Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1703
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Chapter 1703

'I should've given them personal time from the beginning.'

There was a sufficient basis behind the apostles' personal growth.

Individual activities—they left to solve their own matters, and made remarkable development as if itwas natural. Grid also somewhat expected it, but he couldn't take it calmly.

Piaro, who opened up the deity stat; and Mercedes, who acquired the fraudulent God's Descent skill—the level of development of these two people far exceeded Grid's expectations. At this point, he feltsorry for giving them orders about this and that. It would've been much better to just let them do theirown activities...

'By the way, God's Descent must be a common skill, right?'

God's Descent was the perfect skill in theory. It was to divide Grid into several pieces. If it was possiblefor all his apostles to learn it, then Grid could always share power wherever the seven apostles were. Itwas without consuming anything.

'I have to ask Mercedes how she learned it.'

It was roughly expected how she would've gained it. There was no way she would've really beenhaving a good fight...

She would've naturally awakened it while praying to him with reverence in a very sacred place. God'sDescent was like the string of fate that bound a god and their apostles, so the background of the birthitself would be noble.

'Maybe it is a miracle created by a heart that loves and misses me.'

As Grid was smiling with satisfaction, Mercedes and her father were swinging swords at each other. Itwas a disastrous family violence. Everything was different from Grid's expectations.


"Hup." Mercedes gulped.

Her awareness couldn't keep up with her body. The moment she took a single step, she found herselfmoving tens of meters ahead. She couldn't cut Exile and repeatedly passed by him. It was theaftermath of borrowing Grid's divinity and implementing some of Grid's stats and status. It was withoutthe process of observing and interpreting it with Keen Insight.

It was a force that her body immediately received, so it wasn't easy for her to adapt to it. It was likebeing dragged around in her own body.

"You are just a human being without the help of Keen Insight."

Mercedes, who interpreted the principles of God's Descent—Exile was startled by the use of her KeenInsight, which was at a level incomparable to decades ago, but he quickly regained his composure. Itwas because he was looking at the traces that told him Mercedes' trajectory.

The sanctuary that was tempered by Pluto's divinity was destroyed. It couldn't handle the shockwavesgenerated by Mercedes, who was rushing and jumping. It meant that the Overgeared God's divinitythat she borrowed was very powerful.

Exile took it for granted. He was only Pluto's apostle, while Mercedes was an apostle and companion.Mercedes was in a position to borrow much more divinity.

Then what was she doing? A power that couldn't be handled became poison.

"Do you understand how unreasonable a power Keen Insight is now? There is nothing good aboutrelying on something like that. Someday, you will be a dunce who can't do anything without KeenInsight."

"I don't think that is what you should be saying when you rely on a god's power."

"I'm not dependent on God's Descent. Communicating with God isn't an innate ability, but a disciplinethat requires effort. It is just like training a talent."

"The same goes for Keen Insight, even if I don't care if I depend on it or not."

Relying on something else—it was natural for those who served the Overgeared God. They were proudto rely on items. In other words, Mercedes couldn't be shaken no matter what Exile said.

"...Arguing is a detriment to me. Let's get back to the point. I can teach you how to use God's Descentproperly."

Divinity was a blessing that transcended the limits of a species and it was a rule that it overcame allelements. The more effectively it was utilized, the more its value shone.

"Abandon your useless hostility and take the test to become the head of the family as you haverequested. Accept and understand God Pluto's power and be reborn as the strongest..."

"There is no need. From today, the Vaintz family will disappear from the world."

"A person who isn't the head of the family has no such authority."

There was no choice but to suppress her. Exile shrugged and released his power. He decided that thecurrent Mercedes could endure it without dying. The divinity that surrounded Exile's body truly becamethe night sky. Countless lights contained in the dark blue divinity started to move like stars. Each onehad a strong energy.

Mercedes' eyes became bloodshot. She was overloaded while trying to understand the principle of thestarlight. It happened the moment her veins burst and the world she saw turned red...

Exile swung his sword. White meteors formed a procession behind the dark blue-black sword energythat extended silently.

Tears of blood flowed from Mercedes' eyes.

'Avoid it!'

Mercedes put strength in her lower body that moment she judged this and soared to a high place.There was a loud explosion and the spot where she was standing a moment ago was devastated. Itwas like a thorough bombardment. It was proof that Exile might have only two swords, but he hadhundreds or thousands of strike points. The meteors that followed the sword made it so.

"Pluto is a god born for the battlefield."

Exile's two swords cut through the air and the ground at the same time. The meteors that chased afterthe sword energy caused a series of explosions, blocking Mercedes' retreat. The more that Exilewielded his swords, the more wounds that opened up on Mercedes' body. The ultra high speed, wide-area swordsmanship that occupied all directions wasn't something that could be understood with KeenInsight. It was physically impossible to avoid.

"This was why he was stigmatized as a sub-god of Dominion. Yes, it was a stigma. Think about it. Plutois the god of slaughter, and slaughter transcends war."

Killing and eliminating others wasn't just a concept tied to war. It was always ongoing. Even at thismoment, there would be a frog eaten by a snake and a frog eating insects.

Slaughter was like light and darkness. It was infinite and eternal. Exile worshiped it. Pluto's status wasabsolute. It was equivalent to a God of the Beginning. He would be immortal forever, even if he wasforgotten by people.

"Dominion only demonstrates his abilities in special situations like war and isn't Pluto's opponent."

It said it in Pluto's myth—the reason why he couldn't ascend to heaven was because the gods wereafraid of him.

