Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1765
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Chapter 1765

“...Is it roughly like this?”

On the first day of school, a student who hid his strength bumped into a woman who had top fivefighting skills in the area and showed his skills...

Lauel put down a novel that had recently become popular at the Overgeared Academy and fell silent.

It was from around the time that Lauel received a tip that Sword Saint Muller was heading to the NoOffspring Tomb with Kraugel—Lauel predicted that the strongest Sword Saint of all time would soonbecome a member of the empire. As expected, his prediction was correct.

The epic proved that Muller was fascinated by Grid from the very beginning.

Lauel had to think about Muller’s future course of action.

Giving him a high title?

Muller was a hero who wandered freely and cared for the people. Based on his disposition, a title couldgive him the feeling of shackles. Lauel was also afraid that he would be seen as trying to takeadvantage of Muller’s reputation.

There was the same logic behind making him the master of the Sword Tower.

Lauel made a decision after much thought.

Let’s just give Muller whatever he wants.

Then came his present troubles. It had been hundreds of years since Muller last came out into theworld. What if he hid his identity to enjoy freedom for a while, only to accidentally encounter one of theOvergeared God’s apostles while wandering through the busy streets of Reinhardt? The strongest

people of this era would recognize the strongest Sword Saint of all time, and in the end, they wouldhave a battle of pride...

‘...This is too improbable.’

However, people read it for this taste.

Lauel opened the book about the transfer student who hid his power and started reading it again. It wasto use his precious rest time wisely.

Lauel inferred that the author of the novel was a player. There was even a high probability of thembeing a member of Overgeared Guild. It was because the information of the Overgeared Academy,which couldn’t be grasped unless there was an official involved, was incorporated into the setting. Itwasn’t at the level of information leakage. It was stuck at an acceptable line.

‘Considering that there are three beautiful heroines and the main character is a shameless human whohas a crush on all of them… as expected, the author of this book is...’

There was a high probability that it was Damian. It must be a reflection of his own experience of lovingall of the Rebecca’s Daughters. The unique Japanese grammar also stood out.

‘Okay, I will ask Damian to write a follow up sequel to target NPCs. It is in novel form to make itaccessible to people.’

There were many writers who worked in Satisfy. Time-pressed jobs usually relied heavily on Satisfy.Time was triple that of reality, so it was easier to meet deadlines. Experts expressed concern that itwould overwork the brain, but the writers who had to meet the deadline just let it enter one ear and outthe other.

In any case, there were many world-class bestselling authors in Satisfy, but Lauel wanted a moretrendy author It was a writer with the ability to captivate the public instantly. It was just like the author ofthe novel about the transfer student blah blah blah, which held a captivating power that didn’tdistinguish between players and NPCs.

‘It is important to increase the population.’

The population had decreased significantly since the great human and demon war and it wasn’tshowing signs of recovery. It was time for players and NPCs to work together more than ever.

With love. Intensely.

They had to all work together to solve what Grid couldn’t control.

‘I must find out as soon as possible the reason why Grid hasn’t been able to have a child in so long...’

It was a rare mystery. Why didn’t Grid have any children since Lord? The speculations that could’ve runwild were tightly controlled by the Overgeared Guild and the empire. On the other hand, he wassending people from all walks of life to find out why Grid couldn’t get another child. But there was littlenews...

It happened as Lauel was murmuring to himself...

[The apostles and servants of Only One God ‘Grid’ have killed Baal, the 1st Great Demon who invadedthe No Offspring Tomb.]

A world message appeared. It took him a moment to really understand the content. It was thatshocking.

‘...They did it without Grid?’

A bolt of lightning flashed through Lauel’s head.

Then he received news that Braham had returned to Reinhardt.


“Lord Braham.”

“Prime Minister, what is going on?”

Braham was trying not to miss the inspiration that had come randomly to him. He didn’t want to bedisturbed by anyone. However, Lauel was the exception. It was a bit unfortunate, but Braham was ableto spare some time.

Wasn’t he the number one contributor who made the current Grid and empire? Lauel was one of thefew humans that Braham respected.

“Please marry.”


It was just that Braham didn’t respect Lauel enough to allow such nonsense.

Braham examined Lauel’s determined expression with cold eyes and slowly opened his mouth, “Didyour life suddenly become free? It seems you want to die.”

“Didn’t I tell you this from a long time ago? It will be a great help to Grid if people like you could hurry tomarry and conceive the second generation.”

“Ah. There was such a story.”

“Huh...? Then what did you misunderstand?”

“Nothing. In any case, I told you that I’m not interested in mating.”

“How can I make you interested?”

“It can’t happen.”

“There must be at least one, right? Just tell me the minimum conditions.”

“If there is a member of the opposite sex who has an appearance comparable to me and a level ofintellect that can intellectually communicate with me... I might think about it a bit.”

“Where in the world is there such a person...? Ah! How about Garion, the God of the Earth? Doesn’tshe have a beautiful appearance and is wise because she is taking care of the surface for a long time?”

“She is vulgar.”

“Huh? The God of the Earth is vulgar...?”

“Her clothes emphasize her chests and buttocks and every gesture is vulgar.”

“Ah, that is in order to be worshiped by people... Um... I understand.”

