Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1673
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Chapter 1673

"It is ordinary."

Those who were active in hell were burdened with all sorts of restrictions. They couldn't escape, theycouldn't use movement skills, they couldn't communicate over a distance, etc. The tower memberseven experienced the debuff where their stats dropped dramatically. They suddenly entered hell, sothey didn't have a chance to raid Hell Gao. They weren't in a perfect condition. Therefore—

"Hell is no big deal. It is rather trivial compared to the surface where transcendents and dragons roam,"Biban muttered nonsense.

It was around the time when the Asura Road was closed and the heroes returned one by one. In themidst of those who felt relieved, delighted, or moved, Biban alone spoke indifferently.

Jessica poked him in the side to make him notice, but it was useless.


The king of the half-draconians, Bunsdel, frowned. Biban's dismissive attitude, which was unlikeeveryone else who was covered in wounds or burns, was very unpleasant. The hell expedition wasactive, no matter how big or small. Some of them might be relatively less active, but they shouldn't beblamed. It might be a small performance, but it was true that it was definitely helpful. Additionally, theyall suffered the same risk to their lives.

Bunsdel had been with them in hell, so he knew it well.

Half-draconians, a species with the lineage of Evil Dragon Bunhelier—Bunsdel was their king andrecognized humans as an inferior species, but he respected those in the hell expedition. He couldn'tget over the nonsense of Biban, who seemed to deny their hardships.

"I heard that there are many humans who become senile when they get old. This is exactly the casewith you. How pitiful your life is for you to grow old with no shame."


Biban's eyes widened when he heard the sudden harsh words. In fact, Biban was also dejected in hisown way. He had thrown himself into hell with the determination to die for humanity, but he couldn'teven properly meet a demonic creature, let alone a demon. The hell he experienced was a surprisinglycalm and peaceful world. It was after properly killing the 6th Great Demon, Valefor, who had interfered.

It was because there was no one blocking his path in hell. It was natural. For the demons and demoniccreatures of hell, the Sword Saint was one of the few objects of fear. Wasn't Biban the teacher ofMuller? The demons heard rumors that he killed Valefor and deliberately avoided him. They ran awaywith the thought that they would die as soon as they encountered him.

This was why Biban wandered around without meeting demons. After overcoming one crisis, he onlyenjoyed peace and had no choice but to misunderstand hell. Of course, he would've doubted thesituation if he was a person capable of normal things, but there were some flaws in Biban's wisdom.

"Now I can see that you are a half-draconian. Your founder and I are in the same hierarchy, but youdon't recognize people and are presumptuous. Even if you have the madness that resembles yourfounder, you are definitely crazy."

"Do you know who my founder is to talk nonsense like this? He is the evil dragon, Bunhelier. Don't youdare insult him. He is wicked, but he isn't as crazy as you."

It was an explosive situation. It was while they were returning home in glory. As people warmlywelcomed and cheered for the hell expedition that returned unharmed, the two Absolutes cooled theatmosphere. That's right. From the perspective of the general public, Biban and Bunsdel were

Absolutes. They were god-like beings who could kill or save a person with a single, careless gesture.Many people wouldn't be able to bear it if they fought in the middle of the city.

"I beg you, please calm down the Sword Saint..." Lauel politely requested of the tower member nearhim. It was the 6th Seat. It was the fighter, Ken, who had the most aggressiveness among the towermembers.

"Why? All those who have inherited Bunhelier's blood deserve to die anyway."

"Not necessarily..."

"Huh? What is that on your wrist? Why do traces of a dragon repeatedly appear and disappear?"

"Ah, that is the black flame dragon that is sealed in my soul..."

"I need to interrogate you."

"Wait. Wait a moment. I was joking."

The people enthusiastically cheering for the return of the heroes, Biban and Bunsdel who were ready tofight right away, Nefelina who was terrified for some reason, the frightened Lauel, Jurene who absurdlyappeared with great demons, the dozens of memphis that Betty brought with her, etc.

The scene was a mess. It didn't calm down at all and the commotion only grew. It wasn't much differentfrom when the Asura Road was opened. Just then—


A huge shadow appeared over Reinhardt. It was the shadow of a black dragon.


It was finally the return of the protagonist. The people who had witnessed the performance of Grid andBunhelier from the surface cheered and welcomed them. So much blind faith and affection poured outthat it was reminiscent of a gathering of fanatics.

The wide-eyed expedition members were dumbfounded. They suffered from the hell penalty of beingunable to communicate across a distance, so they weren't exposed to Grid's epic. Their position wasdifferent from Grid, the protagonist of the epic.


Apart from Fronzaltz, the other tower members screamed and took a battle stance. Somehow, thegreat demons who stood by Jurene's side also prepared to fight in response to Jurene's will. They hadtrembling expressions on their faces, but they couldn't refuse.

"Calm down." Fronzaltz, the highest ranked tower member with the exception of Hayate—thanks toGod's Circle, he denied some of Baal's laws and was exposed to Grid's epic. Therefore, he tried tocalm down the tower members. It was just that they couldn't be easily calmed down.

