Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1763
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Chapter 1763

Chapter 1763

The 32nd Great Demon, Belial—she was the first of the great demons to come to the surface and sheimprinted terrible fear on humanity. Didn’t she alone overwhelm the power of a nation and drive theOvergeared members, including Grid and Piaro, to the brink of annihilation? Her force was so greatthat it was still talked about among people several years later.

Maybe she was the cause. People started to point to Baal as the final boss.

[The 1st Great Demon, ‘Baal,’ has been defeated.]

The strongest final boss candidate—of course, there were some beings in the world who were strongerthan Baal. It was just rare to see an existence of pure malice like Baal. It was why the theory that Baalwas the final boss gained weight.

In fact, Baal was involved in much of Satisfy’s twisted history. He was behind the ruin of countlessindividuals, groups, kingdoms, and eras.

At this moment, the thoughts of the Overgeared members who won against Baal weren’t muchdifferent. They still recognized Baal as an enemy who had to be confronted at the very end.

‘Of course, the final boss is likely to be determined by the tendencies of the Gods of the Beginning.’

Asura was a very annoying being. A transparent, huge hand that erased all the resources around it andsucked away Piaro’s vitality. It had the name ‘Asura’s Hand That Is Being Completed’ and it was a forcethat went against providence.

In particular, Regas’ agitation was very great. He had reached level 500 and tried to change to the fifthclass advancement, only to revert to the third class Asura. He felt like he was ‘stuck in this class.’ Hegot the feeling that the class called Asura was alive and breathing, disturbing him. Then he witnessed a

part of Asura that Baal had created. It was a powerful body part that couldn’t be compared to thefragments of Asura that they saw in the hell expedition. He thought it must be related to him.

‘It takes constant effort and talent to change to Asura.’

The previous difficulty level was so high that there was the evaluation ‘it seems to filter out people.’From a certain point on, changing to the Asura class aroused a sense of challenge among talentedpeople.

Among many young people who started the game late, there were many who said they became martialartists purely with the goal of reaching the Asura class. Out of all those who challenged the Asura classin order to prove their talent and skills, only a few geniuses with persistence and ingenious ideassucceeded in changing classes after never giving up.

What if all of them had something to do with the Asura that Baal was creating?

These thoughts made Regas feel uneasy. It was the aftermath of imagining himself and other Asuraplayers being forced to take the side of hell through a quest.

“Don’t worry too much.”

Jishuka read Regas’ expression and patted him on the back.

“Even Baal’s Contractor has become independent of Baal. Will you be much different? If the situationthat you are worried about happens, you just need to control the situation yourself. Haven’t you alwaysbeen good at being disobedient?”


Now was the time for pure rejoicing. The rewards for a successful Baal raid without Grid wereextremely great. Of course, Baal’s condition hadn’t been perfect. However, it was the ‘main body,’ so it

was natural to receive big rewards.

[You have transcended the limits of a human.]

The legends gained a transcendent status for the first time.

[You are slowly becoming a legend on the path you are walking on.]

Some people qualified to become new legends.

[Your status will increase even further.]

The person who was already a transcendent increased their status. Unfortunately, the members with alow performance only received rewards that greatly increased their level. In exchange, they gained a lotof reputation and a title.

[Guardian of the Hero King]

Their favorability with Muller increased and they were qualified to learn swordsmanship skills. Therewards obtained by the apostles were even greater. Perhaps it was because they were more activethan the members of the Overgeared Guild, but their status rose by several levels. The level up wasjust a bonus.

However, Braham’s expression was dark. ‘I couldn’t win one-on-one.’

The current Braham was stronger than when Grid first defeated Baal. Of course, his defense was muchlower, but this was something that could be covered up with various spells. He used to think there wasa good chance of winning unless it was hell.

However, reality was very different from his beliefs. Braham was completely on the defensive from thebeginning against an Absolute, who stretched an instant into eternity. He repeatedly failed to follow the

flow of battle and suffered unilateral damage.

‘How did Grid fight against an Absolute during his days as a transcendent?’

Grid didn’t always win when fighting against Absolutes. Nevertheless, he was lucky enough to escapethe crisis in a way where the situation was resolved. In any case, the possibility of a ‘fight’ wasestablished. It was different from himself, who couldn’t even touch a single strand of Baal’s hair in animportant moment.

Braham looked back on the moments when Grid fought and seriously pondered it.

‘Should I tame a dragon as well?’ He started dreaming of becoming the second Dragon Knight.

‘...It doesn’t make sense.’

Braham immediately frowned.

Taming a dragon? He knew it was absolutely impossible. It was impossible to steal a dragon’s egg or tokidnap a hatchling and raise it from scratch. A dragon was a being that understood all concepts andgrasped the flow of the world the moment it was born. It would be unreasonable for a dragon to befavorable to its kidnapper. It was completely crazy to cooperate with an adult dragon.[1]

‘...Wait.’ Braham suddenly remembered something. He remembered the moments when Grid foughtagainst a being with a higher status than himself even before he became a Dragon Knight. He picturedthe scene of the God Hands hovering around Grid without any regularity. There was a faint stream ofmagic power that followed the direction the God Hands moved.


Grid’s artificial senses left no traces. It was a mixture of magic power with the silver thread powder thathad been finely split to the point of being invisible. The density was so low that it was difficult for beings

other than Grid to perceive it. It was the same reason why a person couldn’t recognize the dust thattouched their body when they walked.

