Love in Twilight

Chapter 455 She Was Going Back to Genovia
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Chapter 455 She Was Going Back to Genovia

The next day, Mrs. Faber returned to Genovia. She told Damien that she would only come to Florin to

see her future daughter-in-law, but there was no such person. Caleb had lied to her.

Actually, she didn’t dare to tell him the truth.

She and Damien both knew very well what had happened.

That night, Caleb came to Damien’s place and put a stack of papers by the door.

Ray noticed them when he walked out. He handed them to Damien.

“What’s this?” Damien asked.

“Paintings. They’re all paintings of…” Ray held them out.

Damien saw the complete painting that had been named after Clarissa. Her silky hair and billowing

dress were beautiful under the blazing colors of the sunset.

The painting really was lovely.

He knew artists had to put their heart into their work for the paintings to turn out well.

Even Ray was blown away by it.

“He’s a good guy. What a waste,” he lamented.

“What’s there to be sorry about?” Damien stared at him, the emotions in his eyes unfathomable.

The painting was very moving. It was obvious how much effort the artist had put into it.

“His first love ended just like that.”

“Was there any other alternative?” Damien changed the subject. “What are your plans for Columbus

Day, anyway?”

Ray glanced at him uneasily. “What are you up to this time?”

“Nothing. If you don’t have any plans, go back to Genovia. I’ll stay here and be on call in case anything

happens at Eden Investment Corporation.”

Ray couldn’t believe his ears. “Dude, are you serious?”

“Of course. You can leave now if you want.”

“I’ll get going first thing tomorrow morning! I’ve been cooking and cleaning for your son for so long, I

might as well be an actual nanny.” Ray hurried back to his room.

There was only a week left until Columbus Day. The holidays would start the following Tuesday, and

they had replacement classes over the weekend.

The class on Saturday was to make up for the one on Wednesday. Clarissa noticed that Caleb didn’t

show up.

His usual seat in the third row was empty, and the other students seemed to be rather down.

She couldn’t help feeling guilty. After class, she sent Caleb a WhatsApp message.

Clarissa: [Why didn’t you come for class?]

Caleb: [I’m sick. Thanks for asking, Miss Johnson.]

His words widened the distance between them.

Clarissa felt that though she had managed to solve this problem in one fell swoop by getting Mrs. Faber

involved, the method was rather hurtful. She couldn’t help feeling bad for him.

She had been standing in a corner while texting Caleb, and she happened to overhear a few girls


“Caleb didn’t come for class because he’s heartbroken. I heard he introduced her to his parents.”

“No surprises there. He was interested in his own lecturer who’s five years older than him. We’re okay

with that, but our parents are all narrow-minded.”


As Clarissa listened to them gossip, she was reminded of her time at New East Corporation.

With the reappearance of people from her past, she felt it was time for her to go back to Genovia. She

really missed Lily.

That night, she sent Lily a WhatsApp message with her old number.

Clarissa: [Lily, how are you doing? It’s Clarissa.]

She only received a reply after a long time.

Lily: [Are you a scammer?]

Clarissa laughed, then took a photo of herself and sent it to Lily.

She didn’t look too different from her past self, but she was obviously more confident than before.

Lily: [When are you coming back to Genovia, and when are you coming to see me? Where are you

going to stay when you’re back here?]

These were things that Clarissa had yet to consider.

Clarissa: [Is it convenient for me to stay at your place?]

Lily: [Sure. Landon and I got married, and we have a son together.]

Clarissa: [Really? How old is he? I have to be his godmother, okay?]

Lily: [Definitely!]

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