Love The Roommate

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1

"Call every day! Every single day! Understood?!"

I rolled my eyes at my dad's behavior. He's been like that since we got into the car. Now we werestanding in front of the entrance of the university and he doesn't seem to leave anytime soon.

My dad was in his forties, with brown hair and brown eyes, and build up body that he still kept from hisearly years of high school. And he is the best dad ever. But sometimes, he would just love to makesure of some things; even though he knows I will call every minute.

"Dad, I said I will call, don't worry." I assured him again

"Now that you and your brother aren't there, I will be so lonely. I will just miss my little girl." Dad said,smiling sadly.

"Oh dad," I put my luggage on the ground, and hugged him.

"Don't worry, I will call every day. And you have Bethany to take care of you, don't worry. I love you." Isaid softly, trying to assure him.

"Oh sweetie, I love you too." Dad said, slightly pulling away to look at me.

"I am so proud of you and what you arrived to. I can't believe my little girl is off to college."

I smiled up at him.

"Okay, dad. Time to go. Don't worry, I will call every day." I said.

To be honest, I didn't want him to leave. I love my dad more than anything in the world. Him and myolder brother Alec, of course. But if I stayed longer here, tears will break free. And I don't want that. Ihate goodbyes. And that's not one. Not a goodbye. This is just a see you later.

"Call me tonight." Dad said, letting me go and getting in the car.

"I will," I smiled.

"I love you, Jess." Dad said after he turned on the engine of the car.

"I love you too, Dad." I said.

"Take care of yourself, I love you." Dad called as he drove the car.

I shook my head, chuckling.

Then I turned around to look at the huge building in front of me.

I took a deep breath and muttered to myself, "Here we go." Then went off to grab my schedule anddorm room.

This was what I yearned for, a fresh start. Out of my hometown and everything, as much as I still gavemy dad and him back there, I needed his star. Or I will never be good enough for him. And as much asI miss him already, I need to do this, to finish college and forget everything bad in my past and focus onmy future that consists of me and him only. I need to do this. For him.

"Here you go, dear. You have two keys for the room. One for you and one for your roommate. Don'tforget to hand it over."

Why do I need to take my roommate's? "Sure." I took it anyway.

"Welcome to Washington State University." The assistant said cheerfully.

"Thank you," I smiled brightly at her then took off to my dorm.

I looked at my papers to clarify my room number as I walked in the hall of the dorm- room 334, it read.

I passed door after door until I found the one. With golden letters on the brown door was 334, my homefor the next four years.

I put the key in the lock, closed my eyes and took a deep breath then opened the door.

I stepped in, my luggage in hand, which consisted of only two bags.

I walked further inside the room, put the luggage aside then took a quick look to observe the room.

It consisted of two beds, obviously, one for me and one for my roommate. The sheets were pure white,with white pillows. Two dressers by each bed and of course, two desks to study on beside each dresserand a small nightstand in between the two beds.

The walls were painted a light shade if blue. And there was a window by one of the desks that lookedat a huge garden that was part of the university where some students were either studying in or justenjoying themselves. There was also a brown clock hanging on the wall.

I, obviously, took the side with the window.

Then I started unpacking. I put my clothes in my dresser. Some other stuff in it too.

God, I hate public bathrooms. The thought crossed my mind when I got reminded that I will beshowering there for a whole four years. It's the worst.

I put the notebooks in a drawer in my desk. Then put the bags under my bed.

Then I looked at the clock in the wall to find that I took an hour and half to unpack everything.

I stood there for a minute, not knowing what else to do. So far, I still didn't make any friends. Andseriously, I didn't think I will. I want to, but I am not really a social girl and I don't speak much. I don't

really know what to do about it. I am really excited for this fresh start but I don't know how exactly I willsurvive without having my family or even a friend to talk to.

Maybe I will be friends with my roommate. Hopefully, she is a nice person.

I threw myself on the bed and stared at the ceiling, millions of thoughts running around in my head. Mydad, Alec, him, the dark past and he unknown future. I was scared, scared of tomorrow and what it mayhold for me. It will either be good or worse than my past. But I didn't want that, at least for him. Hedeserves so much better.

Suddenly, a knock was sounded from the door, pulling me from my thoughts.

Maybe it's my roommate. She doesn't have the key yet.

I stood up excitedly and went to answer it. I hope she's decent and we could be friends.

I opened the door and suddenly froze at the sight in front of me.

Holy shit!

This is like the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life!

With Blonde hair. Green eyes. Defined jaw. Muscles under his blue shirt. Sexy body. Wow! I mean, like,for real?! Are you even true?!

"Um, hey there." The hot guy said, looking at me with confusion and something else I couldn't name.

"Um, hey. How can I help you?" I asked as soon as I got myself together from staring at his gorgeousface.

"Um, that's supposed to be my room, room 334. What are you-? Oh, I get it. You must be myroommate's girlfriend or something. Nice meeting you." He said as he spun around me, stepping intothe room, his luggage in hand.

What the heck?novelbin

"Actually, that's my room." I said, following him into the room after closing the door.

The hot guy stopped in his tracks, he turned and stared at me with darkened eyes. "Are you seriousright now? Because that's my room too."

"What?" I asked, feeling dumbfounded.

"There, that's my room." The hot boys came towards me and showed me a paper- Room 334, it read.

"But, that's my room too." I said, walking to my desk to get the paper from the drawer where I had put.

"Here," I showed it to him. And once his eyes settled on the numbers, his expression changed tosomething I don't know.

"That means that we are-"

"Roommates?" I asked, feeling horror-ed.

He looked at me with tense eyes.

And I looked at him with an expression that said...

Well, hell.

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