Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1668
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Chapter 1668

The hell moon was always a full moon. It was because it was just artificially overlaid. The sight of themoon changing to a waning moon and waxing moon every time Bunhelier moved was unfamiliar.

"There are some people who will be quite surprised."

Bunhelier was covered with obsidian-like black scales. From a distance, Baal admired the unrealisticappearance of the old dragon, which could be seen as a shadow covering the moon. It wasn't anoverwhelmed look. Not the slightest bit of tension could be seen. It was an abnormal reaction.

Grid speculated more closely about the relationship between Baal and Bunhelier.

'Is Baal superior?'

Grid hadn't logged out ever since arriving in hell. It was because it wasn't the promised time. He didn'tknow the situation outside. It meant he hadn't heard the news that Bunhelier suffered a great defeat byMarie Rose and that Baal was the reason for her fatal effect against Bunhelier.

Nevertheless, he had a vague guess. It was through the resentment, anger, and killing intent thatBunhelier was emitting toward Baal. Bunhelier had a clear hatred of Baal.

He wondered if Bunhelier had been hit hard in the back of the head and if it had something to do withthe episode where Bunhelier was reborn as an evil dragon in hell.

'I'm certain. In the process, Baal put some type of shackles on Bunhelier.'

This was the only way he could understand Bunhelier's anger. Then Baal's relaxed attitude even infront of an old dragon was understandable...

A huge shadow was cast around the thinking Grid. It was a shadow that grew as Bunhelier got closer.

[Baal, this guy played an insignificant trick. I knew from the beginning that you didn't take anyone inyour eyes, but is it the point of deceiving an old dragon that existed from the beginning? Do you haveten lives?]

Bunhelier was agitated. Unlike the gourmet dragon and other top dragons, who were aloof and awe-inspiring, he clearly expressed his emotions. This attitude didn't feel cheap. It was purely overbearing.Grid became dizzy from the messages of his transcendent senses that reacted every time Bunhelier letout a breath.

Bunhelier's small actions and words were making his transcendent senses feel a sense of crisis in realtime. Baal's expression as he accepted the killing intent directed at him was still calm.

"That is a strange question. Did you forget the insane dragon? I have been deceiving you for a longtime."

Baal was the size of an ordinary human, unlike when he appeared on the surface not so long ago. Itwas said that he had a different appearance depending on the viewer's mind. His pale, smooth-lookingskin gradually became as hard as stone. The three horns on his head soared high and his body alsogrew huge. He wasn't inferior even standing side by side with Bunhelier.

Grid was watching him with an astonished look, only to become startled. He suddenly realized that the'fear' abnormal status had been applied to him and gritted his teeth.

'Don't be scared.'novelbin

There was Bunhelier by his side. It was an old dragon with the momentum to kill Baal immediately. Thiswas a golden opportunity to ride an old dragon as part of the 'Crazy God and Crazy Dragon' tale. It wasa truly unexpected opportunity. Unexpectedly, a Baal raid might be possible.

He tried to control his mind several times, but it was useless. The fear that Grid felt toward Baal was asystemic problem. A source of evil that threatened even the transcendents and gods. Therefore, hecouldn't help being afraid...

Besides, it was difficult to trust Bunhelier. Bunhelier read and responded to Grid's intentions, but thisdidn't translate directly to favor. This meant he could change his mind at any time depending on thesituation.

First of all, he was an evil dragon. Simply put, he was a villain. He wasn't someone he could build up atrusting relationship with.

'Yet from my current perspective, he is the only one I can rely on.'

Bunhelier's position wasn't much different.

[Overgeared God... don't even think about betraying me. If you betray me, I will take everything awayfrom you.]

Bunhelier landed right next to Grid and gave a clear warning. He also didn't trust Grid. However, he hadno other option, so he slowly leaned his head forward while showing his dislike. It was so that Gridcould climb onto the nape of his neck.

That's right—the contents of the Crazy God and Crazy Dragon story were also known to Bunhelier. Itwas the same for the other old dragons. However, there would be no old dragon other than Bunhelierwho felt the need to become the main character of Crazy God and Crazy Dragon at this moment and inthe future.

