Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1752
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Chapter 1752

Every name had a special resonance. Even the name of an ordinary girl would remind some people oftheir first love and make their hearts flutter.

The name of Sword Saint Muller had something that touched everyone’s hearts.

The strongest swordsman in history—some hailed him as the greatest legend of all time. There werecountless people in the world who missed him, who was said to have died hundreds of years ago. Itwas due to the vague belief and sense of expectation that many things would’ve been different if onlyMuller had been alive. It was the belief that ‘killed’ Muller.

“Yes, this is right. I have always denied his death in my heart.”

It was shortly after the emergence of Muller spread to the world. The tower members gathered in oneplace. Now the tower members were no longer blind and trapped in a dragon’s jaws. They weremembers of the Overgeared World, which was taking control of the surface, and could react sensitivelyto situations that happened in the world.

“Muller’s swordsmanship transcends mine. It was a fact that I realized only after repeated training andbecoming stronger. Even if Muller hadn’t mastered the Matchless Sword, he would’ve become thestrongest Sword Saint. He is someone who can do well just by swinging his sword without any specialtechniques.”

Biban was very excited. He was genuinely happy that his respected junior was alive and there was alsothe vague expectation of the opportunity to test Muller’s skills. It was ever since he was convinced thathe had transcended Muller in this lifetime—his growth had become stagnant.

Being a bit better than Muller—it was impossible for a swordsman to imagine a stage beyond that. Hecouldn’t see the way to go forward.

Yet in the future, Muller would give him the answer. Biban just needed to watch his back and move on.That was Muller’s position.

“The return of a hero is something to celebrate. However, now isn’t the time to rejoice. There will bemany beings who will react sensitively to Muller’s appearance.”

Every hero who lived in the post-Muller era had experienced it at one time or another—it was to becompared to Muller in terms of skills or achievements. For villains who had existed since ancient times,the reference point for heroes was Muller. Of course, all the tower members were from before Muller’stime, so this was something they had never experienced.

However, they knew the situation through the words of Grid and Kraugel. In particular, there were manycases where demons compared themselves to Muller.

“Hell will react the quickest of all. In the worst case scenario, I believe Baal might invade the surfacehimself.”

Baal couldn’t die. He would be infinitely resurrected unless human fear toward him completely ended.This didn’t mean he was invincible. Grid had proven it several times. Baal had already lost his life toGrid several times, so he must inwardly be nervous. He would yearn for more power and be moreobsessed with new ‘nourishment’ than ever before.

The nourishment mentioned here naturally meant the death of human beings. Baal was a monster whocould absorb and recreate the abilities of dead humans. He would dearly covet Muller’sswordsmanship.

Biban cocked his head.

“Baal will appear on the surface...? Isn’t that impossible unless he has dementia?”

Grid had fought Baal in hell and won. Of course, he couldn’t guarantee a 100% winning rate, but hehad a good chance of winning on the surface.

“Will he invade the surface only to be beaten to death by Grid?”

“The results might vary depending on the type of invasion. Is Baal’s strength only in martial arts?”

Fronzaltz explained to Biban, who only thought simply.

“The ability of the dead that Baal acquires isn’t necessarily limited to combat strength. It was right tosay that he has an unimaginable number of tricks.”

Baal had manipulated the Evil Dragon Bunhelier to his liking. He was someone who deceived an olddragon, so it wasn’t known what type of cards he had.

“It might be easy for him to sneak to the surface and kill Muller without anyone knowing.”

“Then what... what do you mean?”

“First of all, we need to ensure Muller’s safety. For example, provide a place for him to reside whereBaal can’t find him.”

“You mean the Overgeared World?”

“Not the Overgeared World. It is slowly covering the surface and it is far from being secretive.”

Baal had the means to hide his presence from Grid and infiltrate the Overgeared World. It was nolonger a safe place.

“Apart from the Overgeared World, where else is safe and secretive?”novelbin


The faces of the tower members darkened. They all looked at Biban with pitying eyes.

Betty was the only one who remained expressionless and she told Biban, “Here. The tower.”

It was a building that combined the magic, knowledge, and technology of previous generations oflegends. The Tower of Wisdom was perfected by overlaying the mental world of an Absolute afraid ofdragons, and it was the most secretive and safe place in the world.

There were dozens of places like this in the world. They could immediately escape if the location of thetower they were currently staying in was discovered. Hayate hadn’t wanted to be targeted by thedragons and had completed it with the help of the giant brothers.

“I want to recruit Muller to block the variables while increasing the power of the tower at the same time.”

We will recruit a new member.

No one objected to Hayate’s unconventional declaration. Muller was well qualified. On the contrary, itwas a position where the tower should respectfully receive him. They hoped Muller would consider thesituation of the world and accept their proposal.

“In the future, we will...”

Hayate explained the subsequent policy. He selected dragons who might be interested in theemergence of Muller and planned a strategy to tie them down. They started planning to fight thedragons they had avoided for so long. It was something created by Grid. It was only after meeting Gridthat Hayate truly became a Dragon Slayer.


Imagine that two Earths suddenly appeared one day. The Earth where another ‘me’ exists and wholived the same life in the same environment as me. The moment we face it, we will definitely be in great

confusion. Eventually, we will try to distinguish the real from the fake. It is only when we confirm that weare real that we will regain stability.

