Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1747
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Chapter 1747

The red lump of flesh—it received the souls of humans who fell to hell and inflated its flesh, and wasthe moon projected in the sky of hell and the cause of the distortion of hell. It used the countless eyesmade from the swallowed souls and drove everything in hell crazy.

“...What is this?”

Why was it here? Grid couldn’t understand what was happening in front of him. He was justoverwhelmed with a huge sense of deja vu.

The shape and characteristic of the red flesh. The size and structure of the space where the flesh waslocated. From the air flow to the temperature and humidity. Everything matched what he had seen andfelt in hell.

‘Don’t tell me that this place... is it hell?’

It was to the point where an absurd question popped up in his mind. He suspected that after wanderingthrough the ever-changing labyrinth of the No Offspring Tomb, he had crossed into hell.

“Is it possible that we crossed dimensions without knowing it?”

-I didn’t feel that way at all, but...

Chreshler responded like it was nonsense.

“This place is the No Offspring Tomb.” Skunk immediately denied it. He was a legendary adventurerand he couldn’t mistake his current position. Adventure-related skills and indicators that only Skunkcould see showed that this was the No Offspring Tomb.

“...As expected, it couldn’t be trusted.”

Grid frowned and his divinity flared up like wildfire. The Yellow Dragon seemed to be breathing fire fromits mouth. As people said, one of the advantages of a myth class was its ‘coolness.’ It representedsome of its owner’s feelings and set the atmosphere.

“I’m ashamed that I was almost deceived.”

Hunting the executives and experiencing their past—Grid gradually developed a certain belief whiledoing this. It was the belief that the Specter was something close to good. It was because it seemed tobe trying to restore the distorted hell. No matter how he looked at it, the Specter who visited andcaptured transcendents to prevent them from dying, and managed the No Offspring Tomb, was fightingfor the world.

Based on the fragmented conversations it had with transcendents, it was possible to tell that it hatedBaal terribly. Its overriding goal was to restore hell to its original state, so it was clearly at odds withBaal. As a result, it was beneficial to humanity.

Of course, there were cruel and cold aspects to it. No matter how much karma the transcendents whowent crazy had unintentionally accumulated, the Specter ignored their human rights and ethics andturned them into the undead. It also deserved to be criticized for hunting human gods.

However, Grid wanted to believe it. He vaguely hoped that he would gain a reliable ally in this hopelessworld. All sorts of circumstances fueled expectations.

It was ridiculous. Grid’s swollen heart shriveled like a balloon with holes in it. In an instant, he lost allexpectations and faith in the Specter. How could he trust a lunatic who recreated hell on the surface?

He even felt betrayed.

“Is it thinking of restoring the lost hell by recreating it on the surface, rather than reclaiming the hell thatwas lost to Baal?”

It was a reasonable doubt. The forces of hell were tremendously powerful. Baal, who had beendefeated by Grid several times, would be much stronger now than he was back then. There were alsothe variables of the red flesh and Asura. Considering that Amoract and many other great demons werehostile to Baal, it made no sense for the Specter to face hell alone, even if it was much more powerfulthan Baal or Grid.

The executives and soldiers of the No Offspring Tomb and the evil gods with the statues turned upsidedown? They were obviously powerful, but they could be offset by the strength of the army led by Baal.

Every time Grid fought Baal and won, it had to be taken into account that Baal was ‘alone.’ Baal didn’twage a war against Grid. He just insisted on fighting one-on-one and enjoyed it for his personalamusement. It hurt his pride, but it was an objective fact.

On the contrary, Grid worked with Bunhelier and Nefelina to attack Baal...

‘I’m becoming angry for some reason.’

Grid became embarrassed after objectively comparing the power of hell and the No Offspring Tomb,and he trembled. His divinity spread even more. The coiled up Yellow Dragon soared to ascend.

-It is a hero’s spirit.

Chreshler unknowingly praised it.


Skunk was thrilled.

Even to a legendary player, Grid was a person from a different world. This was even though he was amember of the Overgeared Guild and watched Grid closely.

The embarrassed Grid coughed.

“In any case, it is good that we came to the No Offspring Tomb.”

This disgusting, ominous red flesh. It must be destroyed.

Grid used a skill. He combined Twilight and the Fire Dragon Sword, and combined Cranbel’s Horn andGujel’s Fang. He intended to use a six fusion sword dance to destroy the flesh.

At this moment—

“In the past.”

A voice was heard. A harsh voice, like the breathing of a wounded beast, rang out in all directions. Itechoed terribly even considering the size and structure of the space. To add a bit of exaggeration, hegot the illusion that his brain was shaking.

“I remember feeling unfamiliar eyes. The gazes were from so far away that it was hard to fathom thedistance.”

Only the voice was heard. It didn’t show itself. It was impossible to identify the location even when Gridmaximized his senses.

‘It isn’t here.’

Grid didn’t assume that he ‘couldn’t find’ the other person. Just like all his stats, the insight heaccumulated over the years were a testament to his hard work. It was the same for his status as a godand his qualifications of an Absolute. He used all his abilities and powers, but he couldn’t find the otherexistence? It couldn’t be. The owner of the voice simply wasn’t here. It was just a magical tool playingthe role of a speaker.

“Now I know the identity of the gaze I felt.”

The Specter—the owner of the voice was clearly the Specter.

