Love Unbreakable

Chapter 1655
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Chapter 1655

Almost every player would think of Bunhelier when it came to their perception of dragons.

The first dragon to make a direct appearance was Bunhelier. It was even in the National Competitionwatched by billions of people. His absolute stats and destructiveness were revealed to the public andthe world was filled with astonishment. Perhaps that was the quietest day on Earth since the birth ofhumanity.


"It's over! It is the end!!"

"I need to log out and organize the stocks first."

People learned that dragons were extremely powerful and ferocious. It was due to Bunhelier. Now atthis moment, Bunhelier appeared again. The ripple effect was different from when he invaded theserver of the National Competition. A significant number of players fled to the most hidden places theyknew or logged out without hesitation.

Very few players stayed in place. They were people who had responsibilities to bear and people whowere stubborn.

"The number of viewers is a jackpot."

"This is a scoop."

On the other hand, those who made broadcasting their business chased after the shadow of Bunhelier.

"Don't worry. Father will protect you."

NPCs and people who had families stayed by the side of their families and protected them.

"Take out all the dragon harpoons in the warehouse."

"It is a war! Issue an emergency conscription notice right now!"

Knights or those with aristocratic titles led the soldiers with a more powerful voice than usual. In thesky, Bunhelier could see all the conditions of the ground with his eyes. He didn't feel sorry for the bugswho saw him and ran away, nor did he become angry with the attitude of the bugs who held the idea ofresisting him. He could annihilate them at any time with one breath.

The thing that Bunhelier wanted was a deeper anxiety. He was only slowly crossing the continent, buthe expected the bugs to be crushed by themselves. There was plenty of time. If it didn't break, flap hiswings several times until it broke.

The moment the atmosphere was at its most ripe, he intended to go down and choke their necks. Hewould tell them to offer 1,000 males and 1,000 females each. Then he would eat them slowly whilethey were still alive in front of the watching bugs and despair and fear would spread. Once he finishedeating them, he would ask the bugs to increase the number of offerings by two times the next day. Itwould be quite funny to see those who dreamed of the future in exchange for the sacrifices of theirfellow people once again fall into despair.

In the end, Nevartan would wake up by the time the bugs finally chose to resist, so it wouldn't be a badidea to leave the finishing touches to him. He wouldn't even give a chance to the bugs who squeezedout their courage to fight against him. Despair and fear would be mixed with anger and the chaos wouldbe completed.


Demonic energy flowed from the gap in Bunhelier's snout as he twitched. Each particle had adestructive power that crushed magic power and sword energy, and extinguished the spark of life. Thedark sky, where the scenery of hell was intertwined, turned yellow.

One century ago—would a nation's night sky be like this when there were no means to clean up airpollution?

"What is he doing?"

"He doesn't seem to want to attack…?"

Bunhelier was an Evil Dragon. They might've never experienced it themselves, but he was likely to bea villain in the setting. Many people speculated that he was the final boss in the worldview, so theynaturally worried that the surface would become a sea of fire after seeing the message of hisappearance.

However, it was so quiet. Bunhelier simply kept flying and took no action other than that. If there wasone characteristic, it was that he was very fast…

By the time a whisper arrived saying a sight of him had been captured over Reidan, he had alreadybeen seen over Reinhardt. It was speculated that the time it would take him to cross the continentwould be in minutes. If Bunhelier had just slightly lowered his trajectory as he flew, the ground would bedevastated from the shockwaves of the sonic boom he generated.

He was literally a creature from another dimension—a disaster to be avoided, not something to fightagainst.

Those who stayed in place remembered the level and stats of Bunhelier that were revealed during theNational Competition and chills went down their spines. They lost the willpower to resist. This was eventhough Bunhelier was just flying. The absence of Grid and the apostles played a major role. Peopleonce again realized how much they relied on Grid.


Bunhelier's roar was heard from a great height. The sound of the echo was like laughter. It was close tothe feeling of laughing at them right now. Of course, this was just a delusion of persecution. There wasno way Bunhelier could examine their complexions from so far away.