Yet now, Braham noticed the existence of the artificial senses purely through a hypothesis.

“I’ll go back first.”

“Aren’t you going to see Grid?”

“Hmph, I’m sure he is fine.”

During the course of battle, the artifact that blurred Baal’s presence was destroyed. Nevertheless, Gridnever came to the scene. This made some people feel worried about Grid. Maybe somethinghappened underground that made it ‘impossible for him to come’?

However, Braham knew. Grid wasn’t experiencing any problems. He just trusted them and entrustedBaal to them. He read and replied to Braham’s intention that they would eliminate Baal, so he didn’thave to worry about it.

Thus, Braham really left this scene without any hesitation. He didn’t have time to waste here when hehad to grasp the inspiration that was just beginning to emerge.

Braham left. The only thing that remained was the remnants of Teleport, which made a buzzing sound.

In this moment of silence, Jishuka started taking care of the situation. “Let’s help Muller recover untilGrid and Ruby return.”


‘I never thought they would really win.’

At the deepest underground area of the No Offspring Tomb...

Grid cheered in a breathless manner.

It was a little while ago.

It was hard to believe that the person who looked like a demon after Baal’s sudden appearance wouldsuddenly be so unbelievably bright.

“Although Baal. Might not have been perfect... how? With the power of apostles and humans alone...”the Specter murmured.

She never imagined that Baal would break into the No Offspring Tomb. The moment she read Baal’senergy, she realized that she had been manipulated by him all this time and lamented greatly. It wasactually discouraging.

Baal invaded when she was away. It was right after the fierce battle with Grid, so it was difficult for herto respond immediately. She suffered the mishap of losing Beriache’s heart and decided that all theefforts she made over the years would soon be in vain.

Then what was the reality? Baal was helplessly defeated. It was a miracle made by the apostles andhumans who served Grid.

“You actually... could have... easily beaten me...” The Specter misunderstood. She thought that Grid,who could’ve easily beaten her if he broke in with all the apostles, let her go. “From the beginning.Communication with me... was your purpose. I am... the adversary of humanity. It is determined. Firstof all, to understand... why did you try? As expected. The reason you didn’t kill me. Now I know forsure. You... are more than I thought. You are a kind being...”


Grid had a guilty conscience. However, he had no intention of clearing up the misunderstanding. In thefirst place, Duke of Virtue had activated and saved the Specter. It was system favorability. The Specterfelt a great liking toward Grid. She had a tendency to try and interpret things related to Grid in a positivemanner most of the time.

“You can’t keep doing this...”

[Your favorability with Yatan’s apostle, ‘Eve,’ has increased.]

‘...Isn’t it okay if she takes off her mask?’

The mask and armor made from the bones of human gods were the basic equipment for the Specter.She had been defeated by Grid and vowed to change in the future, but she didn’t take off her mask andarmor. It was as if she was declaring that she would never forget the beings she killed. In any case, shehad a terrifying appearance. At first glance, she was no different from a lich. He didn’t want to see a lichtwisting her body with both arrms around her chest.

“That… when are you going to show it to us?”

It was the same with Ruby. She urged the Specter with a pale face. The Specter came to her sensesand opened the firmly closed door of the temple.


A white temple that stood alone in the dark underground—the place that had been tightly closed for along time finally revealed its interior. A desolate landscape unfolded. The interior of the temple wasempty.

“This person... my god.”

The Specter fell to her knees and caressed the ground while making the introduction.

The siblings noticed it one step late. It was the fact that paintings covered the ground. They wereportraits of someone. The portraits were of Yatan, whom the siblings met a moment ago. Yet unlikeYatan’s actual appearance, the portraits gave off an ominous feeling. It was because the portraits werepainted using only red paint.

“Is this it?” Grid thought that Yatan would be sleeping here. The Specter had said that a part of Yatanwas sleeping here. In reality, it wasn’t even a part of him. They were just paintings.

The Specter explained to the disappointed and confused Grid, “The blood that God shed beforeentering the cycle...”


Grid doubted his ears.

Portraits of Yatan covered the floor of the temple. They were tens of meters in size. Painting portraitslike these with blood?

“Is this all Yatan’s blood? Did someone squeeze them out like laundry?”

There was no other way to compare it. Yatan might’ve shed a lot of blood, but this was too much. It wasto the point where he was certain that there wasn’t a single drop of blood left in Yatan’s body. Ofcourse, it was impossible to define a true god as a living creature, so he wouldn’t die due to a lack ofblood, but...

‘...In any case.’

The cycle—Grid had roughly imagined it to be hibernation or seclusion. He didn’t know exactly what thecycle was or why it was necessary. In any case, it was cutting off all contact. In other words, he didn’t

think it would cause bloodshed like this. He couldn’t understand the situation.

“That is approximately. Correct.”


The confused Grid was shocked.

“Things became a mess.”

The Specter started to reminisce about the past.

“The original cycle. It wasn’t anything special. It was more like a routine that repeated itself every threeyears... but that day. Everything changed...”

1. After all the confusion over the sudden appearance of the saint-class dragon (I also debated with myeditor several times about what it should be), it has finally been determined that author combined thewords adult and dragon together and shortened them i.e. a portmanteau and the meaning shouldactually be adult dragon, which makes a lot more sense. Thanks to the person who figured it out andmy editor for letting me know. It has been changed from saint-class to adult dragon in all previous andfuture chapters. ?

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