Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1724
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Chapter 1724

From now on, there was only one left. One more win and the Overgeared World would win.

The merchants with quick calculations planned to greatly expand the scale of their investment in theempire. It was because it was on the verge of proving that the Overgeared Guild could protect thesupremacy of the surface on their own.

A force formed by players—moreover, it was the force of Grid, who valued players. This was inherentlycreating a high-value market. If he could stop the invasion of the gods and prove his ability to safelydefend the surface, he would be reborn as a market with infinite possibilities.

"Was it this much…?"

Meanwhile, the rankers were repeatedly murmuring to themselves. It was an era where the realm oftranscendence was well known. The goal of the present day high rankers was to break through theirlimits and transcend the human realm.

Some people felt confident that it wasn't far away. It meant that people had regained their lostambitions. Yet today, they realized that even the realm of transcendence was divided into levels. Theyalso witnessed several times the Absolute realm that was beyond transcendence.

The apostles of Grid against the gods—it was a very shocking event for the rankers, who hoped to beon equal footing with the apostles one day and to be used seriously by Grid. This meant that theirregained ambition had faded again.

"Are they feeling demoralized now? Pathetic guys."

Asuke read the source of the turmoil and snorted. How many times had she felt this level of frustration?It was only like this now, but it was funny to see them despairing every time. In the first place, the

problem was that they couldn't grasp the subject and became excited. They wouldn't have been soexcited if they were always aware of who they were challenging.

'Grid is the sun.'

He was infinitely brilliant, but hard to get close to. The closer one got, the more painful it was. Theywould realize that the gap was beyond what they had prepared for. Asuka finished defining Grid andstood up. She was above a high spire. It was a famous place where she could see the spectators andstage all over the city at a glance.

"There is no need to watch the rest of the showdown. Let's go back."

The remaining apostles were Sariel and Zik. They were people who didn't interest Asuka. Sariel was anarchangel who dealt with divine power, while Zik handled ancient runes. She wouldn't be able to learn iteven if she watched for a hundred days.

"Yes, Young Lady." Teddy Bear carried out her orders. He had the opinion that it would be better to seethe result of the confrontation, but he followed silently. It was because he saw the corners of Asuka'smouth twitch. He noticed that in the middle of watching the showdown, her hands were itching due tosome inspiration.



Most of the reactions of those who witnessed Sariel were similar.

They sighed. It was because her, or his, appearance was so beautiful and noble. The gentle expressionand deep eyes alone created a sense of holiness. A halo of light, pure white wings, divine power, etc. It

wasn't difficult to accept her as a sacred being who was difficult to approach even if the elementssymbolizing angels were hidden without being revealed.

"It might sound like a pretense, but I'm glad you are doing well,"the god who came onto the stage said.

Dara—he was a god who ruled over the constellations. He was the most recognizable one among thegods who descended after Zeratul. It was because monks and astronomers in some areas had foundand worshiped Dara's faint myth.

'Sariel, the noblest angel.'

They were words he couldn't release from his mouth. It was because everyone was watching. Heunderstood how much every word from a god meant here. Hadn't he witnessed the gods being eatenby the Overgeared God's scripture (epic) earlier? However, he really wanted to convey something.

"I'm sorry."

Please forgive me for having to stand idly by.

The stars in the sky moved. Rather than making magically created star forms like Euphemina, the realstars in the universe were moving. In response to Dara's will, a constellation that never existed beforewas created. It was the constellation of a warrior holding a sword and a shield. It copied Dara'smovements in real time and used Zeratul's swordsmanship.

The sword wielded by the warrior of the endlessly huge universe had to exert its influence on theground. However, this wasn't Dara's power. Dara knew the nature of this holy war and naturally sealedthe effect of the power.

"Let's start,"Dara's heart was deeply depressed as he spoke with a determined face. The reason whyhe learned swordsmanship from Zeratul was because he felt the need to become stronger.

Why did he feel the need? It was because he never wanted to stand idly by again as an angel wentthrough something unfair like Sariel. It was Sariel who loved Asgard more than anyone else, and whoguarded order by understanding the will of Goddess better than anyone else.

However, she was expelled when she exposed the sins of the gods. The gods who created Sariel andassigned the role ended up denying Sariel. It was terribly ugly. Even so, Dara and many other gods hadno choice but to stand idly by. It was because they were weak. They didn't have divinity or force to putforward, so there was no weight in their words.

At that time, many gods had the same thoughts as Dara.

Let's get better. In order to help the higher gods no longer look ugly, we must have the power to opposethem.

From that time on, some gods tried to improve in their own ways. Among them, Dara chose to train hismartial ability.