It was the appearance of an old dragon. It was also the old dragon Bunhelier, who was considered thesecond most dangerous after Nevartan. Bunhelier's atrocities were famous among the tower members.He wasn't communicative like the gourmet dragon, nor did he value his dignity like the fire dragon. Hewas no different from the insane dragon.

"Founder...! Our founder has appeared to punish the ignorant!"

Bunsdel was trembling. Who in the history of the half-draconians had faced their founder? Based onwhat Bunsdel knew, they were the first. He was greatly moved by the sight of the founder whoappeared the moment the madman insulted the half-draconians. However, this only lasted a moment.

'Will he harm human beings?'

A moment later, Bunsdel's face turned white as he remembered that Reinhardt would become a sea offire and the Overgeared Empire would perish in history. He didn't want to see the people he haddefended die. He was also afraid of the Overgeared God's rage. Confusion grew inside Bunsdel.

Then Prime Minister Lauel suddenly fell to his knees and bowed his head while hundreds of knightsraised their swords in unison. The people and soldiers who filled the city bowed in a near-fiercemanner. It was like they were receiving the Overgeared God.

It was understandable. They saw a great dragon. Bunsdel was both proud and concerned about theresponse from the humans.

'Please think of them in a good manner....?' Bunsdel was bowing his head in a prayer when hestopped.

In the solemn atmosphere, the murmurs of the tower members were growing louder. Bunsdel and thetower members had to see it. The person riding on the neck of Bunhelier, who was gradually gettingcloser.novelbin

It was Grid.


Bunsdel was shocked in many ways and literally fainted. The half-draconians rushed to him andwrapped around him to support him, but they were one step late. Everyone witnessed the ugliness ofthe king of the half-draconians fainting with a foaming mouth. Even so, few people cared.

It was because everyone's attention was focused on the Crazy God and Crazy Dragon. There was noway their attention would be distracted just because the king of the half-draconians showed an uglyappearance.

"Now he is riding an old dragon..."

"It is also Bunhelier."

The tower members grasped the situation and laughed. Their gaze toward Grid resembled when theylooked at Hayate. Their eyes were filled with infinite respect. Age wasn't an important concept when itcame to respecting someone.

A very warm atmosphere was being created.

"T-Traitor!" Then Nefelina shouted with her small fists clenched. There was resentment in her voice.

It was a natural reaction. To her, Bunhelier was the enemy who made her father insane. From themoment she was born, her purpose was to kill Bunhelier. Yet Grid, who was believed to be her onlycompanion, returned while riding on Bunhelier's neck. An overwhelming sense of sadness and betrayalcame over her...

Her mind was so dizzy that her vision became hazy.


People looked at Nefelina with bewildered expressions. It was shocking to see a hatchling shed tearslike chicken poop. There were many people who sighed with pity at the sight of the big, round eyesfilled with tears. It was because Nefelina's appearance was that of a small, cute girl.

Now most people knew who she was, but they still dared to feel sorry for her.

"Nefelina, you misunderstood."

Grid jumped down from Bunhelier's neck, approached Nefelina, and comforted her.

"It is true that I worked together with Bunhelier, but we didn't become friends. So let's kill him togetherlater. Yes?"

"Kuek... Uwaah!"

Was she relieved? Nefelina lost her dignity and started to cry as she hugged Grid tightly. It wasdefinitely a father-daughter relationship.

As people were feeling moved by the friendship that transcended species, Bunhelier's expression hadbecome rotten.

[As expected, I have to kill everyone here...]

This was Bunhelier, who felt the need to wipe out humanity. Yet a death notice was issued in hispresence. The existence of the tower members also offended him. Initially, the cooperative relationshipwith Grid was temporary. At this point, he felt it was right to kill them all.


Bunhelier was alone in the midst of humans when his expression suddenly hardened. It was becausehe read the form of the still weak magic power contained in Nefelina's heart.

[You—Nevartan's child...?]

It happened at the same time as his realization...

Bunhelier spread out his wings and hurriedly flew up.


Just then, a light that appeared in the distance caught the attention of the people. Some transcendentsnoticed the wavelengths that the light produced. They felt the shockwaves that shook the clear sky,

which regained its blueness after the hell moon disappeared, drawing nearer.

"A Breath...!"

The tower members had a lot of experience fighting dragons. They soon felt the presence of the Breathand dispersed. Yet along the way, they changed their behavior. It was because they remembered thefaces of the countless people at the scene. In the end, they changed their direction and ran toward theBreath.

All the magic that existed in the world was unfolded throughout Reinhardt. They were the magics thatthe tower members cast to stop the Breath and the magic that the apostles and Overgeared memberscast to protect the people.

[Insane Dragon Nevartan has appeared!]

It was the worst case scenario.

The faces of the tower members paled. They had just returned from hell and were in an exhaustedstate. There was no one who wasn't nervous about an enemy that was difficult to deal with appearingat this time.

Grid's tension was the greatest. The person who consumed the most strength was none other thanGrid.

In the midst of the turmoil—

"Father!" Nefelina screamed.

The body of a giant dragon that was bigger than Bunhelier appeared there.

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