This fact brought Bunhelier a great deal of shame and skepticism. Still, what could he do? The momenthe arrived in hell, Baal came to him as if Baal had been waiting. This meant it was an event within the

scope of Baal's prediction. Bunhelier needed a variable that would make Baal's predictions go awryand that was Grid here.

This one who helped Ifrit deal a big blow to her father. Grid endured the Breath he shot as a test, as ifthis wasn't a falsehood. He didn't weaken the Breath's aura like Hayate, but endured it. It was morethan a Dragon Slayer in terms of being tough. To be honest, this was the first time he had seen such aperson. It would surely be helpful...

"I won't betray you," Grid declared.

Black blood spilled out every time he opened his mouth due to the aftermath of being hit by the Breath,but his expression was serious. It was a god's promise. It was to an old dragon who could fullyunderstand the weight of it.

[I won't betray you this time either.]

Bunhelier read Grid's sincerity and also made a pledge. Would it be kept and sublimated into DragonWords, or would it be scattered and reduced to a worthless thing as always...? Even Bunhelier himselfcouldn't predict it. He didn't mean to brag, but he himself didn't know in which direction his vicious heartwould be shaken.

[One of the world's greatest and most monstrous dragons has bowed his head in front of theOvergeared God.]

All these scenes were being recorded in the 20th epic. Naturally, most of the scenes were interpreted inGrid's favor. Bunhelier simply bowed his head to let Grid board, but in the epic, it was portrayed as if hehad submitted.

Grid felt embarrassed, but he acted brazen-faced.

'I'm not deliberately distorting it.'

Just as God wasn't the author of the Bible, the myths were originally written by humans. It would befunny if Grid directly corrected the contents. He didn't even have the authority to correct it in the firstplace.

[I will surely destroy humanity one day...]

Bunhelier noticed the situation and uttered scary words. Grid felt almost thankful that Baal made asurprise attack just in time to disperse Bunhelier's attention.


He failed to get on Bunhelier's neck and crashed. It was difficult for him to control his body properly dueto the fear abnormal status, so he was properly hit by Baal's surprise attack.

'Is swordsmanship the main force?'

Baal was similar to Hayate. Just like Hayata made the Dragon Killing Sword with energy, Baal crafted ablack sword with demonic energy. It possessed an unchallenged power. The more he approached asubject that was beyond being powerful, the more status abnormalities that would occur. It was literallya demonic sword.

The most threatening aspect of the demonic sword was the debuff 'destruction of the status immunity.'The status immunity that he enjoyed and took for granted ever since becoming Pagma's Successorwas gone and most of his immunity functions became weak.

'I knew this day would come eventually.'

It would be weird if one of the final bosses didn't do this much. He had a duty to overcome this trial.Stay calm. There was no need to despair. It was just the same conditions that most people felt.

It happened as Grid was controlling his mind...

Baal recovered the sword that had been swung sideways and struck at Bunhelier's Breath. Then hereached out his other hand and fired magic. Dozens of magic circles were unexpectedly created. It wasimpossible to destroy all of them with the effects of Duke of Wisdom and the Castration Eye.

Damage accumulated again to the falling Grid and Baal's offensive didn't stop there. He slammed downa huge heel and struck the top of Grid's head. Suddenly, his fingers, which were resting on Grid'sshoulder, were tearing apart the dragon armor like it was a sheet of paper.

In the aftermath of the impact, his collarbone and shoulder blade were fractured. Grid's body leanedforward as his abdomen was torn apart by the demonic sword. Grid's mind went blank. It wasn't justdue to the pain. It was because there was no time to think about anything.

Baal's unstoppable offensive was so swift and complicated. He mastered all areas of swordsmanship,martial arts, and magic, like Zik, but his power was beyond Zik's.

'What is this demon bastard?'

It was no wonder that the Absolute of hell was strong. Grid just hadn't expected that he would evenknow all these techniques? In the first place, wasn't the demon a being who neglected learning anddepended on their innate power? Most of them were like this with the exception of a few special caseslike Dantalion and Iyarugt. It was hard to understand why Baal would learn and train in something whenhe pursued pleasure.