'I didn't know I would have to use the power I've built up for you to defeat you.'

It was bittersweet and sad. Dara was overcome with emotion. It was necessary to defeat Sariel in orderto prevent the birth of the second or third Sariel. It was ironic, but it couldn't be helped.

Dara was determined to show off his martial arts and be worshiped by everyone. The reason why hemoved the constellations that he couldn't even use was a means to prove his greatness. Contrary tohis pure intentions, he was very thorough. It meant he wasn't a good opponent.

Grid noticed it as well.

'He is in third place.'

Dairine, the boy god who defeated Mir, and Kadlow, who had lost part of his divinity to Braham—thenext strongest god after them was Dara. It was right to say that it was actually hard for Sariel to handlehim.

'It is okay, Sariel.'

It was as he said to Mir earlier. Wins or losses didn't matter.

The thing I prioritize above all else is your own values. Let go of the pressure to win and use it as anopportunity for growth.Think of it as meeting a valuable enemy…

The ground shook as Grid was making his wish.

Six pairs of wings—Sariel's Wings of Justice and Slaughter were changing in a strange way. Each ofthe pure white feathers that made up her wings became as hard and sharp as a blade.

Michael, the third ranked archangel who died to Grid—the function built into the wings that wereoriginally his was manifested. It was literally in the form of slaughter.

"Ugh…" Sariel gritted her teeth and wrapped her arms around her chest. She had a pained expression.It was more of an expression of trying to suppress something.

Grid's face hardened.

'Demonic energy…'

Dara's apology and kindness were selfish. It was just an act to relieve Dara of his own guilt. It actuallypierced the wounds that Sariel had buried deep in her heart and revealed the darkness that was barelysuppressed. She lost control of her demonic energy and it started to run rampant.novelbin


Dara noticed the unexpected event and reached out urgently. All he could do was care for her to makesure that Sariel didn't reach the point of no return. At this moment, he wasn't conscious of the humanand heavenly gazes. He was sincere.

However, Sariel refused it. The wounds she suffered in the past were too great. If sins could be washedaway with words of apology, then why did she have to be expelled from heaven and endure a terribleamount of pain?

Her subconscious angered her and her latent demonic energy grew. The divinity that resembled Grid'sdivinity turned ultramarine and her brilliant gold hair was dyed red. Her closed eyes, filled with tears ofblood, opened again. "Dara, God of Constellations, you are also a sinner."

The dark gray eyes reflected Dara. It was in a distorted shape because the color of her eyes weremurky.

"You knew about the sins of the gods but ignored them. Then you stood idly by as I fell into apredicament after I questioned the sins of the gods."

"What was I supposed to do when I had no strength?" Dara's voice trembled slightly.

The power of Sariel, the Angel of Justice—he felt like he was dissected in every detail and his secretsexposed by her 'Wicked Eye.' It was terribly embarrassing and unpleasant.

"Being powerless isn't an excuse. The gods wouldn't have escaped being punished if each one of youhad said something at the time and helped me. Dara, you know what is in your heart, right?"

It was a great sin to stand idly by. Goddess Rebecca herself proved it. Sariel tried to think as rationallyas possible and criticized Dara, but—


Her awareness lasted up to here. Her consciousness was completely cut off as the repressed demonicenergy exploded and triggered her Wicked Eye. Her power started to run wild. It was a power she hadsuppressed ever since becoming Grid's apostle. Furthermore, the power she showed, after absorbingMichael's power thanks to Grid, was beyond Grid's imagination.


Feathers scattered in the aftermath of Sariel's charge. Some of them soared high into the sky andstimulated Grid's artificial senses. It seemed as if the feathers wouldn't have just grazed his cheeks andcaused bleeding if he reacted one step late. Contrary to the bewildered and mesmerized Grid—

'Is this how it will go?'

Lauel was about to die of happiness. He clenched his fists tightly and managed to suppress his cheers.Ever since Sariel used her power, this match had been nullified. It was a huge stroke of luck at a timewhen it was hard to be convinced of Sariel's victory. There was no reason for the gods to question it.

Currently, Sariel had lost her sense of reason and used her power due to her 'demonic energy runningwild.' Additionally, the culprits who caused her demonic energy were the heavenly gods. Even theheavens would have to understand it. There was no abstention.

From the moment Sariel spread her Wings of Slaughter and charged forward, Dara responded with hispower. Perhaps he felt a great threat so he reflexively moved his constellations. The giant swordwielded by the huge warrior of the universe fell toward the stage and the confrontation became a mess.


A scream seemed to come from the sky. It was Zeratul's scream.

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