"Vaintz style swordsmanship."

Exile's two swords were held in reverse as he crossed his arms. Simultaneously, he tilted his upperbody. Looking at the angle of his knees and ankles, he was clearly ready to charge.

Keen Insight made the same judgment. Mercedes saw it as an opportunity. She was confident that shecould make her father half dead the moment she countered this high speed rush.

'This time, definitely.'

She must succeed in handling Grid's divinity. The power and dignity contained in this beautiful andwarm divinity was only a very small part of him. She wasn't qualified to be an apostle if she couldn'teven handle this much.

"The peak. Sonic Rage."


Mercedes prepared for Exile's charging path and extended her sword. Her posture was terribly strange.Her sword was pushed forward, while her upper body was leaned back. Her judgment clashed withKeen Insight and caused her body to fall into turmoil.novelbin

Exile's body arrived right in front of Mercedes and was cut by her sword. He was easily split in half, butthere wasn't a single drop of blood. Beyond Exile's body, which was cut into the upper half and lowerhalf, the 'real' Exile was approaching.


It was the extreme utilization of divinity. It was a divinity that embodied Exile's 'killing intent.' The Exilethat was just cut by Mercedes was a fake made out of divinity. It was a fake that ran at the speed ofsound and deceived Mercedes' senses. It was the peak of falsehood.

The real Exile was right in front of her and wielding his two swords. It was a skill that wouldn't workmore than once against an equal master, but it was also one that wouldn't need a chance to use morethan once. Sonic Rage was the peak of the Vaintz style swordsmanship triggered in the God's Descentstate, and it bore the power of a fatal blow.

Mercedes was cut. To be exact, it was both eyes.

"It is a skill you will learn from today."

Exile's voice rang out in the gap in time that an ordinary person couldn't perceive. It was a languagethat was embodied through his intentions rather than words spoken by mouth. It was delivered toMercedes' mind very quickly. However, an ensuing sound permeated the ears.


Mercedes' appearance was projected on the eyes of Exile, who had stiffened. The blood at the cornersof her eyes was dry. It was proof that blood hadn't spilled just now. Her body became translucent in aninstant and through it, he could see Mercedes' intact figure.

The White Tiger Sword in one hand and the divine sword in the other hand were held in reverse. Itresembled the Exile from a little while ago.

"Sonic Rage."


Armor wrapped in dark blue divinity—the divinity that Exile honed throughout his life was disastrouslycrushed. The divinity that killed destiny wasn't suitable as a concept for protecting something. On theother hand, Grid's divinity changed destiny. It had always been powerful without limits, no matterwhether it was protecting something or breaking it.

"Cough...! Cough!"

Exile collapsed with a serious injury and coughed up blood several times. The remnants of divinity thatwere mixed in the dark blood were scattered in vain. It was a sign of disconnection. Pluto disconnectedfrom Exile. It was as if telling him that as the apostle of the god of slaughter, he should obey therationale and be killed.

"This... monster..."

"I hear it as a compliment."

Mercedes' voice was still cold. She had no sympathy for her father, who was no longer able to hold hisswords. It wasn't because he was the one who abandoned her. It also wasn't because he was trying tohurt her or because she was thinking of her mother's condition. She just couldn't look at him wellbecause he was a sinner who blasphemed her only god.

"I told you earlier. The Vaintz family will end with your generation."

The secret technique was taken. Mercedes no longer needed the surname Vaintz.

"Too much... it is better not to be overconfident... the other Pluto apostles... won't stand by..."

"The bugs that need to be eradicated will come to me on their own. It is good."

Step step.

Mercedes took a quick look at her father before slowly climbing the long staircase. Her emotions werecomplicated. Her vision gradually became blurred in this dark space. It was Grid's divinity that guidedher.


Mercedes stopped walking when she arrived at the top. There was a woman with old scars on bothears and a bandaged neck. Her mother was waiting for her. Mercedes saw her bowing her head silentlyand felt a certain emotion rising in her throat. At the very least, it wasn't sadness.

"I'm not going to be a mother like you."

It was to her mother who couldn't hear or speak. Was it necessary to say harsh words to a person shewould never see again in the future? No. In other words, what she was saying now was different from acurse. It was simply a declaration and a determination to be a right mother.

It was because her concept of parents and children was warped. She had subconsciously been afraidand refused to be a mother, but now she finally overcame her wounds. She wanted to see Grid.

'I want to have a child.'


At the same time, Cokro Island...

Zik, who was standing on the shore and looking at the sea, felt something and raised his head.

"It has been a while."

King Sobyeol had descended. His golden earnings, which were long enough to reach his shoulders,were shiny and reflected the sunlight. The reflected light didn't spread and just wandered indefinitelyaround King Sobyeol. It grew and brightened at an unstoppable pace.

"Thanks to the establishment of a new divine world on the surface, it has become relatively easy totravel between continents. This is why he is pleasing to the eye."

"Refrain from frivolous words and actions."

"Frivolous? It isn't an area for you to judge."

It happened as King Sobyeol smiled...

Zik's vision started flickering. It was because the light trapped in King Sobyeol's colorless divinity wasenlarged. It was like having a small sun right in front of him.

"Zik, the best among the seven apostles of the Overgeared God. I will use you as a channel ofcommunication for an amicable agreement with the Overgeared God."

The son of Hanul, a God of the Beginning—he, who deceived his father and dropped King Daebyeolinto hell, was a rare Absolute in the world.

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