Baal read Grid's eyes, which were filled with confusion and consternation, and explained, "Most of thehistory of humanity that remains on the surface are records of the winners. Many things were lost. Onthe other hand, hell covers the history of all the dead. It means I am more familiar with the knowledgeand skills that humans have accumulated than you human beings."

He seemed to find it pleasant. There wasn't a single flaw in Baal's movements. It continued non-stop.He seemed to be a creature that lived in a single breath that lasted forever as he linked all sorts oftechniques together without a time difference. He also appeared to have no joints.

All the attacks were coming from completely unpredictable trajectories. Grid wouldn't have been able toavoid a single one if it wasn't for his artificial senses and his transcendence.

[What are you doing?]

The ferocious looking Bunhelier frowned. Then Grid abruptly came to his senses. His urgency to stopthe attacks meant his distance with Bunhelier imperceptibly widened. He felt a sense of strangeness.

Baal's body had become so huge that it was comparable to Bunhelier. His outstretched hands and feetreached a distance of several dozens of meters. Considering that Grid's location was initially besideBunhelier, Baal's attack range should've included Bunhelier as well, not just Grid. Yet Baal's attacksonly touched Grid.

Grid focused. He carefully observed the scene happening in front of him. Baal's massive bodyoverlapped with Bunhelier's body every time he moved. Even so, Bunhelier didn't react to it. In fact,Baal's arms and legs were going through Bunhelier's body like ghosts without any physical force.

Did Bunhelier use any fluidization technique? No. Baal's huge body was just a fake.

Grid recalled it. The reason why Baal looked huge was because Grid was afraid of him. Baal's actualbody wasn't as huge as Bunhelier's.

'Don't be fooled... first of all, I have to measure the distance properly.'

Taang, taang, tatang, tatatang...

Grid noticed the intervals in the impacts to his artificial senses. At first glance, it seemed to occursimultaneously. It was because Baal's arms were much longer than the range of his artificial senses.

Baal waved his arm just once and it felt like it had passed through the whole area of his artificialsenses. The truth was different. There were a very small number of gaps. He only barely noticed itwhen he raised his concentration to the extreme. It was simply fast.

'3 meters, 1 meter...'

Grid estimated Baal's actual size and the length of the demonic sword based on the transmissionspeed of the impacts and tilted his head to the left. His command values were reversed due to theaftermath of the confusion abnormal status. His head tilted to the right.

Visually, it was suicide. It seemed like he was sticking out his head toward the demonic sword wieldedby Baal. However, the blade couldn't cut or pierce Grid's neck. It passed by like an illusion. In fact,Baal's blade still wasn't in a position to reach Grid. It had just reached his earlobe.

He felt like he was in an environment where the ping bounced randomly while his body was movingcontrary to his thoughts. Putting aside Baal's blows and attacks that penetrated his absolute defense,causing tens of thousands of damage, the difficulty and fatigue of the battle were too high.

Then for the first time, Grid's sword and Baal's sword interlocked. The demonic sword failed to cut Gridand was blocked by the dragon weapon.

"...The adaptation is fairly fast?"

Baal's eyes were half open. He obscured some of his pupils with his eyelids so they couldn't be seen. Itwas a habit unique to Baal. It was a reaction he showed when admiring something, but no one knew it.It was because he didn't usually feel admiration.

'How much strength does he have?'

Grid clicked his tongue. It was because he witnessed that the dragon weapon's body was slightly white.His loudly convulsing arms were an added bonus. He was laughing at the absurdity when Bunhelierappeared behind him. Hell was currently operating a magic that blocked most movement techniques,but the teleportation of an old dragon couldn't be sealed.

[Get on!]

Bunhelier urged. His voice was quite mild, unlike the beginning. Baal wasn't the only one who admiredGrid's fighting abilities.

Grid leapt up. First of all, activating the Dragon Knight effect was the urgent priority.

"Where are you going?"

Baal caught up. He pressed the dragon weapon, still engaged with the demonic sword, with force andcreated a close-range battle. The magic and skills fired from a close distance approached Grid as anunstoppable threat.

Baal's smiling face, which showed his sharp teeth, approached right in front of Grid's nose. Then aBreath was shot from Grid's mouth.

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