“Uhh...” The white-faced Skunk trembled. He just heard a voice, but he was experiencing a statusabnormality. It wasn’t fear or confusion. He was overwhelmed. He was overwhelmed by an enormouspressure that was difficult to interpret as just a difference in status and he couldn’t even move afingertip. He had been reduced to prey.

-In terms of the momentum alone, it is more than Marie Rose...

Chreshler muttered in a rare dark voice. He felt a very powerful origin and history. An entity who hadhunted countless transcendents and human gods, with the God of the Beginning, Yatan, as its source.The Specter had a background that meant it ‘naturally’ had to be powerful. He had an intuition that itwould be a tougher opponent than what he was prepared for.

It was the same for Grid. However, he couldn’t care about failure or defeat. Valhalla of Infinite Affectionwas thickly covering him in his mental world. The ultimate goal of rescuing Khan by all means that wasinstilled in him gave him an unbreakable will. No desperate situation could frustrate Grid. Thus, hebecame the hope and lantern of humanity.

“Specter, what is your purpose?” Grid asked in a straightforward manner.

“It is the salvation of the world through the restoration of hell,” the Specter answered. It was animmediate reply without any worries. It was hard to see any ulterior motives or hypocrisy.

“Is it about creating a new hell rather than reclaiming the distorted hell?”

“You are distorting it. The hell that I will create here is a means to restore the real hell, not a new one.Only One God, stop speculating.”

“You have a long tongue even though you aren’t Huroi... I don’t understand anything at all. In any case,the bottom line is that you are going to make this place hell, right?”

Grid wasn’t a good person. His intuition was more like a learned ability. He ignorantly relied on hisimmense experience and the information he had built up from it. Perhaps that was why his intuition wastelling him even more accurately—he had to destroy this red lump of flesh right now. He couldn’t bemisled by the sophistry of the Specter.

‘An object that distorts hell. There is an object on the surface that is exactly the same as the object thatBaal cherishes the most.’

Sitting on the sidelines? It was a foolish thing. It wasn’t a situation where he could fathom the intentionsof the Specter.

“Serve Dragon Pinnacle Wave Kill Link.”

Grid shot forward like a beam of light. By the time Skunk and Chreshler noticed this fact, a shadow wasabout to pierced the red flesh. It was Grid’s figure. Along with the sound of skin exploding, a series ofcreepy cutting sounds followed. The mangled red flesh released blood darker than its own color in alldirections. The subsequent shock wave of the sword dance shook the huge space and made it seemlike it was about to collapse.

However, the red flesh that had been targeted was still floating in the air. The blood that had beenpouring out quickly subsided. The health gauge had been greatly reduced, but even that gave off anominous feeling. The thing that was revealed behind the cut gauge wasn’t blank space, but a gaugewith a new color. There were probably a few more bars of health left to withstand the six fusion sworddance.

“...It is great.”

It wasn’t just Grid who was agitated. The Specter’s close to silent sentiment was the proof.

“You have enough strength to make my plans go awry. I can see why the irresponsible bystandersconsidered you special and gave you blessings.”

Irresponsible bystanders—the word ‘blessing’ helped him infer their identities. It would be Rebecca andChiyou. Grid was still enjoying the effect of Ultimate Martial Art after becoming an Only One God, andthe God Hands hadn’t lost the Goddess’ protection.

“You... I could’ve used you.” The tone was as if it was dealing with something pitiful. The Specterwhispered to the lump of flesh after making Grid’s mood even worse, “Open your eyes, Beriache.”

Beriache—it was the moment when an absurd name popped out.


Grid doubted his ears.


Skunk was shocked.


Chreshler was restless and didn’t know what to do. He seemed to be looking for a mirror.

The blood that the red flesh spilled started gathering together at a single point. It gradually took theshape of a woman and a chill shot down Grid’s spine.

[The direct descendant vampire, ‘Ruson,’ has sensed his mother’s presence and cheered.]

[The direct descendant vampire, ‘Tiramet,’ has sensed his mother’s presence and is trembling.]

[The direct descendant vampire, ‘Latina,’ has sensed her mother’s presence and is thrilled.]

[The direct descendant vampire...]



Ruson, Tiramet, Latina, Cray, Yetima, and Elfin Stone—they were scattered all over the No OffspringTomb to help the Overgeared members and reacted in unison.

[The direct descendant vampires will serve their long-missed mother.]

[The authority of the ‘Blood King’ is temporarily suspended.]

They were out of Grid’s control. The ball of blood in front of him suddenly took a complete human form.No, it was the shape of a vampire.novelbin

[The progenitor of the vampires, ‘Beriache,’ has descended.]

[The direct descendant vampires are chasing after Beriache’s presence.]

“This... what?”

Grid felt a chill all the way down to his butt. It was because he could vividly feel the smooth, silkyfeeling of the undergarment he was currently wearing.

“Her soul is unfortunately caught in hell, but... this is enough to buy time. I’ll be there soon.”

To make matters worse, the Specter declared it would visit soon. Would Marie Rose look like this whenshe was in middle school? Grid stared blankly at Beriache for a moment before hurriedly shouting,“Chreshler! We have to use all our strength before the direct descendants and the Specter...”

-Greetings to my mother-in-law.


Let’s subdue Beriache as soon as possible.

Grid made a judgment and was about to shout this, only to close his mouth. It was because the DivineWood Coffin approached Beriache and bowed to her.

He truly wanted to kill Creshler.

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