Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1663
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Chapter 1663

There was one reason why Black Knight Eligos was ranked 20th—it was due to the belief that the rightto protect the 20th Hell, Dog's Mouth, lay only with himself. He was concerned about another demonother than himself taking care of Dog's Mouth. He feared that the doorway between hell and thesurface would open and close on a petty whim, turning hell into a cheap marketplace.

Therefore, he didn't yield his position or seek ascension. He just stayed in place with Cerberus.

Why did he have to put in such effort? It was because Eligos was surprisingly a worshiper of hell. Hellwas the source of a great being like himself. He had a very strong sense of pride. Yet at some point, hebecame fascinated by Grid.

The ability to control the trajectory—Eligos' power to neutralize all the enemy's tactics while exerting hisown armed might as an absolute law was beyond the natural course of things. His innate talent was sooutstanding that he was exceptional enough to be counted on one hand among all those in hell. EvenBaal and Amoract respected him.

Those Eligos himself considered to be his enemies were rare. Apart from undefeated beings like Baal,Amoract, and Leraje, and some unknown beings, he believed he was close to invincible. However, hehad the feeling that the Grid he encountered today was more in line with the word 'invincible.'

The one who wore dragon scales as armor wasn't easily cut. Even if it was barely cut, it quicklyrecovered again and again and exhausted Eligos in reverse. It was both mentally and physically.

Eligos glimpsed the 100 black-gold hands that moved non-stop while using Grid as the source.

Metal that never broke—the world's most powerful substance that could be subdued and restrained,but couldn't be bent or broken.

That's right—in Eligos' eyes, Grid looked like metal, not a living being. There was a corner of him thatfound it futile to resist. The problem wasn't the armed might, but the difference in thought that fightingagainst such an opponent itself was a loss.

At this time, Grid seemed to be in a hurry to win, showing that his heart was urgent. The question ofwhether he needed to fight spread like inspiration in Eligos' mind.

"…Make a contract?"


Usually, when it came to a contract with a demon, there was a strong perception that the soul had to besacrificed. However, it was completely different in reality. Based on what was shown in the relationshipbetween Yura and the red demon, it was more common for a demon's contract to be conducted in amore simplified way. Usually, when a demon offered a contract to a human, it was because they werein a bad position.

How shameful would it be to ask for a soul when they had given up their pride and offered a contract?The rumor that a contract with a demon required a soul was a type of prejudice spread by incompetentblack magicians.

"Perhaps the urgency has something to do with the moon."

Grid was communicating with his apostles in real time. Mercedes was Grid's knight, lover, and family.The environment of hell and the distance from here were interfering with communication, but hevaguely noticed the situation she was in. It was the same logic as that.

Eligos, one of the monarchs of hell, was faintly aware of the events taking place somewhere in hell atthis moment. He put himself in Grid's position.

"If you want to leave, I will let you go. I will sign a contract, so you can trust my promise, and thecontent of the contract is simple. I won't harm you unless you harbor the intention of harming myterritory. As an added bonus, I will send you to the place you want to go in a single breath."

"Isn't that one-sidedly advantageous to me?"

Grid's vigilance grew even deeper. The content of the contract could be interpreted as a favor to himand it was very suspicious.

"I'm afraid of you," Eligos told him honestly.


"…I also feel sorry for Cerberus who is groaning."

Yip, yiip…

The huge Cerberus, who was almost like a dragon based on the size of his body, made a groaningsound. He turned his three heads and looked at Eligos with resentment. It was as if he was scoldingEligos to not talk nonsense. Eligos ignored it. Eligos stroked his neck and urged, "Isn't it convincing?How long are you going to hesitate when it is so urgent?"

"Yes, I will accept the offer." Grid didn't hesitate for long. He nodded the moment he confirmed therewere no problems with the contents of the 'Contract with Eligos' that appeared in front of him.

"It is a great choice." A smile spread across Eligos' face.

All of this was being recorded in the Overgeared God's epic.

Cerberus, the mythical monster who had been guarding the entrance of hell for eons, was frightened bythe majesty of the Overgeared God and withdrew…

An extraordinary passage was added to the 20th epic that was hard for anyone to believe unless theywitnessed the situation themselves.


The more she exchanged blows with the blackened Grid, the more the sword energy of dramaticvictory shook like it was going to be extinguished. The remnants of the scattered sword energy couldn'tgather again and dissipated. The sword energy that soared up for tens of meters was reduced to thelevel of just covering the White Tiger Sword. In a series of successive battles, an unexpected andformidable enemy appeared and Mercedes's physical strength soon reached her limit.

[It wasn't, wise.]

The blackened Grid spoke as if to rebuke Mercedes. He seemed worried. Of course, this couldn't bethe case.

Mercedes deflected the sword of the blackened Grid and was filled with doubts. 'That's right. It wasn'twise.'

Mercedes' original purpose was to locate the hell moon. It was right to report it to Grid the moment shefound out where it was. Dealing with the moon was something that could be done after Grid and theapostles joined. However, Mercedes wasn't satisfied with just finding the location of the moon. Shedared to go underground, and in the end, she tried to get rid of the chunk of flesh herself.

