Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1713
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Chapter 1713

"The Only One God shall descend with the gods who serve him!"

"Comrades who were deceived by the mere human being, the Overgeared God! Open your eyes andreform after seeing the source and peak of martial ability!"

"Martial God Zeratul will lead you back to the right path!"

The followers of the Martial God were one of the monsters that represented Satisfy. They were usuallytreated as dirty filth and avoided. It was because the fanatics lost their sense of reason after beingdeceived by the secret techniques of the Martial God. They were very violent and didn't know pain andfear.

They relied more on instincts than monsters, and it was unbelievable that their species was classifiedas human. They also became exponentially stronger depending on the number of secret techniquesacquired. The items they dropped were valuable compared to boss monsters, but it was still best toavoid them as much as possible.

There was a long procession of such disgusting people. The group started with dozens of people fromall over the continent, but grew to tens of thousands at some point. Their existence itself was a threat. Itwas a moving disaster. It was because the absolute instinct that governed the followers of the MartialGod was conquest. Regardless of whether the target was a beast, a human being, or a monster, theytended to fight whenever they made eye contact with someone.novelbin

Who could comfortably watch such people gathering in swarms? People were confused and busyfleeing. Those who knew about the physical abilities of the followers sensed death from the time theywitnessed the procession. Yet surprisingly, there was no slaughter.

In a rare situation, the followers suppressed their instincts. No, there was a stronger feeling of beingmanipulated by someone.

They weren't in good shape, unlike the followers of the Martial God who had been seen so far. Theexisting followers had superior physical conditions to the point where there was the idea that they were'chosen humans.' Meanwhile, the physical conditions of the followers in the procession were ordinaryor inferior.

It was proof that it was rushed. He originally appeared in front of chosen humans and deceived them,but this time, he targeted and deceived an unspecified majority. It was purely for propaganda.

Zeratul took tens of thousands of lives away to advertise his temple. As proven in the Great Humanand Demon War, the celestial gods weren't really acting for the sake of humans. The persistent claimsof the Overgeared God Church were proven true every time.


The followers who repeated the same cries with dilated pupils.


Among them, some family members shouted with the veins bulging on their necks until they coughedup blood.



Lovers and friends—they desperately shouted the names of their precious people who changedovernight, but couldn't reach them. Their cries echoed hollowly.

"Without martial ability, humanity won't be able to protect itself!"

"The Overgeared God forgot the grace of the Only One God and will be severely punished!"

"This is a holy war to save you! The Only One God will descend for you!"

"Praise the Martial God Zeratul!"

"Worship Martial God Zeratul!"

The size of the procession grew endlessly. Their destination was presumed to be Reinhardt. It wasGrid's base and the place where the main temple of the Overgeared God Church was located. It hasgrown to be the largest city on the surface and could accommodate many people. For Zeratul, whoaimed to harm Grid in front of as many witnesses as possible, there was no battlefield more suitable forfighting than Reinhardt.

"Those bugs…"

The fortress city of Patrian—it was one of the gateways to Reinhardt and was a place called the'Wailing Wall' due to its notorious reputation. Lord Ashur trembled when he saw the procession offollowers who approached the gate without hesitation.

He wanted to burn the people who were shouting about a holy war and protesting as if demanding thegates to be opened right now into a lump of charcoal. However, he endured it. It was becauseinstructions had been given from above to open the gates.

An order had come down from a distant place that even someone with Marquis Ashur's status didn'tdare to disobey. It was a command given by Lauel. He couldn't refuse and he shouldn't refuse.

"The gates… open them..!"Marquis Ashur barely gave the order through gritted teeth and stared at theprocession of followers like he would eat them.

These people roamed the city like it was natural and talked about the holy war. They argued that theexistence of Zeratul gave rise to the concept of martial arts which allowed humanity to survive so far,

but it was nonsense. Anyone could tell that the martial arts came first and Zeratul came after.

From being born bare to achieving civilization—Ashur interpreted that Zeratul was born thanks to theconcept of martial arts created by humanity, who struggled to survive. However, he didn't bother toexpress his thoughts. None of the followers of the Martial God were sane. He could talk to them for ahundred days and they wouldn't hear it.

Marquis Ashur was better off just praying.

"Please… annihilate the bastard who gave birth to these miscellaneous things…"


[The sun in the sky is illuminating the procession of followers heading to Reinhardt.]

[Cheer for the temple of the Martial God with your followers. The sky will feel great joy and send downmysterious rewards.]

"Can't he identify his peer any longer?"

Lauel could only smile.