Lauel made a note in his memo pad in his head. Braham’s taste seemed to be on the modest side. Itwas valuable information.


The apostles and members of the Overgeared Guild returned. It was aboard the giant flying ship, theTomb of the Gods, which was incorporated as part of the Overgeared World.

People warmly welcomed them back as they returned after not only occupying the No Offspring Tomb,but also defeating Baal.


Sword Saint Muller was trembling.

The crowds filling the city—in Muller’s era, there was only one case where such a crowd was gathered:when taking refuge. It was when people lost their homes or kingdoms, and formed a procession to seeka way to live. Now it was different. The joy and enthusiasm in people’s expressions was something thatMuller, who lived in the dark ages, never witnessed.

“This is the world that is saved by the seeds you sowed,” Grid approached him and said. He couldn’trelate at all. It was because he didn’t understand.

Muller’s face was filled with self-mockery. “I turned my back on my responsibilities, even though I waspraised as a hero.”

The waves of energy that were as sharp as a sword were like reeds in front of the wind.

“I turned away from the people I needed to save and left alone in order to survive. Please don’t flatterme so much.”

Muller lowered his head as if he was looking for a mouse hole.

Grid denied it. “No, you didn’t turn away from people until the end. The proof is that you arranged forthe Seven Malignant Saints to become great demons.”


“Thanks to your arrangement, my companions and I were able to complete the expedition to hellsafely.”

The parts that benefited humanity because Muller existed—there would be an infinite number if Gridwas to list them all.

Thus, Grid spoke simply and succinctly, “Humanity wouldn't have progressed without you.”

He was sincere. If Hell Gao hadn’t given humanity a title that overcame the hell debuffs, Grid and theOvergeared Guild wouldn’t have dared run wild in hell, and wouldn’t have grown as they did now.

“Don’t ruin the atmosphere by being weighed down with unnecessary guilt. Just think that everything isgood,” Grid said these words before leaving, as if he had nothing more to say.

Was it gentleness or bluntness?

Grid’s ambiguous attitude comforted and supported Muller properly.




Lauel had intended to give Sword Saint Muller a secret identity. He judged that it was better to enjoyfreedom for the time being to give him time to calm down. However, this couldn’t happen. Peopleinstantly recognized Muller when he descended from the Tomb of the Gods.

Was it due to the name above his head? No. Muller was wearing a hat. It was a hat that Kraugel gavehim after being contacted by Lauel in advance. Thanks to this, his name wasn’t exposed.

People simply recognized Muller’s identity by looking at his appearance. It was possible thanks toidentifying his characteristics in advance through the proof shots posted on social media by themembers of Overgeared.

“Should I issue a ban on social media?”

“S... Sorry...”

The members of Overgeared sweated as they kept an eye on Lauel, who was rarely angry.

That evening—

“Huh? I didn’t write that novel?”novelbin

It was at the celebration party to commemorate the successful conquest of the No Offspring Tomb andMuller joining them.

Damian had a serious expression. “It isn’t like everyone writes novels... I’m not a writer...”

“Damian, it really isn’t you? After listening to Lauel and reading it, it really seems like it was written byan insider.”

“Yes. Information that can’t be known unless the author was related to the Overgeared Academy waswell incorporated into the setting.”

“There are thousands of Overgeared members. Why are you pointing to me as the culprit? Are youdoubting me, Grid’s most loyal follower?!”

“I’m not looking for a culprit... I’m looking for a writer.”

“In any case, it isn’t Damian. If it isn't Damian... could it be Katz?”

“Get rid of the prejudice that only Japanese people write light novels.”

“It isn’t Katz either? Then who is it?”

There was a tumultuous atmosphere after experiencing unexpected difficulties.

“It seems the writer doesn’t want his identity to be known. Okay. Please send a whisper to meseparately. I will strictly keep it a secret. If you are publishing a novel as a side job, aren’t you a personwho desires a good side income or enjoys writing a novel? I will make sure your work is read by a lotmore people in the future, to make your talent even more rewarding...”

Lauel shut his mouth as he was talking passionately. It was because the writer sent him a whisper.

-It is me.


-The secret… be sure to keep it.

It was Peak Sword.


“This is crazy even for someone crazy.”

At Asgard...

Rough words were heard in the beautiful and noble world of the gods. Subsequently—

An old angel with a belly was thrown into a dark, damp prison.


It was the first pain he felt in his memories as an angel. However, it wasn’t unfamiliar. This heartache...

The angel quietly got up and grabbed his chest with his big, thick hand. He focused on his beatingheart, while ignoring the red and blue bruises all over his body. The more he thought about Grid’s face,the faster his heart was beating.

“Ahh... Uwaah...”

The old angel with the belly—the legendary blacksmith Khan had finally recovered all his memoriesand sobbed. They were tears of joy.

There were people staring at him.

“The tears of an angel. You must’ve regained your memories.”

One was Hexetia, the God of Blacksmithing with blue and red flames on both nipples.

“Rather than providing me with a single room, the number of prisoners increased...? This humiliation...I’ll never forget it!!”

The other was Martial God Zeratul, who had shaggy hair.

Khan quietly wiped away his tears and sat down.

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