It wasn't a big problem until she went underground. Until then, Mercedes had been acting on the basisof rational thinking. It was because she was the only one who could grasp the horrible identity of thischunk of flesh. Mercedes felt the need to pinpoint this accurately before bringing Grid and the apostleshere.

The problem happened after that. Mercedes became obsessed with the chunk of flesh. She wasovercome with the anxiety that she needed to get rid of that red chunk of flesh right away. She lost hercomposure without being aware of it. It had to be so.

I'm scared… Sad… Help me… It hurts… I'm cold… Save me…novelbin

The baptism of souls shot by the chunk of flesh wasn't easy to avoid. It was because it was very fastand the number rushing at her at the same time was in the tens and hundreds. The best Mercedescould do was to distinguish between the dangerous and non-dangerous souls and avoid the attacks ofthe dangerous souls.

Souls that didn't harm people—the souls with no aggression and simply harbored a grudge wereaccepted without being avoided. It was obviously the best solution. This best solution was the problem.

Mercedes unknowingly fell under the influence of the souls. The pain, anger, and sorrow of these soulswere engraved onto her soul and she developed a grudge against hell and this chunk of flesh. It gaveher the strong willpower to get rid of it.

The pincer attacks of the blackened Grid and the chunk of flesh were very threatening. The armor thatGrid had made and put on her was repeatedly torn apart. The flesh that was revealed through thecracks in the armor was red, not white.

Mercedes was already covered in blood, but she was more concerned about Grid than her ownsituation.'My Liege, this—it is dangerous.'

It wasn't an object that could be targeted by distinguishing the forms of the rushing souls. No matterwhat form it took, the baptism of souls from the chunk of flesh was equally threatening in the end.During the battle, damage was bound to accumulate. Even Grid and the apostles wouldn't be able towithstand the mental blow.

Additionally, the more the chunk of flesh was cut, the more enemies there would be. The chunk of fleshwas able to use the flesh that had fallen from its body to realize the master of the soul.

…Wait, master of the soul?

Mercedes' expression was filled with surprise as she blocked the sword of the blackened Grid andexchanged looks with him. She watched the eyes of the blackened Grid shake when they hadpreviously only seemed cold.

[You should have, run away.]


The blackened Grid was a byproduct of Grid. It was just a trace of Grid's clone that had blackened andwandered through hell without perishing. However, he was gradually getting smarter. His years ofwandering through hell grew longer and he started to question his own existence. He tried to perceivehimself as 'I' and not someone else's byproduct.

Did he have a soul since then?

The blackened Grid raised his knees to Mercedes' abdomen as she was feeling shocked by therealization. Then he wrapped his arms around her neck. He squeezed her neck tight and whispered.

[Mercedes, I saw you, through the eyes, of the moon.]

The soul of the blackened Grid who had been killed by Grid and fell back to hell—his soul was held bythat chunk of flesh and he often peeked at the surface. Every day that the hell moon remained on thesurface, he kept his eye on the life of the main body that was his origin.

What that guy hated and what he loved—he watched with jealousy all the time but he sometimes feltempathy.

[I love, you.]


[After this, you will, be mine.]

Mercedes felt the hair all over her body stand up. She struggled as she felt the twisted emotions of theblackened Grid, who tightened his grip around her neck like a giant snake. However, the blackenedGrid's obsession was beyond her imagination.

[For, ever.]


Die…! Die!!

Your soul will be with me, trapped in that eternity…!

It was around the time when the cry of the blackened Grid, tinged with madness, gradually grewlouder…


She heard the scream of the demon who believed that he had been transplanted with the soul of theSword Saint. He had lived for a very long time, so he shouldn't be surprised by anything. Therefore,this astonished response was strange.

Mercedes was gradually losing consciousness without grasping the situation when her body suddenlyfloated in the air. A breath of the thick air of hell flowed into her lungs. She came to her senses andtook a falling posture. She landed on the ground as gracefully as a butterfly, regardless of her wounds.

Then she saw it. The appearance of two Grids confronting each other.

"Good job, Mers."

Grid's breathing was a bit rough as he spoke with his back to Mercedes. It was proof that he was quitetired. On the other hand, the distorted face of the blackened Grid was full of relaxation. The red chunkof flesh was giving him more souls.

[Grid, I glimpsed, your life.]


Some of the fragments of flesh that had been cut by Mercedes earlier flew and were caught in thehands of the blackened Grid. They quickly took on the shape of sword and armor. It was a form thatclosely resembled the equipment Grid was currently armed with.

[The stronger you became, the stronger I became.]

A black energy started to spread around the blackened Grid. It looked like demonic energy at firstglance, but it wasn't.


In the midst of the astonishment of the witnesses—

[I deserve, to take away, your life.]

The Sanctuary of Metal was opened. A canyon where there was a chill rather than heat, where therewas despair rather than majesty—it was the mental world of the blackened Grid.

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