Hanul, who had entered the 'cycle'—Lauel checked the contents of the notification window thatrepresented his subconscious. It was thought he would launch a quest to threaten the OvergearedEmpire and Overgeared God Church, but now he was rooting for Zeratul. It was as if he had forgottenthat the adversary of the Hwan Kingdom was Asgard.

The feelings of resentment and anger that Hanul harbored toward Grid before entering the cycleseemed to create this situation that wasn't funny.

'He must've really harbored resentment or anger.'

Grid had said it—all those he faced, except for the Evil Dragon, felt incomprehensible.

He confessed that even when sitting face to face with the Gourmet Dragon, he couldn't understand theGourmet Dragon's thoughts. He had felt an infinite amount of fear. What about recklessly cutting a Godof the Beginning? It was terribly dangerous. It wasn't known what type of trouble they would face whilediscussing understanding based on human standards.

'It is better not to think about them as His Majesty said.'

At least from this point, it was better to pretend they didn't exist. It wasn't really a big intervention. Hanulwas very persistent about targeting them, but it was only at the level of giving quests to players. Itwasn't a big threat considering the situation of the Overgeared Empire, which received great favor fromthe players.

However, the situation was likely to change if they were defeated in this holy war. The maniacs whowere holding their breath would run wild and public sentiment would be shaken. They would becompeting in front of everyone, so they had to be prepared for a devastating aftermath.

It was right to assume that defeat was unacceptable. The players' practice of 'it is okay to lose' and 'it isenough to try again if i die' was an unacceptable environment. At this point, he had to suspect thatZeratul knew and targeted this.

"It should be… okay…?"

Lauel believed in Grid. Therefore, he believed in the apostles. It wasn't easy to think about them losing.

However, fear started to sprout in his heart when he saw Zeratul's full-fledged move. How muchconfidence did Zeratul have in his skills? He might be a fake, but he was still the Martial God…

"Prime Minister, this is an expression that doesn't suit you."

It happened as he was watching out the window as Ke ong swore at the followers who said they wouldset up a 'temple' on this land…

"How can Your Majesty personally…"

Empress Irene walked into Lauel's office. Lauel hurriedly readjusted his appearance and tried to guideher to the table, but Irene shook her head.

"I didn't come here to take up your time, Prime Minister. Here, take this. It is vera tea leaves marinatedin lemon juice and then dried."

[Empress Irene's Dried Tea Leaves' has been acquired.]

[Empress Irene's Dried Tea Leaves]

[They are tea leaves that Irene, empress of the great empire and wife of a god, dried using preciousingredients, sincerity, and care for a long time.

There is a vague mythical birth background.

Drinking tea steeped from these tea leaves will clear the mind and restore and give immunity to allmental state abnormalities.]

"Prime Minister, don't be troubled by this situation and trust His Majesty."


Lauel felt it once again—it was how big a role that Empress Irene, who always gave encouragementwith a kind smile, played in this empire. She was the one who sustained the empire from within. Wasn'tthe tranquility he gained just now because of her?

"Yes, gladly."

After Irene left, Lauel immediately ran out of the palace. He approached Ke ong, who was still swearingwhile saying things like, 'What right do the followers of the Martial God have to establish a temple onthis land?'

"Ke ong, I will empty the central square, so please make a stage that is as grand and wonderful aspossible. I will call the best carpenters."

"No, what do you mean by this? What type of heart do you have to meet the demands of theseshameless people?"

"We can't make His Majesty fight on the streets, can we?"


"However, I can't allow the followers to build facilities on this land, so please take care of it, Ke ong."

"Tut…" Ke ong frowned and scratched his shaggy beard. It was a habit to express his dissatisfaction. Itwas a few more minutes before Lauel could hear his answer. "I understand. Instead, can you entrustme to design the shape of the stage?"

"What are you trying to make…?"

"A coffin. I'm going to decorate the stage so it will become a tomb for the guy called the Martial God."

"That would be wonderful."

A few days later, the throats of the followers circling the city and praising the Martial God were sore andthey started to collapse. Saintess Ruby treated their wounds with a warm light since they wereoriginally people of the empire, and Ke ong finished setting up the stage. If viewed from dozens of

meters in the sky, it was a huge stage in the form of a coffin. The scale had to be large considering thatit was a great battle between gods.

The central square, which could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, was filled with thestage. The barriers set up by the gods of the Overgeared World and Braham were wrapped around thestage.

"Grid knows that this place will be his grave."

From the rapidly darkened sky, Martial God Zeratul descended. Yellow lightning flashed and took theform of stairs for him to step on. A total of eight gods followed him on golden clouds. It was a completetrinity.

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