Moreover, the human population was in the billions. The population might've decreased significantly inthe aftermath of the Great Human and Demon War, but it wasn't a number that Bunhelier could seewith one glance. It meant it was physically impossible to read and laugh at their overall mood.

Of course, this was all based on human common sense. Bunhelier was too great to be bound by thecommon sense of insignificant humans. His senses spread across the continent. It was more closelyintertwined than a spider's web and Bunhelier felt in real-time the reactions and expressions of allbeings on the surface that was clearly transmitted through it.

He took it all as information and acted more effectively. For example, when passing over the sea, hedeliberately raised waves to attack the nation of the water clan or he carried the smell of human fleshon the wind as he passed over the huge Chaos Mountains, causing the monsters to become frenzied.

He made people living in hot regions sick by inducing the transfer of cold, while people living in coldareas were forced to take off their clothes due to the transfer of heat. He even moved the Arcticicebergs or desert sand to the middle of the city. No magic was used. It was a confusion caused solelythrough the act of 'flying.'

In the midst of humanity's growing unrest and confusion…


Bunhelier stopped flapping his wings for the first time since he appeared. The sword energy that rosepast the tip of his nose stood tall like a pillar and gradually collected the demonic energy scatteredaround. Rather than being eroded by Bunhelier's demonic energy and disappearing, the sword energyinstead reversed it. It was the only Dragon Killing Sword in the world.

[Dragon Slayer.]

Bunhelier's dark pupil's grew slightly bigger. It was so huge that it felt like seeing a thumbnail of theexpansion of the universe. This was the case when being directly in front of him. There was atranscendent feeling felt through a simple change in the pupils and all this created a sense of pressure.Maybe Hayate's voice would tremble.

Hayate's figure, as he stood silently with concern, was elegant. He didn't look like someone who wastrying hard not to show his fear. Therefore, Bunhelier smiled when looking at him.

[A thousand years isn't too short for me. Yet you, who have lived in hiding for longer than that, nowdare to stand in front of me?]

Contrary to Hayate's thoughts, the old dragons weren't very interested in Hayate. To be precise, theygave up long ago. It was because the sword of the Dragon Slayer acted as a dragon's uniqueincompatibility. The seals over the tower, built by Hayate and the tower members, weren't somethingthe dragons could handle.

The most accurate way of describing it was that they couldn't identify it because they were dragons.Putting aside their desire to eat him to nourish themselves, it meant it was impossible to search forHayate. Now he boldly blocked the path himself.

[You seem to have something you believe in. Did you even wake up Nevartan?]

Nevartan was obsessed with Bunhelier. The cause of Nevartan's madness was Bunhelier's betrayal.Even after losing his sense of reason, faint remnants of memory remained and he seemed unable toforget Bunhelier. It meant Nevartan was one of the few beings who could threaten Bunhelier.

[It is quite a pity.]

Bunhelier's voice was mixed with harsh breathing. It was a reverberating breath. The nervous Hayatefocused on why this phenomenon was occurring and barely figured it out.


There was no precursor to the activation of Dragon Rage, but Hayate guessed it and trusted hisjudgment. He blocked Bunhelier's tail, which rushed in like a huge dam, and was vigilant as heprepared in advance for the shockwaves that would overlap. As expected, it was Dragon Rage.

Bunhelier just swung his tail once, but a total of five shockwaves occurred in a row and struck Hayate.There was no time difference at all. Hayate failed to absorb the fourth and fifth attacks properly. It wasbecause the dragons he fought so far could only stack a maximum of three attacks. He hadn't expectedfive overlapping attacks.

The same Dragon Rage exerted a greater effect when used by an old dragon. Hayate immediatelywiped the blood flowing down the corners of his mouth with sword energy and endured it withoutrevealing pain. He managed to repair the organs in his body that were crushed by the shock and let outa small breath.

Hayata was the only one seen in Bunhelier's elongated pupils, which had become smaller again. It wasthe aftermath of erasing the landscapes of hell that filled the surrounding sky with his power.

[Certainly, it is worth it if it is you.]

