as a blessing. He was able to develop steadily because therewere those who supported him and spurred him on.

Muller’s slashes fell like a thunderbolt at every moment. It wasn’t simply a metaphor that he usedbecause it was fast. It was because the form itself repeatedly bent at an angle.

Piaro activated the White Tiger’s Breath. Then the ground that assimilated with him soared like acanyon before being destroyed in vain. It couldn’t withstand Muller’s sword.

“Be grateful that there are those who are ahead of you.”

The faces of the apostles flashed through Piaro’s mind as he shot sweet potatoes and potatoeshanging from the stems like cannonballs to ward off Muller’s advance. They were those who carried ahuge history, unlike himself, who easily betrayed his nation due to being betrayed, and gave up his

dream simply because he found a new path. They were noble from their origins and even theirbreathing was heavy.

They steadily advanced with no hesitation and lightly overtook Piaro in every way. It was right that heshould be grateful to them. They were those who inspired Piaro every moment.

“...I know.”

The pitchfork wielded by Piaro noisily raised a large mound of dirt. It fired in a straight line, as if inspiredby the Breath Grid once showed. This forced Muller to unleash a sword curtain.novelbin

“Unlike my senior, who was lonely, I have always understood that the environment I am in is a blessing.Even so, I didn’t know how to manage myself because I repeatedly became anxious at every momentand became frustrated from envy.”

This wasn’t the first time Piaro had wandered.

On the day when he realized he would never catch up with Zik and Braham...

On the day when he was completely overtaken by Mercedes, who was once his disciple...

On the day he witnessed Nefelina carrying Grid on that little body...

On the day that Mir recreated Muller’s swordsmanship...

Piaro’s wanderings continued. He wandered again even after overcoming it, so he distrusted himself.


I don’t think I am qualified to be an apostle.


It was the moment when Piaro was about to express the truth he had been hiding for a long time...

“You must’ve been a very good swordsman.” Muller suddenly said. It was while checking the texture ofthe field that Piaro had grown with the soles of his feet. “You have a good understanding of theenvironment needed for a swordsman to fully demonstrate their skills. The apostles who handle swordsseem to be able to demonstrate their full skills only on the land you have grown.”


In the No Offspring Tomb, Mercedes tried to cooperate with Piaro. It was only after Piaro plowed thefarmland that Mir started to act in earnest. Muller’s condition wasn’t perfect at the time, but heremembered the situation clearly.

“The amount of magic power contained in the soil is considerable...”

Wouldn’t Braham’s magic also be multiplied in Piaro’s presence? Muller thought about this and smiled.“I suspect that the other apostles are relying on you.”

Just then, Piaro was enlightened. The people and soldiers who were able to feed themselves thanks tothe crops that were harvested—he realized that they and the apostles weren’t very different.

“I can assure you that the path you have walked is one of the best.”

Muller drove in the nail again. The greatest Sword Saint of all time notarized the greatness of thefarmer.

[Sword Saint ‘Muller’ and the legendary farmer ‘Piaro’ have established a new law in the world.]

[If you form a party with the ‘farmer’ class in the future, the power of swordsmanship-related skills youhave learned will greatly increase.]


As a result, thanks to Piaro, those who chose the farmer class increased. The stage of farmers was nolonger confined to the farmlands. For the farmers who already respected Piaro, Piaro was becoming agreat god.

[Humanity worships your apostle ‘Piaro.’]

[Your apostle ‘Piaro’ has gained 3 points of deity.]

“...What is happening again?”

Grid had only recently realized it, but the apostles seemed to grow faster in his absence. Grid thoughtseriously while making a subtle expression like he didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

At this moment, he was in Reidan, not Reinhardt. It was to meet the Gray Dragon, Xenon. To be exact,it was the day when Xenon presented his scales.

Grid fell into a happy worry. ‘Who should I make a dragon weapon for first?’

Of course, it was hard to compare to Twilight. Nevertheless, the dragon weapon made from Xenon’sscales was good enough. Based on Grid’s current experience and skills, it was possible for him tocreate a weapon equivalent to Gujel’s Fang. There were several people around Grid who could handledragon weapons.

The apostles, Hayate, and even Sword Saint Muller. No matter who it was gifted to, the power ofhumanity would rise rapidly.

‘No matter what, it is right to give it to the apostles first. Zik uses the red energy contained in Saharan’sSword, so I should put Mercedes or Mir first...’

Grid’s thoughts stopped. It was because a corner of the peaceful city was smashed right in front of hiseyes.

It was the aftermath of Xenon crashing down. A huge dragon helplessly plummeted to the ground.


Grid rushed forward in a hurry. Fortunately, there were no casualties. It was because Xenon fell towardan uninhabited place. This was why Grid’s response was slow in the first place.

“Xenon? Hey! What’s going on?”

Up close, Xenon’s condition was disastrous. The absolute defense and scales were faded and hisentire body was mangled. The thick scales near his heart had completely melted away. There was noheart where it should be. The remaining residual fire inside the melted scales was burning Xenon’sflesh in real time.

[I’m... sorry...]

The words he barely managed to utter were an apology. He seemed very sorry that he had destroyedReidan again.

“First of all, healing...”

It happened the moment when Grid tried to contact Ruby...

[First... evacuate... humans...]

Xenon shook his head weakly and urged Grid. Just then, lava poured down from the sky.

This was the first time Grid actually saw it. The sight of a dragon dying.

[The Gray Dragon ‘Xenon’ has died.]

An Absolute species, which lived forever and reigned over everything, turned to gray ash in vain. Anashen pillar on a never before seen scale covered all of Reidan.


Grid’s mind cooled down.

Grrr, grrr...

The sound of a wild beast’s breathing came closer. Red flames spread throughout the gray world.

[The Fire Dragon, ‘Trauka,’ has emerged.]

Probably the strongest of the old dragons. The culprit who isolated Talima from the world. He was anAbsolute being of the surface who was wounded by his daughter, originally an object of predation. Nowhe appeared in the world. Grid was projected onto his pupils, which were filled with all types of colorslike they contained the universe.

[I have a request to ask of you.]

He spoke while chewing and swallowing Xenon’s beating heart.

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