It is highly likely that all sorts of scary and horrible things will happen along the way. Furthermore, thedemons of hell are so destructive compared to humans. The moment they face the same self, they willdeny it and bite at the other self.

“Two hells... eventually, they both will be offset.”

The Specter didn’t speak at length. Her emotions were worn out over the course of living for thousandsof years and she dried up.

It was difficult in the first place. The more she spoke, the more her vocal cords melted away from theseething divinity. Her voice gradually became more cracked and it eventually stopped. Still, this wasenough. Grid and the others figured out the Specter’s target. There were many people withextraordinary brains in the Overgeared Guild.

“If you recreate hell, can you copy Baal as well?” Grid reacted seriously for the first time. He showedinterest as if he thought the Specter’s plan was plausible.

The Specter nodded. “Of course... that is the only way the plan makes sense...”

King Daebyeol, Hanul’s first son, and Beriache, Yatan’s third child—it uses the bodies of two Absolutesas the materials for the phenomenon. This was just superficially, but in fact, the Specter planned to turnthe ‘souls’ of the two Absolutes into materials. It was only then that the impossible became possible.


Muller had saved Huroi by using Heart Sword. The hero of heroes had saved a life the moment hereturned to the world after hundreds of years. However, he was currently sullen. He watched as the

‘god’ listened to the Specter.

“It is a terrible story, but it is pretty cunning...”

Muller noticed at once that Grid was a great being. It wasn’t because he was fascinated by the beautifuldivinity. Based on the Hero King’s fighting energy, he got a glimpse of the achievements that Gridaccumulated before becoming a god. He felt respect even before they exchanged any words ofgreetings.

He was deeply impressed by the great man of the later generation who had reached a level that hehimself hadn’t reached. Thus, he wanted to respect Grid as much as possible.This was why Muller feltgreat regret when seeing Grid’s attitude of listening to the Specter’s nonsense.

The Specter’s plan to create a new hell and offset the existing hell. The plan seemed quite plausible,but it had a fatal flaw. It was that the hell would be built here in the No Offspring Tomb. Of course, theNo Offspring Tomb had evolved into a dimension separate from the surface, but its scale was muchsmaller compared to hell. It was virtually impossible to reproduce hell with just the No Offspring Tomb.The Specter’s magic would likely invade the surface. If even a part of the surface turned into hell...

The No Offspring Tomb, hell, and the surface would become entangled without being able to maintaintheir independence. All three dimensions would become battlefields. At this time, even if the surfacewas fortunate enough to escape destruction, it would surely be reduced to ruins. It was why Mullercouldn’t agree with the Specter’s plan despite longing for the purification of hell due to his wish fordeath.

Sacrificing others for their own purposes—it might be obvious for the Specter, but it was unthinkable forMuller.

“I...” Muller’s large hand on his sword trembled. They were hands full of calluses at every joint. Thecalluses that still remained distinct despite the hundreds of years he wasted in the dimensional gap

proved it—during Muller’s time as a Sword Saint, he had never wasted a single moment as aswordsman. Therefore, he could speak with confidence.

“I might cut your god...”

The cooperation between the Only One God Grid and the Specter. It would be a shortcut that led to thedestruction of the surface. Someone had to stop it.

“Even if it means being hostile to you and all of them,” Muller declared as he looked at Grid, theSpecter, Kraugel, and the Overgeared members in turn.

At this moment, he was overcoming a vague fear. He was prepared for a terrible end. He shoulderedthe duties of a hero that he once abandoned in the past. The circumstances forced it. Just then—

Grid, who had been silently listening to the Specter, opened his mouth, “You... surprisingly, you don’tknow much about Baal.”

At the same time, his eyes directed toward Muller were very deep.

“Will they try to eat each other just because there are two Baals? Rather, I think they will find itinteresting and cooperate.”

“Even so, it is only a temporary cooperation... they will surely betray each other in order to achievegreater supremacy.”

“What if we all die during that temporary cooperation?”

“All progress and evolution only happens when risks are taken. If you don’t do anything because youare worried about the worst... what is the value of life?”

“Is the destruction of the surface something we need to bear for the future?”

“Even if we all die and the surface perishes, it is a noble sacrifice. After hell is purified, the surface inthe next world will surely be safe. Humans in the next world can live comfortably without fearingdeath...”

“It is a failure.”


“You failed to convince me.”

From a certain point, Grid had been fighting to protect the things that were precious to him. Everythinghe valued existed in this world, not the next world.

“There will be no destruction as long as I am here.”

[Only One God Grid is writing the 24th epic.]

[The beginning of the epic begins with the god’s will to protect the surface.]

“Are you going to fight me to the end...? Do you truly believe that you have a chance?”

“A chance? I don’t think the odds are high.”

Grid summoned thousands of battle gear. It was a call using Request to Stand With Me. Among thosewho responded to the call, one was Biban, the owner of a dragon weapon.

“Sword Saint Muller.”

A procession of swords that miraculously appeared...

“Feel free to use it.”

It became the perfect force of the strongest Sword Saint in history.

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