Bunhelier did the calculations. Should he avoid Nevartan's pursuit and create chaos according to hisoriginal purpose? Or should he cling to the Dragon Slayer in front of him and risk getting caught byNevartan? His judgment should be fast. After waking up, the time it would take for Nevartan to appearin front of him would be extremely short.

[I need to eat you.]

The Dragon Slayer's achievements were unique in the world. The value to be gained from killing himwas comparable to the value he would get when collecting millions of chaos. Moreover, he could gatherchaos at any time, but he didn't know when he would meet Hayate again. It was an opportunity thatcouldn't be missed.

[You will die to me.]

The Dragon Words became a prophecy. He approached with an irresistible fate and put great pressureon Hayate. Hayate was able to resist with the will of a Dragon Slayer, but he couldn't get rid of itcompletely due to the constant pressure. He had to be constantly focused in order to endure, and themental power consumed here was intense.

Hayate's expression stiffened as he had a hunch that he wouldn't last long. He would die before thesearch magic machine he sent to wake Nevartan up from hibernation would pay off. The question toconsider here was what goal to set.

How much of a blow could he inflict on Bunhelier? How long must he endure in order for the world to besafe when Grid and the tower members returned from destroying the hell moon.

The waves of the Dragon Killing Sword, that adorned the night sky more brilliantly than hundreds ofconstellations, started to gather at a single point. It aimed at Bunhelier's heart in response to Hayate'swill.

The destruction of the dragon heart. He never dreamed of a complete destruction. The goal was toinflict enough damage to put Bunhelier into a deep sleep. The price would be Hayate's life. It was agoal that couldn't be achieved without this much sacrifice.


Bunhelier read Hayate's intentions and reacted sensitively. Perhaps his self-esteem was hurt, but heroared and cast hundreds of magic at the same time. In an instant, the Dragon Breath overlapped fivetimes and was fired, blocking any evasion paths.

Hayate's expression darkened sharply as he slashed the Breath with the Dragon Killing Sword. Thesurprisingly cunning Bunhelier used human magic. Some of the magic cast simultaneously had astructure that was difficult to cut with the Dragon Killing Sword.

Through the gap in the black Breath that split apart like the Red Sea, all types of magic bombardmentspoured out. Only two of them constrained Hayate's movements. It was magic that worked throughincompatibility. It forced him to use magic power separate from the Dragon Killing Sword, but Hayatecouldn't easily generate any magic power. It was because old dragons interpreted and absorbed allenergy other than that of the Dragon Killing Sword. They reversed the power that their prey used toresist them and became more powerful in an instant.

He hesitated because he couldn't overlook this. However, fleeting hesitation in a fight betweenAbsolutes was a deadly poison. The tail that seemed to stay on the horizon was now right in front of hiseyes. The area was so large that evasion was impossible.

Bunhelier's eyes flashed from the bottom of Hayate's field of view as he was forced to raise his sword.The long neck that had fallen down now swelled up to the fullest. It was a precursor to a Breath…

It was precisely aimed at a situation where it was hard to dodge. Hayate was preparing for a seriousinjury when someone's voice entered his ears.

The reinforcement who just arrived at the scene—he gave off a sensation that Hayate was familiarwith. The Sword Saint of the present age awakened the swordsmanship of cutting the wind and cut offthe Breath. It was a divine skill he gained after cutting down the Elemental King of Wind.novelbin

[The target's skill casting has been canceled.]

All the magic and Breath of the breathless Bunhelier stopped working for a moment. Hayate managedto take a breath thanks to this.

Kraugel told him, "I'm going to confess this honestly in case you expect too much of me, but all I can dois assist in this way."

The opponent was too bad. He never expected to meet a dragon at the stage where he came backafter experiencing growth.

Kraugel obediently cleared his mind. However, he was aware of one truth—Hayate couldn't die. Hewas one of the few hopes of the world along with Grid.

"Look for an opportunity and run away."

Hayate was always in a position to show his back. Yet at this moment, he saw the back of anotherperson. It was Kraugel who followed after Grid.

The descendants of a distant age were guarding the Absolute.

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